I - JH1 BAILT IIW& rX Tu,.y. MMy n , r. .v BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuf Money MOTHER 00 TOO r- ' n 01 llilito RFr TUii - j a ufct 1 TO STOP . 1 otrr te how fin 1 wvone. or 1 WEMl 1 TCXJRC HKtL'. ROTH I 4 - Orders HOMF Dthit. KNOCKED ht-s TWO I VUUCA.R mji 1 I) nFV jn-inrpn) TP "c UON- VITH cettinc, THe M.s THM I OOnT AWove H TO Tht . NEwb THE WA HVT IN TMfc. THE OLCACHPR AND EVEr- TOUR. OrsEH Av3 rue CNE m rut MTEriQiNC. THC On Norway, Sweden and -vr time. HIT e FATHER WQULrWrl co-Ht or Denmark at Current Rates ,MN M THE ETC ariCCRf WILL VJ7Ii of Exchange. J Make your reservations OM THE for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket.!, Hales and Ik Information, see us. 1 vvir Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of fiardon and Field Seeds, Onion Pets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous Ed son Coal in any quantities Phona SS. Prince Rupart Feed Co Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy. sell and exchange all kinds of new and second-hand'guoils. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 218. P.O. Box 895. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 FriW St, Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phona 669. Dr. E. STMT DENTIST. Hetgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. orflce Hours, 9 U 8. Phona 68. Open Evenings Only Far' Special Appointment. LADIES' MUSICAL CLUB BAD BLOOD AND BOOK CLUB GIVEN t RECEPTION LAST NIGHT Enjoyable Gathering Took Place at Home of Mrs. J. C. McLennan, "The Knoll" Borden Street l.ai( evening Die I.ailii' Itoadin? Clult of Prince Itiin-rt Iip11 ilx May jttn.H day at lio linm of Mrs. J. C. .Mcl.omuin, in?. The n'siill was the fnllnw-iiifr sjilenilid iiroyiimi: Keleclion by Musical Clul ir- rhflrn. J'iaiKt .olo. Miss M. A. Way. Yernel. Vocal solo, Mrs. 1. t. Uonney. IMano duel, Mrs. Hubert Ward and Mrs. F. I. Kenny. Scenes from (lie jday "1'anlr JL'NKAU. May 12: Formally launching the annual cleanup and paiiilup campaign which has been extended Jhis year, Mayor 1. 'loblsleiu issued a proclamation calling on all (oral residents In combine in an effort to make Juneau a "more beanliful and cleaner city." II is expected thai all local civic organizations will' cn-operale wi)h the municipal authorities in pulling Ihe work over. Vacant lot s will lie cleaned, unsightly slrnclurcK plarcd in a neat condilion and rubbish re. nvved from Ihe cily limits. Weekly trips will be made by trucks of the City's street , de partment throughout the town to haul off Ihe accumulation of Miss Irene A. Mailhewa, starrier, Ont.. rlle: "I thourtH I would write ind (trll yoo ef the cipcrlrnre ami bcnfit 1 bTe drlved from Burdm lll(l Blllrr. Some few ni.nths iro I wit Iroublnt wllb bad blood whlrh bmke out on my Urt in the tularr of H'l'P1". nd rtnx-worni, jsd I r4 lad I n-alljr did nut know what to do. I n ithampd tn r anjulMTf, and IIm ltrhlnr and lurnlnr riud xtirh a trrrl- "The Knnll ' 1115 MordiMl Slrel.iM ""n I ld tt tw rell'f day ..r ... .... 'r.irhl l.a.lips .Mii.-ieul Clul) and I lie Hook Ululi wen oacli akcd lo join and lake jiart in lli iiioj-I- nan day a frlpnd advl1 r to H Jlurdork Blond Blttm. I ufd .iw bottle Land frit quite a relief, and by tbe time 1 bad . taken 1 bottle I was rciropIeVly I rannot praise B.B.n. enninth and I Jmpe inyi.tv affllricd like I w will ret the Sam benefit I received." Burdock rikifd Bitter la manufactured s.nlv kv Th. 4 UKhMMl Cn I (mllwl Jocal legend, Mis Alice On Toronto. Ont and rrancesc" by Hie Hook Club. Vocal sextelle, Mrs. I. S. Hon- ney. Mrs. H. Hlance, Mrs. I). Iloss, Mi's. S. Ilarlou, Mrs. trillion and Mrs. C. . Woudwurth. Seeond reading' from "1'aolo and Francesco" by Hie Hook Clgb. Vocal solo, Mrs. J. P. Mc- MilLait.- '' " ;- ' I'iano solo. Airs'. F. I. Krnnv. Miss Way and .Mrs. Hos were the accomjianisls. Mrs. ii. It; (iraut, jiresidenl of the Ladies' Heading -Club, was in charge of the program. After t lit program, refresh- jnenls were served and Mrs. H. I.. Mclntoxli for Ihe Musical Club and Miss Hlaiicbe Mac-donald for the Hook Cluh thanked the Heading Club for I lie re-cejilion lliey had lendeied. Tin galiieriiifc -of r0or more ladies then dispersed after having spent a most enjoyable evening. JUNEAU HAS CAMPAIGN TO CLEAN UP THE CITY Proclamation Issued by Mayor and all Combine to Aid In Beautiflcatlon nient for loading on Hie I rucks. No charge will be made for haul-iiifraway the, rubbish. Tin proclamation issued by Mayor fioldwlrjn follows: "And wlierea it is the desire of Hie citizens of Juneau to make our city at tractive in appearance to Hie many visitors and tourists who will visit us Ibis year, and "Whereas Ibis can only be ac complished by the individual ef fort on Hie part of the citizen iin laxing, pnue jn me. appearance or their" rjsi4leifces and homey, ".Vow. therefore, I, IJioldslein. mayor of the city of Juneau, ur?ed all citizens of Juneau to pul fortji their best efforts looking Imvards a more beautiful ami cleaner cily, by cleaning up ajid painting up around and about their respective homes anil places of business. BRITISH POLICE WOMAN VISITING IN NEW YORK sctins places of amusement and lutrulliiu.' ii;irk In adili. PIMPLES AND BOILS1'""' ,:"V'','X Allen visited Banished By BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. nie occupicii area or liermany and c.Mablisluvl six HriiiKli women there to assist Hie police. STEWART iranl Mahood, of din American Mining and Milling Co., having successfully. finaiu-e!! bl undertaking iu Jue eatit. is ex. peeled to arrivo shortly. r - 'J'he International Kleclic Co. bus been stringing die wire on its poles through town prepnm tor- lo turiilii.' on the power which, it is anticipaled, wilt be done about (he middle of Juno. All the foundations have been completed for the Miwer house, also the pipe line laid. Little remains now In he iluiie excepl install the machinery and turn on I he water. Z 11. W. Keith ha relumed from a visit of several wees lo Prince llupert. The annual insinuation of otllcers of Ihu .Moose Lodge was held in llydcr last wek followed by a most enjoyalile entertain- uienl and supper under the able direction of Alex Frazer, Hen (licit and H. K. Charlton. Ottl- cers installed were: Oirlnlnr. Noel Traversy past dictator. P. S. Jack vice dictator. W. It. Tooth; prelate, llev. F. K. , lleddick; trustee, Frnest liltin; secretary. Karl 11 ink ley; treasurer. M. Savovirh, Inner and outer guard and the sergeant al arms were also, installed. Ucorge A. Turner, well known here through his connection with the Indian mine, of which his father o. It. IL Turner, is inan- aging director, was marrieii re cently in Victoria lo Miss Violet Took Charge of Traffic For Short. Marjorie j ,.,., P,,.st daughter Time at Busy Corner of U.S. Metropolis M:W YOI1K, May 13. For n few hours recently there was a new officer in charge of traffic at 12nd S(. and Lexington Avenue, "A slim, bronzed figure In high boot, a dark blue coal rencbing to Ihe knees and a trim, gobl- bralded cap; on Ihe chest was worn Ihe Order of Ihe Hrilish F.mpire." This was Commandant Mary S. Alien, bead of Ihe Lon don Police-women. Speaking of the latter to .a reporter, she said uf Mr. and Mrs. AV. W. Jacob of Victoria. The young roiiple will make Iheir Jjome al (ianges, Sail SpHng Island. barbefTwibecomes lawyer at boston Jlmmle Guaracna Is Aided by Charles M. Schwab and ' Judae McCool HOSTON. May (iuarauna, barliei 12. Jiininle al a fasbloii- Ihal Ihe. 20 London policewomen! able holel here, who h differ from those of American ' ',f,,, nduiilled lo Ihe bur, has just admil cities, in Ihal Ihcy are always .'hat he owes his success large( uniformeil conspicuously. The he assistance given him by sicht of a woman nolice officerMliilge I I. JM.....I.... Charles M. Schwab ami prevents many crimes, and prevention of crime, she'says, rallier than, the capture of offenders, I the chief purpose of the women. They began Iheir work during the others whom be shaved. He Is Iwenly-eighl years old and has been plying his Iride at the hnlej for nine years. , Judge McCool, of Ihe Probale war, when they watched over the Court, was one of the firs! in young women and soldiers who whom Jimmie confided his desire flocked through the greal rail-1 to become a lawyer. The Judge wa'd stations. Since then their, coached Jimmie on some of the work has grown lo taklntr charirn more dlllicull nhases of his rubbish removed from private aiof women prisoners, collecting fludies while Jimmie wa liav ue as public properly. Citizens leslimony from women, prolecl-'ing him. Judge Jlosson, of tbe are .requested o j I up refuseilng jHrls who are strnnger In Chelsea tViurt. was anolber who from Iheir premises along lhehe ritty. laklng charge of lost look an lulerest in Jiiuiiile's slreel cuibiugs In places ennve- children and runaway girl, in- iiuibiUon si HI anollier wa MACDONALD'S Fine Git For khost Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACOONALffSRnctut Lb. -.15 as I MM. ISf On?4 t Iwt-i FtiTunc Siaviet. x VYU fc. , Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PCK WOHD IN ADVANCE. No Adrttment Taikan for U.. thun BO WANTKB WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest price paid. Prince llupert Exchange. Auctioneers. Phono C52. WANTED. (iirl for gpneral housework. Apply Mrs. (ieorgc Little, Terruce. H.C. FOR RENT FOIl IIENT. Five roUHi llal. II. I.etourncaii. SUM Avenue West. Phone Hlack 3S5. If FOR IIENT. Furnished house keeping room, tlu Sixth Ave. fast, phone nine 217. t f FOIl IIENT Four room, miMlern. healed uparlmeiilH. Apply Smith & Mailed, Lid. tf FOIl IIENT. Modem furnished hoiie; for alxoil fie mouths Phone Orpen 107. 113 TO IIENT. 5roomed suite will hat It and range 30.00. David II. Hays A Co. OFFICE FOIl KENT, with modern living quarter. Wowtenhaver Hros. tf FOIl IIENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts. If MISCELLANEOUS WAINWHIfHIT (Alherlaj OIL FIELDS. Wriln for free booklet containing authentic information on this wonderful . oilfield, llaslell. 120 Seymour Street, Vancouver. H.C. 1 10 BOARD AND ROOM llOAltl) and (loom at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Olllce, 8.10 Second A veil. Phone 137. tf Charles M.. Schwab. Major IJen- eral Clarence II. Edwards and Hie lale loertior McCall were imnng .limmie's ctislomers who eneoitrageii mm. LUMBER TENDERS The following lenders for lum- lier were received liy the cily I'ouucil las n It'll I and referred lo Ihe Hon ril of Works with power lo act: Albert Si .McCatfery, hemlock am) 'cedar. 9?r per llioiisaud. Ii; W. Nickerson A Co., bem- lK:kyiiid cedar. 2H, Hoy a I Lumber Co., hemlock and&cdar, ?25J50. ifeorge Lillle, hemlock, 2fi.-ro?edar, 25.r0. IHg Hay Lumber and cedar, 2il. Co.. hemloi'k FOOTBALL SCHEDULE May Id. Sons of England vs. Sons of 'Canada. May IU. Sons of Camnla vt. CallieM. May 22. Oreal War Veleraun Aisocialiou v. Sons of Enaland. May 27.--SOHS of England vm Callics. May 30. (Ireal War VeleranH Association vs. Sous of Canada. June 2. Callics vs. Oreal War Veterans' Associalloii. June S. Son of Canada vs. Soils of England. June 10, Cullies vs. Son of Canada. June 13, Sons of England vt tlreat War Wlerans' Association lrs. Landers and child, wife or Ihe U.C.M. Police CouslabiV Landers stationed at White Pas, Y.'J'., was a passenger going Ihrough on Ihe Prince Hoyal Ibis morning curoiiln to Lilnnd on a prulongi'd visit. FOR SALE BEAUTY PARLOR. FOIl SALE Five roomed houe! Complete hi on.ecomi Avenue. HuildiiiK on Ooveruiucnl whnrf uned a ' a news -danid. Nine lo-Bon up,' skin and s lots, one l -acre lot at Icrrace. Prince tleorgc, loU 10 and II. block Ml; lots 10 and II, block 110; lots 2H and 'J0, block 117; let fl, bl.Hik 1SI. Apply A. U, Lilll. Sn.l Avenue. iS FOIl S.LU. -Sixteen rKni rooin- in house and store; all furnished. Full Jtlied has-menl with new hot air furnace. Price t'.SOO.OO. Terms arrange.!. I bis building 1 right in front of Ihe Dry Dock, 920 Ambrose Aeuue. If FOIl SALE. 25-10 h.n. Sterling cnslnc; Hosch ignilion; com-pleln to and including owup-ling, K75O.00 3C fool cruiser, 30 h.p. Jul overhauled. toilet, galley. I-00" M- Stephen. lf FOlt SALF-AI Terrace IM 1ft. consisliug of 10 acres, block 1711, one iritle and a half from station, church, store, post oftlrr hotel And school. Price lf0 twslir Apply A. C. Little. if FOIl SALE.- Ivory Wicker Habv Hnsrgy aud Ivory 'Qrih, twu-hole Florence lot'i-r with oven, fruit seslers. Wanted small wicker Ituggy. Phone Illue 012. (f I.OOOLNO OLTFIT for sale and gasboat 33 feet long in gtMMl condilion. Can be sien at the . Aeroplane Ark, Seal lUiu fl FOIl SALE. New and iise, Machinery, Moats and Engines. Northern Exchange. If ItESTAL'llANT for Sale or 'Lease Apply Itox 175 Daily News LOST LOST. - Ladies diamond ring of particular value to owner. 950 reward gladly paid. Ileturu to Daily News oftlce. if LOST, Hlack camera case on pipeline Sunday. Finder peae phone lied 01. Ill FOUND FOUND. An I.O.L'. Owner ear have same at Daily News olllce by proving ownership ami pay ing for Ibis advertisement. .f. INSURANCE. FRED H. STEPHENS Non-Hoard Insurance Nntional Hen Franklin. Second Floor, Federal Hlock. TAXI Taxi 87 Phons. (Call fleorgs or Oust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Dny or Nighl SI and; Qrotto Cigar Store, Third Ave. AUCTION SALES. 0 finds nought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINOS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery, Third Ave. Phone Illack 130 ind lied 112. Advertlae In Hie llsllv Nh. IW.'llllsW dif II TU-U.t m trim CATARRH of ik BLADDER ICtrli Cimut uirivi Parlor. Hublimg Hair-dressing. II II on in 0. Sli'pln leony llell ' ! 1 T Violet Hay. Pn .-. f.j MRS. LOVE. 1 MAIL SCHEDULE l! For the East-Monday, Wednesihys r.j frl days, clonevat 5, ,!) p.o. From the East-Mondays. Thuisday urday, 1.30 p.m. From Vancouvsr rfuudsyi p. 1 Welnexlay I Fridays AV. Si unlay-. U.P.IL May lt a 1 .: To Vancouver Tuesdnyii, .Moll coc st 1 ML Thursday Saturdays SuiMlaye CIML May Ii. ; 1. Al I To Anyox, Alice Arm Wetlnelnj , - H Siiih1h) From Anyox, Alice Arm luslu)s A I I U IXll S fc'V " To Port Slmpson-5 i' Sundays (7 P To Stewart and Premier Siimlay . ... )'.-,? Salunlays . ) From Stewart and Premiii Sundays Tuesday . From Port Slmnsoni- To Alaska Points- May 0. 10 and 10. From. Alaska Points May 2. I.i m d : To Qoeen Charlotte Ulsnd Po'"11 May 10 and .'I From Quesn CharloUe Pol"" MaV H aiid To Mass River Points snd Prt ' Simpson Thursdays - I" p' From Naas "liver Points Saturdays 2nd Ave. A 2nd St . a 3rl Ave. A Fullon 3rd Ave. A Oth St 1 ) 1 Box Collection Oraliam A AHin Aves 1 Ut Arc. A Eighth St ! Oth Ave. A Fulton SI. 7 f Hlh Ave. A Thompson SI' 1 ' 11th Ave. A: Sbcrbroollc Ave lllh Avp. A Conrad S( t 1 0 1 Ii Avp. A liny Cow Ave t,'K.i Olh Ave. A Hay Onc. Clrclo Mi Hlh Ave. A Col too SY 1 5lh Ave. A Mcltride S4. i M Pro. Oov. Ilhlgs . . ' Pro. Oov. Wharf . . e ft O.T.P. Wharf J ,:' PRINCE RUPERT TID Tuesday, May 13 High 8:55 U 21:11 t Low 2:15 a.m. i5:)0 p.m. A AX AH- IS 8. 8 8. 8.1 8.1' . ' 8. giii 9 9M 0.1! r 9. s 7 1 0.0 fl 179 rt. C i Wednesday, May 1'- f llfgh U:5H n.m, l"( 22:3 1 p.iu, I9-Low 3:rl tfhii. H . io;oi iSnii. 8's Thursday, May 15 High 0:5I a.m. 23:15 p.iu '"D Low 1:11 mo , J 10:55 p.m. fl