1 Si Palurdar feee PsOP FOUR TnPDU.Y N'EWS By George BRINGING UP FATHER Meg FOR RCNCMCeR-l'uU KNVE Voiv HELLO.L Christmas E.XPCCT MOO TO "HAT L raVCOLLV-.T jJHfe 1 A mTLTWCMCMOC TCLL. ME ALL THAT rOT HCC-J I'M HERE. ! LIKE "STATIC OH TO UttTGtS TO ifTHR VeMSQUET An I LL ec . --.ws. 1 - jirf r UOTEJSIMC, tN ON THE LADIES' PURE SILK RDlO ATV WILL KtsOW XOO ARE. THERE. - ENGLISH HOSE an. I a litre selection of SATIN and SATINETTE PRINCESS SLIPS 4 And UNDERSKIRTS 4r , '.s. MODERATELY PRICED BIG REDUCTION ON BEAUTIFUL FUR TRIMMED AND PLAI N COATS. LADIES' DRESSES Smartly tailored, in all the J:i 1 t nial. -rial- at j,re.tlly ! .u.-.-. BENT'S" Third Avenue SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE Ha it ever nci'in'red to ..ii I hut the multitude of "Household Helps' offered for ;ile are of themselves lifeless and incapable of er ire unless controlled ami directed by the already overburdened housewife. Laundry service alone is alive, vilal. imposing no new obligations and asking nothing Imt your friendly disioit i.in. to change servitude into service. May we i-ull ? Phone 8 I'.'lalli.M'.'l!!.!"! PHONE 8 n BOX392 DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. WE SUY BOTTLES. DrJE. S. TAIT DENTIST. HelQerson Blook, PRIKCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 ta ft. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. SUING DUTHIE F0R $500,000 ll&ki jj Seattle Shipbuilding Cantpaay and 1-ocal latestor Charred ilh False ttcprrseotaUaas. SKATTI.K. ike Sfi. Two mmIs seeking rmnMT of ax than jCUKIj"' mi Ihe ifroonds of "false and fraudulent renre smtatiowc" have Iwrn filed ill the suprrior cMTi brrv again! J- I" Dulliif. pmotkiit ttf Ikr ktHfalwiMiiiti ami tvii-tiiicrriiin firm lirariiiie lit-, iwim-. Ilrr i. Kwtrr. fidiarr m'k riiilrmloU of Mr. lHrt?W ptfiiil. K Miiiic for .1l.AiO and Lillian Harhy. il.niihtrr of thr Utt XiU X. (iirwtnC, al4 a former w(Hria-Irndt-nt of thr plant, f-.r rtU.MH.ITi. The nlaintifT wcrr !-. turkhoUrrs i ihr corjM.ralion aiifl lluie allcjutituiN arc tlu.1 thrir uri ;. villi lo Mr . ftutbir for Munt much lc llvin rt t j worth imi thr asM-rttil rt-prrM-alalMiwv ' of Mr. Dutkir tlut the r..ni(aiiy w in 1 a ImuJ CiMMtrial romlition al thr linir , and the Mock of little value. Duthir is asrrtrd lo hate riaiturd 1 tlut Uir rnffiunit iiHi Ipil not nunlr af money in it vast hit-buikliax ftru- j (ram, iwr materially incmiwd Ms atNt-ts and thai thr I'liiled Stair Km - I tnimrnt s about to t. t-e all thr aes far cbtimrd taxn. Thin, thr ownplaint deny, by rnntrndiiiK that thr wlkiiy a not in a had financial cnttditia awd that inrsmr taxr to thr t'nitrd Statr rrr all adjixtrd. Uulhir it uid to have farther klateri that be had not received srttlemriit from the I'nited States ShipMii( Hoard nor the Emergency Fleet (Utmimraliun. mhile the roniplainls aileKr that such settlement had been Nude. . Far Frieadnhip ' Duthie k tlirn drctared to have said that he was purrhiaf the Mock from this on private funds because of lonx . The curling season was otiened a Morally evening when a match was staged iH-tweea the witMn ami nupre i rinks. The Wilson rink got away ta a (big start awl were leading with a score of 8-1 when I lie I Hi pre crew liegan to lind the broom and cut down tlieir opponents Imt Ouished an the sltort end of a 9-7 score. The provincial potter are aeekiag formation as to tin- whereabouts of a J young man named Lawrence ' fUilllns. ' He is a lad of seventeen, about six feet tail, ami weighing around W poarads. lie is reported to have come into the district during the early iwrt of the 1 1 winter lo wort in the mills or (lie bush, 'He lias not been heard of far some time , and his mother, in 1 1 ml Jell, Ssk is anxious to ii.ar of In m llospital funds were unproved to the extent of !MI by the drawing and U lire i which was held on Hk- evening of Wed-jnesday last. The severity of the weather I militated aouiM the success of thr .dance, hut the dmiwinK proved a pro-litable vcnlure The Or-t (11 n. was won lry Yrr lice, a local (Junanun, :md lie 'proiiiptiy turiH'd il mer to Hi hospital i ! VMM m w a dor en bells to it. m PLANNING FOR lpxxl look u-aus rv rv m t tomflJifaTiaillij Sheilas oldfashioncd.reliable Baker's friendship with his two associated. itlial unless they sold they would nrter'" - recriie anythinf fur Ihetr ilmi. lie j Thr fiood t.hcrr ( lull of Central Furl further contended, the complaints Mate. (George whi the third pritc aud nude a that only assets of the yard as a junk i similar donation. proposition, and they could be sold fw J . V. II. Uolc declares, as an attorney j OTTAWA PARLIAMENT IUI tor MUIIIK Illinois IIMI I'HIIHI look over the stork when the romfttny's fiitaucial condriHHi was "up in the air and settlement was not made with the I'nited States shipping board and emer reucy Beet corpuntinn, relative to tor ments due, nor with thr Kosernment for income taxes, until 11 e in 1911. several months after the transfers of slock were made. PRINCE GEORGE C (- Tanun, officer of Ihr local forestry staff, is spending the Christmas holidays in Vanraaiver. Mrs. K. A. Stonehouse arrived home from Vaneuuver SatorrUy imkM where she lias been for the past three laonth-. uiMlrrgiMHjc medical trratment. Slie rr turns very much impritvcd in Itealth. Chocolate By all means the most satisfactory chocolate for cooking or drinking. " " 1 MCf m camaqa ay MerBater&CaLlmllcd IslAtiiWD I WO MofuTwlCanadi DurAeslttM4ss KXItUT W CMXI Hbrw SIT IIU BUILDING TO HAYE CLOCK AND CHIMES OTTAWA. Dec. 2i. The ronlract for the bin clock and chimes lo be installed in the parliamentary lower is twine awarded by thr (mtnimcil In a well-known Eaflith Brm of lell foamders and dork makers. The price to be paid thr successful tenderer is stated l he SM09 approximately. The clack will be mf Ihr Ui Hrn All host gti there has been eoashteralilr currrspiHidencr in regard lo the estimates uf cost, varying from 7SJWM la 20U.lil, no derision has yet liera reached in regard to the proposition of a canllou. BRISTOL BUS DRIVER SAYES PASSENGERS IN BAD THUNDERSTORM SKIDEGATE INLET Mr. ami Mrs. ('.. ffom tlieir farm. IKinU 1V1UUN Krrmaa Krtratisl II. 1 Urine Project U Kearh Satellite of lUrth. n amhitio. project of shoadinil the mmhi has brn rvulvrd by a (icraiaa m af arirre. Ilerr w llermaaMij OWrtk. In a I'aasaihM rrreaaty pub-1 U-Jml. Hear Ikhrcth explains that be ha been WfirkiHX at tin pcottlt-ni for thr last seventeen vrars, and has Ihorawitti-ly imtsliaMitt rrvrs fuel or uivolird iaj rrachMtK the aaun by airana of a rerk-tl dyiumiical. (hy sicat, caXcaxicajl, aud Iht-orHical. He Hods it alt slmfde that hi (kinks tttr tiring of a meet rocket to lite hmmhi scarcely waclh the trouble. "Why not send a man as well?" he asks. That, of ratrs, iaanatare the idissMogical factor into thr project, and, baviiic esainuirit Ihat in aN il hrariaax lir brlies-ea M fanaibie. He imnaoaes to use a huge rstrkrt-likr machine wriithiiiK samtr rM laaa, oil b acoMMmndatHMi tor t prrsawt and 3R loas of furl, caasislimg of alraiwl and iiiuiid hydnmra. To start sacti 'mcket" oa its journey wswM aecesal tatr an initial speed of VJI mites a sefHut. so as to usftcmar thr earth" ntil.ilioa, awi. thai areola plislH-d. br Cases liberated by Ihr alcatbol and hy -IniKeii, rsciipmn fraan a perl ares at the , rr of the rocket, would provide aafli. i cirnt eneritr lo pa-aaat Hie martaW I line mom. All Herr Obarth wauta lo put this nrnjrct into rxrastkm is sufll-, cirnt aanajry. which he rstkaatea at KWjbMk and he has pwMkhrd hi jaaoaphlrl ia thr hour tlut mkw wealth) i urrsnns or scicalifc taatics will provide . tlut sum. i It is Md iuitr clear Ihiw Ihr acmata iof the riK-ict, aoMaHing ttiey react) tltr ,aaunn safely, will pat Iwck U aarth. tail ' pei ' dtaahty Herr Olwrth has armided ifnr that. Vphtnlem hare already ta , lima led their wUlinaWraa to auderUkr ilhe trip, if they are 'listed lury caa ( make the return journey, and far sarb m stupendous acfairvtancwl there should aa drnVatty in raising the necessary I expenses. And once the moon has been 'explored, a prupurt ionalriy bigger rock et ought to settle lieoad all qurslioa i the inystrr. of Mai and live Martians. PREMIER KING STILL HAS ROMANTIC HOPE Thauih He la Siagle aad Fifty. He 5tiH Has Interest ia Fair Sex. OTTAWA. Iter. V.. Hespnodmg ta thr prrsentaliaMi by the Uberals of Kastem Ontario of a watch In mark type, and there win be a chime of half thii liflleth anniversary. Premier W. I. Maeheaxie Khsg made a Iwinnraw referraee lo his single state. "I hope the ladies will realize." the premier viid. "that in passing from the fort i os to thr flftir I have not rested to he aa rligildr bactvrlor. There srrms lo me lo hr no rtiaigr liatrsrr in my feelings towards Ihr fair sex: and 1 crrtainh have not yet given up Impr." j Sport Ghat n- - ' Will Holland or I'liilnl Stairs grl the KHISTtM. Ik-c 2f. A terrifying ct- II lllymfc gainrs? This is a qu-uriron: befell a llristol liu ilrnrr. tM dial is caVsMig siirralalioii in William Thomas, during Ihundcr- ' Kiiropvan athletic eirrles SMsce the close storm of cxi eol al iolruce. which ! of the I'r.'i IHyinuiad. Attention na. lroke over lite cits recenllj. What t leen called lo 11k- fact Ihat otilsidr of unml to hr a Sretaill struck I lir I thr ells of Amsterdam's olter to devote hunnet d bis bas and he was Mindad ia part uf the WMMwrifail Intitding as the by the flash. He bad Ihr presettcc of ' -cut r llw IHyasmr amuMillrc nothing niimL however, lo pall up the bus and lias jet Ixi-n none in thr way of organ- mine of the fifteen passengers inside irmg tin- rilH games. 1 Tie Amslrnlam tadiiim. it is p h uteri oat. fudging from the uar crowds which al tendril Ihc hnals f the soccer foollall BMlrlm al ' I .hIoiiiIh . wmdd prove wocfutly inade Mpialc to .irroiiMHUfte tltr spectators in ! tWM Iw Olympic (Migreas will meet I). Turner came down j al Pragaw oust year and Ihr veuue for TIm- Willows." to ih he spend Oiristmas with Mr Mmiii at Skidegate Mission and Mrs Miss farm llaixc and fjeorgr Mrltne of Omen (.i:niolt' f its visited al Skill CCile l;il Wi.k next games will imJaMr lr decidnl I hrn. ShoiiM Ihc ease of thr t'nitrd Stales Ih (irrseuti-d at I'ragur ill such ni.i uu r as im I ta aound Kuroficaii mim-i . til.. h! ics there will c little ob-jiilii.ii i.i" l..n siiKelrs lieiug the seal ol tin i ni'l, t mpiail. America's prior t ,22.rl5 20-r25 mo In attractive tins of AO and KM) WA.YlKU. lo ijim-lme two 'K III HK.N'l. Kurtiisheif llmise- erMl baud armchair, in jlrMtat condition. t'.R ftif Map. Write Hi HI iMtily WANTKIi. ! for iwirral housework Apply r;t I Hid AMtitr Kast. 3MI MALE HELP WANTED 30Aj1Mi a mnulli lo l alribule rvrryatoy htMiaHitilit mril)r in rural ami )all l k-tricls. Xii twonry meclKl. Mil-I hm uYrilar firm bHitnsI it. Vril far Mtrl tenia rasAad alalr lernlnry Virrt. H. I.. JttHX-Sfl.N. 87t Mrhroill AwnlH1. Viant(r. FOR SALE FOR S.M.F. liaahoal ltizth 93 feH; tseam H ttmi ; 2 fool draft. For" furthar par-lirtriar apply lo uiuirria9l SaaUs, lenaVrs for purlae of I Ma btMl wiH he rtweivra until I rainhrr tllli lnl. NiirntM A. Wall. OMrial Ad- nilniatnilor, hrtneo Rupert. I I.C. fop. p.m.k rm nrr. r Harry I.inwtl's renidrnee I3i Fourth Avamte. Apply, Lip sett, CaMiniBKhaas. Seconal Avr. anil MrllrMtt. II FOR SAI.K.- Klion phonnarapli il h 111 recn r4 and rara. 7r. rtO. Phona nrl 44. FH SAI.K. Forty lnliorn pul let, in full lay. John E. Davey I'hwf Illaei 3M. 305 riaim arise fram'lW fact Ihat the ItH games have beaaj awardad ta La Aa gelcs. In recngaMhM af the big atridet. birh the soajth is asakiug in play ground aad rrereatina wiark. Astsrville, North Orotiwa. baa larm ehaam as the coavrnthin cHjr.for the Twelfth Kecrea- tion Congress. Ortotier a-la, IVB, fnsm ftetd of aivMatiMs uresesned bv jsl cities mrreirtaliTe of 13 states, lama- da and Helgiaai. Thr roagrrss tll br hrid ajutrr Uir aaiiiin of Ihr Play ground and Hrcrrolioa AaaocialMNt of America, and delegates from all stales iu tlie I nion are rsprctrd. This move mm! lus ntadr aaarhed aragreas since lit inrrplhMi m K Then only ft? cities repotted rreraatiaa systems; day there are CM. Aga Khan, an radian prince, with some I.HU fnsnra, heads Ihr list of wimdng owners for Ihr orasnsi of Sal raciug in France last rnartudrd, Ihr awist socrrssfal si ore thr armislirr. For thr first I Hoe in the history uf French racing since liHfl a I reach jockey had llw honor of leading Ihr field ia lite number of winning moamts. I lestri SsnUJal. after a nek and utk duet with fiuy narnrr of Kcnlurigr tlraagli-out thr last two tnowtha af Ihe season, finally iHilhtl away from his American rival awl &wihrd with M winnrrs la Ganwrs KL The rivalry lietween thr Figlish and American schunts of I rioting Ixirse ended in favor of Ihe foewtec. Aga Kban is the ImsmI uf the Mohammedan ( harrli ia lodia and thr sniritaal cmn oi W"W"t Indians, ttr never beta a reut on tlie chances of his Itorses ami is satisfied with winning thr slakes.M RICH ORE STRUCK INJB.C. SILYER IUdy Located al Cmnsldrrakle Depth After Too Years' Search. I Aftrr two years' search by diamond : drills It Is rriortrd from Stewart that I the W.C Sihrr Coniany, almse rr-jtirs are alongside of Ihr I'rrmlrr, hat liOiccredrd ia locating its ore. It was rncnuntrrrd at considerable ttr M It aflrr i drilling lud lc-fi susprndrd souir time brforr. Deeper subsrurnt aiuling rrsultrd ill Ihe locating of rich ore Ihat will be tapped hy tunneling at Ihe tirnprr ' depth. Tlie new discovery is said lo be of such value Dial there Is every assurance that the H.C. Silver will come Into prominence as nne of Ihe outstanding mines of the northern camp. lMrvmg siiilr, (Hi Sttth Ave. lUal. Phone Ulna 27 H. If FOIl IlKNT. Mnrfrn h . five nxHiis an4 Imlh. Apily Munrti llroa U FtH HKXT. M arlnne.. KiMPY Sewifll.' Phone lilue 3H. if BOARD AND ROOM lK).ni and Iloont al the InUtxlrr ovMrully liHialasJ, one hall Mock frtmi l'ol ortlcr, 83d Seooe.) Ave, fbtme 137. If HOARD AMI HHM. Homo com. frt. irni iiMatAratr. I'httnr Mine 737. If LOST UHT. small brown MMiNur. eonlair.inK rlollnna. Fia4af nUaa rturn ia 1 Niilr Nwa AUCTIONEERS il win pay yoa lo nfuii us wn you itesire to u or porcbase furnilttre), nr any atlfcl. PIUXCK FlUPHflT KX- CHAN'OI!, Aiiclknr. DRESSMAKINO MRS. HAMILTON, experienced dresaniaAer. Fterl btwek. -f iresamaking. alteraltnn. uM ami no is. Kirl class work. Rriiaonahle irirX. Phone HUrk 116 II saaawl MlUKlrr TIMBER SALE X 6812 s4er aill lauHls, l reeeld fc Bol Ihaa ao an tar ata day af itawari. lfl. for aV aarrkas af Uf'as ntl. to cut at.aee mrl Prat af later Potra tat aa ae-a anat-d . iijiSi. ante i smo ntvrr froai. aad Wtwaea HeIt spnr and ritaMa. ' aaatiaa sunaal aaal way. haaar 1. IMtlrirt. two if rars mill W aHuwrd far re aan-ai ol inoIvt t ortkar irii. uUr. ..f la- hf Fares ler. Vl.l..rl It i , ir to.ili'1 torrstrr, CnwT h"iM a ' TIMBER SALE X 6830. ftaeaxt T-des aiM La iwrrnad be tar MMHster of iaaats. it Wsnrti. aot Isler I Baa Main rai the ilk J of JMgtirt. IStl. for rhr parrfcatr af Ijrenre X , lu rat t.iti.aaa fwt of spruce. itt aad H-talock. m aa area ttlaated aa ewM latex, vooea karb-lv- Maada lasb.ei. Two if yt-ari will b iawt fur re awvat t im rr rnrther Mrtteakrs of the fhc rofea ler. Vtesorli. H i' or blsirtrt forester. Prince auprrt. B C. TIMBER SALE X 6838. aled Traders will be Merited BT the MlM.lrr of land, si VirioH, a4 Itter than no . to- itn ilty ur rtrnrv li. for Ihr mtrrlMsr itt I leeare slf to rul ijlujkua fel bf Kprure. )sUf and rieaska-k. m ia area tlottiHir ll tt. erwr Inlet. Oner. Ottrtotl lu)faf l and pisinrt Two if T-sr will tie tlk-mM tr re movsl of iMibrr. rnrther paiilctilr of the Chief rrc ler. Victoria. B '.. or tswjriet freir, frllirr Hapett, a. LAND ACT Nslks af InUetian ta Applf ta Uu Lang In Mattel! Iiiiei. oorm rjuirsmie Islands land Instrtrt. hernraiar Plslrtrt of frilv-r Riinrei. a i . and tttuate ataMi r.nr milr -ailh of lints tal. Vltssrlt In let, and m Testalton r. on Umber aiajelt So ... Take .tatlea that lattrae M. giBipsoa. of vtataeii. K orriiiialMi runn-ry vanarer. intendt to sjc-ly for p-rnlal to Iraar the fuikrftlar aesertsl IslrU: f renmenrlar at a putt plal-d en the wett sloe of Vesialton Bav. Ihrare snath t eiunVM: Utrajne east la rtuUit. ih-nre aarth 1 retataa: lb-are west to r turns, tnd lauttat It acre, more or less r.rntxF ii. siMrxnt. alBe of Applrttnt fialed nererab-r lata. tPft CANctxiJkTioN or PcatavK. MiTirr l Hf HI BY niVf.S that the rovrrtae lot ilxs, cattiir Iir tftrl. Is ran-elled. n n rtnm. tvputr MiBlti-r nf toMtt-jlnl Departtannt, Victoria, a.r.. lath rt-r-mji-t itt not ice or caaciuvATrON r aittavt xoTirr n iirni:B7 ntvrX urn u reserte roverlnr Lots gftt la f. tn-rlntire, Itanre I. rr, ittttlcl, It rtn- Crltrd. r.ri n, 5nrt. Pepnt? Vlotitcr of nd. rensrtment '.f l.tn1t Vn tnru. n t. Nt.trn.ber lllh. lift. S3 Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvHlmMnt Taken for Laa than 60 WANTED TO RENT CHIROPRACTOR n. c Oraduale f EYOLF80K of Chir..; t i No. 1 Stephen"! Block lljHir. lit ii. t ' Sklunlay aft. t r by ai p jaC Pbtme I, ja a. TAXI Tail 67. Phoni " tslatl Oeorye Pa r u-.t Prumpt Srv.:sJ, . Hay N t'i K'an.l .tOSS BROS. POOL ROC I Meeker Clerk, ArrrM fron . - t DRY WOOD CI'JtAH. HI Mtl Cill and -i S6.&0 1 SaI PI... New and Sr tuf8Urr. Wei! rhartie New a per Lett) FURNITUHL 1 ec -Jnu Ooosli. QCO. pafADOPUUI, '839 Third Ava PtTfli j ! 1 Poln MAIL SCHEDULE - -r-s 'or the Eaet Mnaslay- iJt . M urda . from the Eat i TtrTatUy.. J aj i t i- Jay, at 4 i ' To Vancouver Tueaday Mail l 1 Fafurrtavi Fatonlnys Friday". n.P.K Ik From Vaneouxer- Btindar -Tuesday- -v t NVrrwadsy- ThursiLvy C.P H le To Anrox. Alice and Premier Vedneda Thursdays From Port Slmp River Polnte Saturdays To Alatka PoInU Ilerein!'. r I ' From Alaska Points C.. I Q I Arm, From Anyoi, AHe arm, and Premier Tudyg i-.. i. To Port Slmpeon and N To Queen CharlotU IU-" s I . ri i From oueen Points I)eeeilib i ! BOX COLLEOTIO" PM Oratiam A A im A III Me. A. KifW filh Ave. A F)i'-- 9th Ave. AThomrs " t tlth Ave.ASI.rrbr k Ave Ill.tAve.AC-hfiH4' 6th Ave. A Hay i Ave 0th Ave. A !! f v? Oirc fill, Ave.Ai-n sr lBUiAe.&3lrJiri'l-' Pro. flov HKips Prov. Oov. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf -2nd Ave. A 2nd St Srd Avr. A Fulton S trd Ave. A 6lh "l ' was - - JJ9 2.t.l tJ ,:ss jftO ?s Vf 3.S9 3t5 3i n i i ,i . j ! 1 1 at. . .at an-- I t it