PAGE TWO. The Daily News pniNCR nupnrrr - rmmsu Columbia, Published Every Aflernoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hiipert Daily News, Limited, Thinl Avenue. II. P. PUI.I.KX, .Managing IMitnr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Delivery, Ity mail or carrier, per month ........... $1.00 ny mail to nil parts of the llrilish Empire and (he. -United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ?7.i0 Transient Display Advertising, . .'.$1.10 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion.. S.'c. per line Classified Advertising, per insertion. 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion IKc. per agate line Contract Dates on Application. a Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day prs-ceding pnltlicalion. All advertising received subject lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, February 7. 19JI. Alaska Has Fine Museum. Today we arc puhlKhiiig an article descriptive of more specimens. Alter so in, ft years it should liecome a credit to the territory. Itritish Columbia's provincial museum was also started in .a small way hy the Natural History Society of Itritish Columbia located at Victoria, Ins members of which gave of their time and talents lb secure the establishment of the institution. Vancouver has a small museum and art collection but so wrapped up in commercialism have the people there been that they have had little lime for anything else. Prince llupert should be a museum and ail centre for the northern .and central portion of British Columbia. It is Ihe 'natural centre and all that is needed is for someone to take an interest in il and gel it slart?d. A society should be formed for Ihe purpose lo have the care of Ihe infant to bring il'tu such a degree of importance that the public generally could be interested in il. Ramsay Macdonald Is Real Leader. Whatever else he may be, it must be admitted that Premier Ramsay Macdonald is a real leader, lie will not sit down quietly and let things drift. While il is expected thai he will he careful enough to hold his position, it is also certain that he will be. to the fore in movements irwAvhich he is interested hat people are anxious to know is Ihe attitude his radical Jollowers will lake when parliament reopens. Thev have already been given Ihe. sop of Russian recognition -and there will he other tilings coming Iheir way which will h?lp lo appease thern with .mil estranging Liberal support. There is much in common ie-: lueeit Liberal and Labor although Liberals do not stand for extreme radicalism. The situation is mi interesting one bill the wiser prophets sesm lo intimate that Ihe session will pass off '.Without any breakup of Ihe forces lhat now hold control. Millions Of Broadcasting Stations. w There are millions of broadcasting stations in Ihe world. Every individual is broadcasting all Ihe Tyiic. He is sending out into (he world radiations lhat are influencing for good or for ill. Some are sending pleasing vibrations that .thrill, lhat are per-moated with sunshine or that have an elevating power. Others send out nauseating vibrations lhat cause sickness and disease rind death and dirt and dreariness nnd doubl all bad. As von must broadcast whether you will or not, he u joy bearer. Power By Radio May Be Next Step. , After sending sound by wire, people discovered lhat light hnd power could also be conveyed in Hit1 same manner. PnCVihly now lhat sound is being convsyed every day without a wire, ighl and power may also follow. Many are working on the pro. blem today and when it is discovered there will bo other- claim to have been Ihe first to invent the system. Power by air would bs such a revolutionizer of industry and Iraisporlnliou lhal it is difficult for us lo realize what il would mean. When Lieut. Missel of the U.S. air force was here a few days ago, he spoke of the wonderful aid il would he to lying lo be able to receive Ihe power as they were (ravelling. If the air was filled with power waves all the lime and all thai . WAS fiein.;vrv wni I.. n f.. m i- I i 1 1 . " J"1 " looay we nine in on a "" 'TV . I'0"'""" "oiii.j be unending. Power could he ra.lial-d by big forces and conveyed lo the point where it laying canies or spending huge sums of d . . "L1 ' ? Z "?ni. " Vlrt ? required. ni r ,t e ",fc "Ir wonl 0,1(1 wo,ld slimulale lo ii iMiuirr inventions. Indigestion Ili ?uyeJ- co"t,nue t0 grow weaker and weaker because the digestive is system not supplying proper nJSe d'Wive system falls for E3c S n-ervef must be restored by some other means " Se rS? R' CHASE'S NERVE Food com It revitalizes the wasted nerves and builds up the nervous energy which is essential to the healthful working uiKCTtive uysiem You 4wlll notice that while the pricetof Dr. Chwe'e Nerve Food !) been increased to 60c. the box now contilni 60 pill Instead of 60 as formerly. .,LH'wi Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are 35c. for 35 pills, Instead of 25c. for 25 pills. Edmsnion. Rut r t .i ' w, UlU.. Toronto. New Box 0 Pills 60 cts. safe. THE most nnmiying thing my house is the alarm clock, annoys me every -morning. in It IF anybody finds tlio limn a hit dull let him try to puzzle out what the totem on Second Av means. I T is tmdcrslood that Ihe clams at North lleach, Queen Chariot-1 les, are much annoyed at Capt. Hahinplon. He is planning another clam cannery. SOME creatures are when it is fliuitd they are useless and lltcn llii'i'x oilier creatures that are eanneil to make them more useful. 1 miisnnm niiil liiliiiii)l lilirftrv nf Iho . larViliiv ,f ttnvLn nil I THE III'.. other Oilier day lla' B a Juneaii. II sc?nts lo he a verV important institution and is von-' tf ' """P""1 1 ...lilmt? nr fill Am itnn iirlitt I'ti- sianiiy ncing improved ny me nuuiiiuu oi IN some: places in the south Ithey make aunnd music and the quality' is-often second rale, the local citizen IcrlaiiHiienls and now ho says bo will never be satisfied until ho visits Arahy. lienealh ers. JAKI says he1!! sooir squeeie one ii ihosA Inousand lione tapers and make ii his own than he hand of any fairy. SOME gamblers are already tired of .Mali Johng and wish In change it In Pah .lonph. THE person who alwiiys' makes a eomvtiuck is I tie lull collector lhal calls at my house.' YOU can Insure your life, your voice if you are h singer, your loes if you are a dancer, hut ri' putalioni No, its always in dan ger and I lie rale would be loo high. I j Ten Years Ago 1 in Ptinc Rupert I K Fabeuary 7, 114. Flishop F. II. DuVernel, Canon (I. A. Hit, llev. V, E. Cnllison, II. I.. Mclnlosli and Cant. E. MC-Coskrie are back from Massed where they went by special boat to attend Ihe funeral of the late "Father" William llogan. A concert and social was given in the I'resbylerian Church last night hy the- Ladies' Aid as a farewell lo llev. F. W. Kerr, Ihe pastor, who has accepted a call lo Now Westminster. 0. It. Nadon presided and among lhoe who spoke appreciatively of .MrJppaphs of Kerr were Rev. J llev. (i, II. Haley, Hit and Rev. W. Miss Lois Mcllae, F. Iiimrnick, Canon ('. A. W. Wright, on hehalf of the ennfrregatinn, presented Mrs. Kerr with a purse of money, Mr. Kerr responded suitably. Those taking part in the program included Miss Stephens, Mrs. .larvis Mcl.eod, Mlsse Morgan, Mrs. William Millar, Miss Irwin, .1. E. Hatey and Miss Dimrnick. ; A federal government report shows lhal there are 3H,2-'3 miles of railway tracks in Can ana,- an increase of 'J, 832 over 11)13. BOGUS MONEY BECOMES COMMON IN GERMANY HEM.IN, Feb. 7. Ilogus money has become very common in Cermany since Ihe decline of the mark and Ihe passage nf financial transactions out of re gular hanks into Ihe hands of money-bootleggers. A number of one dollar bills which have been raised to lfl0-bills hate turned up in llerlfn. I'hoy are said to bo Similar lo raised hills which have appeared in ltuslu. There are also many counterfeit one-pound notes in circulation. It Is relatively ensy for forger lo final hnd paper today, for the street corner bankers are not as yet very expert in delecting counterfeits, i THE DAILY MJAVB. Thursday ! ii r The Mat in tl Moon JUNEAU HAS A SAYSt- 41 THE fatal day in leap year is' Kclirunrv Unll'll mil fnr il ' graph FINE MUSEUM Natural History, Art and Photo- boys. If v..ii sroi ,,! ii v.iii n as Wall as Library I Jl ,NK.r. Fed, 7. Hlstorlo In his nu. iiual report for llev. Andrew P. Kashevaroff. pastor of the Oreek Orthodox. Chiu-eh in Jiu neau. vivos Hie billowing hrief outline of Hie museum and library. "Tim specimens contained in ihe Museum, represent Hie early culture of Hie aboriginal races of Alaska. The larger portion of exhibits represent the arts and .crafts of the Csklmos, though Hm jW'eslern Aleutian races and the , Thlingit . . people are now well I " The whole collection is unsiir-Ipassed hy any museum in the 1'niled Stales. There are certain specimens in the museum Dial are not duplicated y any other institution in America. Notably Ihe specimens fmm kitchen mid. dons ars of very rare art and so old lhat many of Ihenv are not only fossilized but ohonUed, Spaclmans Racalved ' "New specimens are constantly received, mostly from inlrresled people by donation. Ilerenlly Ihroe prehistoric lamps from K'enni AlaL. were ilonnleil liv I HAVE.been about the world aMr ranPn nf n,p ,iU,bVf Mr ot and ha seen a In! of ipieer'f. i lh,,v r(, i xprv n,.i ,i rar Ihinvs; far I have noveriA,nricnn flair used at Point Hurl ct ejes on a lliousand dollar ro.v ilV American belief Sla.' bill, much more felt il crinkle ,im. ... ..r-.o,,!-,! i,v Frank Ihe squeeze of my fin- Yasiida, and., II water folor pictures of Ihe scone on SI. Paul Land St. Ooorge Islands were pro. sonted hy Ihe-Alaska Commercial Company. A rare Russian linen towel elaborately worked in cross. si itch designs, was pre. entod by Mrs. Chas. Illandy of New York. Four historic photo. graphs of Prince, Princess Mak-' soulnff, Captain Emmons and Commissioner Koskul, all Inking PLAYERS Ik NAVY COT s A . BBBBBlBKaBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW f illip More sold all other brands combined Beautifully Cool and Sweet Smoking pari in Ihe transfer of Ihe 'Vrri-- lory of Alaska til the United nalely, is fast disappearing. The Slates, were presented by Lieut. '.ecrelan endemnred. Ihrouch Ihet Emmons. Sagenls in charge of Ihe AlaskaJ "The Museum at present .ownslur,.a f JMncalion, lo simu- two mounted moo.e heads, lwv e interest in reming this, sheep heads, two caribou heads wonderful art in Hie schools and 15 mounted water and land fowls, missions of Alaska, but wilh very) one mounted Mack boar, one , nnsnllsfaelory resiill. Samples mounted cow moose, one moiinlod f rnw nnd prepared material used young deer, and one mounted n haskelry fr'mi natural root lo brown lear hea'd. One moiinlod u,e finished split nnd dyed moll while owl has been donated hy a, trasseshave been added In' James (i, Monro of Fairbanks. ,. ,.,dloolioii. Mr. E. I. Walker.: Alaska. jn charge of Ihe Uolnjrioal Sur.' Photos Increasing ry. j,,,, kindlv promised lo loan! The- collection hf photographs m,o Museum some iinfiiiihed bas-i and Iransparancles Is constantly M :md oilier specimens from growing in number and Import- die Aleutian Islands. nnco. .Many rare photographs off Library intensely interesting historic -very small numbers of rill- worth are from lime lo tiuw ao- lotl r .UMkca are aware thai quired. The Jl transparencies. ,j(( 'rrilfiry ha" an arciimula. iiing scenes in Alaska, are of f j.ooks, dealing In early very rare beauly and arlislic hisiory. peoifraphy. explorations, nierit. The fouralhums, contain, science, literature, jjonlnpy and ing pholofrraplis of scenes about discoM-rios of Alaska lhat Is only Nome and vicinity, Fairbanks nnd surpassed by Hie Congressional Nenana. section, e of Ihe Library at Washinjflon. O.C. Northwest Alaska, and summer There are so many rare hooks and scenes or .nnw ami tieinily are mhnaraidi plates of historic of great interest to Ihe visitors vnP dial wore I hey lost by some ai me .Museum. .Many new pnoio- Pllniilv II would be imoossihle rare historic value reidace Ihem. The I.ihrarv hate been added In lh collection, contains Ihe original publication Native Baskets issued closely after Ihe events "A small number of jnhlitional written nhou! or described in the baskets has been added lo the early I ill Ii century. II contain collection which now practically n complete record of Ihe press of represent all sections of Alaska. Alaska fion( IHiiH with very few The basket on hand are those numbers missing. The gotoru made by the host weator of Ihe m.ent publication dealing with obi school in which Ihe material pooloy, ethnology, geodetic sur used and Ihe manner nf weaving toy wilh maps and charls of Alas-shows Ihe Iruo arl of Ihe Alaska ka, Ihe reindeer Industry from natives before it was debased by its tery Inception, Ihe fisheries commercialism, The number on Ihe mines, (he agriculture, edit, hand is fully sufficient for Iho'catiou, the pntcrniHOul, the ju study of this art which, iinforlii-.dicial records, and many other INDIGESTION GAS i!!:::!" ON STOMACH PAINS AFTER MEALS Munjr pMifil mirfrr terribly friri Hi ami 1'iiliu In I lie Moinai'll iller every meal, and sre kept in ruuManl nilanry. Pir the past- it yearn B unlock HImh lllttera lia lieeti tirlnrlnr and Joy to IIkhishiiiIs mfferlni from ysrloiia finni of lomarli lriiil)l, lirlilux them to eat Hire eiiareviiieilii a ilnyj liHlplnit lliein In eat anything tliey with. wlllMnit havln to mffer for It after. ' thill' subjects may bo seen on . I nun IfilI. illUSA,! from Dixon Entrance, to Ihe Arc tic Sea, me Historical i.inrary Is an assured fact, ami 'any wishing lo use the reference books for any purpose whalsoocr, can find very rich source of In forma I Inn in Ihe collection jif books, pam puieis ami charts. mere nro nariy lilerary compositions, fic tion nnd poelry on Alaka." Onhserlhn fnw ht Dnllv ew Mr, rretl Melson, Moo.e Jaw, Sak., LAND ACT. wlltl Vloliia.ll .1-1 lr.,ll.llni. lN".0'l"nll" ' V" - " w - --", iiaiiaa . itMiiii i .iui m.irit n. ami also tat on the mugnvh. I roiild not eonlinr Hllrlel uf :oai. ' eat anyihln ejrept punie MilTt fmsl ami J" .Entire lhat Charles s. tlnrphv, r ern " then 1 I 1 would lis U.tliereil "1"' lili I" ttuln ' ! r.'" T ""P1'". l-'' oeriiiiailoii Mislneer, . Inlei.rt to ip)v r,,r tieniilMlfin lo leae after earh meal. I roulil mil wnrk a wlwle ihe foii,,in lerlle.i 1.10,11; Ounmeo-day llhoiil lielnr idnie mil. I bad tried "'",lr l"l planted at tln iimhi south- until I rend atMiiit Burdofk HI.khI Blltera, the eliitiinuiea of Uw alnire Hoe at hlth have taken four iNitilea ana1 II liaa nearly, aier mark around the. island, refirninr it not completely, rc.lored III t'l lieallll - '"" .....V -..''.i.I. . L..J,,,.r,,'',,,,n- ." ciiAni.i.s . Mirnriiv. ' Maiiiifirlnred only liv The T. Mlllnirn Co., Limited, Toronto,' ont. luted Name of Aonllrinl i. flttl JOHNSON, November 17th, ltl, J CIGARETTES "Super-Quality" PiVafBCBKHBMMMMMMMMMMMBV 10 for 18 20 " 35 and in tins o( fr dUAnd uu "THE HIT OF THE SEASON" PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World Nothing finer Ibaii a llo of this delicious Catnlv IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toothsome Delight in a lleatitifiil Ihoc. All Sixes - All Prior. .Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. PULFORDS CREAM of OLIVES 50c Cures Chapped or Cracked Hands, Chafing, Spreiie llcluiig, lloughiiess, lledness iiml all irrilalion of lh sk ti I'or afler shaving and for keeping Hie bands iii g"11' comlilioii it is iinciiialleil. FREE TO ADULTS ONLY. Call in and gel a Mo Imllle fr-e, sti lhat you may try u oul yourself. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druool Phone 109. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist s X-RAY SERVICE. Office Honrs: U a.m. lo l p.m. j. Open Evenings by Special Appoiiilmeiil. '