ECIALS 1 Pound Clover Linen Notepaper, EOc 2 Packages Envelope, 25c. 8peclal, for the lot ' 50 cents Tin it l ur iridlit (,f Notepaper. I Sailing Homo" 8x11100 sheets Writing Pad, 25c 1 Package Envelopes, 15c. Special, for the lot 25 cents If w .wuiil (in- i- .inr u)M)rliinity. May 8 to 17 is Congoleuni Week T i! i. u lc'lu-' s..nii F v lj' iMig id. hi Congoleum ll i fwy K s,j. - ' x I -only $17.25 Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality, enue. Phone 123 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant ii npnpped In hnndlu nit kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING Vc Iiai Hardwood, Fir ami Odar Roal Lumber. I'juii arc tir-il of KuImmiiiiic uihI Paper, try Fir Veneer Panelling. ' juii nr thinking of hiiilding a limine, we hove any liimher you require, aUo Hash, Poors (ilass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. Phono 383. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS Have ivivetl. Iff hard wearing inaloial a! niodenilr prices. EXTRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phone Green 85. Family Shoe Store $2-95 Women's New White Canvas Strap Pumps and Oxfords $3-40 Local and Personal i li.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41 Hayners, Undertakers. Pboue 351. if loothall louiulil. Aeroooli UHI. (i.W.V.A. v. Unllie. tJul Flowers I'M Mauls. Mr. McCarthy, the Florist, KiiiskJ hloek, if Wliiet lrlc and Hoeial even ing under lloyul Purple auspice In SI. ltKi Hall luniglil. . We ftfll Laminated .Materials aUo Fir Veneer. Consult us be fore liuyiiitf fini-tliiiiK for your house. Albert & McCalfery, Mil. tf Tli? trade ltr(ne bylaw wa 10 have roine uji for reeouidera lion at lal nlslit' council ineel. in Ittil II wa fotiiLoer for week on riiuiAi of llic city solicitor. Nolne of Hit? voluntary wind ma uji of the Prince Itupett ll"iif.iiijr .M. mid Hip uppoinl uii-iii ni t.yru ll. urine ai 1 il ii i tla i or 1 contained in Hit1 li.C. liaelle. A claim of,J76 from Joe Hrown llrijvvn roverine damage I" an ariloinohik on the cily Mreet in to ! uii'l. 'Hit council lal uiichl adopted a recoiiiiiniiilalioii from the lizard of Work to that effect. A lender from I be Priircw llq lerf Supply Co. offering to fur- iiili the city with a supply l I w.l le. it ut r ami waliirs fur $121 vu jnd at Ias( ni(flit' council merlin;; ami wan referred In I tie Hoard of Work wild power to act. The finance roiiiiiilllee recom mended in the cll rmincil la uiithi Dial dollar for dollar lie Kranled the Prince llupert Swim mniK I'luli up to 35 for the purpose of aifing in the im proineiii of I he Suit Lake. Tht' i-ev-outuindlion v adopted. Stalm? Hial hr prtiMM'd build in? thereon, ii. F. M.iCllonal hail a request before (he eily Council lnl night for permi loo to purrlia' tax h lol I and 2, llM!k 6, eclino t for MOO ami tlHf, re-iMjctivrly. The nuance coiuiotlice was Vl'eji lwr fo net ri..i mi. I the lot? vlll l adwrliel. i ".T" ' I he riiy cmineii, on jtcoiii- nfeiKlnlioii of the finauee coni-llttllee, ileeiileil lal llislll to I'll-ih?r!e Ihe appeal of the Ainpula- lioo AHsiM'ialioii of Canada for permanent homic to dNuMed (ililier. and war widows. The federal goveriimeiil will he mcmorialiml aeconitusly anil oilier orpaufiation will he aked lo :ic their i'mlnraliiu. W. ll. Smith, wjio win in the eleelrical huiiieMx at Slcwarl in the I '.'Id hooui day., Ik re tin iiiiit: iiiu-ih alter having re sided in Cleveland, Ohio, for !ccrai year. .Mr. .-miiiui wiiiii' m Sli'wuil aciuired slock in I lie old Salmon Hear llivcr, tilaeier Creek and loinwcll mines and lifter keeping U for several years while it was I'liusidered worlh- i ss. has made it clean. up. ANNOUNCEMENTS My to Club Playttrouml Coneerl W I'sllioline Theatre. Tunsday, May 20. - I Women of Moosehearl l.cciim Whist rio and Dance, May 2ft. r Im lit 'CLARK" AT&m Ll, ym, NO BONE NO WASTE Economical and delicious. "Canada Approved" on ivtry IM. Sold evtrywhtn. ( Clark's COOKED CORNED BEEF Health Restored by The Fruit Treatment Fourteen yeari ajo, Mr. Jmn S. Pelgaty, of Gilbert PUini, Man., wa a nervous wreck. His system was hattered by Nervous Prostration, and he was reduced in weight from 170 to 115 pounds. He wrote on May 15th. 1917, "Every medicine I tried proved use!es until a friend Induced me to take 'Kruit-a-tives.' I bran to mend at once. Alter uslnj this fruit medicine for three months, I wis back to normal. I haw never had such good health is I have enjoyed the past six years. We are never without a boxof'Fruit a-tives' in the house." Writing again' on September 27th, 1923. Mr. Delgaty says, "I stand by my letter to you in 19171 still tecolnmend 'Fruit -a-tives'." "Fruit-a-tives" i a complete fruit trratment being made of the juicts of fresh ripe fruits and tonics. 2Se. and 50c. a boi for $2.50 at druggists or sent postpaid by Fruit a-tivts Limited, Ottawa. W. I.awson, naliN''. charged in Ihe city police court, before Magistrate MrClytmint wilh a- raney, was lei Out on suspended neulenco. H. Mrliiald, assistant general haSTRaxe actnl for Canadian Na tional Hallways, Vancouver, nr rived in Ihe eily on last uighlV train and will be in the north for several days on departmental business The fire deparlmeut answerei a rail at 10.15 ,lhis morning lo the corner olslith Ave. Vasi urn lyOltou street. A small grass fire was found lo have been the cause of the alarm. It wn quickly extinguished without any ilaiiiHge Inking done. s.- Mrs. F. L. Ilronson. wife of F. K. Itroiison. American riiloin otiwer at w nitigeil, was a pas. senger passing through on the Prlnc?s lloyal this morning for Ihe soulli. This is Mrs. Ilron son's first trip out of Ihe norlh ern territory in 23 years. J. A. I.ind-aytof this eily has liern given the contract by the provinrhil ginernuieiil for the uauiutg oi sleel fur the new Skeenn ItiviT bridge from tin1 station at lerrare lo tlie lirnlge lie. About a month's work is involved in eouueelioii with Hie execution of IJie conlraet. - - -- llev. F. V. issiis-hennedy. stiperinleudeul if Anglican mis sions for Ihe Japanese in llritish t jiliiinhia, is in the north on liitsiiiuss and in booked lo sail for Vaneoiper on the -trainer Prince llMpert leaving here thursday-Oighl. Mrs. CassiHs- Kenueily is areouipaiiyiug him. A reijuest Trpm Ihe (iyro Club for permission to use Second Avenue beTwccn Sixth and Seventh Street on Friday evening of this week for Ihe purpose of staging children's sports was acceded lo hv Ihe eily council isl night, 'tlie club's program will be for Ihe purpose of advertising Hie playground campaign ami the concert to he held next l uesday evening. A eommnnicalion from the school hoard ukiutr that Ihe city engineer survey Ihe slle easl of llonlen SI reel school now pro posed lo he used for Ihe erection of a playshed wtis referred back lo Ihe hoard by the eily council last night. Co-opevuliou Is lobe offered Ihe board on Ihe mailer hut il is lo be pointed out thut uie coy engineer, not helng a li.C. laud surveyor, will uol he able lo guarantee such a survey Aid. Perry expressed Hie opin ion ni last night's council meeting I Ii tit Hie eily should put into elfecl a building bylaw which would prevent the hiillding of shucks indiscriminately within Hie fire llinils. Cily Solicitor Jones slated thai such ii bylaw was being drafted and would come before Ihe "council at an early dale. Certain details therein were now awalllng the allcit-Hon of Hie., eily engineer who Was- at mi 'tJUl out of theeilv 1 Conservative Association meet" Ing tonight, -Emad Hall at I p.m. Important. F.xcliarise or buy your lickeU for Hie (iyro concert next '1,'ues- lay at uvmcn Ltd. The Union freighter Chilli- wark, Capt. McFee, arrived in port from Vancouver last night and i unloading coal at the Prince Hupcrl Coal Co.'u dock today. I'lie power boal Chief Ziliassa, owned by f lie Canadian l'isli Sl Cold Morage Co., was taken up on I he pontoons at the local Iry dock this morning for clean- in? and painting. Mrs. Iluxler of Tacoma, who has been visiting in (he eily with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Mc- l.aclilan, left Tor .seallle cn-io ule to her home on the steatn- r Princess lloyal I6day. YflUH IIOSPITAI. NF.KIIS YOU. Lend your . encouragement by omiiig to the Hospital Tliurs lay. May 15, lo cclebrale Nation il llosuilal Pay, from 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock, llring a Friend. in J. W. Xicholls, comptroller ol Ihe Canadian Fish & Cold Stor age Co., accompanied by Mrs Nicholls ami child, left on the Princess lloyul today for the south. Mr. Nicholls will pro hably go as far east as Calgarj and Winnipeg on business ana Mrs. Nicholls will visit in Van eouver. ROSS BROTHERS BRANCH OUT Owners of 67 Taxi Service Open Cigar Store and Poolroom at New Headquarters Justified by their success in Ihe past years and by the confidence of the public, floss Brother arc showing their faith in the development and progress of the eily as well as in Ihe growth of their own business by opening up their own headquarters. Th have taken over the old Pastime Cigar Store, Just across Third Avenue from Ihe Empress Hotel ami will operate the cigar store and poolroom in addition to their taxi business. I'liey are grateful for the in creasing business given them by the public and invite their friend lo visit their new headquarters or when requiring reliable taxi service, to phone 07, nl your ser vice, day ami night. Ill Advt SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Ihe Canadian National Hail ways announce low Summer F.x-eursioii fares to Fustem Canada anil the United Stales effective May 22nd. also lo Jasper National Park, hdmoiilou. Calgary, on sale May lit. Choice of routes slop overs. Make a (rip around the r . .... ... i os in-.vugie tour in one direction through Vanctuver Full information, Cily Ticket of fice. 528, Third Ave, Prince llu- nerl. Phone 200. OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS If Hook now for Old Country. Passports secured mid tickets is- ue.l via While Star, Cunard .Mieiior-liouablsoii lines. The (.auadiau National llailvvuvs make direct ami convenient connections with steamers of these lines. Full infomialion at City Ticket Ollice. 528 Third Avenue, I'rlnce Hupcrl, H.C. Phone "200. WRKLEV5 JlJUr every meal A pleasant and agreeable aweel and a laa.tln-o benefit aa well. Good lor leetta. breath and digestion. Makes Ihe next cigar laste better. m m m MBBaaaaaaanBaaaaaaaai R24 VaflBnaanHalHH OGDEN Is) CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN - l. ALWAYS THE SAME f7 wn $ OGDEN 'S LIVERPOOL For every occasion A BOX OF Purely' s Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome Delight in a Heaiitiful Hox. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince Giorge Will sail Trout PRINCE RUPERT Tur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Thursday and Sunday; ul 1 1,00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN Tor VANCOUVER via Queen Charlotte Mauds May KHh, 21 Hi. PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Lfe Prince Rurwrt S.4t p.m. for I'HI.MX CEonGE. EDMO.tto.n. wn Nll'tU. sll pot d is Eialrrn Ctnsdt. l'iiipt states. AOtNCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cilr TlH Offles, BZt Thlr A,., Prints Rwpsrt. Phen. JSC. MHanannW CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria. and Seattle, May 2, 13, 23 For KeUhlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, May 9, 19, 30 8.3. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Buttdalo, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-souver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from1 W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sttlints From rnncs Rnpm, ft VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Octa nils, .n Swtnion Ksy. Tussdss. B PM. ft VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA, Alsrt Bar, AM Bay, Saturday Nmh. Par ANYOX. ALIOS ARM, STEWART, Walaa Island. Sunday S P.M. far FORT SIMPSON and Niaa Rlr Oannarlaa, rrlday A.M. til inrt AHDua. t. Baraslay. A(ant. prloca Huprl. S.C 3 T