PAGE TWO. In the Tea Cup the full charm of II SAUM GREEN TEA is revealed. The flavor is pure, fresh and fragrant. Try it today. v The Daily News PlllNGF. HUPF.UT - .miTlSlI COLUMBIA. pnldislied Kvcry Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dailv News, Limited, Tliird Avenue. II. FPULLEN, Managing Kditor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, lv mail or carrier, per miintli $1.00 Rv mail to all parts of the Rrilish Rmpiro and the United. Stales, in advance, per yenr -$0.00 To nil other countries, in advance, per yenr ?7.f0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day pre ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. IiailY EDl'I'lUM ii-ii u ii. A A:i.. n A : . 1 1 j .t m r tr. 1 - a I . n w a h o it m e I i" Transient Display Adverting. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion " -i ' n'nV el e wUh " e ap Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.S0 per inch a"on; , . . r.iiiii.,.i , 1 1 1 J . . , . , ft 1 lln.iln.D ti ii n I II ' n nl I ii m r . i. lin . 1 1 ii n I 1 Mtnuvi', MTt lli-i i iiiiii iiim i... , ... ... lf ... . .1 lexers iiiii iiiiiim-ii crouii hi wir . ... , . , ,. . . , n Class, ficd Advertising, per insertion ,.....2o per word ... . ...... . . . n. Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line i ... ... . Contract Rales, on Application. V" . ' " 7, ' , " (continued from pa?e one) served ilurin? the past year. Credit to 1922 Council TucMlay. January IB, 1921. hclousr lo him. (iivon a free hand, I believe that Hilly Vickers is as pood an oflirer as there is on the Pacific Coast." Aid. Stephens cloned with the announcement that .fie would bold another meetinjr on Wed ncMilay ni;ht and that it was his desire (hut all personalities should be eliminated from the contest. "I want to fight STEPHENS OUTLINES HIS I be a serious handicap to Indus- rian rnmnaiirn and 1 would ask POLICY AT MEETING OF tries but not only lo industrii's.lvoii in selecting vour mayor, lo ELECTORS LAST EVENINQ The burden would come on those If orj,0 ;inv personal prejudices , fiiviiiR full credit to the 1022 ra0i-council, which be slated had1 who made their homes in the you may have and vole for the oily. Re was opposed to im- nian you think will serve Ibe nVn J ',' " Ueneral plan, but since he bnd , a . .. necessary lo get down lo.n '.. ,., been out nf the council nothing business and avoid pel schemes. If tbo finance committee in 102.1 had had the support of Hie mayor Uiroupli his connection will, various other cHml.tees, eily . limn- iiiiiiii-- Hituiu llllr iiri'ii saved the taxpayers. "I promise, you, if I am elected, that I will exert my olllre with all commit lees and I will not be a dead one at thai." Reef In Belt Feed Baby KLIM POWDERED WHOLE MILK It is not Sterilized Compare Te-liqulfied Kllm Whole Milk with the strictest test certified milk. Ask your doctor-he knows! Canadian Milk Products Limited MONTREAL TORONTO Sold by RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. more had been beard of the scheme even though a complete outline of it had been left in the hall with a favorable re- It would be feasible ami economical. If elected he would resurrect the idea. The present roads, he -aid were dangerous. S. D. Macdonald S. I). Marilnnald defended his The cily had gun on borrow- record as an alderman for the WINNIPEG I4T pasi year., tie aumiiieti mat ne had not favored the appointment of the present superintendent of utilities but on being appointed chairman of the utilities committee he had given Jlr. Love, every support and he now IhoiiKlit making the appointment was one of the host tdops the council had taken. The alderman said he had done his best lo give the city good service and he believed the financial standing nf the cily was prelly goo'd today. He paid a compliment lo Alderman Stephen who he thought had been a Letter chairmun of the finance com-millce than be would be. mayor. He bad often supported Alderman . Stephens, lie bad urged that lhe council give the ratepayers the advantage of the profits' on the light and power system and bad suggested a slight reduction in rales bid. had been fold the finances of the city thk nXiix NFAV8. litis: and xpfTullntr nml borrowing worn! not slnna for it. In view ami sforuliny as if it lind a pop- of Hr slntnhfMil, pivon out at ulnhoti of 50,000, but fh timo the 'city hall ho wouM, If rlorlnl, bait romp for U roof in tbo liplt.'rmlt'uvor In yr.Mirn n rinoimlitrt Kviili lop-Malion aoctinlintr to Ibo'roiluotion. lie also claims! sixo of tbo inuuicipalily. It was Jrrnlit for tbo ajrwMiir-iit witlii lousy to spontl but it was not so tbo tlryijwk which bo ooustilori oay to ralo mouoy. What liola pol ono. Tbo plant was of wajitoit to oo was a 30 mill rale iiislomt of .10, Abl. Slopbons lo- claroil. Itoalififr with a rumor that ho hail opposoil tbo .taxation ox- 'million ajrrooiuo.iil with the G. W.V.A., Ahl. Slopbons mau it oloar that bo bail only insisted that such exemption should bo slon only as. lonj? as the jiroiuNo wore not in competi tion wilb liconsod business of of tbo city anil Just for Much lime as the . property was used for the purpose of a .G.W.V.A. memorial. 'I bo story has been Rompr around that I would, if elected. fire Chief Yickors," slated Aid. lepbonn in itoalitiK with another rumor. I warn to contradict that story and say that whoever circulate it is telling an un I rut It. As ndinp chairman of tbo police commission several provemenl lax and had nothing rjy 1,01 a lime." lo auolifc'i7.e for in opposing a Ml. P. McCaffarv J reduction in ligbl and power ! M t. mm'oOWv in inirn.inA reaiy smne.i me feoreanuai wu Sneakint of clnxler ..Ireel of the citv services. Aid. Sleohens i:..i.n.. .. n..i. - .iiiuiiiK sjsu-iii iur ins kiock.h then went on lo .. from a report of the cly.treasui-erjdowntnwn ' ?, co,in? ,37,000, which n inir Hie sneaker of the eveninir ""'!"" said he was supporting Alder cirUMii ... a u viu.-..: "iit-ri , I Slenhens because he bad I . - , civ eive . ficuren1 fisures' c. . . , . . . piinwn , .,... uuicipih ruaracmr u ---- - ------ - -' 'iMininQia inn qoi i 11 ifld r 1 1 on He was a - heavy tax -- illy 10 siinw wnvre oiany saiiiKS nan iii . ,i1Aj ,. flartI,p, ,POn tslr been i.ern eiiecieu efrecled .oi Not inclu I in! n , l,aJ, payer and a man with a famllj lhe llIayor -Id.. filepbens de- the treasurer's slatemenl .?, wou,,, .,,,'f.i "e inleres'led mieresieu in in as a .i.., : Sl0ial 'Clivr' " ' Cl y .nPP,IM a 'saving savins r,f of ?tno,0(o noorin in in plank ninL nad a '? repairs. Six hundred thousand feel of lumber had been placed in Ibe streets in Ibis manner since May at by Malcolm Mcl.eod at In l.l- fnul n-ill. II. ul.l. in.l9 per thousand. The -ily! . ",'Mlhe eily.. engineer's eslimale 'bad 28.80 per thousand. Reduce Taxation been' Slaling that reduced assess- liirile nienl was "one of the greatest Aid. the proposition had only! Arthur Brookihank lb iu( the lv;iv way n a man man with witti a a ram family lv woul. wouiii mayor who did not have pel Hkp (ll0 jaw enforced. .Meand.Mr. schemes wiin winch to Mirn up sippi.H ,a,j 0rien disagreed in the city's money. nmv ... was tins nrou?nt Aid. .Maclonald lorn, jlim in n.e interests of iieen ouere.i 10 me council ny Tll(, f.iairman read a letter ll.e utilities committee Willi a frnm Arlliur Urookshank. in !' ' ". " ' " " " wliicli the .writer salil lie Ha.l I been taken out of town bv busl lennens accept eu nils ... ,f.n.i i.u iohnii : "r u .. .V I'anaiion i.ui, warming up to 0 ,,,, rje assred the .irjiuens sain uiai ne nan no nm suDject. ileclare.l hat iinLi n.i ,r iai.i 1. ii.-nuii.Mi 111 pnimising 11 council should asK the taxnavers i..i ...m. .....n.- n.i m:i. 11 1 "I" nirtU. 1.1 IllflV ,1.1,1 ... I , l .1 i . . rn-i it-u nun a i-uuiu'ii inai io voio on a jirojeci which it would support Iiim lliat there could not recommend. That was .would he a still further material where the responsibility of the ... im 11. m in ia.aiiuii in inn. ui council came in. making assessment, Alderman! Slating that the total assess Stephens fell dial it sbould be tnenl of the eily was some I5, liasoii on actual property values.iOOO.OOO of which lillle over ff,. Only in Ibis manner would Iho'ooO.OOO was taxable afler im- iwners of vacant lots be encouraged lo pay their taxes. In outlying districts, Ibe assessment was already loo high. Last year the assessment of many lots bud been col in two and likewise the taxation. This bad resulted in better payment of taxes. Jtefore the penalties wore imposed last fall, 88 per cent of the taxes had been paid a higher per cenlage than for any year since 1913. This liianifcslly showed lhe wisdom 'f a policy of economy. It was necessary to continue such economy or lhe eily would soon be face in face -with lhe neces-ily of levying taxes on improvements. Such a lax would provemenls. provincial govern- rnent lots and .Stephens declared that the civic debt was over 2,000,0fl0. Where. Icome up on their merits Qeorge Casey (ieorge Casey Jielieved that the paramount question of the day was that of road building. I In lba( connection it was not what I bey have hut what they I could get. U was no goixl wast I r tr m nnoi' tr n I m L' irin A a VV It an i 1 1 . . ! vuHiiLii iir nau y;rii n mill HUM IHTH I11KIMI Ul, .Ul.l t . . . , together a number of sections outside of Section One in a cient as it bad never boon J. H. Kelly I. II. Kelly explained that he had gained a , good deal of ex perience during his absence for nine months. He asked that he be elected on Ills record during the time he served the city. He said he had changed bis mind on some subjects since bis visit to the south. As an Inslnnee they bad made it compulsory Iq locale a garage at a distance from any bouse whereas in the south most people had the garage underneath the houe. He helieed in making life easier for the people. He also asked that support bo piven lo the O.W.V.A. bylaws. Mr. Klrkpatrick Mrs. Klrkpatrick said she had no apology lo make for again offering her services. Her record for two years would be remem bered. Men bad been in control of affairs a long lime but they had now come to the conclusion that they could do belter with the aid of women. All wanted economy hut they also wanioii fairplay and a square deal lo lhe workers. She believed in per manent street work and would support eveiy effort lo make this J a cleaner place for boys and girls to be brought up in. Tom Oulhrie, who was evi dently somewhat exciled, then marched to the front and asked to be allowed lo speak, lie held up the proceedings for a few minutes until Abl. .Mardnnald explained to, him that this was Alderman Stephens' meeting. He left, mumbling that if he had a rope he. would hang hiiii. 1 . a .;.! I .... . II. I- AW of trie Taste 1 James Black I. . . James Rlack said he could not' ... fpnn, , iniasine now n wou.-i oe pou.n- ,,rnuM. j, wa, u UtnHlfs to set pood -enice if employee,. ...jij did not receive pood treatment hal)( m ,an) Ub1 W (e Wl(fr loak u-oiioni) im.i i.i-rn jum "" .iLoarlment went behind t3.0nil. for autocratic mehod. Any rale, payer, he thought, would have Utilities affair. utilities irn Alsiandtr Macksmla AUi.riiinii MetCeiixii nlil lie) been tickled to another mill pay ,,ppn u ypap jn ,.4Minci to allow the men to krep IReir nr, ,,a), ,orr,, ,,. cily rttj,fy. families in.n repoclahle way. ,n ,,0n n,rP (.ommiiirea Mr- Stephens had told of ainf ,(ian any oilier member, the board1 in various deparlments bul Ihe-o )(f wofks ttnanco M(,pj nmi showed it a the under do? that .s1ii,iin M,rd. Il bad oHen: had been kicked. The col of liv- ,,,, thf, liiM u w(.,.k pj ing was not any lower. If the K,1I1U1, i1(ll.. ii, roi ..r iinv. cily had work lo b- done it should (:ri,f.k ,,rj((, h!l, hon rNuf, pay enonuti for a man to reicii up fr,u i:00 n,f, i,5 00o. unUnK a rainiiy in a ueceni way. no favored rhe'a'per lipht rale. All the. city 3:ftOO. He nlocaled permanent roadways ami uraed were snarenomers in uie concern. Mllllllri ,.r n1P ,aw lie concluded: "If you elect me r,1H1i nll nf n, 'itv rlllltlli iu it's jake. and If you do not feel ,t w,1, fjrM n like elecliliS me sbe'it jake J. 4. Olllls J.J. (lillix su?yelis (bul Ibere was no iue lo dicuM, II wa Itie proinclal govern men t did (Collliniieif on ace fie, LAND ACT. not nice to wah dirty linen. Heretic of InUntlan la applr U La lan In sra uul lnirii, iirrurmni tia-wa ivn liuiwlienniieft iianuicappeii in in Hint uiai lliere mere Mfi of rj-il im) Matlr fin 24yi( Wt(v, was nothing sound before the Tiki- .iir iini oa-irv kerr. imtuim- 1",,rlr. J I'nnrs liurrl, B.C., In. ateiinver- for future ciinxi.le-a-11'"". laiepajers lot iiiiure cimsiue. a-,rniU , m,,x tor ivr1uuti, lo lhf lion. The population of lhe City foll"lnir (rrllx-rt UimU- Cmmm-nniit t "t Ilnle alMiiil f.Hir rliaim in.rtH .f .l....lui!...r ,,ul H, U If was o- .ilepleling owing IO tills. IT j,rinl.i 1-i.lnl on l.laml: Dx-nr fl(. elected he would try to inspire a i"mr im imimh.iu (,r in ri.ire una ( , . , ,..,! .1, hlfn ir mtrk arouuil Um Itlaixl ihl, spirit or patrioiism in me council rruiminr m ?im nf roinimiireiiM-rn, m1 ' and would concur In projects "r which were needed. He Appealed! ,,n f,f' r.r,iir,iu for election on a mmtber of. iioomm k. mrr..' years' record. There had heenr dissension in lhe late council audi tNO CT- the wage di.Ule had not been ll Natle af InttnOaa la Aaaly la La 14 eiiilit In M.p council I ",,' II Cliilll to Hie council. Irnnlln lillrlrl f iii. Qeorge Hill ( Tak .Ni.llrr thai Cliark M. Murhy, of iPrliH-n nuiri. a.C, urrupailon Kiirmw. ,.,. tlii 11...1 Iieorge IIIII explained Uiai mtunU to f.,r innl"4fn lo ! while be bad nol yel serei oni"" nimwin urrriiiPii muh: o.ninNTi . . . Till Ml a ImmI lllautMl al IIim tru-..l &i.tith lhe council he had three years rairly piiini im :iiniw l.l.nrt, nrar tli senice on lhe police eoiumisslon l!1'"""' of Oinlwr Caml; ihmwe folloin . ,. ... ,,,., , 1 1 tnuolii of ilw almre Una at tilth to Ills credit- If be would wair mark aind ihf IIikI, rfiiimint support a bylaw to reduce IhHl'VnTXr rale on light and telephones, lie ciiMiirs s. Mrneiiv. thought the ulllllles should bei J, SAM Jo,l9i'.V'',"e," otdalued at lhe lowest possinio Ant, rale. A council I lint could cut wages and raise Ibe rates could easily pat themselves on the hack. Mr. Slepbens: "What would you do with the deficit on the waler?" Mr. IIIII said if elected hoi would do bis best in the interests of lhe cily. Mr. Hepbens said Hie profits on Hie-ligbl and power systems were boo); profits. They were made by charging good prices for lighting lhe cily streets. Waler ftTATI 0 ALfNI tVVftDMAM CARTCftl OICIAMD. T.UK MiTir.K thai Trillium of llw la.l will of Hi." ilx)ti iiainMl ilm-atoil a duly lufil mm nf ll Vlruirla H.liry nf lh- Sniirrlna Omrl nf Hrltlli ( i.luinblj ii llw ilnl (liv of J.iiniary, 14, to r:uiiUM: Am:s iii.i-I'KL c.ahthi f Vlrli.rla. th. Mriilrli lliarrin Dkinril! All. I'Iikiiss imvliir rlaliiin aralnl thin 4-itala arr fp(limJil lo III Mirli fUlfd Novnnlwr Ulh. ttX. 10 nir, on or is-ror in iviii nay or Janu ry, A. 1. tail, mil all rartlr liichlmcl lo Ih Falal ir r(iilrnl In pay ih amount of their ltiflltlnrt In m, rorili-llh. TIIOS. W, IIFII.NK, orrinai Aiiiiiinlorator, 1'rlnr liur. n.c . I"11 tnt tniri (tiyf uf luifiiibrr ,i, IN f ROIATf. m THI iURRBMC COURT Of BRITIIH COLUMBIA. in Um Mjiirr or ui Aiiiuliilnimtlon An ami tn th Utlr or .Hi KMal nf Aiuauiln Bo(n (or l.inillir . tirki. in II. TALK NllTirf I ha i In Or.l.. , 1... Honor r. Mrli. Votinr, mini tin 411, ,Hy claim in rlllna- iluly verlfli-d lo Um i.f January, .aiiuarjr, A.P n.l, t AMI U llTIIFII TAKB MOTICK hl un uhI Ctrr US' llr.l ilay nr Marili. IV4, 111 Kiriinu Kill pr"1 Vi illlrlim I hi 1 Mial liavlnr rrrar.1 only In Ih rtnlrnn of titilrli ill .hall luv lx-ll nlnly noitriHi liA1f:ii lhl tin ilV of January., tttl, f:HI'ASK 1 rill.ASK, Rollrlior for Hi r'nilrU, 4iu r.aniral Huihtinr, Victoria, U.C. w IN PROMTC. IN THI lUeilfMf COURT OP BRITIIH COLUMBIA. In Hi Maur or III Aitinlnlairitlon Art; aisl In Hi Mallrr of lh Cutal of Anton M.vrn. iraiit! liilcMal. TAkE MITICF. Hut I wia ammlnicl A1I11 4itltralor of Ih Kulat or Anion Myrrn,, and ill parltr lnvinf nanus aiainm 111 aaiu Ktiai ar lirnliy rmiulred 10 fiinilti miii, Jiropsrly rlflcl mil, I 1 (lMilllllll ' i mln Iralnr i.r Hi l ai.i. ..1 Ii.." 7i HoIiIkii lor Liiuiikln) il.o... an.l all iwrii hnvlnr rlaiina alii. th I..IM r hrtiT rqulril lo furnlili !. Koi,rly vnnil in m. mi or hror tui lh ilay or rrhrnarv, A.n. I04, ami .11 lrn iihk-uiU lo rilal ar r.iinirM in n,;yr,!;rh;,,!r,nl nf ,ta,r ' HinM W, IIFhM- official AiimlnlMrat'ir, 4'rine ituirt, h.c, None of the Waste -ol- rieax If you have never used Oxo in cooking, you do not know-how many good things Oxo will make, and the ease and satisfaction that awaits you. Oxo restores all the original tastiness to warmed-up dishes, gives color and flavor to soups and sauces, and makes beef tea that is appetizing, strengthening and wholesome. Oxo Cubes will never spoil. Always ready for use. A Cube lo a Cup CUBES Tins of 4, 10, 50 and 100 Cubes. Oxo Tomato Omelet 3 Tom. tor. Jiei. Builr I or Valrt0n ?! rwt rui S. tkla ml M mp IH lawlm, hut tii.ia U . !4mkmiiiiUN lb kutl.l.lxl I ,. c k ,5 villi 1'Ult UJ vlff. Sratoa lo tu hwahlr cKkf4. ili well; fcmk , i.n 4 Mil nttr lh A illl tklrk. . Jl u'i, ttX g.f Uli liL iy. Oxo Meal faltlca ImalCUMul of rouiirv A Inn rtiej IUd S.0lt KM fluu Mlnr th ml inl W4kt II m 7 tv,' H'f, l(. UmhwCUW1!1-! n. 1 vHhlk.mlilur.UIItlllouh:(a ,ir. m1 mM lint tottck ta. hiu w i1UkIIUfMrr 1.4m. n X HUM rg 1 aujr ! briKr4Br U tf4.U44n Oxo Sausage Tie I Ih, til but or rvtk Saat IvrlrVtOi. iit.oui. fn4a U plat U.trr I . V- w Cm l-4lk, i Uf H Itw luun uim: .tviakWvilk pl-t-r4 !t M14 ck ba itou lalo aall p4rr. ut lajr OTtf Ibt aim Mil UiaOiaaillk lk aal.r, wbirh aciM 1.4 iar ef ibt watat nt lk4uk. 1JU tt 4 4HHS 0 ta Ip,aa4 Utt latbOTB . jWx Oxo Onloa Sauce I IK SUh Onloa. A Mim Hw tOlaCabr. A IIIII Dn'a Cat Um tuiluM Ul this !lcr. frj 1 H anlil a K brvwa ; aU Ik Oto la f 1 j lcf ; pal tola a MMa wtih sain- A , Mill it. Slaimer lo IS kOMf 1 1 Utiaack tmtt ; ttUfUlkfbaU.kadi'nt, l iUm .WAarOJrOCXM. J U In Jm 'avi oxouurt 212 St, Bar aai aa ar bh aaar a m j lit The Autocrat of the CANDY World We are sole agents for I'unly" Famous U ' a 0111I Ondy. Made in Vancouver. There i iiotht:: in lhe world. A Imx of Punl)" makes n tMighlfnl f ' nil time. .Slnrl lhe New Year in lhe riglil w r-your miitlier, iscr and sweethenrl a lox, ALL 8IZE8. ALL PRICES. THE CANDY IS DELICIOUS AND THE BOX IS BEAUTIFUL. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE j Third Avenue. We Cath Cht DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Houra, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant - i Nanaimo - Wellington COM DOUBLE 8CREENEDI LASTS LONGER) Real Satisfaction. Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 514. COW'S CELEBRATED RAIN COATS i Manufacturer's Samples London, EnlnJ CALL AND SEE THEM STEVE KING Phone Green j Third Avenu