I Prince Rupert Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone 671 la r Huii.a.i.tt rr"" ArehipelU,, io the main I A yclenlsy lo pay a ,f J(1ianf amicipalcl. , Siriuidiii'Uier'. vld hoiiie II miiuIiuiii Palaee and re- w.'teiuiie Imly Yielrian t tutor. MallMloin- of bril-1 1. mfiit iiioI lro,, I Imii.N lined Hie route ViHorin MhIioii lo 4lie ' 1 iiilrixhicUonv ul the Kiiik 1'enlinhiid and Mane wild lo Whtlelinll Iir laid a withIIi m lite Hpli. Toniormw they will lie Uuil.lliall ami receive -eedinii of Hie eily. Tliclr mU wdl be erowdel with TiTpuoiii and dhmern. PREMIER TAKES BIG MISSOURI Vancouver Has Rumor to That Effect Said Will Operate Property V.S:(ii VLlTMay la. II i . d here thai the Uusiicii-licim iUiere-lK. which control Ihe I'1 :n r mine, hae absorbed the It M miri. de eloped b A. H. T r and the H.:. Silver, ad-:K Ihe Premier of the norlh- Tlie Hi .Mioiiri if owned by. Iii: l.iiuleborK. Andy t.iinleborg. I'r nuiriml uinl the SUumi' mtalo uinl wn under bond to Trite''. W hm ami Wiboiii. The Premier 3 nil In have taken mcr nm-' rid for opriallon at leant. Tint I'rrniM.r l.n. nlreftily had nn inlerenl In Ihe II.C. biUer to-Kflher win, 1U Selukwe thdd f.o. id llin lland, LLOYD GEORGE VERY PLEASED 1 M. Rtsult of French Election. He 8avs, Will Conduoe toward Pacification of World l.ONH'ON. Mav 13. In the '"Ui-M" of u political M'etH'h lal "laid. Kx.premicr Havl.l I.luyd (ieoiKP nlluited lo the reixilt ot French eleellon a a yieni Idbernl Melnry. 'I he event, he deelaird, wan one of great nlgni "tiinee and deen mumeiil am "e that he 'believed Would con duco toward the much needed ?.iiu lp)i of the world. offer no difficulty. rioully. liulo.r.liiiot aifil IndU mid on Ihe croo.luir of Ihe Norlh AUiinUr imii bv way of Iceland ICreenlaild. Leave North America Hie hop tomorrow will mark Ihe reachillK of a new enntiiieut by Hie l iiite.1 Slate, flyer-. AIM! Maud Ii. a part of :orlli America 11 ml Hie Kurlle an' in Aia. Ihe i..ir.i .ii..mil ilatr line will nli I... rn...nl ill llii fllslil and II ..ill !.. 'i-.liio(lay when Hit fler leave bid Tlmrxday whfii llirv arrive. Since iirrivim: ul Aim I'lann. Ihe fer have teen bo-y I're- arms their maehine for lb next jlreniiou fliKht which will very likely lake mpie twelve or more houri.. Throtish radio a cihmI coiiimuiiloalion a possible have been .Hlaldllied ami me roiile will be covered u well an puible by -hip to keep in (ouch with the plane and render any a!llaiiec thai may he ierearv. The weallier mn Pci ic more -cltled and neein nuidriou for Hie mhm-ciui of the hop. ivin i viiia 'out PAIIIS. May I3 I.ieiit. I !.. alleiiipirriK a fliKht from Prance lo Japan. reMirl hi saTe arri-al at Saigon, (Tochiu. I'.hinn. front Pnpkok. Siani. on Sunday MANITOBA GRAIN ACT MODIFIED BY COURT That Section Providing Fop Tax ation on Future Deliveries Declared Ultra Vires OTTAWA, May 13.- The Xu- . 1 ..r I a . I is alas . She ulamU hould I lie nexi hirjf on whieli. 'Iliere may ue l.l will lie in Ihe Ironic of amli . . . . r 1. I .... 1 el a red lhal pornon 01 mi; ..mi,.- Inliu drain Ad which pacu uie lenlslalurc " im" NS1UC" nioviile for liive on Krain nold r..r rut ure delivery ultra vlre aroused Ihe opposition .of Sa kalrhewun and Ainerin. ine ue i-jsliiii of the court wa unaiii inoiin. GERMAN STEAMER RE-FLOATS LONDON. My 13. 1 n oer-, sleamer Scldenvvig-llolnleln. Iiound from On-many to Mexico, which grounded on the Ooudwin sand Ui H'g on Holiday night, wa lefloaled this .afternoon ami pro. i:i'ded . I-' 1 1 f 1 1 1fit lull llMti Th fliKht frwpi I'sra-' brought about, a bleak in LONDON. May 13. At a meel- inu of Ihe Association Foollall Leaitue at. Manchester, Ihe New calle Untied club, winner of the F.ugllsh Cup final, was Iinea ri.'.n for olavinit a weak team Imfore Ihe final match. -nrtni Trunc of more I ban fifty point- tin niot dralic decline fdrire French cur- nMicy collaped in Mairh. The rale dipped lo five and a half rent. The par value of the franc i IO eenli". ' POINCARE TO QUIT JUNE 4 French Premier Considers Election Result Repudiation of His Government PAniS, Way 13. Premier Polncare and his recently reorganized ministry will step down from power on June 4, the earliest possible date under the law. The premier considers the result of the election on Sunday, at which the Opposition oalned control, a repudiation of his government. ENGLISH SOCCER CLUB IS FINED Newcastle Unltod Assessed C750 for Fielding Weak Team Prior to Cup Final On April '.'1 Nevvcasllc pul Into Ihe field against Anion MUa only two mi'iiibei of il regular team 1, ml wns defeated nix lo nil. The It Jul lowing Saturday, Newcastle de feated Anion Villa In Ihe cup final by two lo nil. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League lliooklyn 7, Chicago 3. Philadelphia I, Cincinnati New York 3, SI. Loiil 5. Honlou-I'lllnburg, rain. American League All fame- postuunii(L.ra:-i. I. The Latest In Restaurant. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Party Use. Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British .Columbia's Newspaper Mil XIV., NO. 113 "v,- PIIINCK HUPF.RT, ltd, Tl KSDAY, MAY la, IdSt. YMUrdty'f Circulation 1S4S strttt sim sat PRICE FIVE CENTS. V, fir BRITISH AVIATORS UNDER WAY ONCE MORE BEING PLANNED TO HAVE D.S. FLIGHT COMMANDER LEAD SQUADRON HOME Stuart M'Laren in Air' Again After Delay and Yanks to Fly Tomorrow IIO.MHAY. May :. Iluving iccived ii new motor fnini II g l. d uinl installed il in In mai-hiue. Stuart .Marl.aren. Ihe Hi sfi round-the-world aviator, arrived naD-ly at Numi ubad from p .) today, resuming Is a flight f lr a May of over Iwu weeks. (;OlllH)VA. Muy :. The American army round-lhc-world $ rrtijnem ltolnii, Chicago and Xw Orleans in rummmid vf l.irtiL l.owell Smith. Lieut. Iigh Wade ami Lieut. Krik Xel-!Ki Willi Ihe first-mentioned an fliglil commander, intend to Is ;i i ff Wednesday from Chiragoff Harbor, Attn Island, for munhiri Island. KiinleArrliijlago. Jain. QUEEN MARIE IN ENGLAND MHI.r nmr ii I ln will lc tli longest aim li).. l l mmou flight of (lie niirr cruise around tin globe and will (pol Hi? endurance ami kill of Ihe aviator lo Hit' utmost. Kr lniijrn they will l out of ki-IiI nf IhimI and will be guided entirely by compass. It i one of Mrolne Queen of Rumania Pay n,,. frw ,p. of Oir flight in dim In) SUle Visit at Her ure of which Uii.l will not bej Grandmother's Old nearby and, if it U executed sue-J Home jre.nfully. Ihe chance of tlirj ' American in circumnavigating GREAT RECEPTION lh(. vUA)r ,,,, Rry in. ......... ... .....rrwu.nl Tins ii not u farmer's properly, l.ul it i a f inner s job. Photograph how dicing operation going on for spring seeding on the back campus of the Umversily uf Turontu 4t44eie, e 44444! ; DRASTIC DECLINE VALUE OF FRANC XFAV YOllK, May 13. Thr oulrfm.' of t Ii e Order-in-Council Passed at Ottawa Respecting Disposal of Halibut Culled by Buyers L 'ItUiuliliuWanU, other dejep-noufisb, Hl,-1li.J,5,,l,Ml" the port of Prince miperi rooaie inrrr ami im oic .. fliu i...t.i- 11 l.iMiisr 1 1 11 s 11 iLible u lo -izf or iiuality and that arc I ........a I. .1. 'tilt Il fll any purpose, bo sold only with the knowedge and loiienl or the owimt." ...... , . Jnrli i the rutin or an onler-iii-coiiin d that ha jn-l been paM7l at Ottawa, arroniiiig to amioiimemeiit made by Fred Stork. M.P. for Skeena. Tlic onler liarf bfeii paMil in rrder to reiiio. a cuie of com- pmpb.yed on the waterfront hae olainl by fioheniien with re spec I been uppuinleii as nupeuors lo Hie cuIIIhk of fih. The three eusloim Mere, is the method used Tor baking and perfecting jour radio tubes. They are placed 011 a revolving drum that operates about a healed oven. The base of the tube is filled with glue, then all is in readiness for Ihe heating. Fred Dorey, Sam Fry, William Murphy ofHyder Burned to Death lo . - ... 11 1 . Nee 1 1 1 a 1 ine oroer-iii-eouiicii is officer enforced. in Midnight Blaze While Asleep STKWAUT, May til. Fred Dorey, Sum Fry and William Murphv, all business men of llydor, were burned to death in Murphy's cubiu 011 his mining claim in Ihe 1 hiiiub Lreek district twelve miles out or here 011 wennesuay nigii. The firo evidently started when the men were asleep and was vanned, it in assumed, by an overheated Move. The remains of Hie victims' were not found until Sunday morning when the prolonged absence of the men ratiM-u a search to lie insuiuieu. Stewart. He wan engaged in the. Iraimfcr business. During the war he wa a lieutenant In the air service. Sum Fry was a pnrlner of Dorey's in the transfer business and was well known to all in llydcr. . William Murphy was well known as a iroiectur. Several years ago he sold mime claims in the Hyder region to John llonan, Former Governor Thomas lllggs Jr . an J at-soelajes DELEGATES AT GENERAL A general meeling of llio Prince Huperl 'Liberal Association will be held on Friday even, log of thin week in the Melropole Hall lo select delegates for llio forthcoiuiug parly convention on May 23 at which a candidate will be nominated lo 'contest Prince Uupert riding in the Libera! iMrostv Major Martin Ordered to Washington; to be Sent to Europe Later. UlXLIMillAM, May lit. Acting on instructions to gie up" the flight and return home. Major Frederick l- Martin sailed front Port Muller last night at midnight for Dcllinghunt. lie and .Staff Sergeant Alvu I.. Harvey are coming hoiith on the Pacific Fisheries cannery lender, Catherine I). 11 WASHINGTON, IJ.12, May i:i, Major Martin and Sergeant Harvey have been ordered direct to Washington from Port Muller and will be assigned to the air service headquarter tern- porarily but their names will be kept on the list of glube flyer in compliment and in recogni-j ; (ion of the hardship valienlly en-III AMTADIA .lured in a..emp.In? to led tl,eflUKI U1N 1 AK1U squadron. Ihe other three plane will proceed around Ihe world with Lieut. Lowell II. Smith act- in? a commander. It i Ihe intention to send Martin and Har vey aero the Atlantic in time to meet Hie ?hdie circler and Irad them home from P.urope, lliu givin? the commander Hi post uf honor which he lost through hard luck. Mrs. Martin Rejoices SAX DIKKO, May dlejoic- liia.ovcr,tbeafcly.of,Leriiu,r band, Mr. rTrtlenck u .Martin said yestenlay: "I am pdnjr to FISH ARRIVALS Sixteen Schooners Marketed 193,100 Pounds or Halibut at Exchange this Mornlnq Halibut suit's on Ihe Fish P.x- cliangc were again heavy this morning when nine American and seven liauadian schooners marketed, a total catch uf 1113,- 100 pound this bviiifj 3i,3U0 pound in exce of yesterday'. lolal (if lo-day'n total the American lauded 103.01)0 pound and Ihe Canadians 30,- I0U pound, price for American fish remained about tin same as those prevailing yester day while the Canadians, received approximately a cent more for first class fish. In addiliou to 'halibut 5,800 pounds of red King salmon was marketed at I tc and 15c. The arrival were: American . Prosperity. 13,000 pounds, at 10.0c and 5c; and Atlas, 32,000 pounds, at 10-i'c and 5c. to the Pacific Fisheries. llaii)ier, 38.000 pounds, at in.lc and 5c for Ketchikan delivery; Sirius, 11,000 pound at 11.7c and 5c; and Valorous, 9,- 000 pounds, at t-'c and 5c. to the Allin Fisheries, Daly, '.'2,000 pounds, at t0.5c and 5c. lo Hie Hoyal Fish Co, National, 21,000 pounds, at Kl.Gc and So lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Hi (J1I. 10,000 pounds, 4at It, Do and 5c; and Hravo, 4.000 pound at 1 1. Co and 5c. to the a ,rr iiiiniest was held and the verdict was that the deaths, Booth lisherien, (.anadian U), ........ ni.i.tiii.iiinl. v 1 . - Canadian rwl ,,:,r:.?' ..ui LIBERALS TO APPOINT oniv a .Mioii nine ii"". lllngleader, 7,000 pounds, at 10. lo and 5o; Mayflower, 1,000 pounds, at lO.tic and 5c; Tramp, 1 nun iiomiii i.l to Mn iiiul r MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT,. -ui t.Voo pounds at to.3o and 5c; Victoria, 1,200 pounds MEN ARRESTED Well Known Financiers Arc Charged with Conspiracy to Defraud Public TOHONTO. May 13. Aemilius Jarvi. Sr., bond dealer and in ternationally known capitalist; AemeliU'3arVin, Jr., hi nun and IlicM jna it age r u f 1 herJirmH I ' t'epall, who wenr arrested laic yesterday, were charged in the ask Fred to make Ihe greatest poiice courl j,ere lMit lorninsr sacrifice he ever made in hi life. 1, con-piracy lo defraud of 1 wain nun 10 promise me will never fly again." "e jOntario government. They were remanded until May 21.' The charge against Ihe men i thai Ihey unlawfully conspired logelher wilh A. P?pall, Peler Sniilli and other person unknown by fraudulent methoil lo defraud Ihe publTb in Ihe pro- c luce 01 Unlario liy manipulating s market prices, ,ucceion duties jf and free bonds of the jirovince 5 contrary Id the criminal cod.", a Peler Sinilli, former provincial Z treasurer, i already under ar-a rest. 5 RESERVE BANK j IS PROPOSED In Commons Banklnn and Com-, merce Committee by Inde- 1 pendent Member for Calgary tirtAWA, May 13. The e" lublinhmenl of a central or reserve bank was proponed at the banking and commerce commit tee of the House of Commons' this morning by J. T. Shaw, Its dependent member for Calgary. Ileforo this subject came up?' four witnesses on United Stales method of banking inspection were mentioned as likely to bo called lo give evidence. Mr. Shaw argued that the federal re serve batik in (ho United Stales had protected depositors and stated lhal several Canadian banker ha already expressed Ihe view that the formation ot such a reserve bank in Canada, would" only be a matter of time. SDN-TAT SEN IS VERY ILL red King salmon at tl.Go to the Reports of his Death from Brain Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. 1 Marguerile, 0,000 pounds, at 10.7c and 5o; Minnie V. 1,000 pounds at 10.3c and 5c; Taplnw, 1,600 red King salmon at 15. Ic and 000 pounds of halibut at too and 5c. to tlnj Atlln Fever are Contradicted, However HONG KON'fl, May 13. Hun Yat Hen, president of the soulh-crn government of Clilnli, in scr lounly, H( Willi brain fever but there' jn iio indication that re-pori ' bt ht dyutliiare com-ct