Friday. July 25, 1924. 7H1 DUET jraWS, fti ftvi. mstzsfvy -rbimmbb -m 1 mmi war " 4 S I 1 t II save you sirengm. uur 1 I I lin I .1 A-IAA LJ I ll 1 J reuftinK daily. They show iousowif Mum modern . In Imnnv il L I tl Uflll 1 (I 1 1 I I A ' I J 1 1 . , ... $185.00 nvi'r Sucl um Sweeper . $G2.00 I J" 111 ti l . At 11 VI WW V ta ten Hardware in. lie Unruly Andy Store. aruwaro unu oDorunu Goods 3rd Ave. Phone 3 uate dossard utter In Charge. w Showing! idies Sport Felt Hats imer Hats Half Price DEMERS" ne 27. P.O. Box 327. 1 fling furnace GOAL 'Delivered In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Is Is a very superior furnace i II Rivos I riean nm urn niui Rircly rrs from soot, elinkrrs, ami dirt Some or the lament K plant in tun city are now it wltn entirely tiraiiory ERLINQ STOVE COAL, tx-llvereil In Sack. rAt $12.50 per ton. also Asvnts for the Famous Y8MITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. nee -Rupert Coal Co. i urriMi Hotel central, pnona is resh MILK ind Cream From Quick, B.C. Any tjuaritity delivered dully. )mpt Early Morning SAUENTIN'S Dairy lone G57. McBrlde Street. it. Regis Cafe rlnce Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. PROGRESSBY FAIR BOARD Meeting Last Night Hears Cheer. Ing Committee Accounts Of Work Proceeding. A special general meeting of Hie Fair Hoard look place in I hp City Hall, last night, Joe Grepr, president, in the clinlr. Members of the hoard present in. eluded Hen Self, Frank Dihb, Dan labour, Geo. Kerr, Aldennan Perry, Fred Keaddcn nnd I). Mel). Hunter, secretary. The meeting was calM for Hip purpose of giving Hip various committees an opportunity to report the present condition of the various undertakings in connection with the staging of the exhibition in September. - Committees Report. Hen Self, chairman of Hip. sports- and attractions rommil- Ipp, outlined Hie designs of the committee with reference to the putting on of the Carnival Queen contest. II was decided thai the capital prize to lie offered would be a free trip to the Wem liley exhibition, London. The ae-Ipction of the district prizes has yet In be made. He also report ed that the committee were .nr ranging for a special sports program during fair week, in which the co-operation of Anynx and Ocean Falls teams had been assured. Aid. I'erry reported for the building and grounds committee, and outlined the work dune in the matter of lowering the lloor for the lea room and the putting in of an experimental archway un derneath n .portion of the bal-cony. The board decided In havi the entire pit of the building surrounded by smaller arches. In structions were left with the roiuniitlce to have these arches completed and til so painted. The . secretary reported Hint. almost all the outside concession booths have been let and a considerable number of the inside booths. Frank Dibb, chairman of the finance committee, outlined the. proposed method of raising the necessary funds for the successful carrying mil of I tin exhibition. Judges. The matter of judges to act al the forthcoming exhibition lias been taken up with the depart ment, of agriculture by the secre tary. Stanley Dorrell. of Van couver, nn experienced dog fancier and judge of kennel shows at many of the larger centers lias been engaged to act in fhe capacity of Judge of the dog show. Hie, president reported that the advertising committee was keep ing pace with the publicity 'cam paign. II. E. 'Benson, manager of the carnival queen contest re ported Hint he was making nee essary arrangements "for. printed matter in connection with Ho1 carnival. OorresH)ndence received by the board from oiitside centres indicates an enthusiastic feeling in the Interior and surrounding districts. QYRO PLAYGROUND OPEN YES TERDAY UNDER AUSPICIOU8 CIRCUMSTANCES AT McCLY-MONT PARK. BY 1MAYOR NEWTON. (continued from pnge one,) dren to lake care of the eljuii men! and not to be selfish in Its! use. When on the swing or on; the ladder he wanted the kiddies; to think of the "oilier fellow" 'oni the ground. The Gyros wcrego- ing to put the children on men honor, because.they, like himself believed they were goon sporis A good sporl," said the Judge, was a;person who never told a lie and iwho never 'did a mean tiling.'- The speaker then called for three cheers for .the Gyro, which 'were 'heartily given. Milton 'Gonzales. In introducing (he sneakers. Milton Gonzales, president of the fiyro Club, said that everyone realized if the children of todav were to grow up as everyone wanted them to grow up, they must have, heilltliy places (if re creation. The. members of Gyro had had that in mind in furnishing the equipment and handing it over to the city for Hie use of tbe children. The Gyros hadj with the generous help of the city and the city council, been able to raise sufficient funds to instill the gymnastic equipment and Ilipy were now going to hand over their entire interest in it. to the city to be kept, for the chil dren of (he city for all time. In dedicating the equipment it '.had been designated "Equipment No. I, and In doing that it meant that the Gyro Club, if fhe. people of I lip city considered t lint the money raised by (hern had been wisely spent, would continue In expend their efforts in the furnishing of 'further -equipment as lime went on. Mr. Gonzales (hen handed the legal title to Mayor Newton. 'Ice 'Cream. Afler the opening ceremony had been concluded ice cream' was served out to all the young sters in the park by Gyros 'Leo' Waugh, S. W. Taylor, and A. It. .Nichols, Swimming Pool, Etc. The swimming .pool installed by Hie city in the park came in for a lot of commendation prior to and afler the opening cere mony. The pool measures 2o feet by 00 feel, inside measure ment, and tapers gradually from adep(h Of 30 indhes to in inches. child can walk gradually down the pool without any danger. The Gyro equipment is very comprehensive and includes swings, rings, tcpr 'ladders, giant stride :poe, parallel bars, and a commodious sand .pile en closed in wood for Hie benefit ol "His Majesty" the baby. The equipment which was 'manufac tured at the dry dock, is strongly made, and is built on concrete bases. The lan in the Moon j SAYS:- IUN headed people llnd it diffi cult to see the point. VOUIl sins are sure, I o Unit voii outmd so are your relatives. Hi. Kit 51 I'.. Mm InlinPAnu Thrty .get up early -enough 'to enjoy these .beautiful mornings. HER dimpled cheeks were pretty; Her mouth a rosy red; BUI when she spoke She al once awoke Those pains that hurl my bead, THE latest name for n res- taunult-'is a "tilling station." . IF you look at a pessimist you cannot well 'blame him for be ing one. IT is all right to feel more im- poriani man rue noss. u noes not. 'hurl anyone as long as you keep the idea to yourself. "CHAPERON"' is an 'obsolete word once 'usell on ipollto ttooietyj but now wholly 'discarded. ODD ppflide are those with long hair. ONLY the .mo4l circumspect Mustard, for Hesim relieve a ?n iU a used in the omj. jest- S'p""1'"' We troubles ii mi corns SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY A CANADIAN! V j r established . rNNlt&HALFACCAmJ! i iili ill girls can tilTord to wertr cotton lops. DO you wonder at a daughter refusing to let her parents pick) a vomiir ninn fop tier when she 'Escape rrom u.u.m. ooai ai ic- spps what u -mess her mother made of the job w hen she tried for herself. .MARRYING a bobbed hair girl is taking a short cut to (he altar. GOSSIPS and speeders-both! On you I frown, For dioth would do your best To rdn me down. 'WHEN a radio fan finds that his engine won't run ho blames it on static. U THINK it Was a local skipper who said he was going to-cut up the ship's log in order to make planks for the next new political party. 'HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. iF. H. Aiken. Terrace: R. L Sinulh. .11 At. MeI.eod. T. J Siamese twins, by virtue of Hie Dorsey, II". Myers, A. Farrow, I precautions taken by Captain Frank H. Smillin. F. M. 'I urns. inanuaii or uie importer to pre CorbijVs-The QualityWhisliij toria and Cannot be Found;. 'Were Handcuffed VICTORIA, July 25. Evefy nook and cranny of the waterfront has been diligently searched for the two enturesonie Gas-gowites who escaped, handcuffed together, front n 'forwurd locker of the C.G.M.M. vessel, Canadian Importer, ut Ogden Point Thursday morning, after a free ride from Montreal; but the wafer-front has been 'found as bare of evidence of their presence as Admiral Field's quarterdeck was found to be innocent of dust -when the Hood 'berthed nt Ogden 'Point.' Seldom has suCh n painstaking search, such n meticulous, penetrating probe been made Into places which might 'be deemed attractive to two Scotsmen shackled together 'by handcuffs, as much a single entity ns any Vancouver; R. Peart Eric. i,09ent 'Ibelr (escape. And seldom Angeles; Mrs. M. M. Kerr, Miss l,us nn? orawn sucn a ois M. Foote, Toronto; Miss A. G. Foble, Calgary; Miss Margaret Foote, Flora, On.t.; Mrs. J. W. Field, Miss 'Gertrude Peckham, Miss 'Clara Peokham, Eillnouton; E. S. 'Busby, 'Ottawa; Miss Helen Gow, d)es 'Moines, Io.; 'V. A. Fleming, il.HCOiillH', Altt. A. C. Egar and family, Winnipeg; F. llorton, Detroit ..Mr. .ind Mrs. YV. H. Harrison nH son, Moid rent; A, N. Dowe Maple Bay; E. 'V. Hinckley, dlyder; 'Mr. Sutherland, Prince Rupert cniiiiery; Miss Mildred Aiken, 'Los Angeles. 'If you find you cannot get the dally uNewB regularly, call (n mm subscribe for It and have it de livered to your home. If nial blank ns the sum, 'total of results. ALIENS REJECTED. LONDON, July 25. 'Aliens whrl were refused permission to innll in the United Kingdom in '1923 totalled 3,173 as against (1,907 in IU22. The rejected iiuMuded 571 Kalians, 187 French, ana Oer mans and ilboul 100 Americans. H Do not suffer another day Mlth, lltchlng-. lildlnr. orTrolrudlnr l'llea or llemorrholiia. Ho 'urgleal 0)rntlon'rKlulreU. lr, Clii Ointment will rllrve you at one and sITord lustlnp lienent, CDo a box; all -avaiers, or Kdinaimnn, Hates & uo LlnilteJ, Toronto. SampU box if- of Canada-is found wherever aood ' mm I wM $'6miJ '1 P ijmmammSj '8.00 ;p.m. f is appre ciated -since 1859 Bottled in Bond underT)omimon Government Supervision 4-24 This advertisement is not published or displayed by Hie Liquor Control Board or by the Govemment of British Columbia. SCOTSMEN MAKE A QUICK GETAWAY STEAMSHIP SERVICE SJS.'Prince Rupert or Prince George 'Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and 'Saturday at 113)0 p.m. 'FOR ANYOX ............ Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. 'FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port'Clements ami Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skidegate and nil ports south every Wednesday nt -i PASSENQfcR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. leave l'rlnre llupert &.00 pjn. for TR1NCE OEOBOE EDMONTON, W1N-HirEOall points Eastern Canada. CnlteVl States. AOCNCV ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES. City 'Tlckt Offlc, B2S Third A, rrlnca Rupert. Phone ISO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service! Sailings! rom Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and 'Seattle June 14, 21, 25; July 2,'5, 12, 16, 23, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 8, 16,20, 27, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 28 S.8. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. 'For Butedale, Swanson iBay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, -Campbell River, and Vancouver, very Saturday, 11 a.m. lAgeney -'for all . Steamship Lines. iPiill Information 'from W. ). ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner bf-4thtreet and Srd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF;B.C., LTD. Sailings if roin .Prince Rupert, 'or 'VANCOUVER, VICTOAIA, Swanson ', 'and AUrt Bay, "Tuesday, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt lRy7snd Swanson Bay, Saturday, 10 A!s. For ANYOX, 'ALIOS -ARM, STEWART, Waits 'island, "Sunday, lS P.M. Por PORT SIMPSON and Naas Rlvsr Oanntrlss, Frldsy A.M. S23 2nd Asnue. 4. Barnslsy, Asnt. Prlnca Rupsrt, B O. It-