of the counting of the absentee voles, giving McKay a majority of sex en. McKays counsel announced that an nttempt will be niiule to reverse the finding of the county court in respect of certain bal lots. WINNIPEG WINS AT FOOTBALL Gets First Match of Threo to Two In Connaught Cup Finals WINNIPEG. July 25. Ycster day Weston United or Winnipeg defeated the Canadian Explosives uf Montreal In the Connaught Cup series of football games, the score standing three to two in favor of the Winnipeg team. The last game will be played tomorrow. HOUSING BILL THIRD READING Was Chanaed In Committee But Skeleton Ro mains as LONDON. July 25. The House of Commons today passed the third leading of Hie Governmenlls Housing Hill after an opposition motion of rejection had been defeated by 220 to 131. The bill had been greatly altered in commit tee since it was introduced but the frame work remains. LOAD SALMON HERE BEFORE GOING SOUTH C.O.M.M, freighter Canadian IQT1IART MAfI ARFN j a uimi iitiivuiiiiuii MAKING PROGRESS DIRECTION ALASKA TOKIO, July 25. I nflni- II... iwmmL tin. tin.- messnn" rrrriwn une FISH ARRIVALS Four American and five Cana dian boats marketed a total of 109.000 pounds of halibut on the Fish Exchange this morning. Of this total the Americans landed 128,(100 pounds and the Cana dians 11.000 pounds. Canadian second class landing pulled down over three cents more than did t lie Americans. Canadian schooner Lillian M, received the highest price for her catch, bidding al 15.2c and 9.0c. The arrivals were: American Atlas, 21.000 lbs., at 13. Ic and (i.lc, to the Pacific Fisheries. Kanatak. 32.000 lbs., al 13.1o anil 0c to the Mouth Fisheries Canadian Co. Venus, 35,000 lbs. at 13c and Go; ami Scandin, 10,000 lbs., at 13c and 0c, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Canadian Lillian M., 12.000 lbs.,' at 15.2c and 9.0c; Nautilus, 7,000 lbs., al 13c and 9c; and Muireneag, 5,000 lbs., at 13c and 9c, to the AUin Fisheries. Livingstone. 15,000 lbs., at 13.2c and 9.1c. to the Canadian Fisli & Cold Storage Co. Plop, 2,000 lls., al 13.1c and 9c, to the Royal Fish Co. FRENCH BOXER AGAIN BEATEN Carpontler Falls to Respond Fifteenth Round Against Gone Tunnoy She A wireless. aressed a fhort time in the county "at Sluart .Maci.aren, uie iin.isi even( In NEW YORK, July 25. Georges Carpentier, the Frenh boxe.r, and one time aspirant for the world Highlander, Capl. Martin, will heavyweight title, was defeated by come off the dry dock on Monday 'Gene Tiinney, American light and will load 2,000 cases of can- heavyweight champion, at the ned salmon at Hie lumber as- polo grounds last night when he sembly wharf, nlso a misccllano- failed to respond to t lie bell for oils frelnh! for Vancouver. The the fifteenth mid last round. freighter will sail for the Unlled II was a furiously fought match miigiinm rrom Vancouver on wun Tunney snowing greater en August 10, Sluranee than his opponent. uuests including Secretary and Mrs. Hughes in the royal nvar quee, while the remainder of the guests were served .in other pavilions. Later the King and Queen shook hand ,wilh.ull who desired. Itaiu somewhat mnrred the court yesterday. round tlie world aviator, readied Mosl of ,j,e pu,,sls WPre Can It will be recalled that in the Petropalovsk in Kamchatka a,ari nn, American lawyers. first count by the returning offi- Wf yesterday and expected In ; cer the Conservative was declared 1cve today Tor West Kanichatka. mirv . t nil i njQ elected by 135 majority but the He is now in Husslan territory. jjJ JJ JJjlU CANNERY BURN Blaie at Tucks Inlet Does Con siderable Damage This Morning A fire which resulted in the destroying of six or seven Indian shacks occurred al the Prince Hupert Cannery, operated by the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company, al 10 o'clock this morning. The fire is now under control and is being dampened down. Immediately the alarm was received al tliex Cold Storage plant a gang of fire fighters was rushed over to aid llic cannery staff. The fire; would undoubtedly have been attended with more serious consequences hut for the hard work of the firemen. T. II Johnson, manager of the Cold Storage plant went over to super intend the operations. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS PASS The following results of Prince Rupert high school students, in the recent junior matriculation examinations were received in wire this morning from Prin cipal .1. C. Ilrady to Mrs. Hrndy Six full passes: Reid McLennan, Elgood Stephens, Russell Hulger. Eileen Stephens, Gladys Nicholson ahd Millicent Osborne rour .supplemental passes Alice Pillshury, Francis Cross Alice Nelson and Pete Hlack. Completed Junior Malricula tion Marjorie Lancaster. Completed Senior Matriculation - Minnie M. Rank. CANADA AND CUBA TIE FOR DAVIS CUP OTTAWA, July 25. Canada and Cuba scored an even break in singles m'atches hero in the Davis Cup competition, each win utng one match. and Gyros S. K. Greer, Leo Wiaugli, Norris Pringle, S. W. Taylor, Douglas Stork, Dr. L. W. Kergin, A. It. Nichols and R. F. McNaughton. The Opening. Mayor Newton, in a Hitting and brief address, said that in re ceiving tlie line ror i lie equip ment from tlie Gyro Club, he be lieved that every citizen and child in Prince Rupert felt that they owed a hearty vole of thanks to the Gyro Club for the plcndid .efforts the club had made in raising the money to furnish tlie recreational equipment and thus assisting to beau tify the park. The president of the club had said that the Gyros were not going to slay their hand i Club for their splendid elrorls, and declared the park open. Much to Hie amusement, of the onlookers Mayor Newton then took slide down the kiddies chute, followed closely by Milton Gon zales, president of the Gyro Club, while Judge Youne tested the op posite shute. Judge Younq. Prior to Mayor Newton's address Judge Young spoke brietly to the children and gave them some excellent advice. He said the Gyro Club had presented Hie children .with the equipment, which had cost a great deal of time, trouble and money, and be wauled the young children to re member Dial fact. The Judge said "Hut you cannot ' gel any thing for nothing in this life, and the Gyro Chili want you lo pay them back." Coulfnuing Hie speaker said of course I he Club did not want to be paid back in money but they, wanted the chil-(conHtiued on page five) State TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Largo Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere al Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For rales, apply to Boston and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL, XIV., NO. 17 4. PRINCE HUl'EHT, B.(j., FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1024. Yestfrday'i Circulation, mi Above is shown, on the left, Sir Jenner Verrall, and, on the right, Dr. Herbert Bruce of Toronto, two widely known medical men, photographed at the luller's home. T Gyro Playground Opened Yesterday Under Auspicious Circumstances at McClymdnt Park by Mayor Newton Yesterday afternoon McClymonl Park came into its own the occasion beiiiK the official opening of the Gyro Club play ground, the gymnastic equipment for which was presented to the .city by the nun for the use-uof the children. Also -the -city's fine children's swimming pool was opened at the snme time by-Mayor Newton, ussisted by His Honor Judge F. MclL Young and .Milton Gonzales, president of the. Gyro Club. A record crowd of children and their parents -were present. Other officials active at the opening were Aldermen Perry. McMordie, The'o. Col- lit Joe Camphell, TWO INDIANS ARE BURNED Lose Lives In Blaze at nery This Morning Can- Two Indians lost their lives In the blaze at the Prince Rupert Cannery this morning, and the body of ono has al-aiready been found, according to a report received by the Provincial Police Just as this paper was going to press today. Their names are not known. with what they had already no-irmr PAHnTP complished, but they intended to j I W 1 1 NllllKl rN inJiil M.l.lili, iri.nl nntiitimunf a M V UVVIIVUV the years went by. lie hoped that Hie city would bo able to do likewise by extending the bathing pool facilities and thereby mak OF PUBLICITY ing the city more enjoyable and Prince Rupert Known benetlcial lo Hie children. If a little were added lo the park each year the citizens would not miss In States From Barnsley's Radio Work and Flying Men I lie small amount of money nee- In the United States Prince essary and in a few brief years Rupert got a good deal of adver Hie city would have a park of tising from; two tilings, according which it could bo justly proud.; to J. W. Nicholls,. who addressed As Mayor, he thanked the Gyro 'the Rotary Club yesterday on his recent trip East. One of the ques Hons asked him in Chicago was: "Well, how's Jack Barnsley?" The record of Mr. Harnsley in connection with the MaoMillan expedition to the Arctic was well known everywhere and if ever ho goes to the United States he will gel (i great reception from radio fans. The other source of publicity was in connection with the visit of the round the world airplanes. In connection with this Mr. Nicholls siiirsesled Hint an out LEAGUE BASEBALL . Amerloan. St. Louis, n; Philadelphia, 5. Detroit, 5; New Y'ork, 4, Cinciiinlti, 9; lloston, 10. Chicago, 5; Washington, 7. National. Brooklyn. 1; Pittsburg. 8. Only jjame scheduled. Strrtt Sale. Hi PRICE FIVE CENTS. OVER DAWES REPORT CONTINUES GYROS OPEN PLAYGROUND UNDER VERY FAVORABLE AUSPICES YESTERDAY Deadlock Still Halts Allied Conference in London Dealing with Dawes Plan for Germany LONDON, July 25. Every effort to lireak the deadlock winch halted the work of the inter-allied conference has been put forth to put the Dawes plan into effect but thus far without success. The conference stumbling block is a difference between Premier Herriot of France ami Hrilish and American financiers over the sufficiency of guarantees which might accom- ....ii- Him nrntilisi'il fiil'lv Til ill i f 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 111 I loan tit- Germany. 'i' i.,. i l.... iiwiwi Mini Hint- ipu iniupuuioit imiv in nrntp Buckingham Palace Scene of i.wiirilv fnp tlu loan niiil exnecl to draw mi n fomnila embody-; Event Wnen KlnB. Que" and ing their outline before they ap- mikf m aim France hiainlains- her original llimui.MlWw1. ,land that she abide by the Treaty! LONDON, July 25. King PrTO nmniTMT of Versailles and that in the George, Queen Mary and the llLil tJ ULiLUulll cvvni l,f wilful German defaults Prince of Wales entertained 3,- she have the right to impose 000 guests in the grounds at the 'sanctions no matter whether the rear of Buckingham, Palace at a His Election Is Conceded by mo- ,i. al . collaborated or not. 'garden party especially in Honor Kay In Mackenzlo But Fur- j . .of Americans. .Their Majesties ther Protest Will be L..nT ,,,,,, inm, took tea with a small number oi Made VAXCOl "VEIl, Jul) 25. Elec tion of Michael Manson, Conser vative candidate in the election in (lie Mackenzie riding was con ceded by council or McKay, Lib- GARDEN PARTY FOR AMERICANS Prince of Wales WINNERS OF CLAIM FOUL IN i HIGH HONOR TUNNEY FIGHT Students Who Were Governor's Medal and Others ( j Announced. i Awarded Confusion at Close of Big Bout VICTORIA, July 25. Winners of the Governor General's medal I Margaret Tdliuie, South Vancouver, 91. 5. George Davidson,. New Westminster, 87.0. Last Night When Carpontler Declared Beaten BLOW SAID TO BE LOW for the live leading students Of Sur.nnPt.ra nf Fnnrhimn r.hP. the Province are ed Him to Echo Last Night After Adverse Decision NEW YORK, July 25. The fight last night in which Gene- naipii James, roiiii urey, bo.j. Tunney defeated Georges Carpeu-l.eslie Wagner, Vancouver, tict. i,y a technical, knockout, end- 'ed in confusiomA blow, which Kathleen Uaird, Vancouver, Carpentier's hamilers said was s5,3- jlow, at the end of the fourteenth Senior Matriculation Iround sent Carpentier to the mat Maxwell Cameron, Nelson, 83.9. wruiiiiib' with pain but the referee Junior Matriculation lrirup.il In rail Mir blow a foul I Margaret Tolinie, South Van-UI r,ercd Carpentier to cou-jcouver, 9L5. tinue. i Junior Matriculation Scholarship, who,, t.e bell sounded for the District 1 Jean White, Skel- fifteenth round. Carpentier ton, Oak Hay, 82.2. Idoubled ui. attemoted to renew District 2 Margaret Lanyon, Uie baltle m a semj-crouched North Vancouver, 85. position. The referee waved Tun- District 3 Leslie Wagner, HV in his corner and Canicntier- Vancouver, 80.5. District 1 Dorothy South Vancouver,- 88; Successful candidates - ' .rolled over on the floor. Salisbury, t ie ringside there w'as a ibedlaThof confiisioir. De"scfiami). District 5 Donald Caley, bal-.Carpentier's manager, rushed to mou Arm, 83.5. die referee yelling "Foul." The Dislrid 6 Marion N. James.' vi f ii ret a m I 1 1 i rti n n-n r wit I n Ilia llevelstoke, 83.2. follow: Prince George Normal Entrance Helen Abbott, S. W K V. Perry. Ella Hessie Lambs, Lila was a fouj an,i booed the decision Junior Matriculation Helen K. Coales. Senior Matriculation Lottie K. Davis. Terrace Grade Four Edna May Dobbie, John L. Greig, Mary M. Martin. Pacific Grade Four Roy E. Anderson, Lillian J. P. Taper. Smlthers Normal Entrance Helen M. Grant. Junior Matriculation Arlene E. Kirkpatrick. Qlentanna Grade Nine Constance Montgomery. North Bulkley M. i..ciiiii- i FOUR LOCAL STUDENTS GET SUPPLEMENTAL Pass First Year University Course at High School Subject to Later slnndiiiL- reeentlnn he cion isuppiemeniais in onc or more Slnnrl MneCnren wIilm ht poiiips subjects. These were Margaret here. Palmer, Mary McRae, Felix Halt announcer .lifted Tunney's arm In token of victory. Many spectators thought the blow which laid Carpentier low of the referee. They cheered Carpentier to the echo and as sisted him through the ropes. RADIO STATION AT VANCOUVER New Short Wave Installation to bo Made by Marconi Company Margaret K. Gibbons, Thomjas A. promptly. llaslelt, Arvin D. Hewitt, H. Lindsay. There and Montreal OTTAWA, July 25. Radio-stations are to be established near (Vancouver and Montreal as links in the Empire wireless program as a result of arrangements just Grade Ten Mary J. V. Mclnnes completed between the Hritish. Stewart government anil affiliated Mar-- Grade Nine Cherry Canrpbell.jconi companies. They are to be Joan L. Mellor, Slavely John M'el- short wave or "beam" stations . ln..l..... 'I' V.i.b til a i Ilfiv.nutl u'ill Im nwmtil n.irt nnopnlpil. Workman, Muriel M. Crawront.iby the Marconi Company or can-; Win id f red M. Mellor, Elizabeth ada. They will have a speed of Ida Watson. 100 words a minute anil wiU cost Ocean Falls approximately $300,000 each. Junior Matriculation Myrna Work on the erection of the sta D. Flowers. Sigridur L. Fridleson, Hons vill bo proceeded, "wHlh PHAROS WINNER LIVERPOOL CUP LIVERPOOL. July 25. Lord Derby's Pharos today won the (Liverpool stakes of two thousand Ipounds. S. TattersalPs Haton , , , , ,. 'Rouge came, second and P. Nelkes Word has been received m ejCock ,hjn, city from Victoria that four of the 1 students in Hie Senior Matricula-' MvrilPnlirri 1 tion Class at the Prince Rupert MAJOR MOTHERWELL Hish School passeil subject to I ARRIVES IN CITY Major Motherwell, chief inspec- nnd Jean Mackay. Two students tor of fisheries, Vancouver, ar-faileil to reach the total necessary rived in port on Die fisheries to give (hem senior nmtricula- patrol steamer Givenchy yesler-Hon standing, Don Matheson amLday evening and left by seaplane Edna Vickers. this morning on a (rip of Inspeo- Senlor matriculation Is first tion to the Naas River district, year work In tlie University and Major Motherwell, has been visit-passing the examination gives ajing the various canneries on his first class life teachers certifi-(way up the coast, and is very calc subject lo later professional; pleased with the ulmon run to training at a normal school. Idate.