r Par "3:1 ilia: 9 d ' lliii dielnlnnal ami unmoral! BRITISH PLANE Socialist Defeated Him In El.c-i Hon For Board of Guardians at Newcastle FORMERLY LIVED HERE MAM AS I 1.1. April IU. - live.1 for Miiiy lime in Huperl Jusl afler Ihe war r :ilnring it cabaret lu Hie r.m-I:t?s Holel. FISHERIES CRUISER LAUNCHING MONDAY Finl of Twin Veit.ls Built at Orydock Will Take Water Monday Morning Ihe firt of Ihe iwo federal K e'limeul fisheries cruisers. Vliieli have been bulH here, will be launched from Ihe ship shed al I hp .irv.i..fL ill o'rlock on Monday morning. SENATE PASSES BILL EXCLUDING JAPANESE WASHINGTON, April Itf.-fl'lic Si-nale tiasse.1 Ihe imimgrnlii, bill enlling for. among oilier tilings, the. exclusion of Jawine?e from Ihe l ulled States. INTERNATIONAL CUP SOCCER LOS ANGELES I.OS ANdl'I.KS, April 10-Soc-rer leam's representing Seandi- Man and Scollund will ineel in lle final ut'n Icli Tnr Ihc Inlenwi-llonal Cup here Sunday. LADY CASSELLS DIES I.0NIK)N, April 10. I-aly usan CasselN. wldo wof the lale Sir Waller Cassells of Olluwu, Judge of tho exclieiiuer courl, ilJt'd lu rti eslei'duy. , 'attempting l arrest MeKinley YPRES ANNYERSARY attl '; TAG DAY BEING HELD.' 'i ni"' (icopd .x that ever happened in 'Adair Carss Chapter, I.O.D.C. S m li Africa evoked iipplaiir. j ftallng Money for BeaulU fylnn of Soldiers' Graves life iiiiiiual Yprr anniversary . .1..., ..r l.l-.u I.. . mmmrw . lilii lM III .Villi ... , AkkIvHN h A Imp'-rlal Order DaughlrM uf Ihc niliVlTU UULin empire. I in progress today. I he princed arr In go toward the of "yln Ihf rhapl"-; Cross.. Dsad Sea After Leaving I- Cairo on Way to Baghdad ' ; ' 'Cemetery. I he program for lhb -- .rnnr I tear includes Hie erection" uf nine lonili luue4. ,-AlllM. Apr,. I .arl Muc' """i" lfcf S"f , the llriti'li round me" ' . , , , at.ator. niak.ns otxl Mrelary ur he (.real W sr el; . . n- i-M r... iiu.,i, eraii" Ai.iciiioti. Mm. . U i S III li .in . ....- 1( . ... ... .. .li. n.i. M.r.,.i Illoi M convener of the cuiiiuiil- a;. . . t-.-ii.. xi. 1 1 lir i lieltiz ailtril in ,.. H... ,i.v ..,! Maelireii'C. V. Kemp, Mr. II. r. t.Ue, iWMw. Arlliur Italley Mm. leur2e ,fullv rr ,1 the , wa lo ea. which J.Arm.U. Mr. I. luu Her, Mr-. . ....... I.... I ll.nl i.ikIv LMallieiMMi. Mr. H. W . . J Hill li'jiriiu .i , - - - I s ' lhi uflernuon wi.nl came Mm. I.areii hal arrived afrly if S "3 TOMMY BURNS TWENTY FISHING American Kerr, Mr. ... . ill. . Trirrf ami Hie .Miie nauur fire and wa successful in mak- iiit- hi escape. He was lost Irack or for. some lime and a churl lime a?o vva located again In Selby, Montana. While negotiation, were under way for In cJliudilion. In- again disap peared and was next heard of at Alice Arm. Constable Harry Martin wa depatclied from Prince llupcrt lo Alice Arm lo pick him up ami arrested him wlii.i.ui iliilii'iillv The nrioner rotiii-iipil imipllv In Prince Waha.h. 3. I" fora. ...iilgraliou lo be held al Itrl'V. 2.'U"". ' '"'i Morage. al 13.201! and 7c. l.lntidiN tt'm. lit lloolli I ln-erles. nl 13-IOc und 7c. Saulh. ri.nno. lo lloolli el, ul in.2oe and "r. Lumen. h,.iimi. lo imciiic i in-rie., al I3.lc und 7c. I'niinis. 7.0IMI, lo Pacific Fish eries. Ul I5.nnc llini iv. Ciiroleii, 7.000. Jo lactne i in-rie. at 1.1.30c and 7c. Ftrrii Point. U"0. lo IIoal l-i.h a uml 7e. Happy. M.oini. to Hoyai nn t.o., it 1.1.10c and 7c. Sadie K.. 15.000. t Allin i in-ut I3.l0c and 7c. Canadian Lilian M, 2,000. lo lloolli Fl.herie., al lie mid Cc! Iliiipo. 8.000, lo lloolli I-lsiier- ies. l U.OOc and 0c. Kalen. lo.ooii, lo lloyal i isner- les. at 1 1.20c and Cc. Minnie V.. 2.000, lo noyai ishcrics. at 1 1.30c and Cc. Trunin. 3.000. lo Cold Storage. ..I ( I ''lie and Cc. Mub, 3,000, lo Cold SluMge, in 11.200 and Cc. F. I.lpsell, 5,000, lo Cold Slor age. al I lc und Cc. Solum. 5,000, lo Allin i isner at I l.30n and Cc. II. & II., 2,000. In Atllu Fisher leu, "I II. Iff rtc Westerner. 2,000 In Alllit Fish cries, ul H.loc ml Cc. CHARLES DEFIEUX DIES AT VANCOUVER (Si.ecial to Pally News) I'HMONTON, April I U. i:im-t liefieux aged 72 tiled here yes-leVday. 1I was rornier chief cn-uh.eer for lli Alberla goveru- iuenl. Oncuf Ms aons O. 'I Home. HUNGARY PASSES ... .. ... ..t ...i. i.. i..-ii,. ICoiiinativ with RECONSTRUCTON BILL THIS MORNING llLliA l'l -S I' April IU. A bill Hungary was passed by ment this morntiij. OPIUM SEIZED parlia- AT VANCOUVER VANF.DI VKIt. April 10 Opium valued ul $17,000 was seized on Hie sleainer Achilles by ciisliiin titllcers. No I race of Ihe .smug glers was found. Onicials art1 walchlnif . closely all Oriental ship. Nels Nelson, who was hero lo nay an olllclal visit lo the local chapter of lloyal Arch Masons, relumed lo .New eslinlnsier on the Prince (ieorge yesterday morning. Mr. Nelson is managing illreulor of Ihe Westminster Ilreweries und president or I lie lloyal ,Clly Fair Association. City Constable Alex Maedonald Hailed ye.sler.lny morning by Ihe PrlncelJeorge f..r (he smjth having In custody Harvey l. Copp,. who will serve six months at Okalla roe forgery, ami Mamie .awon who will do a like lerm for vairan'y. .!. fi, Hi ady, principal of I lie High School, sailed litis morning tin Hie Venture for . Ynor Oliver lo attend 'the leacbetV 'convontlun. ANOTHER MOVEMENT TOWARD IMPROVED fereuce will be' called at Ihe lliutie between representatives of Itussia, France ami Cniled Stales In delerinine the miruial relations between the three countries TOUR POSTPONED LONDON. April 10.- It is un-lerslood to he nst improbable Africa until next year. LEAGUE BASEBALL THURSDAY'S GAMES National League Cincinnati, rain. Philadelphia, rain. .New York I, llit.oklyn 2. SI. Louis I, Chicago 7. American League lU'troit, rain. Ilosloli 0, New York I. Washington .1, Philadelphia I. Chicago 0, SI. Louis 3. Coast League Seattle-Sail l.ake rain. I.os Angeles 3, Vernon 0. Oakland 2, San Francisco 3. Sacramento 1, Portland 3. FRIDAY'S GAMES National League Cincinnati 3, Pittsburg 2. SI. Louis 3, Chicago 0. Philadelphia, rain. American League lioslou, cold weather. Detroit 3, Clevelaiul 5. Washington, rain C!ikai,'u 5, ' Louis 1. p. n. The Latest In Restaurant. FISH : MARKET mm BOSTON GRILL prime llaby Ilcef, I.aiirb, Freh Pork, Foul and Third Avenue. Chicken, Fresh Fish, etc., best of Food Good Service. Fresh Home-Made, Sausage Boies for Use. I tally. PRINCE RUPERT Private Party "Take Her to The Boston." Phone 871. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper L I i-nZ vi v ."it 11:1. PHINCK llUPKIlT, ltd, SATUNDAY, APHIL I, i'J2i. VtiUrdar'i Circulation 1.660. Strut SlM, 472. PRICE FIVE CENTS. "U"U,... SMUTS HURLING ANATHEMAS AT HIS OPPONENTS Sayi Labor - Nationalist Pact Autocratic, Dictatorial and Immoral jOIIANNFSIllIKi, April ID. i Mie firl speech since dioiu- i: or I'lirliaiiicnt Premier Jim i.. ... .1.. i.. ..t it!! appeal.'.! in no: "-iitii- hi h Africa to look ut t lie big e Unit he liail arhlced. Hi jrtiunrlalliMi of Hip Naliounlit-part it llii' most aulo- EARLY WORD OP SHIP CONTRACT IS LOOKED FOR Ail vice In Hie very near fnlure as In Hie Idling of the cuiilract fur Hie tl.N.Il. iMaka steamer i exp'-eled here. Word hu been received li the city llial F. U. Dawson, who wcnl Fast in Hili cumin Hun, In hoping lu leave Montreal for homo , ROY M'KINLEY IS COMMUTED Prince Oeorpe Bandit Sent up on Charge of Assaulting Police Officers (Special lo Daily News) PIIINCK liFOUOF, April 10. -Hiy MeKinley ha hern romti.it-ti'U fur trial ui a charge of as-unlllir police nilirer who wcrv ullempliug ! arret liim. i Last year, while olllecM were SWISS GUIDES FOR ipAQTFR QFAQHN JASPER PARK LODGEi ," MOX I UHAI.. April I'.i. Walti-r I'rall. manager uf Hie holel de part incut of the (J.N. Hallway announced today that he had completed arrauueiiienl for the hriniiiK to Canada of two ex. jicricjiced rjwlti Alpine uida who will he Hlalioiied at Jasper Park I.oile in. Japr National Park, AMii-rla, and will he available Id all guenlx who deire to do mountain eimbiii thw summer. IJolli xuide (.peak Kn- Huh lluenlly and com.- of a lougl Some Congreqatlons Had Special Services on Good Friday General Celebration Tomorrow i:i;iliiale preparations are Ileitis made by all the city churchc for the celebration of Faster mid M'a'onal decoration will be a H-alure. I , cu,,tio, u. , ... - - .ma. Iv : Mti0(MMM1 Th.- season is bein ' It s ii at i. r.s Itiaa it 11 I a.-uv tit flue I ta ( Till nniTttir nilllirnU iiiecn merseu wnn .narcus i.or-wei" FLOATING CANNERY la i,ca.i. aic churd.. TA DC TAVCU WflDTH iu ul. mnui iivivtii E. Stuart of Stuart Packing; Corporation Arrived From S.attle Yesterday ' BOATS SELL CATCHES "" tw H.e packing season WAS BEATEN T.n Are Amrlcn and T.n dlan, But Americans Have I y Ittiro. former heavy.'only lr.000 ' holing cluinpion of Ihc follows: - . . a. I X a unlive of CanaiM, wno - u. Ln..a ii .Hiiiii.' imiiae here. Most Fish w .lefealed by u Soelalil ill the al 13c und 7c for Ihe luianl of guar. He stood a an Indrpcn- TwiMiiy fishing liodl sold Iheir oilches tiniuy al Ihc Fish F-chauge. leu Americans and ten I'au.u.llniis. The Americans had a:.""" pounds and Ihe Canadian 1 tie suifs were a Ni;V VOHK, April S'J. con'olidatlon of pirlun I.OS Aiitcle. April IU. -.lack! ... .11 lit tit.. ..,....li.lS I.l.ll K i.l SNOW PREVENTS . AMERICAN FLYERS LEAVING CHIQNIK KANATANAKA, April la. Snow ojuall between Chignik and lMitcli Harbor prevented the three United Stale army ;iir-pluii". from .conliliuing I heir Ili'lit round the world yesterday. line of Alpine climber. Their: FRIDAY'S GAMES vvi.il.. While i-;..i.- Faster siun.ii.v Sunday i i n.n the oc-i name are Albert Slreich ami jL.a.io ,,, t.,.m.ray obrved ENGLISH LEAGUE. Dlv. Han Kohler. ,.r. . M)ne Mi,.,H riur lMU,,i Newcastle vr.IPr.lav. At SI. Ao.l.i-w H'lrnley I. Iludder.field 1. BIG PICTURE CONCERNS Marcus Loewe Heads Nev Com pany with I $60,000,000 Capltajliatlon A new A.iitlicaii Church. Archdeacon j, Chelsea 2. I.iverp'Hd I. iFverlon I, Tottenham. iKearn. Iempey manager was CHICAGO, April 'J. Fight Mancnesier u I, numiersiieiu l. M. I Stuart, head of Hie Stuart ...,,.- Vi..ii.ntav el.i.r-'r.l with rirn.....i. ..ne civilian were Middleshoro 1. Liverpool 1. Packing tAirporatiuti which oP!,iruntPiiiie!.H and lield without killed and a large number of Nolls C. 1. West nromwich 0 eralcs the floating cannery from ... ru illllir ii ..ihh.IpiI ,.n...r iuinre.1. smne nrobably Preston N. F. 2. West Ham 1. Irvine, lllla Sleen. Irene Itouller.lKetchlkaii that has been in I he ?U(Uy ani, iail, n,r ominilj fillt. -atuy. when a four story stone Sunderland 1. Arsenal 1 UkIpii Sim. Annie Smith ami dry dock here all winter, arrived , l'ltaa fti.lf.r0 li'liailjk IllO rrel i...r ra.-ii.rv ri.llai.s.'il white fire-i Division II. I r I Smith. from Seattle yesterday aflernot.n , ..., 1,.in,1., n anln- t..i... -..r fit-litim a fire and a llarnsley 0. Stoke 0. aecomp.nied by 13 members of IU,,,(r .,arly n Jedar.il that crowd was watching the hose HIackpool 3, Leicester C. I. nuiu. i ... B . , mKH.imnilllinil ll'llllt'llL ill II" mini. ....i. INlbKnAllUNALIdlTl'sliowings have been nr.ide on Ihe liroperly recently and Ihe cost of AMSTHItliAM, April 10. The operation has not been high. Ilaldelshlad says that should the Anglo-ltussiaii negotiations in CADTU TRFMDRS IN lu nut into effect the League of 'London X'rove successful a eon- Nations recmislrutlion. plan for Mia)l W mm mm- Port vale , nelson u. The 'Wednesday 1, lJury I. Soulhamplott n, Stockport 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE. il.'11'l'l ..il III . Il,..i,i..p' VI'VV Vllllk' ll.nl ll KiflV ""' MiLsolmi of llaly furlher-indi-'prrsons were 'injured and pro- f ? statement of William Sloan , V ea.cd the m-w friendly altitude of perly damage amounllng lo l!1"1.! '"l'"? " '- '.Tn ,. gowrnmenl lo the League of 52.o.i.K. resulted from a wind. t;l- Mirmi 1. Ayr Lmte.1 o TWs Thweek Week ver Vnllons bv seii.ling a cordial in-and bail storm al New- Orleans Aberdeen 2, Kilmarnock 0. vilulionto the League lo parliel-;Thursday night A score of re-1 ti. liay-Alaska mine in Ihe , t., ..1. "-" 'pale nel inoiilh In Ihc confer-, sidences were wrecked, i .. ........ . tk I r Salmon Hher Valley al Stewart T V A V may have a vom enlraling mill l ."c,li s ,,ark, J! . amilloi.-l libemians not played, Ibis year according lo a stale- 2. Ila.lli Hovers 0. ment n.aile at Vancouver thi-'urlon veek by William Sloan, superin I . r ii... :..... I AIRDRIEONIANS CUP WINNERS : RODMAN READY a.' TO TOW SOUTH J Vessel Off Rocks This Week Will be Taken to Seattle 'morning and taken lo Stewart Auchorage, aero (ircnville UImiiiioI, where she was further Sunday. There will he special patehed up. the American steamer -rinon and musical nroKraiu.. fl n milUTDV CArtTD Al 1 Admiral Hodman in now ready to a & am . JHMJ UWV.1I.I1 1 V VI 1 ! Having been sucfesifully float- ;cd from the rock Wednesday proceed lo Seattle in low of the jlug 'ft'anoo.se, Capt. Samuel Class, roaster of the Hodman, staled 1. 1thf inorniiiK while in nort on the lug Nanuose making final ar-raiigcmentH for tlib trip south. The Nauoose returned lo Cren- :. .i. i:. ...... . .. r.vennu o. .rsi-uai i. . vine i.uauiiei tins aiternoon ana CONSOLIDATE FORCES CruciHio...Aiuarlell..coni..tingMa"cl,",,'--lly I. l!i"'"'gl'ani 0 the present iiitcnliou is to start r MrHW s i-Lnml Mm Cnlln, Soil l' 3. IMackburn- It. 0. out tonight for Settle. W II Melliar and Mr. Worloek Sunderland 2. West Hromwicli 0, The Admiral Ilmlnian went up al-.'o participated in' ll'ie cervite , . D,li,1?.,1, " ,he "wniiiK of April I on a which took place at 1 1 .clock. Wnckpool o, Hull City 0. Ji.igi, tide. While it was mvposiu There were special services at Uriu,i ;'!y '. tt ednesday J. ble to pull her orf for twelve (he Salvation Army barracks at ,.,ury t. Uarille 1. Jays, considerable temporary ...n ii iCrystal Palace 0. SouthamptuO 0. was finished since Wednesday in in- .-..- - - ..... , . anu priHiucni. i-oiniiauies ua i' ' . j n..... .... iii,ii.,. j. iiflP , ,. Valo . (I uiuirjiu -. i n. i a.u u. been elTecled. Metro i.icl.ireK.I-Mrs. Coleman .reaching in the r.A0" , and l.oui II. Mayer moming and uapl. ixiienian in coiidiineil slock1 '' evening. iKEARNS ARRESTED AND i.l....rv... FIREMEN KILLED .1... t'lapioii onnii i, .uaiivinrsurr natciling uu was none anu tuia oiewari iiiicnoraKi j i-i uuiuciik South Shields 0, Ilradfonl City 0. repairs will be made. In Seattle. Stockport I, Leeil United I. TUUKT 9 UNRIGS ENGLISH LEAGUE. Division I. Aston Villa 2, Notts Forest O. Itirmingham 0, Sheffield U. I. II. .11,... W ! lll.,.M.M.n II 1. .ftint tlAlt) tXtlTTltimiTnnil i iiPi i mi ... o t i.iai. miii. i, ... v. fllltD rUKIDKUnluLllLOJ stone Walls of Building Collapse Huntley 1. Cardiff City 0. i ; and Crush Fire Fighters (Chelsea 1. Newcastle U. 0. II. Frankforth was in charge of. Hi., aaliai'ii .nrL fop Ilie Pneifia Salvage to. anu uie u.imi. lug Nanoose, Capt. Verge, was used. The Nanoosc took on supplies here in readiness for the voyage south. hist !. '"'ley are ge.UJn? the K'fyr, rr,j.tHltibl.oriily nnd ami ladder tmck company, com- Hnslol . of-a)hJli.ai A. 'V'.. Ilir'abolUIpn. ttt UieV law gaiosl. . . i .. i- I. ..... r....... i. . . .11. . ... ... I ' 1- . . . , ' plant . in readiness ... lo WOULD ABOLISH BLASPHEMY LAW LONDON, April 10. The Home Secretary, ,Hon. Arthur Henderson, gave a sympathetic reply lo a deputation advocating inc ii t.,...i ri.H.t ........ I ..r 1. in men II l reoorle'l " 'i"" . r uiuam - IilasiilienrV: LEAGUE OF NATIONS TO VISIT IN ROME! !.-.'. ! that the entire company was Coven fry 'f Sotilh ShietdtO. j Prosecutions rorldasphctny ar omfl lirnrlirn 'wined out aii.l the water lower in Crystal Palace 1, Manchester U. i not freiiuent nowa'days but, hn e.n- MIIWnMNI IMVITFS MIIKhYl WKH.lv. Ifrt.nl of the building was demol-lorby County 2. Leeds United 0. 'declared, they never appeared .wewv ikAVAaai iiMWAaw . .... iiiiii iiiv z. iirauiori RESIDENCES DALY-ALASKA MINE IS TO HAYE CONCENTRATOR warranted to most people. CANADIAN FISHING CO. TAKES OVER WALES ID. PLANT FROM DES BRISAY A. D. Matheson, For Many Years Manager of Skeena Convrar-clal, Will Take Charge die Canadian Fishing Co. of I Vancouver has laken over llm iWales Island cannery fromi M. jDesIlrisay & Co, by whom il has 'been owned and operated ever inee it was built. A. !. Mathe. son, for several years manager of Skeena Commercial cannery ut Port Fssington, will now manago (he Wales Island plant. DDITAIKI DCDfiDTCfi Beat "'Dpnln asgw oyi DIUIAIN ItCrUrVlCU Two Goals to Nothing FORTY MORE MEN FOR LO.MiOX. April 10. Farlh tremors ure again reported today in Hie midland colliery district between Alfrelon o ml Stitlou in Aslifield. I.i Jt It; iuaterial damage is reporlcd, that Ihe Prince of Wales will nn tnrre rnurrnriirr make Ihe proposed lour to South DCUCVLO LUnrElVCIlLL LIKELY TO SUCCEED YORK, April ll. Premier Macdonald, addressing a labor meeting here declared he believed I lie Anglo-Hussiaii conference would succeed. K. F. Tal.rum arrived in the city from the south on Hie Princess Ileal rice and will leave tomorrow night by the Cardona for Anyox. Mr. Tabruin i. on one of his periodical business I rips through Ihe district. F, It. Anderson of Vancouver. who was here lo conduct tlif prosecution of the Port Clements people charged wilh infractions of the (lovernuient Liquor Art, returned south on die Prince (Ieorge yesterday morning. Provincial Constable J. A. WIN Hams of Slcwarl reached Ihe eily yesterday morning from Stewart with J. Tlakka who will do thirty days in the local jail for drutifcenne'itt. (iLASOOW. April 10. The Airdriennians won the Scottish Association football cup here today defeating the Hibernians in the final game by two goals to nothing. BAPTIST LADIES' AID HELD SUCCESSFUL TEA AND SALE ON THURSDAY The Ladies' Aid of the Ilaplist, Church under Ihe leadership of Mr. J. J. Smilhson realiied 55 at a successtul lea and Sale held in, Ihe Hed Cross Hut on Thursday afternoon. The room was beautifully decorated wilh spring (lowers and presented a pretty scene indeed. Those Hiking pari were! Sewing booth , Mrs. Ucorgo Hihbard. Home Cooking Mrs, J, Thur- ber and Mrs. Frank Morris. Tea llooin Mrs. Hert Morgan (conveiierh Mrs. H, M. .Newell, Mrs. .1. (lay, Mrs. H. Howard and Miss Ma(li.rrs. Candy Mis. S. Hambliu. Cashier Mrs. 'I'. J. Sheiiton. Miss M. llorbury readied the clly from Hazolton Thursday night and sailed yesterday morn ing on. Hie Var.cuu.ver. DOME MOUNTAIN MINE TFI.KW A, April 10 (wing to Ihe recent strike at Dome Mountain, when a five foot scam of ore was entered, the presenl work ing force at the mine is to be considerably augmented. Another r.irly men will be employed lliero in order to hasleu development work' and get the properly in condition to become u shipping; mine. CHESS TOURNAMENT International Event was Won by by Dr. Emanuel Lasker of Germany NKW YOHK. April 10. Dr. Fmanuel Lasker of (ieriuauy won Ihe first place in' tlu iutermttioti-al chess master's ttiuiiiameiit of 22 rounds, winning 10 points and losing four. Jo-e Capa Hlaucu of Cuba coming second won fourteen and a half points. Alex ander Allekhiiie 'of Hilssla was third and won twelve. There were eleven contestants. ANOTHER SENATOR DIES TORONTO, April 19. Angus Claude Macdoiiell, former sena- Prlnce Ueorge for (or, and distinguished lawyer, died here at .tho co of 02.