PAGE TWO H Friday, September 5, 1924. TENTH .cf the series .dealing witk the establishment of the Bank or Montreal at representative t points in Canada and elsewhere. TN T.OTsrn(D7s7 4. ...f a . Sal ' 10 ,1 . ir,u w.iv iirt ii'M't i hi b I'll iw -rin.n i':, i. ,iu."r i I 1 v J HUM 111 PesF N Threadnecdle Street, In the old Gty section oT London, the financial heart of the British Empire, the Bank of Montreal has been representing the Interests of Canada since 1870. Its first London office was located at 27 Lombard Street. Later the Bank established an office at 47 Threadneedle Street E.C, after, wards extending its services to the Pall Mall section of London by creating an Important branch at Waterloo Place in the heart of the theatre and shopping districts. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over IOO years Total Assets m excess of "His Master's Voice'SVictor Records make, in co in p a r a b 1 e presents for all occasions. Delivery arrant.d to all parts of the Dotn.u.n. 19387 Celling the waterfront boys and no. vaccination seems proof against the itch to go faster than the other chap. - ONE of the amusements at a restaurant' is litsening to the foifp. THE reason so many iharrieil women hob their hair is because their husbands advise them not lo do it. They have to preserve their individuality. - I AM looking for the exhibi lion tins year to break a lot of records. Something has to gel broken in this bally town. - WHAT will the American newspapers have to tell their readers when the Prince of Wales goes home? THE situation , in China grave. tomorrow it will graves. Rock-a-Bye My Baby Blues Waltz The Troubadours Tears of Happiness Waltz The Benson Orchestra of Chicago "Rork-a-Bye My Baby Blue." In an.eicHlent waits In tb popular manner, Willi a yodel refrain based Ca "Euunrtt'i Lullaby'i-.Teart oi llappiuew ban plenty uf hi inga. "Ilia Muter' VoL"-Vktor Record No. li7 At lag "His MairterV Voic&tealersl Victor Talking Machine Comparry- His Master's Voice- tor 100 is be IF things don't, come your way, t would be wise to go after hem. A PHILOSOPHER declares that he would not like to say all trout fishermen are liars. The. difliculty is that so many liars go fishing. A MAIDEN walked along ' the street Demure as any should And very soon she ehanced to meet A lad, as any would. Hy mutual consent they stopped; As slop such people will, And there they talked and, talked and talked And talked and talked until. Just Out! Fox Trots by the World's Best Dance Orchestras! Amazing Fox Trots, both of them played by orchestras that are famous from coast to coast. Good numbers made better by good orchestras a standard of reproduction which only "His Master's Voice"-Victor can offer you for through this .medium the first rank artists of all the world place their best at your disposal. Ask to hear the following record expect as much as you like you won't be disappointed. (Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo Fox Trot 10405;, , .. Jan Carber and His Orchestra UJS; You'll r Never Get to Heaven with Those Eyes Fox Trot George Olsen and His Music Other Fox Trots Just Out Good-niftht, Sleep Tight- Fox Trot 19362, I'm Haunted by That Swanee River Song FOX Trot Waring'. I'tnnsylvanLn Smoulli fo trciu. full-lmmionjird. with nuppy banjo work mnd vitor-w. 4di trumpjt. A vocal refrain in the tint u br Tom WmL; Eju.dlit ilancw (or ll never and the older tr(. V V "HU Maatrr't Voice"Victur Record No. June Night Fox Trot to-jon Waring'i Pennsylvarmns 19380 Only You-Fox Trot International Novelty Orchestra Mdodioiw fox toU. "June Night" Uai ,iue rxJk.-lik rkythwa aoraetbint ver welcome In the lox trot. "Oiilr You" Iron "111 S line la kai a tendr vocal refrain. "Ill Matter's Volce"-Vlctor Record No. 1M OP Ft MIL THE DAILY WEVS Friday. S'pi..inWi- in j n! J " 'Ba?a5a8 The Daily News i The Man in the Moon j PRINCE UUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. i SAYS:- I Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince IT'S all right for children to DRINK "CASCADE" THE BETTER BEER Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. correct their parents, put not in II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. public. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIO.f BSB THE speed bup seems to be Supreme in name Supreme in flavor. A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE Free Coupons in every tin r ititling you to beautiful china cups ami saucer. ASK FOR "SUPREME." I Ten Years Ago 1 in Plince Kupert September 5, 1914. The Boanl of Trade, at its regular monthly meeting last night discussed the failure of holh pro vincial ami federal depart ments of puhlic works lo go on with work planned here. It was decided to instruct the secretary lo write Jo both departments in order to ascertain definitely what was to he done. A number of ladies of the'eity met at the home of Mrs. 11. L. Mcintosh yesterday lo make plans for lied Gross work here. Committee were formed and the effort willSake the form of a patriotic concert. The first .ifculnr passenger train from I'rihce (Seorge ar rived sharn on time at 6 o'clock last nigld. The passenger equipment consisted of a first class passenger couch and a sleeper. SMITHERS Miss Muriel Slepliens has gone lo Prince Rupert to enter St Joseph s Academy. The schools have re-opened for the Fall term, and a large number of new pupils have made their appearance. Two former teachers are hac in the persons of Miss Fellerhy principal, ami Miss llanna, who will again leach grades 5 and C. Miss. M. Fawcell of Vancouver, has charge of (he primary grades while I'. Ilendle who formerly taught at South Itulkley will supervise the work Of grades three and four. The High School has. a heavy enrollment, and the .school hoard has been success fjil :Jn 'securin the eryices ;aa priincipar'of,. Crocket who ha's had a wide leaching experience in eastern Canada, and abroad. TERRACE NOTES Miss Dewar of Victoria is leaching at Copper River this year. Kllwood Hrook.4 spent the week end in Prince Rupert, Mrs. A. Y. Wilson of Reipo was the guest of Mrs, T, J. Marsh for a few days this;week. J. Clark of Pacific was in town on Sunday. Hilly Watt relumed to Terrace on Monday after spending the summer on tlie prairie. Oeo. Anderson accompanied his father ami mother to Rupert on Sunday, returning, to Terrace. Monday night. . . Mrs. Harry King who has been visiting her sister in Telkwa relumed home al Hie beginning of the week. ' A. K. Olson of Remo had Hm misfortune In have: his horse killed on the railroad last .wqek., Miss Mayne Dohb, who spent Why "Cascade"? Because Cascade Beer has now reached the highest peak-of perfection nothing has been left undone that would add to its quality. The most elaborate machinery known to the science of brewing has been installed every process in the brewing is supervised personally by a brewmaster of forty years' experience every precaution is taken to keep our product absolutely pure. In fact, everything that human intelligence can contrive is done to place "Cascade Beer" on the pinnacle of excellence, and to keep it there! Therefore we say Insiston "Cascade" the Better Beer Andrews, who is in charge of the . primary department oad forty-five on the" roll ' the 'firs! day. Miss Dohb is in charge of the same room as last year, while .Miss Clover has the third room. This year she will bave the Knl ranee class and Mr. Orif-fin will devote himself to Hie High School work, covering the curriculum of the first two years. Mrs. Dauhauer and Miss Dewar of Copper City were in town on Wednesday, W. Vanderlip left 'his week for the prairies, where, he expects to spend the winter. ' HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Miss I. Vennell, Chicago; Misses Day and Mr. and Mrs, .lames Carver, Kdinoiilon; Miss Cordon, Delia, Alia.; Krnest Waller and son, Calgary; I'. S. Walton, C.N.R.; II. J, Woudiey, N. Thompson, R. I). Purvis, V. Delcourt and Oeorge TroWell, Vancouver; Thomas Cole,. "Victoria; M. Doupoulis, Charles Mc-Kennn, .11 (lihson, K. Gibson and S. Decker, Arijox; Mr. mid Mrs. C. M. Iluttan, Winnipeg; Dr. Wilson Ilemld, Kelowira; Mrs. fl. M. Harris, l.loydmiuster. . Contral ' V Mr, and Mrs,"John Cordon ami daughter, Winnipeg. I I i r.5 t IP' A Get it at any Government Liquor Store VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSS ' This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Got - of British Columbia. her holidays in England, arrived in Terrace' from the east on Monday. v T. Kramer has returned from Dakota where he spent the last few months. - A. L. Carrulhers and Major Taylor made a visit of inspection to the bridge this week. Poles are being shipped steadily from Terrace. (5eo. Little is loading poes brought in by Van Meter this spring. Miss Clover and Miss Andrews are the teachers appointed 10 fill the vacancies, left by th( resignations of Miss Waldron and Miss Fowler. School commenced Tuesday wilh a good attendance. Miss FALL V COATS and SUITS " DEMERS Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 BEST PROCURABLE BLEND BOTTUD ft 60ARANTII0BY MOOUCI Or SCOUAKO The original label -look for il nl tlio Veiulors, and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." Phis advertisement Is not published or displayed by M16 '0 Control Hoard or by the Government Of Hritish Coiumu.