Published Every Allernoon, excspl Sunday, the "Prince Hiipert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. J PULLRtf, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - men and women of all classes are co-operating in helping hospitals to tell their communities of their service, ami it i wonder Dial although the idea' of a Xalionarifospital Day originated only as late a ll2l, the movement is generally served throughout the United States and Canada, and Ihe no Playground Important , To AIT Communities. It is gratifying hi be informed that the fiyro Club has it playground, program in Mich a ta(e that it will shortly be real ized. Kim'e llie-advent of the aulomobile, il has4 become abso Illicit ..I .... of by the Parks Hoards and m some cities by the School Hoard, higher. II was In Prince Ilupcr the (.yro Club has embarked upon this cause lime until the .III lilt- III UIIIUIllll, HI port that can be given il. "Worth $100 to Me Relieved Eczema and Piles" Mrs. Peter A. Palmer, SaJtburn, Satlc, writes: "Dr. Chaie'i Ointment hai completely relieved me of eczema nd p3ei. I alto used thu Ointment for my baby, who broke out la eczema. A few application! were all that vrai neceuary in her caie. Dr. Chaie'i Ointment hat been worth hundred dollars to me, before using it I had pent a great deal more than that in unsuccessful treatment from doctors. We have also used Dr. Chase's other medicines, the Nerve Food having restored my heahh after suffering from severe nerve trouble when girL Dr. Chase's Ointment 0 . a imx. all ilealrin or Ethaannon. Hate Co.. Ijtd, Ttimfito PAGE TWO. THE IMI1.Y NRWa Tuesday, ijny !. Every Fragrant Cup "SALADA" . GREEN TEA ives supreme gratification. . Finer' than any Japans. Buy a package today. The Daily News PRINCR RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA., PRINCERUPERT ILK DISCUSSED Tests For Tuberculosis Not Car ried Out Properly Here, Council Alleges Consideration of bylaw amend ment respecting lit keeping or Mock within the rily causch" a general discussion of some length at last night's council meeting wilh rgeard in the city's milk supply ami Ihe condition of rattle herd in Prince Itupert. (There was some criticism of the methods employed liy the provincial government inspectors in the making of lulcrrulosis tests and lack of co-operation helwocn t,he. government and city authorities was alleged. Dr. J. P. Cade, nieilical heallh officer, attended SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ,,M '"ccling d participated in Citv Delivery, hv mail or carrier, ner month j. fti no Die discussion. Bv mail to all nar'ls of the British Rmnire and the- United I ,"d Oueslion was brought in "I1 m cnnwliii with Hie con. States, advance, per year $0.00 T.i nil nlhnr cnm.lpioc in !linno n.K von- e- r.n sideration of bylaw amendment v providing that goats shall not tic ----- Transient Display Advertisings .. .$1.40 per inch per' insertion k1'1 in Dip oily within 25 feet or depending largely, howeter, on Transient Advertising- on Front Pace S2.SI1 nee inch " dwelling house and Dial no iM. method of cooking II. A teni- Local Readers', per insertion.. Classified Advertising, per insertion. Legal Notices, each insertion Contract Italps on Application sary hereal Die present time. W'lien Hip mailer of cattle was brought up, Dr. Cade told Die tors. aroused interest or progressive hospitals in -Alaska, China, Egypt. "'",,'(' with wl"' Hawaii and in other parts 'of the. world. . ,h,n.f 1 of Ihe ciliz citizens French Electioj And Foreign Policy. The result of the election in.. France on Sunday likely mean considerable if not entire change in that I tint il was his duty lo sale in the buller" fal Jhe do"lor .said, would be greatly facilitated In know so that (they might protect themselves. ,ioernmenl iuspeclors had come here and ordered thai, cattle be will very destroyed but the city authorities country's were never advised. Soinebodv auiiuue luwarus reirainms mailers. Whether "pound or flesh" was falling down on Die job. attitude towards (iermany, which has been in practice through1 Dr. Cade admilled that there the occupation uf Die Ruhr ror the past year and more, is to be was lack of co-operalion belween continued, remains to be seen, but with circumstances develop- the provincial and civic authoring as they have of late it seems probable that there will be some ties. Inspectors had come here change of polity. The result of the election may be taken as and gone away again without re. the voice nflhe people nu that matter and il will in all probabil- porting In the ejly. Many cattle u i iv .iccii upon iiccoruiupiy. Hushing Things Up Aid. ALicdonald referred lo Die wa number of milk -ows that had ob- been ordered destroyed here he-has cause of tuberculosis, lie did lint the policy of hushing up. II was Ihe right had been ordered dPslroye.l and tie himself had had to write direct to Victoria lieforc he could get any information on the matter. In answer lo ipieslious. Dr. Cade expressed the opinion thai tuberculosis tests should be made I...... .M-.rss.iij uiui pmces ne prnvnieu where the children can every six months. The las lesls play in saroty. Statistics recently published reveal the astounding were made here last September, thai :..Hit children were either killed or seriously injured(There were, however. only a rew by street traffic m the United Slates during Ii2:t. Prince Ru- dairy cattle left i the city. Onlv perl has bad its hare of such accidents though, in a place of Ihis'one dairy was operating in town size, it is not o be expected that they would take on verv large and he estimated that three- proportions. However, if the (iyro playground slu I be the nuarlers of the milk now sold means of saving but one child's life, the project would have been here came from the outside. The worth all that ,1 mvolved. calc frnm Mnitt ,)r ji has Income a resp.Mis,bility of the community to provide ai.l, were more free from tuher-playgf.iiuidvwl.ere the physical and moral welfare of the child- miosis than those in Ihe city. .... ..... . .. hvu, '"iriru. iii many cases tins is taken care The hu ler fnt eontenl wa ats. only a mailer of Iteeniiiff uf .lai-v eruleavors, is entitled to all the sup- cattle in. Hie cily would have In be prohibited for Ihe slock could not long be kept free from luher-culosis on account of bch'ur stahled under damp conditions, j Keep Closer Touch I Mayor Newton suggested thai the medical health officer keep rlner in touch with Hip situation. The council would nol object lo a lilllp exlrn expense if j was necessary in conneclion with the making of milk lesU. Aid. Co(-larl did not think il was necessary to make milk, tesls pery week. Anyway, these milk tests did not apply In luhcreulosi. j Ad. Macdonald said he was prepared lo offer a resolution asking the minister of agricul-lurp lo make more freipienl luberculosis lest here. I Aid. Casey had several nuc. lions lo ask wilh respect In Ihe! tuberculosis tests and Ihe use of, meat so destroyed. Dr. Cade saiih that such meal or portions thereof might be used with safety, thin Guinea Gold , ..25c per line n1!ll,,"', "r ."I row sed in conncc- ,,eralure of t5(i killed all liiber. ...2c per woril 15c pee agafe line 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tuesday, May t3, 1021. Hospital Day Here On Thursday. ( llo-pital Day will lie observed in Prince Rupert on Thursday uf this week and the public is asked to co-operate with the hospital hoard ill its celebration. The hospital and nurses' home po,.,lp are lo le thrown open for inspeeDou. H taking advantage of m oDercd for this opportunity to visit the institution, eitizeit mny be able to city wilh respect to observe at first" hand the importance Of the work that is being content. This work, carried on. lion wilh the keeping of shall lie burned within Die liniils. Tbese amendntcnls were put through Iheir first readings ami were passed and will rom up for final consideration ami adoption at the next meeting of the council. They were assented to by Dr .Cade. Hegulalious gov erning Die keeping of slock in Vancouver were brought lo Die attention of the council but they were ilni'd in view of the fact llial il was not intended to pro. hibil altogether the bvping e'f slock in prince Itupert. Such an lion was not considered ueces Nation., llo-pital Day which is the "come in and get ac- j SAT S'Se qiiauile.l day' of the thousands of hospitals of, the United States aU ,,,.lt nj jurisdiction .lid not and Canada lias awakened remarkable interest in the great work extend to the examination of pal of these institutions- f7 mprrft Vresi'deYils and other national He for1 tuberculosis. This was a leaders, heads of slates and provinces, mayors, and influential ma"'r f,,r "" provincial .inspec lock rulosis semis. Aid' :asev thought! The Man in the Moon raM ZM SAYSs- -J IT is a gooi idea on .a picnic to al least lake cotTee. milk and sugar ami a few matches are not out of place. , MAXY n hacker fhid that it is only Ihe stow burses hp can keep up with. .v .i sigin i. ip see. a man suirering wilh riieiiniafisni in both arms trying- to tell "a fish ing story. ' ' ro restore old pictures take llieni back to the owner .and say yi.u are sorry. O.Nh of Ihe biff features al the Wembley exhibition in Loudon is a slow movfn? railway. Surely we don't have lo fo to London to ee that. NOW that Ihe provincial pIpc lion battle is on one will need lo ! life Now for fun ! School's " out, and now for romping Pl7t But in the course of play, young hands touch many things tome-times dirty, grime-laden, and germ-covered. Disease germs lurk in all dirt and are carried from hands to face, to mouth and food. What mothers must do You cannot keep children from this ever-present disease-dirt. But you can, and should, do everything possible to prevent its serious effects. Children need the rich, purifying lather of Lifebuoy with its wonderful health ingredient to go down deep into the pores and combat the germs ever present in dirt. The health odour of Lifebuoy proves its antiseptic power. Limit CIGARETTES WilD vnO Extra Fine 20 or iSt strain inleHliicnrc and ears a lillli to set rlenrly through (he smoke. eily .there should be .someone in! .NOW thai Major Martin and itilhority lo make lul.errulo.iis , Jii mechanic have -iit fund tests here and hovvn in favor of I safe and well we can till enjoy ld. Maeilonald's. suggestion In, our enjoyment a lillb better. lake the matter un V wilh the gnv-i erunieul and point oul the lax . lllltl) Ioer once tobl me that melhoils of the past. the wa) lo make a canary sing Dr. Cade said the matter had 'was to feed it on music, already been brought to the at-' teutiou of the minister and hei WATCH soap go up in prii had expressed regret, at Ihe seeming laxity. The original amendments were then passed but no action was taken with respect to Die tuberculosis matter . now that roll lop slofking weather Is with' us. THE paint slogan "Save Ihe Surface and you Sam All' seems to have been adopted in Into by various females one uieele on the street. - A I'OllTAIII.r, shower bath nr- rnngemerit in which one could get a. handy cold shower for a nickel might be a paying pro. position during the heat wae. c4 "I NAVE now come lo the point" sharply exclaimed tin) lecturer as be trod on an upturned tin tack. 'I'll lilt K is only one place hotter than Prince lltiperl during Ihe summer and I'd hate to name it. Ten Years Ago In Prlnc Rupert f May 13, 1914. XV. It. Jleutly, representing the Itilrhie Conlmi'liui; i'ji., Is In Ihe rily looking for a h-ntioii lo open jn business. John Lauihie was charged in Hie police court this morning with having a vicious dog. The dog tut .1. i.orne .Mri.aren on Second Avenue an Monday ami attacked him repeatedly. 'the dog was ordered shot. Mrs. II. Sheere arrive.! bu the Prince Itupert this moruin? and joined her husband at Haysporl Cnnl ruffs for the construction of forty miles of the Pacifii (Jreat Kaslern railway were an liomicpd Saturday by officials of I'liuf ...tifi rin n v llfiltr nlirml lr. ...... .......... . -....j mile of the railway have yrl i be e to eontrnctors. SPIDER MINE TO BE FURTHER DEVELOPED New Belgian Syndigite Organized by Aid. Thee Collart to Take Over Salmon River , new Delgian syndicnle has been organized by Aid. Theo Col lart, Delgian cniisid in Prince lluperl, to- resume developnipnt work this year on Ihe Spider sit ver property in Hip Portland lanal dislriet. The April bond payment was recently made to William Hamilton and Charles liroou, the owners. Jean X'nno pi if n of DrrisM'ls, who had charge f the work formerly for Ihe Xlgunican syndicate, will arrive next month lo again siiwrinleni operations. Considerable' development work was done a few years ago on Ihe, Spider by the Algnnicarr syndlcalo and Ihe properly bears good pro. mis. The mine Is InenlPif on Long Lake it the CasradP Creek valley of the Salmon River district. II is a few miles above the funiom Dig Missouri. KODAKS There's fun at Hie tune in making Kodak . t v and Hiey store up fun for Ihe future. 1 Kodak herr. Kodak Film The dependable film m the yellow box. Your size i here. Kodak Accessories Self Timers. Carrying (iies. Tripods, Porti 1 1 A Ihchmenls. Thev're all in slock here. Let us help yon plan a Kodak outfit for fond p. -ami lots of fun. ORMES LTD. The Rexall 8tore. 3rd Avenue A 6th Street YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED 8ALM0Nf "'Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "RiiMrt Hrand" Haliuon. X few tin In the" pantry .are always h.uidy. Stock a supply on your Inml -Huil's ;. gnod nbi, SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. Prince Rupert, B.C. Tree Delivery In Prince Rupert. A pure tonic beverage "Purity from first to last" is the slogan of Cascade brewing even the bottles are sterilized. Everything possible is done at B. C's model brewery to give you the best beer that Canada's choicest barley and hops can produce. INSIST on "Cascade" the better beer at the Government Vendor's. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Jh "VSt 'BecrwilhtulaPur T .dMtt!uni,t,! It not B.MI.l.d ,r dkt.kyfl .r lb. uor Cn ll.finl br th nov.rnni.nt v! HrltUh-olumM.. K Advertise in "The Daily News" mt f APfcR THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS