Thuruliy. February 7, 1024. The Strendth OfABanlL-'jA. O established with a single office and a capital of $350,000. ft Today, after more than a century of conservative progress, the combined capital and reserve of the "Bank amount to $54,500,000, its total assets arc in ex-cess of $630,000,000, its five hundred and fifty Branches extend to all parts of Canada, and it has its own offices in financial centres throughout the world. TJie full resources of the Dank are behind every Branch Better Beer for YOU - X . -JML VER one hundred and tlx years ' .-.... ago the Dank of Montreal was 2 II ST. 0. I.V.V.. tHiiax?r. Prince Itutcrt Itninrh. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over IOO yearj WOKED HSU kJAT ITS BEST - Tbereare Just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. i cXsTjulc - art- IjiBuy ''Rupert Brand." Humt1 Uratid i ulxvn !-t.wivtl In tlii" hliir in rlraii new Imw -lttirty .-tjniTl 'iliijirrt llrund." J -t i hi rimkiiiK ip r. oimlyui niuderalr uxjr fur I'U (o :ui minute-., rrmme niiii'cr iiiiil at four Kinds -Breakfast Kip perst" Bloaters, SmoketfBlack Cod and Kippered Salmon. l 1'i-lt mill Mriil MnrkeU. and (innri. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT REED CHAIRS & ROCKERS Upholstered In Attractive Cretonnes add charm to your Living Room. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Frco Delivery In Prlnco Rupert. Driiish Columbia's model brewer li working day and night to give you better beer the best beer with the strength, the mellow palatable "bite," the refreshing stimulation associated with perfect brewing. Insist on Cascade the better beer at all Govern' mcnt Liquor Stores. VANCOUVER BREWERIES "LIMITED This ntlvortlsemont Is not piiMlshwl or displayed by the Uquor Control Hoard or by the Uovernmt'Ut : r.' ti-h I'oliimbin . THE DAILY NEWS, " The Indians of the three prair, rovincrs in the I9S3 season har csted the jjrcJitest crop in their his nry, arcording to the annual repor: if the Department of Indian Affairs In the three provinces, the Indian irvi-stpt 638,JiGl bu'hels of whe,i :.74,2H2 bt shels of oats ami fii35. bushela of barley. The report :o they raised 5V8I bushels of pot toes and 10.000 bushels of othc ?cgetahlis T hey summerfjllmvr 20,000 sens -of land, hrche 6.S0' acres, put up S7.or tons ot hay am. 016 of green feed. Tbe legulhr biisini'ss mecliug uf the ilr-at War Yelerans' As- Mirialmn was lield lasl nlgbl. ClneT liipie uf discussiiiu was Hie ni-w club regiilaliuiiii recenlly lui'iiinlgalcd by the gu eniinenl. J. V. Golburn, .fliinsle mill operator uf Uk', reacbeil lliucily on last night's train and in ip- Klslereil at the Prince Hupert Hotel. Harry Sekfe, . manaser uf I lit- pool room- at. Anyux, pa.eil Ihruiigli un the oleainer Prince Rupert yentenlay aflernuon nurtlibuuud Jrum Vancouver. X. H. W'allun. C.X.Il. asUlanl general ftiierinteinent, i ex peeled back from Montreal by Him evi'iiiiisV train. He ban been I la I -un cumpany busine!K. A. J. I'riiilhomme amj Mr. A V. I-Vlier reliirneil tu I lie city on the Prince Rupert yeslcnlay- af lernouii. They have been buli- ilayiug in California and Hono lulu. Church uf Kuglaiiil Men' An uual Haniiuet. TliurMlay. Feb. 7 at 7.10 i.iu. All Church uf Kng- lamJ men urged lu be present Tickels at Oriiiy uc al time of banquet. 3J A. M. Kipp,.iiiauugcr uf Hal- mural cannery, arrived from Vaneuuver un IJje Prince llurri yi-ciiruay aiiertUHiii ami pro eeedeil by Hie evrniu? Irnifi lo I lie Skeena, lliec. 'IVmler are being inviled fur I lie annual overhaul uf (be Can adian (inxernment lcamcr Mala-pina uiil -I'iiu'ncliy. The bual ate lu be available fur hi- pection al Vaneuuver. II. S. McCaiier and II. 1 1 un ci I uf the lloylc llin. diamuiid drill ing .-lulf arrfeil. fruui (be oulli on the Prince Ituperl ycleiday afli-riiooii and proceeded Ihroiigli lu Slewart un the vessel. J. tJjihrera. whu Is inleresled in mining operation iu the ecu. Ira I iiileriur. armed frum Van euuver un the Prince llupi-rt Ih pim-ei'il i-asl from here by (rain. Mix. Cabrera aeeumnauied him. - St. Andrew's Suciety. The re gular iinm(lily el lug will be held un Friday. February 8. at 7.30 iuii. Al 8.30 p.m. II, S. Hum will give an address un Kilucalioiiitl System of Iscilish Culiimbla." Friends inviled lu illend. I.. I. Taylor, former editor uf tbe Vaneomer W'urld and ex-mayur uf Vaneuuver, passed through Hie cily un (he steamer Prince Ituperl yesterday afler- nnon butind fur Anyux where be will spend a holiday wiJ'.i his stepson, A. Halrd. j- s Mr. mill Mi's-.' (lYilhm yesieiday Hflirfnx'll from Swan- provincial son Hay un I fie .steamer Prince Ituperl. Mi' Jfirittcu is being transferred lu Prince Rupert in the service uf lh$ forestry department now Hint the W'luilcn mill has been closed Uuwn. SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Dollied In florid under Dominion Oovci'nment supervision. PAGE THR EH. I - -ai ,1 ll Af ..i.imi.i w p law-. 1 1 is i 1 1 ii II A lercan (ITU re That the average weight of Alberta i 1923 wheat was Gt pounds to the bushel, or four pounds more than the standard, is the statement o Oeorge Hill, Dominion Grain Inspector at Calgary. The season of narration for the year 1923 ' Is the longest since the' year 1814, or 109 years ago, according to a statement mide at Quebec by Captain J. L Bernier, Arctic explorer. Two-thirds of Canada' exhibits for the British Empire Exhibition re now In England, most of theie, being already at Webley. Among tnem is a monster silver nugget, weighing nearly three tons, the biggest ever unearthed, which was dug up In Canada. K. W. Bcattjr, President of th. Canadian Pacific Railway; has ac-ccpted the honorary presidency of the Province of Quebec Safety LfsjrJe, succeeding the late Lord hhaughn-Msy, who was its first honorary president. The object of the League is to Institute safeguards for the protection of life, especial)? children, providing projected play-grounds and street. It is estimated t7 the provincial tourist bureau cf the Province of Quebec that 125,000 American auto, mobiles viited the province In 1923. Of inn number 40,000 travelled over the King Edward Highway, ths principal roste of automobilists from across the border motoriag to Montreal and a record in tha annals of that thoroughfare as regards Ameri-can cars. The Canadian Independent Oil Company, of St. John, New Brunswick, has closed a contract to sup-P y lubricating oils of all kinds to all Canadian Pacific steamships ply. ing to Atlantic ports. This Is said to be the biggeat contract for lubricating oils ever closed In Canada. This company nnu a new Indus-try for St. John, for iu compounding plant will be located In East St. John. The Klondyke is in the throes of mother gold and silver rush- At the head of the Beaver River, M mile- west of Keno Hill, a silver and gold disjovf rv of unusual proportions hi aUVed a stampede from Mayo, the major mining settle-' men: of the Yukon, to the new coun--ry, where it is said assays reveal pay dirt running 1.100 ounces of Iver to the ion. Rapid progress is being made In 'reparing the Canadian section of the British Empire Exhibition. The giant pavilion was roofed in and ready for exhibits in sixty days from its commencement ar.d will be ready for opening on March 1st. Two xll. lion feet of Canadian lumber, 7 miles of roofing and 200 tons of calls, nuts and bolt have already tven sed in the building. It Is reported that the Rothermerc ttemts of England, which re-entJy acquired a Urge block ofttim-cr land in the Manicouagan River asin, have headed a syndicate rhich will upend 116,000,000 in reefing pulp and newsprint manu-acturing plants near Quebec city V itb this news comes the announcement that the St. Rrgis Paper Company will build a $4,000,000 plant war the parish of St, Augustin. i i burb nf Quebec Recurds compiled by the Bureau .f Railway Statistics In Chicago thow how greatly the cost of railroad equipment in North America Has Increased in thr past sixteen rears. Since ll07, these figure, ihoiv, th cost of heavy freight loco jwiws r..s rWn from $in,143 ti. I53..1.V1 eaih; passenger locomotive from tlG.057 to 166.200 each; pas senger coaches from 17,330 to $28,-900 each; freight cars from 7G0 tt I7..1J1 each; and stwl i&ils from 128 to tl3 prr ton Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. - Phone 41. Hayneri, Paoue 361, f ltoxing louriiiiiiiiMit, Hniurii Theatre, Tuesday, February ll, I Purple Ealcr llazanr ami nlu uf home cooking la the KIks' Hume, April 8. VWe buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. if The I at .N'urlh H.G. Ileglmi-rilal band will give u concert in the Wcslliolmo Thealre un Sunday, Feb. JO, at V p.m. 32 Welilun II. McAfee uii.l IIukIi Jlonwill uf (jcorgi'luwu relunail by I lie Prince Rupert yesterday from a trip lu Vancouver. Mi sHi 'l and theyh I UHDI a icllHKWj They say here ihat Corby's is the best Tliis adverlisenienl is nut published or displayed by llie Liipiur Cunlrul Hoard or by Ute (ioveninieiit of Hritish Columbia. .1. It. Scott uf I lie foreslryr service un the (Jueen (lliarlotle: Island iclunit'd lu the cily on: (lie Prince Rupert yesterday af-! Icrnoou after bavins spent a holiday in Victoria. 'At ils regular general meeting las jiiglil Hie Ureal War Vi-l- erans Association vuleil ?o(i lo. (be relief of Hie widow of tbe la.le Sergeant Walker of Copper Cily who died recenlly. (Coastwise Sleamship X Hargc Co.'s. tug Mariiiiou relumed lu nyox (his morning al 8 o' clock. The Marmion brought south Hie barge OrilTuet and benzol for the Prince Hupert Iloal. lluuse. She took back lu Anyux llm barge Iiiileicndeut. Dr. A. 'It. Haker, Vaneuuver dentist and furnierly chairman of Hie H.C. iiame Conservatiun Hoard, is iu (he city today en-roule to Hums Lake where be will spend a week on profession-'! al business. He arrived frum the south jin the Prince Hupert yes-; lerday afternuun and will .leave1 fur Hie Iiileriur un this evening si I rain. F.lks' March ANNOUNCEMENTS A initial I. Hall, Tuesday, Spend an evening in Hie Tall Timbers at the Methodisi Church Thursday, March 0. V lloyal Purple F.asler Ha.aar and Sale uf Home Conking, April 8. , CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. Mvrilt IS IIKilKUVOIVK thai Ilk'' rcMTve rtMiinc iiht IjI III, Omi-u tlur-1 imiu ui.iriri, n rimi-liril. ijimi iH-iaruiH'iii, . II. .NAhtX, ' lumitv .Mlnlolpr uf Lands, t iriiiru, ii. i, . sih Jiuuiry. I8il. . ESTATE OF ALFRED WVNDHAM CARTER DECEASED. TALK MiTICK Itiat CniUlf uf IIh la-t Hill lit Uk atmte iianiisl ilif i-n-nl vt Uuly Ixuiil mil i.r llx- Vlrlnrla Hrrlslry uf tlio !iipitiiir Ciuirl of Hiillsh CulLinliU mi lli anl ilay ut January, IVfl. I" auvks hkim-ki. cmitkii i.r lriuria. i lie l.srrtum Iherrln iiauiru.-ALL I'KIISU.NS liavlnr rlamm aralnl llil r.laln. sr requplrd In wild In such claim) in mrlllnir duly verirird lo the linderslimml: AMI HHTIIHI TALK MiTICK trial on nd after the Hrl day of Marrti. !, uir Mmiim lil priH-ri'd tu (iisirmutr llil relate havliir rmarj only in llm-e t r wlilrh lie shall have lieen duly .I'irinl: liVTtli this Slli il.iv cr Januarr. IBti, , r.HKASE CHF.ASE, 410 Central RuDdine, irinria n i' f - I IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ! COLUMBIA. In llie Mailer r tin- Ailiuliilrlralliai Art. sink In the Matter of the Kstatr i.f Julm liiblilrh. Iwea'eit: InlrHale ! TkK MITICK. that I a aulntrd Viiilnlstralor of the KMate ut John ihtnilrli. ieiea.ed. ami all turtle liai-lnr I'.anon V. Ilfw.l...,..a- ..... cUI,l Ihe ld tlale. are hereby j - .reqinreii 111 oirniMi ine. pniperiy vert- riv.Ml I.f purl yesterday afternoon .'.".IM &&&&& ! Triidr - at. im it. d fn. llie aim lal mer- Wil I, llie Allg Ollll -M ss oil boat l Ihe K.lale himl nr Un i li S .MaUplna' and "O ven- ,! ,' v ,, , , .. aiiMint i.f their hijv . - ..t H.wiriiatii.h ran he oh. Nor hern t'ross from pott Ks- "nrl taineii on MicaiiHii ii' u.n iimieriaucil ur a( .l.w.i,,,, i k ....,,...!.,.. ii. In the nli. ri. . nw at .New WeMiiiaiMer ""Kim. lie is resuniing his ,,rJ:S.,Jir.1,r.:!' i.,iv....rk. .regular calls lu variuus coast diiHWIe i.r llie eiivi'lni.e -Temlers rur llie pomls after having Slit'lll II holi-npalrs In Ihe c..i!;s. "Malaspliia" and i , , , , , , ... ", , , "itlveiirlii," and must he rerelved al the lIlly w'Hl Ills family ill' loroillo. i.rrire nf Ihe iinilerslsneil In. I laier than-1 noun, Marrh luth, 104. Until Ix.hIs will he avullalile for Insper-linn al Vani'iiuvrr llie IVlh uf IVbruary. IHTI Mberl Farrow, sleiimboal in .speelor, arrived fronf Vancouver lt,.l., ..P r .. ... . r I are re r. required to ay the Indeli Itideliledneii u'v tu me, furth-1 THUMBS w. HKIINK. orrtrial AitmlnUlrator, rrlnee Biner1, B.C. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill Ihe Mailer uf Ihe AdinhiUtralloii Art, and In Ihe Mailer 'f the F.Male i.r II. 0. Kletrher. I invaded: Inlrntate. TAKK MITIt'.K. thai I u amM.lnteil I.. i- ..iiiid "i1"' '" rr.nce unpen yesterday fffK ' ,XrW to Ihe Mli.lMer i.r Marine and r Ueiles M'Ssels of Hie IkllludluU F S t & n T , iw i, i ? bef" re' tie JUi J.lav i r ''MW-i'T..ffi'. 'Cold Slomi i:uiO,.,..l- ......SA, A K . MHIeVltlleS iliiTpteil. (Siril.l J. A. MOTIIKIIWKU.. rhii.r ii.t...i'ti.e i.r i'uii..hi-. .I..I...HJ .,... U .,11.. I ''" umr. ii,....!,,,,.,.! ,-r V 1 ttr-u '.'4 a JUII tllienl. I in the Kulate are required lo .v the I new cruisers beinjc built at Ihe summit ut their dry dock for the fisheries de-r'"1, tu I iniieuieiiiirrt. to inc. nmn- TIIOMVS XV. IUIINK. orrii'iai Aiiniinitii'Nlor, rnn" twjeri, b.vh BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend the following as being safe, saleable and of fair return: City of Vernon S'lft due lulh June, 11KJS, at $38.0i. Yield 5.707c City of Duncan Online 18lh May, ilKia, al $101.2'J. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert 0 due 10 ii lo 11)30, at -5101.31. Yield 5.00 Orders may be wired al our expense, interest accrued lo dale of payment must b? added. We pay delivery charges. Gillespie. Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter' Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SaiU from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX .... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. tae rrlnre Rupert .4 pjn. Tor riUNCE GEORGE. ED.MO.NTo.N. XVI.N-MI'EG. all points Eastern Canada. Dulled Slates. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. , Cltr Tlcttt Offlc. S2S Third An- svinct Rup.rU hon EM. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 28. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Buted&le, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sstltnrs rrom Prince Rupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Octsn Falls, and Iwanaon Bay, TtiMtfay, S for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday Noon. Far ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wslsa Itland. Sunday S F-JS. For FORT SIMPSON and Kill Rlttr Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. IJ toil Avrou. J. SarnsUy, Af ant. Prince Rupm. B.C TELKWA COAL $11.00 BULK ON WHARF $12.50 BULK DELIVERED Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 118 and 664.