snniiMiuiMr -i 1 ha nehinofMushrJ forhealth paS5UJ to you. Culuwrtc IfSrSonnd, assimilating your food. but it must he Colman's YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rup a Selected CI C 'Brandt9 oneena joc neve For picnics, phuosc "Rupert Hraud" Salmon. A few lins in the pantry are always handy. HUiftlKa supply on your boat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE". ' ' : - Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Will sait ooin PRINCE RUPERT U,v VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE Mid iiilei'ini'dinte points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. .S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay,, every Monday. 8.00 p.m. For Skldegate and all ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. !tirrrf,Ifi rr!m' Rupert i i'H pin Tor I'lllNiT. (iEonCE, EDMONTON. WW-"'i ill. ill point Enmorn Canada. United State. v fill, vi .. . ""'T LL rJUtflK BTEAMSHI" LINES. Tleiat Office., 528 Third A rrlnce Rupirt. Phone J80. Phone 109. Helgerson Block. Dr. R P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. ?.v Office Hour-: ' i.m. In (I p.m. Open Evenings by Hpri-ial Appointment Hvoffio ; "til n:i,r Nro" w m. av m kim. - r & . w r m m w mt am w w I HE PAPER THAT CETS UICK ".cSUr"S The best Tobacco for ike pipe OGDEN'S IlIVHRrOOL Towing and fl'eiKhtimr. Tin: Towena, 50 h.p. Cant. M. Clifton. Phone Pluc S00. Night phone 23. tf H. Haird, inspector of muni cipalities, will be here on Sep tember 15, according to a letter which has been received by City Solicitor E. V. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rarnsley rei turned on Hie Venture this morn ing from Vancouver where they attended the funeral of Mr. Harnsley's father, the late John Harnsley. Northbound from Vancouver to Naas Hiver points, Union slcauier enlure, Capt. A. Johnstone, win in port from 7.30 to 9 o'clock this morning. Southbound from Stewart, Anyox and Alice Arm to Van couver, Union freighter Chilli-wack, Capt. C. H. Smith, was in port from 5 to 8 o'clock last evening. Whist Drive and Dance, Elks' Home on Monday, September 8, at 8 p.m. .$25.00 in prizes. 'Wcst- holinc Orchestra. Refreshments. Admission 75c. 21 1 M ILLIN Kit Y O PENING . M i s Ilarheau will hold her Fall Mil linery opening tomorrow, Sat urday. Ladies acr invileil to in sped the latest models and styles at this display. A Kindergarten will be opened September D in St. Andrew's Japanese Mission. Fully nuali lied lirecloryvVloronto '-. atrium ctrific-jiirah,arfclrar.pfii& appiy mornings in v .-Minimu Apartments, or phone Hlack iGO. 2 1 2 Dr. Wilson Herold of Kelowua arrived in the cily from Anyox last night, lie will spend a few days here on professional busi ness and is registered at the prince llupert Hotel. Judging for Heller Habies Con test for six months and under on Saturday aflernoon at 4 p.m.; for over six and under twelve mouths at i p.m. on Monday. both in Deiners old store, Third venue. Word has been received from Vanarsdol that the Natives have returned from the II. A. cannery at I'orl Essingloii and expect to be in Prince llupert for the ex bibitiou. Anion? the visitors at the Ho lary Club luncheon yesterday was Edward Lipsell of Vancou ver. In a few remarks be com menled on Hie excellent catering here. C.G.M.M. freighter Canadian Trooper, Capt. Gilbert, after I having spent two days at the j local dry dock for cleaning and painting, cleared last night at 17:15 for Ocean Falls where she will load pulp and paper for Cali fornia. CCZEMA luu AT COt eirerltrtnu t n g when you use Ur. incut for Krzcma an4 Skin Irritations. L It rcllevi'8 at nneo and cradu-ally heals the skin. Sumplo box Dr. Chase's Ointment tree if you mention this and send 20. sump for votAge. coc. a Caper oxi all dealers or r:mn" ies & Co. CUT PLUG TUiS DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE ' iM - - I 1 Tthe Aroma Local and Personal of a . B.O. Undertakers. Phono 41. r- Hayncrs, Undertakers. Phone 151. Steam Engineers meet Friday. September. 5 at 8 p.m. Initiation. H420 208 betokens the perfect blend. Mrs. Field, Art .Needlework. Superb in flavor Try it today. Agent for real silk hosiery. 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. tf cat K. I". Jones, city olic i lor. lias Ernest Waller of I tic editorial opened a law ollice in I he Smith slab of the Calgary Herald and Hlock, Suite 3. son arrived in the cily from the East last night and proceeded to C.X.H. steamer Prince llupert, Vancouver on the steamer Prince; Capt. 1). Donald, from Vancou- George. They are on a vacation ver and way ports, is due at 6 trip lo the coast. o clock tins, evening. S. P. Jones, wireless operator at the Digby Island sjilion, sail-Jibe foundations for his. buildin d last night on the Prince purge for victoria on a holiday trip. Terry Orme, sou of Mr Mrs, C. II. Orme, sailed last night j on ine I'rince miperi youiut un Vernon where he will conlinur Ids school studies. Miss Margaret hiiulsay, win has been visiting Miss., Marjorit ' Hoberts of Sinitlieifs luft 01: Tuesday morning's,' lr.ain foi (Jerow where she will leach. Miss Huberts is teaching this year at Driftwood. C.G.M.M. steamer.rirciinadian HoVer, Capl. J. J. Flood, com pleted loading at the H, T. P. wharf this morning aitd went up to Tueks Inlet cannery where she will take .on 3,000 ctfstts '''of sal moii before lu'oceeiitu'ir soliln. I'he vessel is taking about 30,000 ases allogellier from bore for Vancouver. 11. W. lleidinan. head of the hoiskeisk Mines Ltd., Anyox passed through on. the Prince George last night bound, foi Vancouver on business in con nection with extensions and improvements lo the iniues that are being planned. It is' understood that a jiower plant 'is to be put in. The Golskeish , miiiH. across Graliby Hay froiii.Anyo.. George W .Philadelphia, P. Fletcher, of president: of Iho P.H.C. Mines, Ltd., and ..Herman Hlock of Hallimore., vfce'-presi-denl, will remain in tho city until Monday when they will sail for Masselt. They plan to remain on the Islands until the plant for 'the exlraclion of gold from the black sands is eoinnleied mill . W. J. Alder, who has been here' for several weeks looking afle at the corner ol btxtn &i. an Third Ave. is leaving this even ing for Prince George. He wii Iben proceed to the Fasten and slates. Stewart's Dance Orchestra, tb best native orchestra in Norther British Columbia, will arrive her on Sunday, September 7, an will play in the Do Luxe Con (eclionery on Monday and Tues day -!ifleriHoiis and for dances i tho Do l.uxe Hall every evening during Eair week. 21 STEWART William C. Sim, belter known as "bcotty .or Jock, wa drowned recently while crossing I lie Portland Canal in a row boat William Alfred Prout of Premier was married recently to Miss Helen Harvey of Vancouver. - Miss Marion Henderson ha. arrived here from New Westminster lo lake charge of tin local school. A daughter was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Sam G. McNeil. Tho "Stewart Citizens' Association has elected ollicers as follows: President, 11. W. M. llol-slon; vice-president, Duncan McLean: secretary treasurer, O. C. Andrew; executive, 11. Hooton, E. A. Lewis. (I. W. Smith, Oliver Smith and John Campbell. Rib CATARRH of the BLADDER Sail, Kcnifil Each Cinsule (uinvl bcirt name ST,My iworking smoothly. Bewprtofetninlrrfeilt Its here A real newone coull never del enough of tt, est winner OlME LAND As he stripped the wrapper off and bit through the delicious, cocoanut-laden chocolate coating, ancj then deep into the most luscious, NEW centre ever put into a bar, he murmured, "My, my J Why didn't Ncilson's think of this before it's superb!" Who is he ? His name is thousands. For many thousands of Canadians, from Halifax to Victoria, are revelling in this new Neilson Chelsea Roll right now. Are you one of them? Every good candy dealer has Chelsea Roll for you. Every taste is a delight. Try to-day. BURN Nanaimo Wellington Coal Our lump coal is double screened. Every lump is a chunk of heat. TRY OUR NUT COAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN RANGE Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a beautiful Uox. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Children Shoes OF QUALITY SPECIALLY PRICED 54.05 Tati or Black Calfskin, welted soles. Chums and Hurlbiits. Uiilton only. Sizes 11 to IVt. Regular $0.00 and $0.50. $3.05 Tan or Hlack Calfskin. Welter soles, llutton only. 8 to 10W. Regular $i.75. ' 05c Child's Patent Leather Slippers. Patent Leather Hoots and Rubber Soled Strap Slippers. Values tu $2.00 pair. . Family Shoe Store is