WkM YN Wul A TAXI in a hurry Phone 99 est Oar and t Service In the City. Rates Reasonable VOL XIV., NO. IC FRANCS ARE LEGAL TENDER IN FRANCE I'AltlS. Feb. 2."l .French miner friiiies, regardless of llielr dcre-eialed Milue bate been held by the '"in-' of appeals in this country In be b'gal payment for domestic I'liilracU culling for gold. HUME BECOMES ITALIAN TERRITORY ''"ly Fjunio bcconics'u'aliau ler- HOCKEY SCORES Seattle, I; Vancouver, V. fc- tuui), 4i Victoria 3, .who thoroughly enjoyed every SmPle police believe Ibe bunk M1",1" marTU l" ''- ' r" r.dr ore .be a tho.. - 'n. m 111.. lie I 11 ffi 111 1 II 4 III 11 4 ''' " ''r , National Hank in hat city ''. fursl oflbe week and secured " '"r,a'7'- . , i a I I In decorative scheme of THIRD ROUND SCOTTISH CUP Cimes Were Played Today Scotland for Association Trophy In Id, SOOW, Feb. 23. The H"'rd d KUiiien of Ibc Srollib r'uuUmll Aicoeialiou Hup !eiie. Mil) d loday reMtilled a fol- Mie dt-en Fast SlerlhiK. "i lie H :i. r.lydc I. I'iyilebank Ayr II. I'mhck I. Ilumilloii I. llHuxeri. I. Hibernian i. Mullieiwell 0. Airdrleonian 3. Iluill. (. si. Hernard I. f'dkirK I. (Jwcw n Park n. cdored paper fej'loon. fla: and balloon wa I lie Mibjeel (if iniieb faxoralde roiumeiil while (be iu-noatioii of (be Mine lillle duv- ouU diilliil anajud Ibe ball, rc- liiiiiNri'iil of Flaltder field, lo- Kelber will, ll.e military uui- forine of Ibe ineinber of Ibe regiment erealil a truly military and genial alnio-pbrre. The atigmenli'd regiineulal band, under Handiualer Ileal, occupied a raied platform in Ibe cenlre of Ibe ball mid provided itTexbdihlc dance jntilc. Ibe dance opi-ned Willi Ibe grand inaicli h'tl by Piper Jame Slurgeoii followed by Major .1. V. NicholK olllrer eommaiiding Hie legluient, ami Mr. Wright Davie. The projfrain Included fox I ml, wallie and one-lep with u inoouliglil wait it in each half. The moonlight waltzes were epeclally popular, thu ex elleuee of I lie subdued lighting effect being worthy of special note. Refreshments Served At midnight a buutiliful was served in the balcony under the direction of the Ladies Auxiliary to Ibe leglineul assisted by member! of the regiment. Mis. CmitiiII bad charge of the kitchen. In the second half of Iho program the balloon and snow dances caused inerri meut. Halloons were released from the balcony to Hoi informal enjoyment 'f ll'C Minwball dance was a pure delight, many ,,r tbo ladies present proving IIO.MK, Feb, 2.1.--l'rcinJcr Mus- llieinselves expert marksmen. "lini of Italy and Iho Jugo Slav Sergeant Hobinson acted us floor """er vn,.,1v ..vel.nmre. 'nn.llillter. IHO OlllCCrs, uoil-eoill "illficalions of (he treaty slgnedinissloned ollloers and men, and H 'Inine on January 27. My IhlAhe I.ndlo Awxlllury to the regi men . WHO were retoosimiv nir (he ball are to be congralulaled upon the signal success attained. rim r.ounly Court case of Melntosh s. W. A. Dunn bu. !" n tl"(,ed iuJoIinitcly She Minister of Finance Taking Up With Ottawa British Columbia's Plea VICTOIII.A, Feb. VJ. Hon .lohu Hurl. Miiii-der of Fiuanee. Is pressing for Ibe removal , of Ibe Dominion claim to priority of income lax arrears oeruiort gates a uyainsl real and per Minal properly. He has written lo llisflil Hon. V. S. Fielding. Federal Minister of Finance. pointing out the scriousues. of Ibe situation and Ibc danger of a mortgagee' security being wiped out without bis knowlcMgc in (he etent of Ibe mortgagor being delinquent with hi federal income lux ami bis properly being taken by Die Dominion to alify it claim. Provincial Action Mr. Hart, who has been press ing the mailer before Ibe Federal (ioxerumenl for some time, has ttuggcslcd to Mr. Fielding that the opportunity should be lakeu during Hie coming session at Ottawa lo remedy the situation created by last year's amend ment lo Ibe JN'ar , lncojn Tat Acl. In the provincial Taxation Ad there was a cJuu;-c whirl .... . 1 S:i .... i a it . .t -l wu iieer unonuru ii"iiuf ui( effeel of giving priority lo income lux' a i rbaV'! oxer' u mortgage ami the finance department did not so interpret it. It was thought by some interest however, thai It could be taken thai way, and in order to remove nil doubt Ibc secliou was redrafted at Ibe last session of Hie Legislature so a lo slate speci fically that a claim for personal properly or income taxes has priority over other claim except those secured by registered liens, rhargrs or Incumbrance. Dominion Should Follow "II has always been the desire of Ibis government lo give pro-leiliou lo investments of capital in the Province," said Mr. Ilarl. II would be M'ry uujul to mortgagee who hae registered a charge agalnsl properly lo ecu re Iheir claim for money ad vanced If the properly were lo.be subjected lo a prior lien for in come lax. hen it was pointed out Hint a provision in our own Act might be considered in that liulil we at once made the tang ungo clear, and I have no doubt that Die amendment of last year lo Hie Dominion law will be repealed at the coining session." FRANCE WILL NOT INTERFERE Affairs In the Palatinate are Do mestic Concern of Germany, Says Note HI'.HI.IN. Feb. 23. - Foreign minister Slrcscmnnu announced thai France had returned Oer- nrany's note respecting the Pul- alinate, Informing Hie tieriinin goernnient that she did not in tend to interfere with dcrmaii dispute in which she was not interested, fcitresciniinn strongly criticized the French action regarding the uole. He said il would only lead to. Increasing despair ainong Hie people instead of the desired agreement. Union steamer Camosun, Capt. J. A.FIudluJ, relumed from the Nuas Hiver llils morning and sailed al 10 o'clock for Vancou v . r ,i:id wuy ports. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIUNCE HUPKHT, IJ.C, SATUHDAY, FKHHIAIIY an, I02t. v...,'. eirMieuea ee strm sim Here is the way the news of Hie illne and death of ex-President Wilson vas Iran-null ,j t ),e world. A reporlcr is hown dictating- bulletin- lo ti .special telegraph operator who had a direct wire in operation on Hie sloop of the Wilson Home. ProvinciakGovernment Asked to Provide for Hebrideans on their Arrival in this Country OF YACHT CLUB A balance of cash on baud of H2.K2 and a gain on the year' operations of $5:i'J.?5 after de-; preciation had been deducted were satisfactory feature of a healthy financial report submitted al the annual meeting of Iho Prince Hupert Mowing A Yacbl Club by Alex. Mcllae, secrelary-treastirer, last .nii'lit. The club now ha 73 member enrolled. There were eighteen new members taken on during IU23 and a similar number resigned. Improvements such a the obtaining oT a new club bouse and belter electrio lighting were dis cussed but nothing definite was decided upon, these mailers Jje-ing left in Ibe hands of the new executive. Directors were elected us follows: Dr. J. P. Cade, M. M. Stephens ,Alex. Mcllae, lieorgo by the executive. In splto of the club's large membership, only eleven were present at tbo annual meeting. They were H. K. llenson, Oeorgo nolle, 1 Dibb, Fred Scadden, A. H. Wright, Alex. Mcllne, M. t. Stephens, Jack Lindsay, Dr. J. P. Cade. T Q Minns and Dr. I W COMMISSION IS TOLD LOG EMBARGO WOULD camps were closed mouths. lloric. nr. v . I. hergin, Joe He, lo Ibc (Ireer ami It. F.. llenson. Mr.'udian Co. Ilorie i Ibe only new director.! I Hon. John Whealley. if lienllli niiiifiiincpil IIihL the government approved the pro COWICHANIJKELYTO HAYE LARGE NUMBER There is also possibility of an independent being in Hie field. This will make either four or five candidates offering aud.no one can tell what I he result will be. CLOSE CAMPS MONTH' OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL rani icu rinnc VII "I I lit IV Vul, '! ! -i-I M Satisfactory Financial Condition',,,, n.e embargo ' on Hrilish , I?,,,on11' n.Mrf K Kr.M..w I m 111 1 l.i.. 1 1 ! I Iiiiu ilnt .1 nln..l l I ... I Ilia i. l urnuil I. Directors for Year Elected ... . . .,' . .Miildlesboio 0, llirming " ham I. opening session of Ibe eo minis- v .. , ,' ., Nolls forest llolton , , ii.. ..i I, 0. sion here yeslenlay. It was staled . , , w, rr; Sheffield L n led I, Illackburn 0. ii i. that r export were prevented t would force many camps in the province lo close down a month', FISH ARRIVALS Five Boats Marketed 52.S00 Lbs. of Halibut at Exchange Today Division II It ,....-!.... ! Illtint I I longer than now. Al present the . , ..'.... , ' , . . . nruuioni i.iiy i, roinaui o. Mil... Ill !..' " " for (III. "nhoul two Hury 2, Nelson 0. Clapton 0. The Wednesday . Leed vs. llrislol City not played, purl Vale vjp Southampton not played. SliK-kporl v. Crystal Palace not played. Leicester City 2. Coventry 0. Manchester U. 0, Derby C. 0. Oldham A. 0. Stoke 0. Three American h a 1 1 b u I. ... Siii..i.u n Hull r.iiv i. schooners marketed 20,500 lbs. I al Ibe Fish Lxehangc this nom- Division III. Southern lug and two Canadian. 20.000 A,0-dure I, Swansea T. 2. Ibs.-H total for the day from-,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,, (juiiughain 0. five boats or 52,500 lbs. Hrenirord 0. Charlton' A. 0. Arrivals and sales: Hristol Movers 0, Merlhyr T. 0." American iF.xeler 2, Soulhcod 0. Pelican. 13,000 Hi..- ul 10.2c Luton Town 0, Plymouth A. 2, and 'He. and Urania, 7,000 lb., Northampton 2, Millwall t. at Ki.lc and 8e, Ui the Pacific Portsmouth I. Norwich City 0. Fisheries. Illending t, Oueen's Park 0. Fairway, (1,500 lbs., ut 10c und llriglitou and Hove ve. Newport C. Hooth Fisheries Can. Canadian not played. Division III. Northern Accriugloii 2, Bradford 2. President, lee-prrsidcnl ami; Kalen. lO.ono lbs., at U.3o and Asbinglon 2, Darlington I. oilier otllcers will be oliosen lalcr.He. lo Ibe Hooth Fisheries Can- Durham City I. Lincoln Cilv 0. adian Co, plrinisby Towni 0, Wrexham 0. Hippo, lo.ono lb., al 13.0c and, Halifax T. 0, llolberham C, 2. He, to Ibe Canadian Fish & Cold, Hartlepool 2, Chesterfield 2. Storage Co. New Hrlghton 2, Doncasler H. 0. 'iTrnninere II. I, Crewe t. Kergln. The meeting was held Walsall I, Soulbno."l I in Hie council chamber and was Harrow 2, Wigan Horn 1. presided over by Dr. J. P. Cade, jWolwrliamplon W. vs. Ilochdule Vres'deu! I vi ( )fayed Th Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Dotes for Parly Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. PREPARING PLANS FOR HEBRIDEANS IN B.C. BRITISH PARLIAMENT PASSES BILL TO PROTECT TENANTS THAT COUNTRY German Government to Dissolve Reichstag if Opposed by Members MKIW.IN, Feb. Vit. Tlr cabinet liu. derided lo diolvc the lleiclil.ig ill tho event of a conflict between Hint body utul Itiv pi'vcriiiiR'ril ever continuance or discontinuance of (lie 'Slate of emergency" wliirli ha prevailed throughout (icrinatiy since lut November, when it rnc.-iifiii'(l I lie emergency by jireilcn tiul dorm". Tim country i .-till in a greatly liurlt'i condition owing lo Hi (lilfiiiill) 111 securing food and other nceessilic of lift; iind tin? looses incident lo th debasing of the currency. BIG REWARD MILITARY BALL FOR BANDITS GREAT SUCCESS Two Hundred Couples In Revel of Five Thousand Dollars Offered for Apprehension of Men WJ10 Got Away Enjoyment at auditorium Last Night ! TIm1 beauty uf I lie decora! ions. jibe excellent danrc music of the I VANCOIVF.H Veb. 'J, " - Wltil ' "url,,c 1 0 regiuieniui nanu. me , II... elure'llial aaaivlat lead ioi,Mnrul "Upper ami the general apprehension of Hie bandit" Mdcudid arraiiprnirnl of ll.e t i.lerilay shortly before!,r',, "'"' "' wlvn by llic bold up an.t robbed llmlP"14"' i"'-co.nml.inned of-...;a.-r and mciucnsief Hmni- "w" '"' vt w . I or the Fufrvicw brand, of VIM:1'. ',u,l'1,lal, -Klicnl last Au.llla.rluisi markr. : Imperial Hank nnj escaped ,u brilliant function a- one of li 3?,000 hove ben followed. ' ace of llic robber, wu ' wwfu l acl.lrveniiienl in be 1. 1 -lory of I u,. lo noon l-lay. T..e Hanker. .Wtall ave ,,iril " allended by 200 couple home - i t. hmiuhi ..r sr. mm r..r upturr of I In1 men. PRESSING FOR TAX CHANGES British Parliament Deals with Housing by Protecting Tenants Against Exactions of Landlords LONDON, Feb. 2.'!. The House of Commons yesterday gave it second reading to Hie Kenls jtslriclion Hill, the object of which is. to control rent imlil H28 instead of 11)2.1, the dale originally set for decontrol. According to the new bill, the tenant cannot be dispossessed except the landlord wishes lo live in Hie house himself, in which case he must first provide other accommodation for Jii tenant. The permissible increase in renls was reduced from 10 lo 2't per cenL, A Labor member named (iurdner declared lliat no govern ment could catch up with the 1 housing shortage by 1925. 'Jec-j PSJ1J inil 111) lions were proceeding all over! Jjjjljlull VUl me coiinirj aim toe sonuiiiou 011 tenants was appalling. j minister THIRD ROUND posals in the bill but did not ac-. Number of Games Played In Dlf- cepl responsibility for it. I ferent Parts of England Today LONDON, Feb. 23. lleturrn are to hand of the results of the CICPTinM rtlininiTTC f-ames 111 ,,,e mini rounu r.ngiisu LLLtllUIl tAnUlUAltj, Association Cup series played in . idiffercnt parts of Hngland DUNCAN, Feb. 23. Cowichan 'afternoon as follows: is very much lo the fore in elec- CardUr 3, Hristol City 0. lion mailers. Already the Conscr-'Crystal Palace 1. Swindon i valives have nominated tW;ir Southampton 0, Liverpool 0. this tmntr am Hugli!ullrrie-, tbff-sllt-iWest Drumwich 1, Wwtverbainpi mg member, will be in the field tun I. in the labor inlrresls. The Lib- Watford 0, Ncweaslle 0. crals, il is uunounced intend to Hurnlcy 1, 11 udders field 0. nominate a slandanl bearer, and Asloti villa 3, Leeds 0. the present independent member Urighlon and Hoc 1, Manchester for Hie southern nart of Ibe eon-1 City 5 VICTOUIA, Feb. 2:t.--Delails of the plan under wliich'sliluency. Keunelh Duncan. Is - hundreds of hardy ocolrli fishermen froth llm llebrid-s miirhl. lookins for nonunatlon. onie lo Urilish Columbia lo engage in (he fishing industry in Mr. Duncan recenlly joined the place or Orientals was laid before Ibe Provincial (iovcrumcul Progressive but a lot of the yeslenlay by Captain Ian Mi Kenzie, M.L.A.. of Vuneoiiver. member of Ural narly do not Umhr llic scheme Hie Hrilish (iovenimenl would nav Hie rust wnnt him as Ihev snv bis remrii of bringing the llebrideuiis (ere, .Mr. McKenzie said, and he on finance is not clean. They uggCsted Iho Provincial jiulhoritie make nrrangcmeiils for aid-.wish to nominate a new man. ing. Hie selllers lo establish themselves on their arrival here. I ne government, is giving the proposal consideration. ANNUAL MEETING ROSSLAND WINS CHAMPIONSHIP Kootenay Amateur Hockey Team Beats Victoria In Fight For Trophy VANF.OUVKII. Feb. 23. - Last liighl llossluml held Vieloria down to a lie in an aiititeur hockey game for Hie championship of Hrilish Columbia and thus carries off Ibe Savage Cup. The score al Ibe close stood I lo t. This was Hie second game of the series, Ibe first having been played on Wednesday of this week when llosslaud carried off the honors t goals to 1. llosslaud will now be eligible lo play Hie Prairie winners in Hie Allan Cup elimination series. JACK JOHNSON WON AGAINST HOMER SMITH MONTH F.AL, Feb. 23. - Jack Johnson was awarded Ibe judge's decision over Homer Smith in a leu round bout. Smith several Hides look the count of nine but was not badly damaged. TWO RUGBY GAMES England Beats France and Soot-land Wins From Ireland, In International Matches LONDON. Feb. 23. F.ugland defealed France 1U lo 7 In luter-iralioual rugby here loduy. Scotland won from' Ireland 12 to 8 In a rugby mlcb. FRENCH TAXATION PLAN IS APPROVED PA HIS. Feb. 23. The Chamber of Deputies unproved Premier Polncure's entire taxation and economy plan aHer un all night se.ion on a vole of 35 i lo 2 IK. Subscribe for tbe Dally New.