uitU ill i iw WIRING OF One Flies to the North EXHIBITION HALL .11 aatanis M fcFwiiuiiuro tii from Ultimas ot- ( J360 irimeni ir Purpose , y,-.li.nnl.l eipluineil in r hiiik-iI iai muni iiiiii ,,i would I" Involved hi K ii.n with Hi" ri'i'iilrliiir nf , ,,. Hp had understood nl !iai 'lure wmiM I" tich ,!i!iir Snlf'iin'iilly, learned 'bat there would I.e. 'Jinifly he "rdcivd (lit ,i,iik'iI tint II il was up. ,1 y li council. I IK' ill II- .tiimlee itll remiiimcinl- j, it ! door. If "t I lie -upcriHlemleill would . .......... I..,. II... -til' II ' ' "TII'"f,ll l llf'l'l' J i iu. ft 1-...1 ir it. riiJan ,iniiu ,-,i ii m' 1 . 'II 1'olne III nf III" -ai furnl. AM. Mnnli.tiaM ,,, ihai i would Im financed i,r !" ifi!l rl HKMI I . II ,-ii n ilw idcl, on iiinl loll of Mui'ilr, all and Alii. Smith. . .,? i with Hie work. n i in iiiifi' Mill III II. OKI1 uuij iuuu niia SUBJECT COMPLAINT ColUM Aik Mayor to Take ....... . i. k. .!(.. a msiMr wisn rwuui. i Ucki Mad on Children ; i' jm lii Ui rily were ny AM. Collar! til s iMincil tnerlinjr. Ili i ar Hint liml N-eii n - . on children mid J furni'li l ho police formal Inn. There danuer In Im) tr.4 If sun iresleil that t " ;k Inken tip iy I u hot Mr tiiiii'lc.l. 4 referred ! a kyUw i y nii jtiven lliii r..;i vicmu ilog. i lutl It ) lime miliif Mayor w ull lake ii mai- GERMAN BIG GAME HUNTER PLEASED Wira JASPER PARK H. I .MrNauKhlon, local itis- ll-H'l pllAI'llfcr lltffnl of I hi, Canadian .Null. .mil itrtUvL ilVs. is iii riToliii of an inli'ipllinf Idler Hoin llniiH Olio, (.on of a Herman miiimfacliircr, who, on Mr, McNiiimliloir recommendation, went hig ir:iim hiinliuK in I In Mount lloli.on .ll.lncl iimU-r lli lire of llaruiffiVK.' U,-... llil'.. I'll" Idler ay "In cvcu il.yn I u-.x liciir ami lml I wo. Ono i xiii fi-i'l Inn?. I alo hii w many iiiiiimr.iln uoulx. I am only iorry tluil I r.itniol ay lli'ii iiulil SimiIciiiIiit. 1 u.i.nl.1 no iluiil.l Iiiim- a irraml limi wjlli lln yoalx, lif'i, tity l-ur, ciirilioo, ik. me." Ilpforn irn- (piMlin in liuril at Moiinl Ituli.oo Mr. Mlio oiilfillr-.l in I'riiwi- llu-!Tl. lie liim hIiuv lefl Mount Miilcini kiallon on hi ii-ltirti In CTiiinny. SURPLUSES SHOWN BY UTILITIES IN APRIL Light Department Earned $1,- 207.22 and Telephone! $1,168.79 Superintend" ent Report. Tlif lijtlii ilHiarlmriil lini-ij a hiiIii of l.(i?.;';' ilurin? llu monili of April anil I lie iHe- iIkiiic iliMuirliiK'iil a iirilil of l.i:.H.;'J ni'fonlinir In lln fol-IriMiliy rfMirlx . on n,riilmn illicit wn.prnlri In lliroun-i I hy Suiwrinli-niknl Hrno! tii ol nljrlil : Light Department Kiiioal'. Itinrnuc . 7.r.on.o(i i:mililur' il.-.'Ui'.iH Siir.lu VI. 211".;.'? Cn.ilal r..Mitiliirp . K;T,.oil Phone Deoartmcnt l-:-umlsl Itpvpnii" . .. M.oSn.no KtMHwlilun S.1UI.JI Surplit I,ISH.79 ltanilnl Kti-il.litlir... 3-..J.im lt. Hr II. It. ir.int lefl for I' i rn. on lai oii:lil'" (rain. win haH thf Strength of uiacKsmitn Washday would still hold a grim task. For scrubbing and rubbing and wringing s a job for machinery and not for human hands. It is a job for us and not for you. Why not rid yourself of it by using our Wet Wash service? The burden of washing will be eliminated only the lighter work of ironing will remain. And the charge is only a very few cents a pound. Just phone well call for your bundle. Wet Wash Minimum Charge 75 Canadian Steam Laundry ScnciT Phone 8 WtHl faff louncny w-, v. 'turn ollereil hy liimeir (AM. Collarl as rhalrinnti of the finaiu-e Oom- millee nl last week'.- meeting The exiilanalion piven by the treasurer to Hie mayor luul been lo Hie same elTevI lis Hint he CAM. Collarl) hail Khrn. There ..... . i iu was Utile Hanger oi iiujuimij ninnlnu: away with loo.i)Oft The smaller account miichl lx more worthy of siieli scrutiny. Accounts im In .May 10 total I i it ax 1:12. IiD were also passeil. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince) Rupert C. II, Sawle, New Hnirllon; K. N. Mucilonald ami H. Myers, Vnncouver; ,1. I. Wrluht, Hucklry Hay. Bubcribo fur tho Dally News. NOTICE DIFFERENCE "fontect!" "Contact V Thetwt audible word between pilot and mechanic V are spoken, and with stentorian roar of engine and proptllor the fiant, human and bagvage freighted plane, glides swiftly over the surface of the Quinze. One feels the churning waters tumping at the bottom of the boat until momentum has increased to such extent that a touch of the "stick" causes the Vickers Viking to slowly rise. Two turns in as many minntes and the passenger, having adjusted his goggles and seated himself more comfortably, peers, at first cautiously, over the ide of the pit, and far below him lies the little town of Angiiers, the besd of the Canadian Pacific steel which twists and turns In and out of the forest to the south like a living thing. The earth is as a map below.lakes and rivers shining in the distance and beneath, and ragged patches of bush and arable land smudged here and there like a child's attempt to depict relief. Turning eait the plane heads down Lake Quinze, following the water course to Lake Expanse, one s?es from the air how appropriate :s its name, thence north for some fifteen miles up the Ottawa Klver and further north over one of its tributaries to Lake Fortune and Roayn, upon nearing which the plane leavea the glorious rolling clouds and gradually sinks untu once more the water tamps the bottom of the hull, checking it with sudden Jerks which tend to slow the boat until it stops within a few feet of tie-up. One wonders how the pilot could, at such a speed, have judged his distance o well. But then he does the same thing more than once each day bringing to the new Gold Fields of Quebec, in fifty minutes, passengers snd supplies which, before the air service was started took two days at the least to arrive. Commencing May 18th the Air Service to the Gold Fields will be regular on Monday. Wednesday and Friday, large flying boats capable of carrying live people being scheduled to meet all Canadian Pacific trains at Angiiers. This service, which will eliminate tne hardships of the past and enable prospectors and tourists to travel to the Eouyn Mining District in less than so hour will include regular stops where tbey are required and accommodation is available. IN WAY YOU FEEL IN 14 HOURS OR LESS! Mali IliU trt! Ki .l Miffi-nn from Imllut'slion. I'unpli. I'ain in II.K'k and Si.liw. I jiiiI ipalion. Ileailiirliet anil lired. riitiilnwii rniullljnn, .lue In KHf-l'oiM'iiiim lerntio of ltiKpili liver ami irtmrptsl intc'sUn nt llii lime of year. Take a jieaanl xpootiful of lr. Tliarlier' I.Urr nml MIimhI Syrup 'nflrr Hie nxl two inoal. In le. 'than It liour tioliro quirk difference in way yon feel. C.on-jlniim pure vepelahle mifrislienN lALD. COLLART RAPS MAYOR RE ACCOUNTS Felt that his Explanation of $100,000 Payment Might Have Been Taken ,i'coiinl lolalling l I8.ii; 1. 10 up to May a, whieli were laid over nl lal week i eouiiril ineelijifr n dial the mayor minlit inve.li?ule a payment of .ome HHl.iiMI to I he Hoyal Hank, were pne.l at lal uiiclil' meeliuur. I lie mayor lulei Ihai the arrntinl in iie- lioii hail lieeit explnllieil lo hi .ulifnrlinii by Hie oily AN. Collar! fell Dial lianMiip hul been raiifeil tlinnili Hie ac- otinlft being held up for a week. Id iiisj:iti'il llial the mayor in future fprutlnic Hie nerunnlx in Hie finance committee. Mayor Newton ujil he wa not nware tluil nny payment nun been held up. He fell that he wan Juilifieil in ileslrinjf to in- iliiil-e inlo nu ai'i'ounl ammintiuir lit Mich a largn mini m 100.000. Mil. IJoIIhi I I hen expreeil Ibe oiiiuon Hint the mayor miuht have iiPreplrtl (lie explaiulion niir"ve.l tiy lMiyiii-iaii. Help n.iln'( rleanp nml lone oiir liver lreuirUicii your iliupstivi orniK -soollie I lie lrei and overlaxeil nerve., brace up your ,yein ami lmrify your Itlooil. It li.i belpisl tlioiiiiinilt feel n'tiirn of ireiiKlli. vigor and energy au:ain. You, Ion, miwt lie ali- fiil. or no cost. Iir. Tliarlier'. U oi nml re- onnneiide by ( Iriiioi'l.iinilisl in I Priiiee Ituperl ami by liMdind ilriicirilx in every city ami town. Sport Chat j Tlie (iieal War Velerans and 'Chairman of Finance Committee .;,ii,.. meri in totiiKhl' football Iivlurc lo tloi-ulc wlili'll Will lie I lie first team lo register on the wiuniii).' siile ;f Hie stnmlini; sheei. Though the Veleians' new men did not show tip lo very ?diii adviinlne aptiiusl the Sous nf Cniiailu in their openinjr name lasl week, they have every confidence that they will he able lo make a heller slmwiiiK uuiiist Hie Sfols who wef. themselves henleii on their first appearance hv Hie Sons of Ku;laml learn. Fnns will follow Hie outrmo of Hie (fame wilh inleresl for it will trive llieiti a rurlher opporluiiily to dope out I he fespeclive slrcugths of the. teams.. liood weather promises and a lurire crowd is expected. H..J. Itussell will referee. ITillowins: Will be l Up line-ups for Ibe irume this evcniiifr: ti.W.V.A. 1. Knot, F. Hunter Carney. S. Miuekfnnl, . -Mnr COULDN'T SLEEP HEART WAS BAD NERVES A WRECK Mr. 11. A. Held, Vl'per MiMquodobolt, N.S., write "I am very innnartii ror the lieiiefu I have rerrlved liy ulnr Mil- liurtk's Heart anil Nm I'HU; Wlien t ranie boine fMin oversea, In IVtO, my lienrt was very badly arretted by ronruiiton; an.1 my nerves wers a tlci'aiirul wrerlt. I was very slmrl winded. and nmld mil poilbly sleep al lilfht.1 In farl, I m In snrli s nnulltlon I feO If I riM not wlh anyone lo peak In me. Ilioiithl I would try Mltmirn Heart and Merve PIIU, and liernrs I Bad, laken two linxi-s I eonlil enjoy ii fiml nishi'ik rent well t sttyone. . Tlrre sr lots nf remrnml nii who are inirerlnf tne ismm si I itkl, ihuI I feel unre that If they wqitM only try Mtl- bMrti's Heart ami Nerve fills tliey will re-rlvn tl aaine relief .that I lmv.H- Prlre toe a it ill dealers, or mailed dlrerl in rerelpt at prlrt, by The T, Milburn Cov Llmtud, Toronto, Unt. INTO THE ATTIC youngsters today ever saw a horse-hair sofa. Pw They wouldn't know what to do with a fire taper, carpet stretcher, or coal oil lamp. They couldn't braid rags into a rug, or wind yarn without tangling. But they know the how and why of typewriters, phonographs, telephones, automobiles; what happens when a push of the button gives light, or a kodak's flash fixes their image on paper. Their education is as modern as the advertisements they see. They have no more use for the lamp and chimney of yesterday than you for the wick and tallow of the day before. Advertisements induce such progress. They urge wide use that means improvement. They help you lift the out-of-date into the attic rid you of the water buckets and soap kettles of slavedom. They bring late improvements within your reach. Read the advertisements regularly. Keep alert to the new. Without advertising, you would never know a product's worth until you , had bought it. ray. I. Corker. K. Meagher. V. Harton, J. .lolinson, l. (iurvicli, nml F. Ilnnly: reserves. Holier! and Fin. Hay. Collie A. Murry, II. Hamilton, W. VL Williscnifl. J. Sims. It, Wood, i. CoiMirane. . Mil. chell, i.eo. Wauirt!, O. K. l.ord,,S. F.Ider ami J. Andrews; reserve. It. Murray and M. Andrews. Now Ilia! I he slimmer i vvilh U. tennis entliusiasis are op- neariiiK aifaiit say I he Terraco .New. I'rinre llinert visitor in Tcrrupe recently were mnkiiip nod us' of the local leiini court, which hud just been put into shape for the season unit in splendid coudiHoi) for a pood frame. I lie meinner or uie icn- nis cluh will he plait ! welcome new inenitiers and hoe u see t It r nt turning out In the court in the near future. The cluh 1 looking forward to o uiost successful and enjoyable season. The fee is very reasonable con- sitlerinir the cost of the upkeep r"oflhe court. A jrtiarantee of 200,000 franc has been ottered F.ujsene Criipii by I In directors of the HutTalo Velodrome, jus! otilsitle l'ari. for a l'0-rouud houl wilh Charlie l.ciloux. who recently wrested the litle of featherweight champion of France and Kurope from Kiloiinnl Maspurl. the offer enrrie wilh il tin option ofSS1 per cent of Hie gale receipt. The Mridc which hotiux ha made in France during Hie . post 15 year is shown by Hie fact that in March l!H)!, n hoxinfr w giniu which presented lo tlie pulilic two French champions ai iieiulliuers, wilh the lale Sam McVey appenrinir in nn exhlhf-llon. foe good ineosure. was far med nut wilh a Itttol expemlitiirp or 8(. francs: Sam Rot 00 fnuu'M for hi 1U, The gate receipt totalled 1,10 franc leav ing a net profit of (HO francs In tlie piomolcr. NOTICE. NattasM Wsurs ProUstloes t, 0..C Chspttr 116. ti. uimirr -,if fublic VVwks. Oovern- inciil or IIm fnivlivp of Hrltl.li OiluinbU, iH-n-sy fives wilire irui tw na onurr Srrlliin 4 vt Uttt lsiv Arl, clrpirtUsl with 11m- Mliu.lrr r l-ulilli; VVurli at otuvta. aihl In irte nrrire rf tlh HWrlrt llriminir at ITIiH-f lluirt. H.t:., a Ui-crlrllm r Um' m and Harn r a lllfhway Hrldfr. lu in- hullt vver tin- Skiiia KrtiMisrl Ivrr at Trrrar. B-t:. ial Take oUrt- that aftre tn rvplrs 1 1, in of "in month front the (talf or the nrt niil,Nriiiin tif ihl noUre. th Mini- i.p r mi.hr Viirk. Hnivlni1 i.t Brtllh CiihiRihU. wUI. under tbm 7 nf th Mill Art apply to the VtlnHUr of Pubh Worn at nt lunrt in tpe i.uy oi "inma, rur mtnnival ttt the Mid site awl iiUih ami Mr leave to ri.ninirl the said lllfhway i iBrldse. ... Hated this SMri clay or vpru. isxi. vv, ii. si'TimnLV-Nn. Minller or Publlr Work. Province nf British ColunOUa. i. LAND ACT. Notka of Intsntlen So' Land. V CANCELLATION OP RESCRVC. Motlre Is hereby then that the reserves overlnr the land formerly held under Iniher Llrences .Noa, 3j;8 and 318o are anrelled. O. n. NADE.N, Deputy Minister of Lands. Apy te Lsass ' In Skeena Land tmirict. tlecordtnt tl trlct or Coast, and situate on caiupanta Inland. Take Sollce that CUrence E. Balnler and James Mc.Nulty. of Prince Rupert. B.C., iu.niruiTinfi in4iimorM imi anil nniKer. m Iteinl lo apply fur itrrtnlsslou to lease the follow In t dssrrtbed lands: Comnieo- rlnr at a post plaoted it the head of a bay at the east end of Campania Island and about one mile from Ike south end or the island; tlienre 'fnllowlnr lb sinuosities nf tn more line at nirn water line around the Island te the pl.ire of tonunenrement, and rontalnlnr s.nno arres, more or less. U K. BVl.Mtll : MMtS MOILTI .ame of Applicant. Ter V. E. WILLIAMS. Afent. Dated April Imi, totl. N O T IC E. Tenders will be received by the InnW sinned up to a p.m. Mnmlay, the lllti Inst., ror Ihe followliif: I.O.B. Prince lliiiert. Sales Tat Paid. S0.US0 F.tl.M, S"x If'X l". -N. I Colli' limn llemhiCK. IO.5S0 F.H.M. S'' 1 10" I I'. No. t Colli' llloo ItetlllaM'k. 70 F.B.M. 3" IS" I ! . t Com moil Hemlock. HMO J'.B.M. 4 t t"M IS, nn. i Colli' moll iiemiocs. K.0 F.B.M. V s Cedar No. t Com. moil. snt I' lonr. , SO" if so ' teparate bids will be accented on Hem lock or ilc. Tenderer hi stale the earnest date wnen delivery can tie made D. J. MS.THFSO. til Purchasing Afent PAHS FTV1. Eat More Wheat Do It with IlreaiJ, Cakes, I'lul.liiiR.s, I'aslries, baked with FiveRoses Flour The World's Best. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon St. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. 6 Coal, Sand and Oravel. Wa Speelalli In Piano and Furnlturt Moving. M. S. SING TAILOR, CLEAN I NO AND PRESSING I'htme 77 1. H20 Third Aventm Laundry Office P.O. Itox 88. Prlncfl nupert, n.C.