Friday, July 25, 1921. "Rupert Brand" 3rd Avenue. -4 J? WW While Sunlight Works STQJ have more leisure hours on wash day if you use Sunlight Soap. Away downstairs in the wash tub this wonderful soap will do the labour. You rub the things with Sunlight you put tlicm to soak and then its penetrating, cleansing ingredients search through and through the fibres, loosening even the hardest dirt or the oldest grease stains completely. No wash board rubbing, no boiling, no hard work. Then, with rinsing, the dirt runs away and your clothes arc ready for the line, purified and snowy clean. Wash day should not take your labours-only Sunlight's gentle strength. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Selected 6911 Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "ltupert Brand" Salmon. A row tins in Ihc pantry arc always handy. Slock a supply on your boal that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR AN EVENING'S COMFORT Sea-grass Chairs and Rockers from $8 to $9 each Cocoa Matting, in pattern squares, $2 and $2.50 each Bame's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. Phone 123. The Old-timer says Electric Bread is "The Best we ever had" I "l'alroniie Prince Hi) pert Slores ami support the (own mat supports you," THE DAILY NSWB. PA'Ol THPIE ! L-J I 4L NOTHING LIKE IT IN AULD SCOTLAND Local and Personal So Say Scottish Editors of Jasper Park on Arrival Today. JASPER, July 25. Smiling skies greeted the Scottish edt-lorial parly on their arrival at Jasper National Park this morn ing. I'hey are spending the day here ami tomorrow morning will leave for Vancouver where they will inspect Ihc harbor ami grain handling facilities as guests of the Hoard of Trade ami Institute of Journalists. The beauties of .Jasper Nation al Park delighted the editors on their arrival here. They are be ing taken to Maligne canyon and Mount Edith Gavcll. "There's naelhing like this in auld Scot- and," they declared in chorus, on. arrival at the Lodge, one of the member adding that . he doubted If all Europe held such wonderful scenic territory. SQUADRON AT PANAMA. Panama, July 25. The Hritisli special service squadron left to Jay for Jamaica. No official calls were made, but only the formality exchange of salutes and dipping of Hags. HIGHEST TEMPERATURE. According to the report of 11. 0. Crewe dominion meleorologisl, the temperature of 78 degree registered today is the highes so far this season. The temper ature yesterday was 71 degrees. BIRTHS. A sou was born on July, 25 to Mr. and Mrs, 1). Santerbane Eighth Avenue West, at the Prince Rupert (Seneral Hospital At the Prince Huperl Oeneral Hospital, on July 2i, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kasuy- ama Dobe, of Prince Rupert. At the Prince Rupert (icneral Hospital, on July 21, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Piinler-Muss, Sum m il A venue. A son was Horn to Mr. am Mr. Chas. Sunberg. at their home. 251 Fifth Avenue West, on j my -o. ' - WIRELESS REPORT. 8 p.m. Hull Harbor--Clear; barometer ; temperature, 05; light swell; H p.m. spoke steamer Oueen 2.J5 miles .Vom Kelchikan, northbound; 8 juii. spoke tnolor- hip Apex abeam Alert Hay, northbound; 8 p. in. spoke steam er Norwood 197 miles from Bel- lingham, northbound; II p.m. poke steamer Princess Heatrice olT PineTsland northbound; 11.30 p.m. spoke steamer Prince Ru-per.t leaving Ocean Falls, Demt Tree Clear; calm; bar ometer, 30.21; temperature, 04; sea smooth. Digby Island Clear; calm; barometer, 30.3 1; temperature. 5; sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Oregon leaving .Rose Inlet for Quadra. 1 00 miles from (Juailra; 8 p.m. spoke tug Cape Scoll abeam Watson Hock, bound for Ocean Falls; 8 p.m. spoke sleainer Amur bound Anyox for Tacoma, 30 miles from Anyox; 8 p.m. spoke sleamor Alacedo, 107 miles from George Inlet, northbound. Noon. Hull Harbor Clear; fresh northwest wind; barometer, 30.00. temperature, 71; sea moderate 8.30 a. in. spoke steamer Prince (ieorge crossing Milbank Sound, soulhbouml; 8.30 a.m. spoke steamer Prince John leaving Hose Harbor, southbound. Dead Tree Clear; light north wind; barometer, 30.21; temperature, 5; sea smooth. Dishy Island Clear; 'fresh northwest wind, hamiueler, 30.32, temperature, 75; sea smooth; II a.m. spoke sleainer Venlure due in I p.iu., SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. un- lil 0.30 p.m. and on other week days at 2, I and 0.15 p.m. The last boal home each day will leave (he Salt Lakes float sharp al 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parlies specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale and hire ' Prince Rupert Hoal house. tt.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayiiem, Undei taker. Phone 3&t. If Prince Huperl Annual Exhibi tion, September to 13. tf Football iQiiigfit, Acropolis Hill. 0.S5. (J.W.ViA. vs. Sons of Canada. Mrs. W. S, Ackroyd, and daughter (5 race,,, sire booked to sail on Hie l'rliieo Huperl on Sat urday night furA'ancouver. Wrestling. Nels Jepson, Can idiau champion light heavy weight, vs. Jack Hums, Spokane.. F.mpress Theatre; -August 5. if CP. It. steamer Princess Afire Capl. Oriuislon, will 'arrive al I o'clock tomorrow: afternoon from southeastern Alaska ports, en oule south. , G. W. V. A. Basket Picnic to Digby Island on Sunday, August 10. There will be no crowding, as a sufficient number of boats have been secured for the day. 175 .. Mrs. S. P. Jones, wife of S. P. Jones, wirefe'ss" operator at Digby, is sailing on the steamer Princess Alice tomorrow after noon on a holiday trip to south ern cities. - - steamer Princess Heat- rice, Capt. CliuY'ts due to arrive tomorrow morning from Van couver and wayports, and will sail in the forenpon on her re turn south. Mrs. l' and daughtei Heatrice of Seattle, who have been visiting in Alaska since last May, are in Hie city enroule home, and will Sail on the Prin cess Heatrice tomorrow. Fit 1 1 Lipscombo and John Tar Olivine, ctiargeil witn vagrancy, appeared before 'Justice of the peace, S. D. Macdonahl, in the oily police court yesterday after noon, am) were given 18 hours to Jjave the city. ". ' C. X. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, due from Van couver ami wayports at three o'eloek this afternoon is reported on time, 'the westbound train, due at i o'clock Ibis afternoon, Is also reported on time. A very good snapshot of the steamers Princess IjOiiJse and Prince George was obtained on Wednesday by Sam Anlous, of the Prince Huperl hotel, when Hie steamers drew alongside in the middle of the harbor. A. II. O. Freemanlle, insurance inspector for the Canadian National Railways, is in the city making a survey of the companys buildings. In company with lire chief McDonald lie made an in spection of the dry dock buildings this morning. Mr. Free manlle leaves for his Winnipeg headquarters on lonight's train. MADE IN CANADA SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE Manufactured by 25 " 35 mm wv Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited L. P. S. itunney. disiricl forester, is leaving on tonight's train for interior points on departmental busines. E. S. Rushy, chief inspector of customs, Ottawa, is leaving on the round trip to Stewart on the Prince Rupert this evening. T. A. Clark, .assistant district forester, Is leaving on the steam er Prince Rupert tomorrow for Oceaii Falls on departmental business. Union steamer Venture arrived in port at 1 o clock llns after noon from Vancouver and way- porls and left again at 2.30 p.m. for Port Simpson and Naas River canneries. J lie fisheries patrol steamer Martish, Capl. Kburne, arrived' in port I his morning, lowing a Jap anese lishing boat wliicli had been discovered lishing with an illegal net. I'ickets for the Klks' Excursion to Ketchikan are stilt available from any member of the commit tee, or can be purchased on the Prince John on Saturday morn ing before departure. i lie itev. .Mr. sweelman, ac companied by his daughter Pa tience, who arrived on the Wed nesday steamer from Vancouver, re.nained over a day In order to visit Archbishop DuVernel, am) left yesterday evening for Kn- dnko, where he has been station ed for many years. The stage is all set for the Elks' Excursion to Ketchikan tomorrow morning. Old man Sol is on his best .behavior and the trip up the coast on the Prince John will be exhilarating. Ar rangements have been made for those who have not made their reservation lo be able to secure tickets on the boat before sailing C. H. Robinson, Editor of the 'orlh Hritisli Columbia News," a quarterly magazine, published in England in the interests of the Anglican Diocese of Caledonia, has been spending1 a few days in the city as (lie guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harnsley. On Wednesday. Canon Rtishbrook took him and a number of friends to Mel-lakalla lo show hi'in Hie Indian Mission there. Yesterday morning Canon Hushbrook and Mr. Robinson left on Hie "Northern Cross'" to visit the Indian Mis sions at the Naas River. Prosperous advertising means feirniMi- I'nnl itiuou nrivrlinir TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Capable stenographer Apply Canadian Hank of Commerce, 170 Keep a Kodak Handy Just outside your front door, all summer long, you'll find these intimate home scenes that make such splendid Kodak pictures. They're the ones that form the "priceless" part of any Kodak diary. We're here to help you photographically. Kodaks all models; . ' .-film all sizes; accessories- all kinds; and helpful advice on picture making. At our Kodak counter Ormes Limited 'Gh: Tlexall Store Phones 200 and 82 Third Avenue Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service under management of Mrs. M. Haven. Ideal place to spend your summer holidays. Reasonable rates. Good home cooking. Comfortable rooms. .Fishing, Boating, Huthing in Lakelse Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TA.XI Motors Operating Tu,i and Launch Service between Terrace and Lodge landing, assuring guests of quick, comfortable trip. ' p' : - Also operating taxi service to,Till parts of the valley. l'Vir reservations and rates, apply lo LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. w V