PAOE 8IX lafitoferoncia (BULL DOG SIZE) Best Value in Canada EGGS special Price for litis week only: EGOS FOR EASTER. Kggs are going up bul our prices are still Hie same. JUl. Fresh 'guaranteed to ! At .3 loz 85c Ktil I in-, No. 1 Creamery, - lbs 85c liuller, ,o. i! Creamery, per Hi; 40c Mutter, per It 11). box 85.75 Haeoii, per lb 45c Ham, per II . . . . . 35c We carry n large assortment of kastku can inks ami Novelties at Hie lowest prices. HAPPY EASTER TO ALL. ECONOMY S Phone 84. 417-5th Ave. East. E Let Us SUPPLY YOUR 8PRINQ WANTS in Poultry Netting Fly Cloth Garbage Cans Garbage Palls Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Spades Weeders Trowels Grass Shears Sickles Scythes Spading Forks Garden Seeds Kaien Hardware Co 60S Third Ave. Tel. 3. FOR 7 Manufactured W C"fl Git'Cmpm Limilfd. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY" Of CANADA LlMITCD 5lf Oiribwfort LADIES' HIKING KNICKERS Just arrived and very strongly tailored. Made in a variety uf serviceable cloths in Khaki and Greys. Tweeds alid plain cloths. Cut in latest style with knee cuff, cross pockets and belt loops-. A tliorotighly practical garment for climbing, picnics, camping and boating.. from $5.75 to $7.00 per pair Agents for Pictorial llevicw. Home Journal Patterns. Summer Quarterly Pictorial now on side. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD Phone 9. Third Avenue and Fulton St. Store Open All Day Thursday. Holiday Suggestions New (ireeu Onions, C bunches for 25c Fresh Lettuce, per bunch 6c straight. Strawberry lllnibarb, 3 lbs. for 25c Fresh Spinach, per Hi, 20c 1 1 fat J Lettuce. . 20c ami 25c Mipe Tomatoes, per lb. 40c California Celery, 25c A 35c Florida (Snipe Fruit, 3 for 35c Fresh Asparagus, per lb. 40c New Comb Honey, per section ... 35c New Cabbage, per lb. 15o straight. FRESH KILLED CHICKENS. We have on liaml over 100 clinic young chickens ami fowl. We kill and clean them, tu order. Rupert Table Supply Threa Phones: 210, 211, 212 FARMERS' MARKET. Meet Shanks, per lb, ... 5c Heef, Stewing, per lb. ... 8c Pot lloast; per lb 10o Fresh Tripe, per lb. IZ'Ac Kidneys, per It 15c lloast Pork, per lb. . . 17'2C Pure Strawberry Jam . . 75c Culms' Marmalade (glass ........ .... 25c Cairns' .la to ... 30c Hamslerley Farm Catsup, 2 lb. tin 20c firapfl Nuls, 2 for ..... 35c Shredded Wheat 15o Jelly Powders, 3 for . . . 25c Hen Davis Apples, wrapped 52.00 Japanese Hlce, per 100 lbs. f7.25 Orders of $5.00 Delivered. Phone Blue 428, ADVOCATE ALL FOODS SHOULD BE SEALED The medical profession very generally advocate that all food products should be sold in sealed packages. All cities rigorously inspect butcher shops to prevent meat from beinvr infected, many prohibit milk from being sold in bulk ami gradually this will come with everything. "S.M.ADA" was the first to introduce the package idea as regards tea. over thirty-two years .-iini. iitul 'SA I.ADA" is still u littlo purer Hid a Utile better than other teas. It has by far the largest ale. Waterfront Whiffs (Continued from Page 5) the Month Fisheries and Hit lloyal Fjsh Co. The Common wealth lias recently been fitted with 1-0 horse power Frisco Standard deisel engine. Can It be Done? A few waterfront rancher, ami would be ranchers, were discuss in if a very absorbing topic in the vicinity of Cow Hay on Thursday morning, u nppcarcil thai one of the sang had had a brain wave ami ine Drain wave was- why not change the shape of the hen's egg, thereby making the egg cups of the familiar round shape obsolete, and creating1 a . a worm wine tiemanu lor egg- rupi of Hie new shape An egg cup factory should be a paying proposition with a world wide market to go at. How to change Hie shape of the egg? that was the main point at issue. Many brilliant suggestions were made by attendant ranchers. A ,few of theiu follow. One man, suggested squeezing the liens and thus llal-leniug the egg. If this method proved successful there would hi- another market created for Hal spoons or shovels as he termed them. AnntlicY thought dial by treating lhe ess;, after manufacture by the hen. with an outer solution of ruddier they could be made to. bounce ami would therefore be unbreakable. The shape eoutd be changed during the process. An unbreakable egg. Hie speaker thought. 'would be a big drawing card for picnics and oilier boisterous happenings. The suggestion made lliat by feeding the hens hot drinks and meals at all hours probably hard boiled eggs jvould result was turned down unanimously as loo expensive an oper- CAHAipS&CIFIC J TO KUItOPK MAKE HESKRVATIOXS NOW FROM MONTREAL TO CHERBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP April 10. Ml . MhllM-il.... .May II. Jiiim- II Mi-llla TO BELFAST-OLASOOW May I. Max tl .Mrlarauia May li. June 7 Marl-sli TO LIVERPOOL May :i. May ni Mmitrral May v. Jiiih- 0 .Monli-aliii Ma I1'. Jiiih- M Montrose FROM QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL .May . May 30 Mniiiroyat TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-HAMBURG. May 7, Jim i . Unpre. uf Scotland .May l, J un in Kmprt-M or ,'ranri- TO BELFAST-OLASOOW May I"-. Jutw it Monttaurli-r Apply to Atentt tTtrywhcri or j. . FOkSTER. Can. AfL, C.P.K. btition. Vancouver, Ttlrphont Seymour 2630, tan. rac. kt Traffic Afcnta. Home Cured Old Country Style Bacon, Hams, boiled and boneless, Blood 8ausage, Liver' Sausage,- Ayrshire Bacon, Back Bacon, Weln-ers, Pure and Compound Lard. Highest Quality. Ileasonablo Prices. On Sale al B.C. BUTCHERS and GROCERS LTD. and FARMERS' MARKET. THB DAILY N&WB. Saturday. April to, 9, Skiile OPTICIAN Classes scientifically and accurately filled by A. K. Ireland, a graduate optician, who has hml 23 yiwrs' experience and can handle Ihc most difficult cases. 7 ears with W. W. Munn & Co., Toronto, one of the largest optical houses in Canada. You run no risk here as Mr. Ireland will be here permanently to check tuji any work. We absoltiately guarantee, satisfaction in every case. Any lens duplicated any lens repaired, Extra special prices for the first 2 weeks. F. ening appointments. Max He ner Jeweller and Diamond Specialist anon. I lie gathering liroke up shortly before noon with Hie un derstanding that each rancher taking part in the discussion would give he mailer dep thought and report back to Hie committee next week. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Faster eggs given away lomor-fow at noon to all children at Joe Hrown's taxi stand. - Public Hascball meeting. Tuesday night at 7.30 in Klks Hall. All players and those interested please attend. Flection of offi cers. steamer Princess I teal - rice. Cap!. Thomas Cliff, arrived from Vancouver ami 2 o'clock this morning and re lumed south at II. r- Miss I.. ,. St. James of the High School leaching slatf sailed Ibis morning by the Priiicc" Heatrice lo attend the teachers' Convent ion in Vancouver. Cap). II, I-.. Johnson sailed on Hie I.orne Thur-day afternoon for Swaiison,,,Hay where he boarded Ihe Prince Oeorge yr- lenlay and proceeded lo Van. eouver, I. Stewart, A. D. Ilainsay and J. F. Seward, Liquor Hoard deteo-lives who were operating recently al Port Clements, returned to Victoria on the Prince (ieorge yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. N. It. WhIIoii left, mi lus night's train for Wtuni-tlcg. After having made ariange- menls to move ens), Mrs. Walton will return lo Prince Hupert to lake her family. O. (iuelpa has slatted Hie building of a six room dwelling on a lol on the, north side of rhird Avenue west between Kighth ami Ninth Streets which he recently purchased. - - The regular sliool of Ihe North I I.C. Ilc;rimeul lUlle Association was lo-id I htirsday evening at Ihe minalure range on Market Sipiare. There were kiiiih- fifteen marksmen participating. 4 Commander Oswald F. Nelson of the lloyut Canadian Air Force arrived on Thursday evening from . Hasgow. Scotland, and sailed yesterday morning by Hit Prince (Jeorge for Vancouver. Miss J. M. Kclllher, public school teacher from Doreen, arrived from the interior Thursday night and proceeded by Ihe Prince (ieorge yesterday morning lo attend Ihe Faster couveiilion of teachers in Vancouver. Chief Coiisltible SplHer, pro-Yineinl iiolice, f sailed (yesterday morning for Ihe south having in custody William llaslle, M. M. Morgan and Oscar Duulap of Port Clements, each sentenced lo six months at Okalla for liquor selling, ami I la be Shannon sentenced to thirty days for selling beer. EASTER MUSIC Special Faster Services at the Methodist Church tomorrow. Morning, ul It o'clock. Children's Service. Music by the Junior Choir. Fveuliig a 7.30. Special Faster Anthem's by augmented choir. Soloists, .uMiss Davics, Mr. Woudwortlvand F. Dibb. Cash and Carry for Monday and Tuesday (NO DELIVERIES). llodger. of Vancouver. The Junior Choir will sing. Pastor, Itev. J. Slllilllsotl. Lutheran Church SI. Paul's Koglisli l.tilheran Church, Melroiole Hall. Third Vventii). Ilev. P. I'.. It.lisler. II. D. pastor. I-Uiler service with Holy Communion al 'I I o'clorl. Topic: I know that my lledeeiner lives." Sunday school itl S.:i(l. liiisler service by the Sunday School at 7.3U. Special music. Presbyterian Church Morning worship al II o'clock Children's Faster Service. Children's choir. Special intisie, Sunday school will tod meet. Fv cuing service al 7. .10. Subject: ' The Power of Hie llesurreellou." Special Faster music by Hie choir. Preacher, Ilev. II. It. (Irani. D.D. Specials and Tuesday From 0 a.m. to 12 Noon (NO TELEPHONE ORDERS) Commencing Easter Monday, Special Sales conducted along the lines of modern departmental store merchandising will bo Instituted as a feature of our butlneti. Our ads. will be changed three times each week, and as you will note, novel Ideas have betn Introduced, to command public attention. Until further notice this store will open at 9 a.m. dally. MEN'S and BOYS' DEPT. 120 PAIRS MEN'S BLACK RIBBED SOX. Mi-iliiiiii weight, all wool. .Mad' -in Kngluiul. Ileg. value 7 5c. Morning Sale Price, 3 pair 95c 300 PAILS HIMSTERLY FARM PURE STRAWBERRY JAM. I Hi Tins, lie ufue U5c. Morning Sale Price, 65c. This spi-i'tal will be oii sal'' in Miii s Depl. only. Ni phone rails, no deliveries 36 ONLY, BOYS' CHAM-BRAY SHIRTS. Of goi'd ipiality, hard weur- in w material. Itc. value l Morning Sale Price, 85c. SH0EDEFL 36 PAIRS LADIES' SLIPPERS. lllai k it' d llp'Wii Sal m ; also Pal -til I., al tier l.oois Heel. He value V ',0 lo ? I (Mill. Sues .14 lo 0. Morning Sale Price, $4.95. N.t approval nor exchange. MAID OF CLOVER CREAMERY BUTTER. ' The finest butler mads mi Canada." In bulk, 3 lbs. $1.00. Limit nib. lo each eus-lomer. On sle in Shoe Depl. only. No phone orders, no deliveries. 25 PAIR CHILDREN'S BOOTS. Chocolate kid Hutloii. Hi-Wilson make, natural las' Sues 8lj lo . Hey. wiliie R'i.SO. Morning Sale Price, $2.95, N approvals nor exctiuitgrs LADIES' DEPT. 500 YAnOS BEST QUALITY PERCALE. Ileg. value 3.V i.j ttn ; III ilistiiot ,a . select from. Morning Sale Price, 5 yds. 95c. B.C. GRAN. SUQAR IN BULK. 10 lb. for 95c. I. null HI Hi. !.. eai i lomer. Thi pe. ia w on sale in lulii'. D-i No plume onlcis. m eries. 20 ONLY, LADIES' WAISTS. Splendid lu-MleU n: lelte. Crepn de Ch" ' (eoryejip. Ili-u mi .' in to y. on Morning Sate Price, $3.95. Sei- tins line in "tir w The Universal Trading Co. Watch this space Tuetday for change of Ad. Church Notices Baptist Church Sunday services. Morning al II o'clock. Special Faster Children's service. Junior and Prim ary school will render r.asler piece In son? and story. Com munion al close or service, miii- day school will not meet. Kveti- jng service al .:iu. Subject: Complete victory. Soloisl, Mis CANADIAN SERVICE FROM QUEBEO TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Cannum May I. May tv, Mir HI, ?lt. m. Camilla May l-V Jinw X, July J, Aug. 1 FROM MONTREAL TO PLYIsOUTH-CHCRBOURG-LONDON AiKlania . May itnm 7, Juiy It, .Mnr. Id Aiitunia . . May 17, Jun tfl.july jA. Auir.30 AllsoliU. . May . Jiiih- 1. Aur. V, S-p. C TO OLASCOW Allx-iila. Ma s, Jittm n. July I. Aim I. 11 Cansamlra. . May I.'-. Jiiiih 1 3, July . A nr. s. Satuiiila. . Mar . Juno tu. July IS, AHir. I. FROM NEW VORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Srytlila Apr. B. May I t'Miirniila . . May a I Jutiif 1 Carinatila July ,1 TO CHERBOURO AND SOUTHAMPTON Krunriinia Apr. z Ili-ri-iiKHria May II. Jiiih- I, Juno is Aciuiunia. .May 7. May H. June is. Julvii Maurt-laiila June II. July y, July :0 i-u ivubuhuuikt una uiaiuow rU.ltiiiiliiH Apr. itft ji.aniri.,iii mny ff , My 17 ijlliriilliln May hi i lll.'HIIIH , 114V TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURO.LONDON Allianla Apr. r, Amla iila Mjiv i I Moni-y onlcis ami ilratta at luwi-rl ran-n. lull lnriiiiiiailoii rrnm Ai-iil or i.uiupaiiy a iriiin-i, nn iimillK St, W., Vamceiver, V.c. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Noma Talmadge in "Ashes of Vengeance" Triiiinpliaiil Norma in Ipt greulesl Iriiiiupli. IUuii.'.mc-' magnified, gloriNed and enlraiicing. A tumult uf ilru;;i.;!:;' and eiiiolioual action, mob m-ciics. swuiil fiKhts innl lf cal intrigue set in niassiu- ami picturesque background.-Ihe whole dominated by Norma Tiilmadge in a love lorv or tlelicule charm. Kiioriuoiis cast. .Superb iiuiiiiilnig pud ctistiiuies. Conway Tearle, Courtenay Foote, Wallace Beerr, Forrest Robinson, Claire McDowell, Betty Francisco, Josephine Crowell. FUN FROM THE PRE8S. Admission 50c and 25c. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING NVc have Hardwood, Fir ami Uedur Hunt Lumber. If J on arc lirstl of KaUoinino and Paper, ' try ' Fir V'";er Panelling. If you are thinking of building a house, wc have any lutul' you require, also Hash, Doors, dins. SHOCKLEY'S Planine Mills -y Bfly- "Phone 383