PACE SIX Low Sterling Furnace COAL Dllrd In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This Is a very superior rurntre coal. It (rives a clean hot fire arvl Is entirely free from foot, clinkers, slark and dirt, Some of tit.- heating plants In the city are now uslnir It with entirely satisfactory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Agents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Go. Main Offleai Hot! Cantral. Phona 16 ONE YOUNQ WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of her wardrobe is Dainty Dorothy. She knows how to make serviceable frocks out of last season's dresses and believes that the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONES X&rfy 60X392 PRINCEr-r R.UPERT ti c cikm 1 oiWDi, tm 1 , H use Sunlight ! H "VTOU will find that Sunlight quickly softens X the water as no other product can do. fl The dirt in your clothes will be easily dis solved by the natural cleansing oils in bunlight, I and you will not be annoyed by the dirt floating on the surface and clinging to the clothes as you remove them from the wash. Suuliiht Soap Is equally tucctttjul in hard or soft water. tttt? nin.T NFAV3 Mo Canada. rridar. September 5, lojj. . III III IHIH M aB - H I WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9, and Saturday Matinee at 3. GLORIOUS GLORIA SWANSON "A SOCIETY SCANDAL" Adapted from Alfred Sutro's famous stage success, "The Laughing Lady." The picture that makes an open book of society's innermost secrets. Sli! Do-'nl tell a soul-what happened to Marjorie Colbert. It's a society scandal. Society isn't easily shocked, but the Colbert affair rocked it like an earthquake. Come and see why. See why they call her "glorious." If you miss this triumph of triumphs, it will be another scandal. Wonderful gasp-provoking gowns. Classy settings. A superfine Swauson, a superlative story, a superb cast and superior direction. Hod La Hoque. Allan Simpson, Yvonne Hughes and many distinguished others. CHRISTIE COMEDY "BACK TO THE WOODS." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE Admission 50c. and 10c. 7alk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY While Sickling Onions now in 15c lb., 7 lbs. $1.00 Medium sized Cucumbers, splendid for pickling. 6 for 250 Fresh Citron, first shipment now in, lb 8c Fresh Outdoor Tomatoes. 5 lb. basket 50c Hothouse Tomatoes, per 5 lb. basket ... 750 Large Head Celery .... 150 Goldcn Uantam Corn, dozen 50c New Carrots, 0 lbs. ... 25c Cooking Onions, B.C., 5 lb. 25c Vegetable Marrow, lb. . . 5c Martlet! Preserving Pears, heavy pack in apple boxes per case $2.50 Choice Cooking Apples, unwrapped, per box . . $2.50 This store will be open all day Thursday RupertTableSupply Three Phones. 710,711.212- SATURDAY SPECIALS Milk 'any kind , per tin 10c Limit fo each person, 0 tins. Haeon. cx.lra value, lb. 21c It room,, 12 to sell, each 50c Apples, extra value, per box . , $2.25 Sugar, in bulk, 5 lbs. .. 45c Our FRESH MEAT MARKET can give you I he highest quality at lowest prices. Give us a trial. Farmers Market Phono Blue 423. Orders over $3.00 delivered. NEXT AUDITORIUM Dance Friday Evening, Sept. 5th. Moonlight Dances During the Evening Easson's Orchestra llefreshments Served Gontlomcn $1.00; Ladles 50c phono Mack US. L. F, Marrcn, Proi liter. tmmMt. nigh ft:U a.m. K-.r. i 8:5(5 p.m. 0:27 a.m. 12:33 p.m. Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optome-trlsL Qualified by experience and practical Knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist SPECIALS FOR FAIR WEEK ONLY. We give special reductions on alt our stock to the visitor and the outside customer. Milk, per casts $5.50 Flour Maple Leaf, Purity, and Five Itoses, per sack $2.35 Blue Ilibbon Tea, per lb. 65c 5 lb. packets $3.10 Economy Coffee, per lb. tin 50c Economy Coffee, fresh ground, 3 lbs $1.30 Heinz Pork & Deans, 2"s, G tins for $1.00 ECONOMY STORE 117 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. CARNIVAL QUEEN TO BE NAMED TOMORROW Miss G. Dodd, Anyox Candidate, Arrived In City Last Evening The result of the Fair Hoard's carnival queen contest will be announced tomorrow, the final count of voles to commence im mediately after 10 o'clock to night. Miss G. Dodd, the Anyox can didate, arrived in the city last night. She will be either queen or one of the maids-of-honor ile- j pending on the result of the vote '(taunting. 1 illli'iiS'ssc,:1 I MRU Kill! milium 111 111 II III II II 1 II III II Mil 111 111 MIT 111 1 I .III I DllOffi I Ml i mnuiDM in iiiiiiihiii i mm ii i i i mm i mi i mm mm i mi i i i w !llfl-!!l!llll!ll!ll!llil;l!!;il!!:i!!li;;!i''!i:iiiiiii!ij' n. Nllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll i corns SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY A p CORBYO CANADIAN KpFcial Select) sr established sfA- D . Y,J nil! imh-j sit nil This advertisement is not FISH ARRIVALS Four American Boats Sot. 72,- I 000 Pounds at Exchange this Morning No Can adlans Four American halibut scboon. ers sold catches totalling 72,000 pounds at the rish hxeliange lins morning. There were no Lan-adian I arrivals. Sales were as follows: Sumner, 32,000 pounds, at 12.9c and 6c,, to the Royal Fish Co. Superior, 22,000 pounds, at 2.'Jc and 6c, and Washington 10,000 pounds at and 8c, to the Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Co. (Joney. 8,000 at and 8c, to the llooth Fisheries Canadian Co. LABORITE ON IMMIGRATION! Canadian ' Dolegale to British Congress Says Dominion Cannot Handlo Arrivals LONDON, Sept. 5. Addressing the Trades Union Congress at Hull. J. A. McLelland, Canadian ilelctrate siiiil that the iminjgra- limi question was troubling the organized workers of Canada. The, trnles nf Cannda were Wide open but there, was no work for new arrivals. WJIiile 133,000 new itn-j migrants hud come to Canada within a year. 183,000 persons had left the Dominion for the 'United Stales to find work, he declared. Nevertheless, shipping land railway companies, mjanufac- I hirers' associations ami oilier in- iteifsts were endeavoring to en courage ltrilish people to e.nnie Corbij'sThe Quality Whisky of Canada-is found . hi , it it ill I - i i h II HOD I , 9S HI published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by Columbia. BIG MISSOURI BONDEDAGAIN New York Interests Represented by George H. Collins Have Taken Over Property According to won't reaching lie city, the llig Missouri mine in the Salmon Hiver Valley nqar Stewart has been bonded by New York interests represented by (corse H. Collins, formerly of Prince Itupert. An aclivc development program is planned. The llig Missouri for some linn. was held under bond hy Trilcs & Wood of Fcvnie, the j property only recently having; been given up by them when a! higher offer was made by the new concern at the time of bond expiry. The Hi? Missouri is located up the Salmon Hiver Valley beyond the Premier Mine. llicli show ings have often been reported - ont it and it has been generally considered as one of the coin- ling mines in the Portland Canal a i J -. I- I. ilisirici. transportation nas neen a difficulty which, however, could be readily overcome If the merit of property warranted it. Mr. Collins was in the city some lime ago while making a trip to Stewart. At that lime he said there was an important denl on fool but declined to givo par ticulars regarding it. He is ex peeled back here before long Mr. Collins established (he Can adinn Fish & Cold Storage Co. here and for the past several years has been located in New York. Sunday, September 7 High 8:12 a.m. 16.1 ft 20tl I p. in. 18.7 Low 1:12 13:i9 p.m. 8.5 wherever a ood whisky is appreciated - since 1859 4 Bottled in Bond under Dominion Government Supervision Cash & Carry Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY pALKIHSl f BEST f 5 4H the Government of British M. B. JELLY POWDERS Assorted Flavor-4 for 25c. Per Doien 70 COOKINQ APPLES :5 lbs. for $1.85 Trading Co. OPEN ALL DAY THURsdAY SPECIAL CLEARANCE LADIES' HOUSEDRESSES- cn $2.00 Crcpc, Gingham, Chnmbrny . ., ',w ' MEN'S FINE WOOL SHIRT8 In Fancy Checks, Urown, Heather and (hey ivr" Sizes MVi l 18 W.50, $3.50 mid BOYS' BLOOMERS ,l In Ihown nntl (hey T.weeds. Sizes 2(1 to 3L 'Special, per pair .j Universal THIS STORE WILL BE ADVERTISE AND WATCH YOUR BUSINESS. 0"0W