Pure and Sweet as a Spring Morning T HAT'S the thouiiht that mar ami it SSfKK) i t mtvtr bum tqumllti. Btltult II It lit trut,p, SniHfkl It r,mil, tkf IHmlltttotmltml JwUtmmUj. Tfa sfftvt of making good tea is buying 5 Nabob T -- comes to you when you sec an array of clothes washed with Sunlight. White things are snowy white not gray and dull. Colored things are hrjght everything seems to shine with the purity that comes only lrom absolute cleanliness. And there's no wonder in that becainc the very ingredients in Sunlight Soap are thcrmclve the productt of tropical un, breeze, flower and fruit. In blend of natural oil makei Sunlight the mott efficient laundry map in the world. Ttri ntw Itiiur q w,,K i,y J( j.oa Sunti'ht. nr nkt Xoi,j, ttti ikt dirtctiona and far )ourll. LEVER IIKOTIIERS LIMITED TOKONTO The new quiet 12 wins -it- Nabob always stands Quality J r -iv Six rnuluienl hail (he .etruordinary Mlf" o m iiiicm it cm i tig tun model. In thousand of office Hit firsl trial ini-rlniM' hi been followed by instillation after iulalhi-hou of Now (Juiet Kvery (I. iv it j making new lletiiuigton uct o le-rii f an1 il many superiorities. II- natural louch nnd iU excepllounl ri,Mnisivt'iK'! Uri'ivlalion hi swift nnd cn operation. Ami Iho hcauly d writing v mi advantage lo every owiiit, mid a source " J'l'ldl! U VT I pint. !; ,Vy operator should Iry this now machine in (lu Vrl pf Ikt cmplover. mid in jillirc lo herself. vTh Ni w yiiii-l I-' ikU no innri' than (he ordinary . "; mi jil'V Kay payment term, if desired. tVt will I a 1 1 v di miivti.,U' ihr New Quiet I-' in jour ' r." without obligation on your pari. McRae Bros., Ltd. hi Be should be Local and Personal II. G. Undertakers. Phone 41. Mayner. Under lakera. Pbone 361. ' it Mux Mix is on a holiday visit lo Vancouver. Cut Flowers, Pol Plant. ,M rs. .MlCnilhy, Uie Florist, Kuiad mocK. if Saturday Sp.-cinl.,. 10' discount, on Coats ami Millinery at air, s. J rt.i'll'. V3 - - Miy. T. W. Heme returned by llm Princes .Mary .yesterday afternoon from Victoria. Ilaihlichig. Marcel Waving, Almoiiieal (Clasmic Paek. M is A. Ilorvik. Ily appointment. Phono Hud 5y. if !. A. MeMcholl. C.N II. general passenger agr-ul. relumed Vanenuicr yesterday morning un nil- Prince lieorgc nflcr havliis -pi-nl a cvuplo of ilaM in tin- ily. J. A. O'Diiiincll. fiiiinerly rliicf arromilaftl ul Jluckliv IJav i now oiw nf tin. pariiwi in Mw firm or "(miiiitrn Limilnl" prii-tiv: of canio HiitilmiiiMil sil Vaiii-oiniT. Al tin- midline of Mil- llionii.il Mofinl llnir-lay iiiplil tin lion... CommillfR wan autlii.riwl Ui prorrcif Willi ihr reninnliou of Hie iiili'rii.r of the Imil.lln which wn liHy in tMNHl uf allcnlioii. Only ursri'iilly iu-ihJoiI work will In- ilnne Jul now. uul Wakefidd wa thanked hy l In llni.pilHl Huanl at it iiii't-liiif riiuixUy niahl for lo ITiirU in MTiiriiiff the rctimva' f oiif uf the iinlKi'nt ialii-nl who win an American fiilijitl ami wliu liat tn u charge on the fii)-iilHl for Mnie tiin. Itoi'iiiniiin tolutili K. O. Ni'wnhaiii ivluiiis In the a Hivi-i mi t ! Venture yivntenlay afi.pnni.il iifli-r having Kpi-ul "'ial ilay in Die citv. tui- lahlf Niiwnliain x.-cli t iiiums wiiii.. Mr. .Mwiniam lo Kiinxmlh t f in tj aW - fcUir J.liiim?r'rtin lak un lv fuUii.' Iii'aiiiiarlti al Ihr i"Mti'i jimnl DYSPEPSIA WAS SO BAD COULD HARDLY EAT ANYTHING Nr." C. SIihwi. ntlr.kr. O11L. rilr fkiliMr Iiiik aiu I had 1 rrv mtiuii tlrk i.r il)H'wu, iihI lu IriMiltM lth im on my ilmnaHi. 1 inula luniiv l iiyihlnr, iikI rr uflrn luil 4in. rirr tiM-iln. had uml ilirrcrvlit limll-l(ill. ( Ull tlltl llkln'l m-iii.Iu lie iim am rMl. .11 lot I luiiwl t" run mi tlir trtrk ut Hunlurk llhiMd l.lllir ami artrr u.lin II tr li.rl Hum I fi-li a u,i U-llrr. nmlliiHril IU ur until I rtrtiiilrtrl) rrllrtnl (tt itw I ni rraily In nt-wnini-hil It In iiiymiv trMililr a. I ." Hunl'irk Kl.l lllllr.n i iiianiirarliiifHl Hily liy The T. NllUiiru Co.. Minlunl Tnrnnio. mil. ANNOUNCEMENTS (.tieeii Mary Chapler I.O.IU:. Dalfodil llall, Kapler Monday. If iloiuerl fur Aiii(ii'an CIiiiitIi ut Ijiipiev Iheatre, April 2H. 'hy Syiiiplioiiy irhelia. Tickets 00c. Calholie Cliliifli Spiinjr Sale and Social eveuing, Mclropo! llall. April Klkn MinMrel Troupe, l'irsl how May I. 4 lliilley Home llaiaar. May i. Prince lluperl Tennin Club liivilallon hnnce. May L. if $nnce (corse Sotei TORONTO In Contra of Shopping and Business District 210 ROOMS 100 until Privila DtUii EUROPEAN PLAN WINN1TT 1MOMION, MN-. DIR. nv. Dr. II. B. Orant relurnfid on laul nighl's train from Terrace. School Inspector II. C. I'raacr relurm-d hy la.il night's train from up-rivur. Spi'dal for Saluiilay. 10' ili.s- count on Conln ami .Millinery Mrs. S. Krizzell. 03 w . J. .M clutch foil ii'turncil hy last nighl's (rain from Wood cock when lie cnpnl a tpw Mr. ami Mr. K. J. Maynard wen1 paxol'llfrcrx leaviiiir fur KWchikan 011 -the Priiice Mary KMcrday afli.'rnooit. We ncll l.aminafi'il mati-rlalu nlo l-ir WiieiT. oiiult u he-foir huyiinr fioUhiiiv fur your liounf. Al'la-rt & Mctiairery, l.ld. Tin' MdluiclM l.aiJii.4 Aid will hold a lea mul "Iiowit of plain lUTilh-work for llo- Itidlcy llonu-llaaar at the Hill 011 Tm-.il:iv. April 2J from t'.30 p.m. Sli The i;nirr.al Sale u adver- lii'il in loday'x papi-r Ik a gen-iiini- inn: am not hurrouiulcd with any lolriclnniH, oilier thin. IHue meiilioneii in the ad. Mi! Klanda Marh and Mii Caroline Milchell left on u' nighl'f train for Terrace when they will Mieml I he l,.er vaca- lion at the home of Ihe former. - avid .leniiiuK, the welUknowi fnlerior timber operator, arrivei from (.i.roiiie 011 Thuiada) iiiKhl 'K I rain and mailed yenlerda) by the Prince lieor?e for Vic- oria. There will he Kperial Jvi-ter ervic; In the Clmrcli of Kiik-laml lomurrow ut M a.m.. 1 1 a. 10 mid 7.30 p.m. Special l-alei iiiumc and heatittful lloral decor a lions. What next lluller heiuir -old from a Slioe I'epl.; Jam from a Men,. Ktiniihiii;r DepL ami upar! Ye. Smrar actuall heimf !old In" h lry !ooN Store! See the L'nieral ad. in thU MU T. Slieasreen arrivml on lal uisht'K I mill from llnzellou vvtiw jjie I I ear hi ilk- cliOcd, to lrpn Uie rwi-ter holidays In Ihe cily with her iier. Mr. K. V Marenlelle. my Fifth Avenue We-1. The executive committee of Ihe hoMiilal hoard willi Mr Morrl-ney f. ilciniled to draw un a Millahle iiroyram for Ihe ceh oration of llixoilal May in (hi ily. Hale net ly order in council May i; ami it i ilccideil lo make il an event thi vear. I nion -learner Venture. Caul A. .lohholone. Vancouver fo; Xaa Hiier port.. was here from 1..-I0 lo 13 oclock la-l uishl. In cliiih-d in a fair-xined pa!eii!rer li! were Ihe nrvv'for Somervile :innery. The veel was in nor! aain this iiioruiu Mitilliliound. - - The ipiij,ni of proper exil ami fire escapes and exil ihl was hrouht to lln allenlion of Ihe hospilal hoard at il mecliu lliursilay uiuhl and referred In Ihe Mouse l.omiuillce for furlhei report. In Ihe course of a shor iiscusiou in reirard to the mai ler il was slated Hint the present omlition would have lo In remedied. The only Digestion wa lo find money with which to do Ihe work. SAVi: VOLH KVKS! Mr. Mm-. ris, professional oiitonielrisl physical ee soeciulisl. of Van corner, will lie at McOulcheon' Druir Store, Prince lluperl, Mon lay. April S8; until Saturday May II. This is an oniiorluiiilv to roiisuii one of the leading an thorilies in Canada on Ihe Mil) Joel of defective vision, and to procure properly filled glasses without Ihe use of drills. Over 10 years experience in sijjhl lest-Ing. Call early for appointment. A. I'.. Ii'elnml. oidomeli'isl jcouies to Prince Hujierl lo reside Iperniani'iitly. Mr. Ireland wa j formerly with W. W. Mtinu A Co. joiie of the leading optical e.slah. jllshinenls in Toronto and has now Joined Uie permanent .slnir 'of Max llcilhroiier. A graduulo or the Optical Inslllulc of (Jaii-uda, Toronto, Mr. Ireland lias been lesling eyeK and filling ulnsse for more than J5 years and conic liere lilghly rccom-nicmleil In his professional enuai'lty. OGDEN'S GUINEA GOLD tcrday morning for Vancouver lo attend Ihe teachers' conven tion in Vancouver. 4 Mis Violet Cameron of the C .N.lt. distriel passenger agent olllee sailed by Ihe Prince licorgi eslerday uiuruiiig for Vancouver on a forlnighl s vacaliou trip. The lloue Committee at I In luiMiilul hoard meeting on Thur day evening reported thai lliener capilal cost of operating Ihe in liluliou had lieeu rcduceil last noulh lo :i.:in a day. Mrs. Mor iissey reiiorled a shortage of ooking utensils. Provincial ('.onstaldc ami Mrs J. Kggleshaw- arrived in tin city hy the Princess Mary yester day afternoon from Siivuua near Kamlooos. Tliev will leuvi in lay or so for Terrace where Ctin- la hie r.ggleshaw will succeed Constable C A, Maucor who ha been transferred lo Britannia. S. Wrigulesworlh ami II. (i hephcrd sailed yesterday liiorn ing by. the Prince (leorge for victoria. I'lieir niessniales at Uie Inlander singed a narlv in their honor Thursdny niglil and a large number were al Ihe lioal the inorn ng follow hnr o e ve lliem an enlhusiaslic farewell. r mm E4-HoldinSaw. Ft-Eay.CirHm fSIMONDS; SAWS ,imiMMUHA.JiVM.tTl oNTntaL Vmoouv It, John. n.. va ffllld and Extra Fine A FAVOURITE CIGARETTE IN ENGLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS .-i. veoii.-e s iay. j.u.r... v nisi i nrive ami I la nee. Wednesday, April 23. J5 W. I". Trant, post-oftice in-peelor, returned lo Vancouver on the Prince (Seorgi? yesterday morning. Miss Wealhcrhcad of Ihe local school teachiii'.' slalT sailed yes EASTER Suggests A BOX OF Purdy's Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A ToolliMiine llclighl in a Heauliful Hox. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Tkij a... . .... . . . ... Oil U HTCOUC. Formerly 2.25 rornierly s.l. ll) Formerly $ 1.00 Formerly $1.50 Formerly i.00 Formerly 1:50 WE CASH CHEQUES. EversharpPencils The Most Famous Pencils In the World on Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices Here are a few .Silver plaled, plain . , Silver plaled, octagon Silver filled Sterling, plain . . . Sterling, chued Gold, filled, plain . Hold filled, chased This Sale will soon be of the bargains offered: Formerly l.r0 Now $1.00 Now $1.50 Now $2.00 Now $3.00 Now $3.50 Now $3.00 Now $3.50 over, (let your Kverslmrp ntiw. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggist.