PAGE BIX. LADIES' MORNING : DRESSES We ay Morning Dresses, but they are equally attractive for afternoon wear. Made in fast color Japanese Crepes and exceptionally natty designs, and in a nice range of colorings. Prices range from $2.75 to $3.75 On show in our Third Avenue Window. Wc arc agents for I'ictorial Review and Ladies' Home Journal Pattern. ' H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD Phone 9. AN OPPORTUNITY nut to he missed. Take ad. vantage of this Good Buy Strictly Fresh Kgsr. 3 duz 85c Woodland lJairy Ituttcr, per lb 5c Fresh dreamery Ituttcr, per lb 2c 1 S lb. Boxes Uutter, "per box $5.90 No. Itacon. per lb 45c No. 1 Ham, per lb. . . . . 35c ECONOMY 5 IE V Phone 84. 417-5th Ave. East. DELICIOUSI The fine creamery flavor of pure Woodland BUTTER is distinctive, lie sure to try it. Ask Your Grocer For WOODLAND, "The Best Butter." Crepe Soles Jusl uiTtwd-.I.uplisli ISrowu OXFORDS with the new Crepe Soles. WEAR LIKE A PIG'S NOSE. English Brogue Oxfords and High Shoes in IHack and Drown. Geo. Hill The Shoeman Next St. Regis Cafe. Sterling Furnace COAL Dlifrtf In Bulk, At $10.00 per ton. Tltis U very auperixr furnace rual. It rlvrt a rlran lit flrr ami U entirely free from mwI. rlinken, lack and dirt. Some of tbe larrrrt (H-allnir planln In trie city are now in It with entirely taturartory reniilM, t STERLING STOVE COAL, peltverrd In 8arlt. At S12.50 per ton. We are a!no ArrnH for the rainoui LADY8MITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Goal Go. Main Of neat Hotel Central. Phone 15 Third Avenue and Fulton SL CANCCILATIOM OF RCSCRVC .VlTIU. IS IIUO.BV GIVL.V tint lb rrxrie ril.Iin oer Lot 4(1. uurro Uur-tolte laltixl) boirlct. U cancrllrtl. (i. H. .NADL.V iw-puty Minuter or uwii. Mmls brpariiurnt. Victoria. B.C. talo January, till. SICCNA LAND DISTRICT OF QUCCN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Tike olk-e thai I, Arthur n4rtson. of Port tleturau. BrilUb Columbia. Intend to tpply for a itttt otrr ifw follow lot rte-rrlbe1 land: Ciaiiororliir It 1 I't planted at tine north nt r- rorr of Lot (36 north coatl i.r Graluni Maod; llvcnce ltd rhainf wetlrrly: limn fire rhalos northerly, to low water mart. inmrv ! thalni ralrrly ahir iw wairr mar: rbrare fitr rbainf nmbrriy to point of simrowifiat, ccaiuinint forty acre, mnr or LoritM Januiry t'th. I. ARTHUR BOBERTSOT Honey WHY PAY MORE? We can sell pure Ontario Honey a follows: 2'i lb. pail 60c 5 lb. pail $1.25 to lb. pail $2.25 FARMERS TEA AND HARVEST COFFEE Lead in Vitality and Sell fur Les. Compare Farmers" Tea with any other and dec id for yourself. We guarantee if. STRICTLY FRESH EGGS, 3 dozen for . . . , .... $1.00 FARMERS Market Phone Blue 428. 1-Blue -1 Ribbon Tea Common lea Is a drug on the market, ami Jim will not save anything by buying l. Half a pound of BLUE RIBBON Makes More Tea of belter f!aor than 0110 pound of low grade bulk tea. Navy Blue and Brown SERGE Dresses Just Arrived. All sizes. Bargain Prices from S13.2S. BEN r s Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgsrton Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, U 8. Phone M. Open Evening Only Par tpeolal Appointment. GbTOES' ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS FOR THE CURRENT YEAR Mrs. H. E. Tremayne Is President of Organization Wfch Miss Du Vernet Secretary The annual meeting of the (Sirl Guides' Association was held on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. Iu Vernet. Fourth Ave., and was well at. (ended. Officer for the year were elected a follow: President, Mrs. II. K. Tremayne Secretary, Mi. Alice Du Vernet Treasurer. Mr. L. V. Kergin. Supenior. Miss lllanche Mac- dunald. Kindred Associations, Mrs. Charles K. Starr. Membership, Mr. J. C Mc Lennan. The association went on record a heing anxious to help in every way poillc the local company girl guide and their captain, Mr. iHmald Itnss. ISURPRISE PARTY FOR iMR. AND MRS. CLAPPERTON Merry Party Invaded Their Home on Saturday Evening and Enjoyed Time A surprise parly look plure on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mr. A. Clapperlon. the occasion tain? the celebration uf Mr. Clapperton's birthday. The on en i lie wa spent in sitiSrin?, danriiiK and yanies and between the event a presentation of a hadhap was made on behalf of those present to Mr. Clapper, ton by Mr. Wilcox. Itefreshment were served at midnight. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. II. Kil-lin. Mr. and Mr. A. Hunter. Mr. and Mr. W. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray. Mr. and Mr. J. Watson. Mr. and Mr. J. Arthur. Mr. and Mr. II. Wiarpin. Mr. and! Mr. W. Horn tlti n. Misses Arthur, fiodwin and Watson, and Messrs. Walford, Wileox. W. CiaptwrUm. A. Murray and It. Murray. Mr. Davis and Mr. Ilnweu. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. .Vtttm- 1 brtrby fin that Uie rcrtM nurrtna- it ttma furmwly hefc VMtrr TliMM-r l.lrrnm So, itl't tml IZ1 arc raurellnt. . R. MDK.V. Ingulf MIMtlrr of Land. NOTICE. TUi: X1TI1 K thai imdrrt will W r-rrftlrd Mlilll mn Mundtr. Ilw Tib uf ! April, tffl. for th purrhar of tlie rt. Ibat ".Vartrhor" and ruv boat irwiml liy th lair II'mii k. rrrrfnan. th Mrh-tt r an)' tnwlrr nut nrrrsraiilr arrr.J. 1 I'lt-aw riwlow rnim in sraWsl mirM I (JJr-r(l nrririal Adntiiiltrttjr. I'rlnrr 'Ptnrt. II,' ' and nurkrd "Sarbrlhunr ITrndrr" Chocolate Easter : Eggs and Novelties Seled your rnjuirctncnl now whilst our ranxe i complete. We will bold your parcel here for delivery oil Saturday before Kaler or us advised. 'Ibis shipment will be placed on display Tuesday, April 1st. Potatoes We are the S'll) KINliS of N'.il lici 11 H.C. if not of the entire pro inre. We expect to ship from -'0 to carloads of (In; fiiiet Alberta I'otatoes (o this coast in the next sixty days. See us for special prices in retnil or carload lots. Rupert Table Supply Phones: 210, 211, 212. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue TAB DAILY N&W8. Monday. March Sf ojt Women Sense Things Truly Mm It seem that literally thou, and of women are individually active in an unorganized campaign o use Made-in-ll.C. product. Their own sense of economy, whieh is more than practical, teaches I hem that where a pair of H.C Loot arc boughL a ran of jam. or a can of milk consumed, citizen her have work to do. We learn this from personal call diotise to house -lit different town. Pacific Milk Co. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotsford. B.C. BURNS LAKE Mif FJIrn Noreu nwd brillirr Walford have Irfl iHkrr lke for Swift Citrreiil. Siisknlebewan. where tlny will wnd I he sum-mer visiiin-. Iave and William Andrrs.ii have taken over (be niaiiageiiiinl of the Lakeview Hotel and A. Karslen, the former proprirlor has gone to Smithr. Some thirty resident f Hums and Decker l.ake and Palling paid a surprise visit l Mr. and Mr. Fred Saul at pecker l.ake recently. TERRACE NOTES A. Y. Wilson of Iteiuo was in town on Frklay. Mr. II. A. lileerker ami Mr. M. (iriec returned from Van couver on Wednesday niyht. The man's AuviliHry of I !. Auxlican Ciinreh met, tin rk at the home of Mrs. W. C. Sjtarls - K. I.e l'a?e. irjtlfiiHelerisl left for Hie soulh ou TIiurlay after aifuin sMnditi7 a few day 111 Terrace tin hi ijelurn fnm visit -in? various eastern points. The l.adie-' Muild or the I'res-byteriau Ubureli nicl at the home of MrV. HI. Kenney u Thursday. (1. T. Suudal was eallid home to Halt ir. South Dakota, by the illness of hi father. He was in formed by iiixM letter that though in a critical roiidiliuii his mind wa clear and be was expected to live at least a week. PARENTS AND TEACHERS TO BECOME ACQUAINTED ti. ..r i i?ouii:iiiiiie OU' 01 mm- irfjiiiij 'in the form of entertainmeiila will jbc held iiinler the asujiires of jUie I'arcnl. Teachers' Associa tion tins week. As Hie oraina-liim is iusl inils infant slnires it iwas decided that a novel way of raising cups und saucers which c'ould be' used 011 all occasion would be lo hold a shower lea. A plain servieabb: rup and saucer frnni everyone ntlciiilitiir will be i I tie aim of the executive. He. sides the lea the executive have arranged u (food program of music aft well as some valuable iruessiiij? contests. The aim of the whole uicelin? will be to give all I lie t:irenl nml (eneberv nn apporlunily of becoming belter aeiiiaiuteu. REGIMENTAL ORDERS 1st. Bn, North B.0. Regiment 102 Bn. O.E.P. Orders by Major J. W. .Nlcholls commanding: March 2V, i'l. I)ulies Orderly olllcer, l.ieut. I). (Jreen. .Next for duly, Lieut. J, Harnsley. I'aradcs Monday, March 31 I'hysicial training. MiiiUltiro faiiRi' Owing to uon arrival of ammunition, range will not be used this week. S. I). JOHNSTON. Major and AclAdJt First lln. -North H.C. Ilegl AdvertisS 'ly tbe Daily News, MIDDLETON IS NEW AMERICAN SCHOONER 'Petersburg Boat Arrives In Port Today After Maiden Voyage to Halibut Banks Another new American halibut schooner is in port today marketing her first catch following her maiden trip to the Cape Umaney banks. She is the Middle-Ion owned by (S. M. Isaacson, her. skipiwr. and I'eter Wek. another member of her erew. Hi was built Hi Seattle ami i. rriti-lcrrd at Petersburg. T1m MaRKetou' tuniMge i 2t ami she is 35 froj ItMik-. Iter caparily i iS.OtKi lou and she 'carries a erew of six men. Her I n lid or is a 50 horse power Stand- Iard. After eiglil days' fihuig. she .has tS.000 iKuuds. ALPINE CLUB PLANS SCALE MOUNT ROBSON (coutmued fnnn page Iwiij far been only outlined and where the eid.rers would find new and unexpected srenir joy awailiiu them uf every turn. Mount Logan Neil Year The director r the elul. r-ferrel lii the ittlcnif eins m.i.l,. to climb .Mount Hveresl and fur I her lo the plans under wav f..' 1 Uh (Sub's nevf ramp whirl' would 1 in-1 II. Ir an I..1 MiMiol Lopmi. which is PJ.M.'.O feet alx.xr ,.ea level ami wbieh n silualnl at (he siiulliwesl r..r. iter of the Yukon Territory. A.I II. MrCaHby .if Wilmer. H.C and Suiumil. Xr. Jersey, will lend I his evpedilion with II. F. Iim- berl of the Sedrtic Survey t tiunal. Ai HssirUnl leader, Major K. C U'heeleV of the MmiM I'.veresj etMdittiHt ami Mr. Ilelmvre llrowne of ihe Par ker lirowfi.' Mount MrKinlcy e-pclHbm will be the lectmical ad viser. The American Alpine Club has also been invited In send a! rvpresenlalite. 'flits etMtilion will he made in the sprin? of IWS5. The necl of fuads for thi exeliliiMi wns ixiiiiled out and II was siaie.i tiial fl.UOO was 11 sia-hl of the s 11.500 needed. Pronperou advr.ting mean rentle eonlinoAO' HHirf I SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. nnrrv-J. aurtajrxt Crown lan5t mar ta ?rr-mptd t llrtUah aub;da otr II rrara of (. ana by alltna on daclarlnc Inlrnilon 10 bacorna Brltlah tubjtcti. ctnJl tlonaj vpoa rraldtnra, occupation. nd tmprovamant far atrtculturai tmrpoaaa. rull InformaUoo conrtrnlns rfu-atlona rtjardlnf pra-arapllona ti (Iran In Bullatln No. I. ljnd Hrl 'How to fro.ampt Land," eoplaa ef hlch ran ba obulnad traa of chart r addratt'.nc Uia iHpartmant of Jinda. Victoria, B.C. or to anf Oo- rnmnt AcanL (taeorda wilt ba (raatad rovarlnt oljr land aullabla for agricultural urpoaaa. and hleh la not timber-land, l, carry ln ovrr board ft par aero waatof thaCoaat Rani and 1.009 fat par acta aat of that Rant. Application for pra-ampllona art j b addraaaad to tha lnd Com-nlajlonar of tha I,aa6 Rrcordlna IH iilin. In which tha larM appllad for It altuatrd. and ara maua on prlnlaf forma, roplaa of which can b ob (alntd from tha Land Cornmlaalonar. Pra-rmptlona mutt ba ocruplrd for ftro yrara and tmproTommta mad to valut of IS par acra. Includinc clrartns and cultlvallnr at laaat flva acrat. bafora a Crown Orant can ba rrcrlvrd. For mora drUltad Information tha fiullatln "How to lra-rmpt land." PURCHASE ApptlcaUona ara rtrrlrtd for pur-chaaa of vacant and unraatnrtd Crown landa. not bains tlmbrrland. for agricultural purpoara; minimum prlc of firat-ctaaa (arablr) land la U par acra. and arcondclaaa Icratlnc) land 12.10 par acra. Furthar Information retarding purchata or laaaa of Crown landt It jlran In Hullatln No. 10, Land Serlaa. "Purchae and faaa of Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or Industrial altat on 'iranr una, not aicradlnf it terra, rnar ba purchaard or taatad, tha con-dltlona Includinr pajrmant of atumpaf a. HOMESITE LEASES I'naurvajtd a rata, not atcradlnr JO acrra. mar ba Iraaad aa homrallat. conditional upon a dwalllns balne ractrd In th flrat yatr, till brtnt obtalnabl afiar rtl1rnr and lm-provrmant eondltlona ara fulftllad and land haa barn turvarad. LEASES Kor trailnt and Induttrlal pur poaaa araat not aieardlnr it acrta mar ba laaatd by ona paraon or a company, GRAZING iy.n?r-.,h.i 9r."ln Act tha Prov. Inca It dlvldad Into trailnt dlatrtcta and tha ranta admlnlatarad undar a Qrailnc Commlitlontr. Annual srailnt parmlta ara liauad baaad on numbara rancad, priority bains slvan o aatabllihad ownrra. Btock-ownart -nay form aaaoclatlont for ranta nanatrmant. Traa, or partially fraa armlta ara avallabla for tattlart ampara and Uarallari. up to tar itad. I Phone 376 The House Phone 376 Silk Neckwear "Lanky Bill" A SNirl tiravut with a llroadwuy Snap. In j.i.ihi vvillt green, while und pm! trimming-. 75c each Mens Dress Shirts Men's Tnrohiie Silk Sirt in 'l.un iul r- Sues t u 7. $5.50 each UNIVERSAL Men's WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 JACKPMFORD "GARRISON'S FINISH" The Mutable return to the screen ! .1 Immi f a notidde sturv. A nelurr lhal rwtiluii - the picture Imer !ikf- Kxcituig rare ir. k ihhik u u h,. Jark wn rice and a girl's love. The Keulurk) Irert inl V I. 11 llaudir.ii form the li.n kfrniniid for a W"m .. tory uilli a tioti :uid IliiilU, l t .uul ruunterj.' ! Charles Ogle, Frank Elliott, Madge Bellamy, tlhet Grey Terry .mi sirouir .i INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admission 35c and 10c ''HHjDI of Quality TRADING CO. Department Attractive Coats The sniai l' si nispi ii fasliiou in the new Sprmif '' Desijfiied in the latesi s showinn Hie straiKlit l""! ,,f; V'ffects, fashioned of Hie a fahries tliey are gaime" rare heauly. 1'rlces are most- uio.eraie n'J $20.00 VENUS HOSIERY IRIS BRASSIERES. "DEMERS" P.O. Box Mf. Phone 27. QM0KED FISU kJ AT ITS RFST 1 There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Utiles arc 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." Hubert llraud i 1 liercd to llie sturs in tdean new hov - tauied "ltiiert llraud." Wruji in rooking mht, nnik ill niiHlei .ae "V 1 U'll lo :i0 minutes, remove Mer and serve ' Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, 8moked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all 1'isli and Meal Markets, and (iroctis. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT