PAHE BIX. Qfffclren's Faith fn fem-Buk and her own knowledge of its great healing efficacy, cause Nurse to carry a box of this valuable herbal balm about with her wherever she goes. Zam-Buk provides Nurse with an instant soothing first aid for cuts, bruises, burns, or scalds, and a remedy that can always be depended upon to swiftly eradicate eczema, ringworm, blood-poison, ulceration or other troublesome skin or scalp disease. Never experiment with doubtful ointments compoun ded from animal fats and zinc, mercury, or other poisonous minerals. Zam-Buk, scientifically prepared from rare herbal extracts and vegetable oils, is Nature's own healer. mm iron ZanuHnk i htii4tble mil 4ntggi$tt mnd dtaltrn mi .Ocr kttt it t vttf$ Pys tm kt m bom kmnJr ih k Fresh White SALMON Arriving Dally. Slfroil, or in small uanli-ties, per lb. 12k 3 lb. lots or over, In the piece, per lb 10c Also Fresh Red Spring Salmon or Halibut at Market Prices. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones: 210, 211, 212 Spring Coats We huve only four left which we will dispose of ul bargain prices. Dresses A shipment nf It a 1 1 no and Kujilisli Ilroaih-loth Dresses just to hand, Prices from $8.00 "DEMERS" Phone 327. P.O. Box 327. Sterling' Furnace COAL Oallvarad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Tld l a very superior furrine ruat. It Hives a clean hot fire ami Is entirely rree from soot, clinkers, slack and dirt. Some of the Unreal heallnr plants In the city are now uslnr It with entirely satisfactory results, STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks, At $12.50 per ton. W'e are also AirnU for the Famous LADY8MITH-WELLINQT0N and TELKWA COALS. Prince llupert Coal Co. Main Offlcai Hotel Osntral. Phoae IS TIMBER SALE X618S. Sealed Tenders Mill lie received liv tlm lilslrkt Jun-ster, not liter tliau uuuu on the 16IU day or May, lt. for I tie purchase or Licence XSltlg, between rorchcr 't-nituuia ana uura lamia, c.n. I, to cut X7.UUU niK'ai irei or ueuar roles, one (I) year will b allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of tuo Chief Fores ter. Victoria, or tUc llulct f'urealer, iTinrp nupen, u.i. TIMBER SALE X 5695. Sealed Tender will be received by Hie Mlulter or Lands, at Victoria, not later than noun on the tiurt day of May, IVill. for the purchase of Licence X SOUS, tu rut 9U,ouu lineal reel of Cedar roles and l-llluc ou tart or Lot Jul. about 3U miles A.K. or Itcmo Station. Nature t. Coast Land District. Two ) year will be allowed for re- UHival of timber. Further particulars of the Cider fores ter. Victoria. B.C. or District Forester. ITlm-y HuiHTt. .;. TIMBER SALE X8060. sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon ou the Xud day of May. mil, for the purchase of Urrucc X CU60, to rut Sr.7SO.OuO feel or Hemlock, Cedar, Spruce and llalsam, and tl.UUU lineal feet of (dr Poles and I'ltiuir. on part of Lot I7U8, near. Aniebury, CVIt.. llanre I, Coat Land District. Four M years will lie allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of tlie Chirr Fores ter, Vlrinrla. B.C., or District Forester, Prince llupert, B.:. TIMBER SALE X6145. Scaled Tenders will be rd by trie District Forester, not later than imhi on tlie 13th day f May. for the pur chase of Licence XC1IS. silver Creek, A tidies north of Prince lltiiert. l'i cut 43.- ooo r.lun. or spruce, iirmiocii aim uai-sam sawlotrs. Two (i years will be allowed for removal of timber. f urther particulars of the Liner Fores ter. Victoria, or Uie District Forester. 'rlnce nupen. H.c. TIMBER SALE X6107. There will be offered for sale at public Auction, at noon ou the find day or May, Itift. In the orrice or the supervlMir at Stulthers, B.C., the Llrenre X M07. to rut 101.000 lineal reel or cctmr roies ana rii. I nr. on an area situated near skeeua CniM.lna', on the line or the Canadian .National Hallways, Casslar Uud District. Two () years will be anowed for removal of timber. Further particulars or me cnier fores ter. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 61S7. Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester, not later than noon on the 9(ilh dar of Mar. tail, for the Mir chase of Licence X6l7. near Ultiaull Itlver. head-r Alice Arm. castar. m rut 1L0.000 fii.m. of Spruce. Ilrmloclc liaisirn aim coiionwcHK Mi"F'. Two (i years win he allowed ror re-ipnval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief forester Victoria. BO. or District Focester, Prince Rupert. B.C. Special! This is SOAP WEEK Soap will keep, buy now. While Wonder Soap, 15 for $1.00 Itoyal Crown Soap, 5 boxes Tor S1.15 Itoyal Crown Cleanser, 1 1 cans for $1.00 Sunlight Soap, 5 boxes for $1.15 Plantiil Soap. II for. $1.00 Lux, 'J pkgj. for .... $1.00 Itiiiso, II pkgs. ror .. $1.00 Cold Dust, :i pkgs, Tor $1.00 l'earlliie. 3 pkirs. ror $1.00 Dou'l mis-s this bargain All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. ECONOMY STORE Phone M. 417 Fifth Ave. East. WHY? Go Without Jelly Powders. Our price per dozen, 90c. Pcuehes, loganberries, Crabapple uml Pineapple Special, per tin 25c SOME BARGAIN 1 Jar Honey, I lbs., uud 1 tin Strawberry Jum. I lb., value 2.00, for $1.50 Fresh lltiubarh, per lb. .. 5o Sailed Pig' Jowls, 3 lb. for 50c Our usual rock bottom price on Fresh Meat. FARMERS' MARKET Three Days Special on all Coats BENT'S Third Avenue. Opp. Bank of Montreal. DEVIL'S BIBLE PHOTOGRAPHED Has Full Page Picture of His Satanic Majesty with Cloven Hoofs and Horns STOCKHOLM, .May IS. One or Hie' most remarkable hooks in I lie world, called the "Devil's llildc" and also the "slant uf hooks," ha just been brought out of Us hiding (dace in the Hoyal Library uf Slock holm, following a re 1 1 lie l for a photostat copy from the city of Prague, where il was captured al the Swedish coiuiucrl in 1 0 18. II was written K00 years ao, and legend says that it was com pitted during a .single night by a monk wlni was doomed lo die. lie had lo hue assistance from the devil, however, and in gratitude made a full page portrait ol him, horns, cloven hoofs, and all. which lias ever since remained in (he Mililc. The book is probably I he I liible in Hie world, the pages being a yard high by a fotd and a half wide. It is writ ten on yoil parchment .sheets, for which, according lo tradition. lull donkey hides were reiuired. The lettering is beautifully il luminated in gold and bright; colors. WOMAN TATTOOED TO SHOW SHE WAS HIS I'tlllT KDWAIID, X.Y.. May S. Descried by Floyd Pellilier. aflei' he bad fa Mooed her loshow lliat "she was his for life." Mrs. Hazel Miner Harris, eighteen years obi, was arrested recently by the police who, sought Pelli lier for the burglary or a local store. Mrs. Harris told the police thai one day, when he had pro-ressed his deep love for her, Pellilier lushed her to a (ree, tat tooed ins initials upon Her cheek and lallooed arrow on tier fnreliead and noe. She saitl there was no need lo tie her. for She would have submitted lo the tattooing lo prove she "intended jvipsisof. land act amendments PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreaerved. aurvcyrd Crown lands mar pre-empted b British ubjecla over II yean of ace. and kjr alltna on dtclaxlns Intention to become Brltlah eubjecta. conditional ypon retidence, occupation, and Improvement for agricultural purpoaee. , Full Information concernlnc regulation regarding pre-emption la riven In Bulletin No. 1. Land Berle. "How to Pre-empt Iand." coplea of ahtch can be obtained free of charge by adireaalng the Department of Land. Victoria, B.C, or to any Gov. trnmont Agent. Record a will be granted covering only land aultable for agricultural purpoaea. and which If not timber-land. I.e. carrying over 1.000 board feet par acre weat of the Coaat Rang and 1.000 feet per acre eaat of that Rang. Application 'for pre-emption are to be addreaaed to the Land Com-mtuloner of the Land Recording Dl vlalon. In which th land applied for ta altuated. and are mau on prlntfi forma, coplea of which can be obtained from th Land Commlealoner. Pre-emptlona muat be occupied for fir year and Improvement made to value of 10 per acre, including clearing and cultivating at leaat Ave acrea, before a Crown Grant can be received. Tor more detailed Information ee the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE AppllcaUona are received for pur-chaa of vacant and unreeerved Crown landa, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purpoaea; minimum price of flrat-olat (arable) land la S per acre, and eeeond-claaa (grating) land 12.10 per acre, further information regarding purcha or leaae of Crown landa la given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Eerie. -Purchaa and Leaa of Crown Land." Mill, factory, or Industrial altea on limber land, not exceeding 40 acre, may be purchaaed or leaaed. the con-dltlon Including payment of turn pa-. HOMESITE LIASES Uneurveyed ara. not ticeedlng 10 acrea, may be leaaed a homeelt. conditional upon a dwelling betne erected In th first year, title being obtainable after realdenca and Improvement condition are fulfilled and land haa been aurveyed. LEASES For grazing and Industrial purposes area not eiceedlng 610 acres may be leaaed by on person er a company, GRAZING Under the Orating Act th Prr. Inc I divided Into grating district and th rang admlnlatered under 4 Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued baaed on number ranged, priority being given o established owner. Btock-ownera may form aaaoctatlona for range management Free, or partially free, permit are available fer settlers ampere and traveller, up to te head, TnR DAILT N&yVb, " Ma 19.! Optician and Optometrist After one month of careful conscientious eye testing, our patrons are advising their friends to come to us for glasses. Ilils Is conclusive evidence thai our glasses are giving entire satisfaction. Mr. Ireland lias made the eye a long uud careful study, and has Ihe knowledge, skill 'uud experience If fit any eye thai glasses will help, and iit case you do not need glasses, can gie you valuable advice. 'i are gelling the optical business by deserving it by giving superior optical service. "A slitelt in time saws nine" lias un more filling application (ban in Ihe case of Ihe eye. REMEMBER, YOU RUN NO RISK HERE. Satisfaction Is positively assured Max Heiibroner Jeweller and Diamond Specialist Note We can duplicate lens or repair any frame. lo be his for life." yitc was arrested in Pellihei's Iciil on the bank of the bur-e canal. LARGE INCREASE IN GRAIN SHIPPING WIX.MPWi. May 1?. i rain loadings aloiiK Canadian Nutional lines arc still increasing, figures Tor Ihe week endiiii: May H show-iiiK a Kaiii oT 885 cars over the tame week of last year, while the total loadings since Septenuber 1 amount to approximately 3U,- UOO.OOd bushels mine tham for the same period of the preiiotis season. J in ri it k the week mentioned, Saskatchewan marketed I' bushels and loaded 1.700,000 at points alou? Ihe Canadian. National llailway while Alberta marketed 275.0(10 bushels and Inadeil t70K,000' bushels . Arrivals at Vancouver number 13,o;j3 car up lo May 7. bcinu; more than three limes Ihe number or cars nf Ihe period previous crop liipped over National lines to the Pacific coast outlet. ENGLSH NEWSPAPERS ON FRENCH ELECTION Surprise Is Expressed at Outcome but II Is not Attributed to Ruhr Policy LONDON. May ; London papers loday expressed 'general surprise ou-r the French election result. II Is mostly attributed lo ilo'mcslir cmidillons, Ihe fall or Ihe franc, hixh cost or liviiii; and increased luxation ralher than lo Poineare's Iliihr policy. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Ilt'l.l. IIAItllOll. t:iear; calm; barometer 2t.7H; Icinperalure, V .mi il,. . j. I I, tt tO I. Ill wflllLlI ci r riiif - ' steamer Prince (ieorKc olf l-'ojr Itoeks southbound; H p.m. spnkn steamer Daniel Kern olf Idol Point northbound. DKAD THICK POINT. Clear; calm; barometer 2!. H0; lemper-' alure 50; sea smooth. DK1IIY ISLAND. Clear; culm; banuneler ;j(l.lo; leiiiperalurc, H: sea smooth. ' Noon 1ILT.I. IIAHMOIt. Clear; calm; bariiiitetcr, '.'y.KH; temperature, (JK; sea smooth. DKAD THKK POINT. V.lear; calm; barometer 1M!H8; Icinpera lure CiO; sea smooth, DKiMY ISLAND. CU'Hr; culm; barouieler 30.0(1; lempeialure, OU; sea smooth. Dr. Martel'i Female Pills Rafe assisted nature thoaiaads eases last half eenturr. eorrecUnar cause. bulWlf.r ,P, atreorthenlnr orrena. rlin DtLAYEIl. 4 PAINflJL MtHSTRUATlON, NEK-VOUSNESS. BACKACHE, DIZZINESS, eta, nodsntf.rou. drucs. 8uld enlr In Buled Hlnfe-Cover Tl N BOX with our sla-nature. Druf cists efwhere. or direct br mall. Hal ff aee It 00 leVkerUctw C... 71 I. rreat ft. TeroeU.Caa. CrtslaraulUdse rseeert. 1 Cash and Carry for Wednesday and Thursday MEN'S and BOYS' DEPT. Men's Police Suspenders, Special 45c Pair Heavy Kliislic Webblua with solid Leather ends. Tin is yourJ)pporluuily tu et ' pairs fr the price o'f one. Brookfield Eggs In citrtoits. HeK. 10c flsewliere. Special, 35c dox. 3 dot. 95c Shamrock Pura Lard, 5 lb. Palls 75c Men's Bathing Suits Pure wool. Hcjl. t.MO value. Special $2.95 Sies :i l It. iii attractive combination eolors. 6 Doz. Only, Men's Paris Darters Wide weave, strong elastic. No rnelal, touches you. Special 45c Pair erected by Ihe Zoolonical Society for llieir gardens in llcirents, Park. 'I he buiblinu contains yoo litiiks and shows nearly everv kind or liviioi rish. The tanks uie rilled wilh water brouuhl from Ihe Itay or lliscay, which with scieuliric aeration and fil- leriiiK will last for years. LEADS IN WHALING CUIUS TIANIA. May 10. Nor way is now Hie icmiiiiir country in the world as regards Ihe whal-lnr Irade, wilh :to companies cm-ployliur 1.000 workers. Arcord-iiik- lo the latest report Hie wha-lnir Imlii'ttry ilnrins- Ihe last season yiebbsl products valued at 70,000,00(1' -crown. t' slennier 1'rincess Itoyal. Oapl. Salnley, arrived in purl al y.;j5 this muriiiiiK from Kelchi. kail, Jiiiieau, Wrauvell and Skiur-way and left purl iiKaiit al noon en route In Vancouver ami fnlerinediale points. (SeorKC A. Olothier, i-esidenl illinium eiuineer, was a paven- Ker nil the uleumer Prince John yettleiday ror Massett on a d. parlineiital lour of inspection 011 'die (Jucy Our'iiilH I - ;t iN QttaOaOlSilc WedlieS(lay kjpCClCllO and Thursday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (NO DELIVERIES). (NO TELEPHONE ORDERS) Until Further Notice this Stora will Open at 8.30 a.m. and Close al 5.30 p.m. daily. GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING SPECIAL SALES. There appears lo be a misunderstanding regarding our sales. Il would appjar thai a few people felt that they wer obligated to buy other things In order to secure tho groceries advertised. This Is not so! The only string attached Is that of Cash and Carry. You may buy any article advertised but wo cannol charge same nor deliver. NEW ARRIVALS Satlnette Knickers and Princess Slips. Lace Jabots and No,, elty Neckwear or all descriptions. We bring you Fashion's Newesl Ideas at prices with. In the range of your pockelbook. LADIES' DEPT. 24 Only, Bungalow Aprons, at 85c In ('liaiubnt)s. Punts ami (illihllllis. ImiiiiiiI III i-iill-IrastiuV shades and priced for quirk selllnf. Robin Hood Rolled Oats lubes, speelul 20o Snap Hand Cleaner 2 for 35c Classic Cleanser 2 for 15c Children's Cotton Hose, 3 Pairs foe 95c lit lllaek and White. Sues i lo 1H. Fast Dye and Stainless, lie on hand early Wednesday iiioriiiny, as our stork j limited, and lln special will cb'811 up early. SHOE DEPT. 25 Palra Women's Bron Kid Evening Slippers Louis Iteid V j. Mir .1)! S J. Here is n lo ; i etui I" pc',d uii ;j, ; v business. He? SI ' Special $6.75 100 Tins Only of Llbbj'i Asparagus Soup Special 5c Tin Buckeye Yellow Corn Mtil ."i lb Sa Special, 25c each I. mill '.' ( est. ,i Lu Washing Powder. 10c Package Ltmil A ikic i l-oiter. 30 Pairs Women's Stack Suede Evening Slippers, I.iiilN lri-l IV li-rn Sues . J 1 1 .00 value Special $7.75 The Universal Trading Co. Watch this space Thursday for change of AdvL NAME OF WINNER OF GRAND PRIZE TO BE BROADCASTED MAY 24; II ts t lie intention, if possible, or Htm. Charles Stewart, minis- i ter of Ihe interior, lo broadcast j from Ottawa ou May -M Ihci name uf the winner of Ihe fcrand prize in the federal froveriiincnt's recent forestry protection essay compeliliou. BIO AQUARIUM LONDON, May 10. new dollar aiiuarium Ita been WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 Norma Talmadge "THE ETERNAL FLAME" One or her nitil notable i iuilnbiilioiis o the ,rt "i 1 screen. An .idapliitioit on De Halsac s celeliniletl It:1 r r lb- Langi-iiis.1 1 Tln slory uf u beaiitifiil girl who r - I ' hiisbaml wMfferiiiK "ii her liouor ami songlil furp ' in Frauce'.s gayest courts. Conway Tearlc, Adolphe, Jean Menjou, Irving Cummin. Thomas Rlcketls, Rosemary Theby, Kate Lester. INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c. Views of Ihe American Airmen's visit to Prince Rupert will be shown In the Fox News-Gazette on Wednesday Thursday. Soft Finish ThPif-T-ServicB Wet Was Thrco Services, one, of which will exactly Hit your wash day needs. Phono us for particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. Let Us SUPPLY YOUR 8PRIN0 WANTS in Poultry Netting Fly Cloth Garbarje Cans Garbage Palls Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Spades Weeders Trowels Grass Shears Sickles Scythes Spading Forks Garden Seeds Kaien Hardware Co nn Third aw. "