Ws CABS pATCHED ) pis Vol. XLI, No. 201 LIBRARY By iaTOR' 4 Si ¢) 1 In Nets NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’s NEWSPAPER Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest’’ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS f ; v PrAnT wiWeilk hs eh dla PROVINCIAL ureaar() RM DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 fic aw ce ph Limit » Imposed sed) LYaLLic by- bh among other it 1 legal to sets the iowntown upert at 20 miles comes into force} id regular jopted the} i ed form and} he Court ’ * ' 4 = : ; j a ona Sele Cates: eee \ bg t crews * , . lines in| FIRST TELECAST Toronto's first television station, CBLT on Ohannel 9, telecasts highlights and the of the Canadian National Exhibition’s opening ceremonies for its first public showings. A all set} special CBC mobile TV unit, using three cameras, was used to broadcast ceremonies by Governor- ns General Viscent Massey. The station will be on the air during the Exhibition and will open down- | officially Sept. 8, two days after the CBC’s Montreal station, CBFT on Channel 2, The CBC we . Sent reported good reception of the first telecast fyom London, Ont., Kitchener, Cobdurg, Hamilton editor ‘S| and front Buffalo and Tonawanda in New York state (CP PHOTO) law does} iO: cei ; oa police | B F ‘ will set a ‘nena, DUS Fares to Increase City Must \dditional | P, id | Sept. 8—If Granted ee niie-an~ } one ynd and | ° C h B — rash Boat McBride will be The Public Utilities Commission has set Septem-| The city of Prince Rupert is parking|) .o,. ee ss fp SRA + anon] | responsible for providing a crash sie dane ber 8 as the date on M hich bus fares will be increased | joat at its seal Cove seaplane in Prince Rupert if the rate boost application is es o limits ? : ison of the Depart- e post of- granted, ment of Transport in Vancouver, nakes the-| Mel Forbes, manager of Arrow Bus Lines, said |!” @ letter to city council said the pkeepers re- : . i | department is not responsible for orderly, today the change in date from September 1 was ap-| operation of the base here and { their estab-| * ‘ siti: a s»oynad | the matter of providing a crash ree oe proved by the PUC to give all parties concerned | ine aoe A he a ai ws cars| further time to study the application. | this case-the city of Prince Ru- from curbs | The bus line seeks an increase | PEP’ | 10-inch Ik W f of from 10 to 15 cents for adult} ree ae oe i ci : _| some time ago asking that a from oc- e arns 0 fares and from five to 10 cents| crash boat be maintained at the to park! y on for children—except between 8/ phase in case of emergency n added G t p a.m. and 6 p.m. on school days no park- rea er when the fare remains at five} base from >the Department of wed in front’ of ary e cents | Transport rucks during t This , a ehbiel . wanda) che request followed the crash or wuUn- From Sovie $ The. fe Cag Onee Increased} Sandspit of a DC4 airliner will be operating costs as the reason for Rebuild lodge for ation Crew of Burning Schooner St. John’s, Nfld—The crew of the fire-destroyed schooner James Jones rowed quietly ashore during the night and allayed fears that all might have perished in the explosion. There were no immediate details, but one source said the crew abandoned the ship after she caught fire. They rowed more than 50 miles to shore and apparently were all fit when they landed McElory Ousted In Tourney VANCOUVER—Bob Roos Jr., San Francisco, today spilled defending champion Walt McElroy of Vancouver out of Canadian Amateur Golf shampionship with 3 and 2 victory. * * * Feared Dead In Crash KARACHI—AII 18 passengers aboard a Roya when it crashed in Punjab today. * * * Airmen Shot Down By Fighter ELGIN AIR FORCE BASE—The navy report- ed today a minesweeper picked up two crew mem- NEW YORK (? Dwight E Eisenhower said today that be- cause of the Soviet master-plan iof conquest “this nation stands | in greater peril than at any time in our history.” He called for a clear, strong | warning to the Russians from the United States government the increase City counsil opposed the ap- plication and the public utili- ties committee now is consider- ing a report on company opera- tions prepared by city auditor Scott McLaren Unique Farm . tral building : f the| “We must tell the Soviets with : npleted this| cold finality that never shall e Mon-| we rest content until the tidal j}mud of aggressive Communism replace | has receded within its own bor- g destroy- | ders,” he said NR officials] Eisenhower’s remarks were | aing com- nh time for fason irst Get Canadian Consent | contained in a speech: prepared | }for delivery to the American} ! Legion national convention here. pl tnd Special ‘patehe to be many the develop- Alaska alum- ‘of which were irday by of America : — experts in iy eoverday = that f have to obtain ‘Tom Canadian Ee nbia govern- ; eS ~ livert the on River for “@P hydro power, ® Canadian gov- _ Want assurance Power and naviga- “Te well protect- “gree to the re it Wil “amenting on that it lant in : ey near the Canadian MUncement 00,000,009 p © Talya. Vall 8 to Sment gave no * 8Ctual con- “art. The com- ‘opment hinged at and ¢ © Cansa; a : {Nadian and US n A, And acquisi- acres of project, er 1e 20,000 efor the the | ications Likely Furthermore, Alcoa has not | as yet placed any application | | before the Canadian govern- | ment requesting permission to make the Yukon River diver- sion, Further aspect of the Alcoa | ; announcement is that the Al-| uminum Company of Canada is constructing a $550,000,000 al- uminum plant at Kitimat and is attempting to expand its market in the U.S. However, officials believe this should provide no hindrance to the development of the new Alaska company since the world demand for aluminum would re- main strong for:‘many years to come, In the ,initial announcement, Leon E, Hickman, vice-president and general counsel for Alcoa, Said the plant initially will be capable of producing 200,000 tons of aluminum annually. Hickman said the plant will be built in the Taiya Valley dis- trict, near Skagway. It will be| financed entirely with private capital. He estimated the Taiya development will require about four years to complete and will eventually offer employment for approximately 4000 workers WONNOCK, B.C. (CP)—A Hitch and his son are raising chukar partridges, natives of Kashmir, and. selling about 4000 a year to the British Col- umbia Game board for release in the forests. The chukar farm, 15 miles from Vancouver, is believed unique in Canada in Alaska Project Alcoa is acutely aware of the | long-range importance of such a program to the national de- /fence and we have been advised | financing, without government- | by high level defence officials|al guarantees of markets and |that d project of this type is; with a highly desirable, “This complete project, con- sisting of power facilities, al- uminum smelting plant, trans- portation facilities, and a new and modern community of 20,000 people serving the op- erations, will constitute a great national asset. “It will not only of itself be of tremendous benefit to the sound development of Alaska and the Canadian northwest, but will also point the way for other permanent industrial op- erations in the area.” Alcoa will need to acquire ap- proximately 20,000 acres of land in the Taiya district to accom- modate the proposed works and facilities, including a town-site. He said that there is no way for the company to acquire this ‘amount of land under - present llaws affecting Alaska. It probably will be necessary for Congress to enact a law per- mitting the company to pur- chase the necessary land and ask the support of all Alaskans in efforts to obtain the needed Said Hickman; legislation. D. | * | Jet Pilot Killed | The city leases the Sea] Cove wood, 20; Vancouver. in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday. * * Safe—Rows Ashore in Night BULLETINS Pakistan Air Force plane—including high officials of the Pakistan Army and Police are believed killed 330,000 in Masset Inlet in one day since 1930. This was announced here to- day by A. J. Whitmore, chief supervisor of fisheries. “There are thousands of fish schooling around the Queen Charlottes now. Not since 1930 have fishermen reaped such a harvest,” he said, landing here from the area in a fisheries patrol plane. In other areas south of Masset the salmon closure imposed for conservation is still in effect. Only other seining open in the northern area is around Butedale where good caiches of pinks also are reported More than a million pinks have been taken from the two southern areas near the Queen Charlottes which includes Kai- sun, Inskip and Skidegate chan- nels. BIG COHO Meanwhile, the Skeena River area opened to fall fishing for coho Sunday midnight, but it is still too early to give accu- rate reports. Coho, however, are reported to run to giant sizes with 16 to 20 pounders having been weighed in at fishing company scales. In the Butedale area, 45 sein- bers of a 8-17 bomber shot down by a jet fighter |ers were averaging 2500 fish a One Day More than 350,000 pink salmon have been caught Fishermen Strike Bigges Run of Pinks In 20 Years Caught in s Fishing by 85 purse seiners in the area and the heavy run of fish indicates it is the best , Jet Bomber Makes Fast Crossing ALDERGROVE AIRFIELD, Northern Ireland @® — Britain’s Canberra jet bomber completed the first flight across the At- lantic and back inside one day and crossed the finish line here today at 4:39 pm. BST (11:39 a.m. DT). The jet bomber lashed across the ocean and back in slightly more than 10 hours. The double crossing in a single day is the first in history. The black Canberra also smashed all records for the west- to-east passage as it streaked home from Gander, Nflid., its western terminus of flight. The homeward flight from Gander took only three hours, 24 minutes. The outward cross- ing, slowed by headwinds, took four hours 41 minutes. T three- man crew spent about two hours at Gander refuelling. daya nd there was no sign of let-up in this type of fishing. Saying that one of his “chief pets” at this time was the Bab- ine River slide and the salmon) The whole trip of 4,145 miles took 10 hours, five minutes, in- cluding a two-hour stopover at Gander, CHATHAM, N.B.—A pilot was killed trying to crash-land his jet fighter on a highway near here ‘and was identified today as Pilot George ‘Golling- said: “It looks like we have arily ‘at Jéast. BABINE SLIDE “More*than~ 1000 “sockeye are | carrying a full load of returning | | war veterans from Korea which | | overshot the runway and all but }seven were killed It was disclosed at that time, | jthat lives of some of the men | might have been saved had there [ airport which is operated by the ue of Transport Nursing Staff GRANDE PRAIRIE, Alta, (CP)— Efforts are being made by the hospital board to bring at least Premier to Fly Over Alcan Site two British nurses to Grande Prairie to ease critical staff) : - problems. A_ staff’ shortage} Prime Minister St. Laurent, threatens to close the main floor | who arrives here September 7, of the 80-bed hospital. | will fly over the vast Aluminum’ ; | Company of Canada project en- jroute to this city Present plans call for his ar- jrival here about 2 p.m. | He will be accompanied by his | private secretary, Ross Martin; ‘Fisheries Minister Robert May- hew, J. Pickersgill, secretary to the Privy Council, and Mr. Bill Munro, Mr. St. Laurent will be offi- cially welcomed by Mayor Harold Whalen in Council Chambers and is expected to speak here in the /mental contractual assistance. | evening prior to leaving by pri- | Alcoa will forego any acceler-| vate train for Smithers. |ated amortization on the requir-| Workmen yester@ay began re- ed dam, tunnels, power houses | decorating the Chambers in pre- jand other power generating | paration for the visit and a pic- facilities, Hickman said. |ture of Queen Elizabeth II, pre- Water power required for the | sented to the city by the Imperial operations of the hydro-electric | Order Daughters ef the Empire, plant will have to come from) will be hung in tts first place of Canadian sources, Hickman ad-|importance for the Prime Min- mitted, and thus it will first be) ister"s visit, necessary to obtain consent of) yigsrr CANCELLED the Canadian governmental| ‘The prime Minister’s scheduled agencies for use of the water. | Labor-Day visits to Cranbrook Large quantities of electric) and Kimberley have been can- power are required in the laum-| celled because of the polio out- inum smelting process. Approxi- | break in British Columbia's East Hickman said Alcoa is willing to undertake the construction of ithe Taiya project on_ private minimum of govern- Talks on German Treaty WASHINGTON.—Russia and the western pow- /ers appeared as badly split as ever today on how to been a crash boat at Sandspit/ ¢o9 about making a German peace treaty. making their way to the spawn~ ing: grounds daily. : first ac problem permanently.” While the chief supervisor could not say what plan would be followed, he said first on the list would be to strip the slide from all shifting rock. “This is likely going to begin some time next month,” he said. Mr. Whitmore said he intend- ed making a personal trip to the slide in the near future. He left by plane at noon, back to Van- couver and his headquarters, -TIDES— Wednesday, August 27, 1952 (Pacific Standard Time) Problem Looms in Big Four : pees re! i beh eg i A Russian note, proposing a Big Four meeting on the prob- lem by October seemed certain to be rejected by Britain, the United States and France be- cause of the conditions which Russia specified. Russian strategy is believed to be aimed at disrupting the| High .............. 5:15 15.8 feet western plans to associate Ger- 17:16 18.7 feet many with the North Atlantic} Low .................. 11:00 8.2 feet Treaty defences. —— feet esCtapement there, Mr. Whitmore the situation under control, tempor= ~WEATHER— Skies along thé southérh coast and in the interior are clearing slowly this morning as. a_ridge ‘of ‘high -presstre: continues to develop , over southerh . sections of the province. By ldte after- _| #00n 'skies*should be sunny over | rmost of the south coast and in the interior clear by evening. Another area of low pressure located in the northern Gulf of Alaska is moving slowly towards. the north coast and will keep this area of B.C. cloudy today and Wednesday. Light rain is ex- pected along the northern coast Wednesday Forecast Cloudy, occasional sunny in- tervals today Occasional rain hovers northern section region Wednesday. Light little change in temperature. Light winds in- creasing northern Section Wed- nesday to southwest 15. Low to- night and high Wednesday at Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert 50 and 63. mately 10 kilowatt hours of electricity are consumed in the aluminum. Hydro-electric power for the proposed Taiya project will be generated by damming the Yu- kon River at Miles Canyon near Whitehorse. munjty and the area, including part of the Yu- kon Territory, production of a single pound of Generating | trict, where 11 persons have died capacity of adequate size will be| of polio so far this year. installed there to supply the re- | quirements of Whitehorse com-! Minister Garson and Fisheries surrounding | Minister Mayhew were scheduled Kootenay region. James. A. Bryne, East Koot- enay member of parliament, said visits were considered in- advisable because of crowds which would assemble. All gatherings are being, dis- couraged throughout the dis- The Prime Minister, Justice |to arrive at Cranbrook airport labont noon Monday, 4 CULE AND CUDDLY—Patsy and Pat, a pair of Mex Sones three months, these puma, cubs will grow and grow into feline desperados, RG SS : ican imports, stop over in Toronto on their way to the Unique Animal Excliange near Sutton, Ont. Lookhig like two oversize kittens at (CP PHOTO) |