PAQK FOUR. SPECIAL until Thursday MEN'S WORK BOOTS. Black or Brown, plain toe, alt sues. Absolutely solid lealher. Speial Price of $495 Family SHOE Store Third Avenue. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rales anil Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cery Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. -Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Hread is your LpsI food. Kat more of it. Kept by the leading Krocors. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Av. Prince Rupert B.C. HydeTransfer Phone 580. NIGHT OR DAY. Express Baggage Coal 139 2nd Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Loggers' Club Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot aud Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. THK DAILY NEWS. Tuesday. .Tnnuay UL.) BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMaJ the scoring was: COONY.Ymit ... Colts C Hills; . D. Frizzell (2), 2; II. Smith, 8; J. Kelly 'I). 10; ft. Ulylhe, 20; M. Ilu- denicli (I). 6. Total 16. Cirollo O. Anderson (I), 6; W. ft ray m, 2; V. Wralhall, 9; A. Howard (I), 2; T. Fraser (3), C. Total. 25. Ladles' League The Ladies' game was a real struggle between two evenly matched teams but the Maple Iufs were fully lesrving of Iheir victory' by 15 to 9. Throughout the early part of the game, the play was loo close but Ibe checking was hard and fast. In the second half, the Maple l.eafi adopted a more open style of play which the Adanacs will have to follow to be successful. It. II. Skinner was referee The scoring was as follows: Maple l.eaf - Miss Louie Fisher (I); "Miss A. Stephens, Miss M. firahnm, (2); Miss M. Harvey, 0; Miss L. Friz.ell (I), y; Miss I). Macdonald (I ). Total, 15. , Adanacs Miss Willa Dyer '2. ; Mis J. Tremayne, 1; Miss A. Kelly, 2; Miss Leona Parker 'I), fi; Miss V. Shnckley. . Total 0. Junior League - The llifh School won the Junior League match from the Stars by 28 to 12. W. Larnbif refereed and the line-ups were as follows: High School Voshi Kalsit-yama; Hob Matheson 2; Klvin Johnson, tl; Clarence Thompson, 2; Henny Wendle, 10. Tidal 28. Stars Harry Walker, Eddie Wallers, 10; Darrell Casey, 2; Fred Dingwall, Ernie Dingwall and Lawrence Capstiok. Total, 12. League standings In dale fol. low: Senior League W. L. Is. Sons of Canada 8 111 Coll J 5 8 Teachers 1 7 2 'Two point k deducted by Association for fielding unregistered player In league game. Intermediate League Colls 7 0 U High School .) 3 0 Ornlto 2 5 2 Llks ... ,.-. .. 15 2 vHo i THACT ftOHK? Kaiens I Teachers 1 Junior League Colls 3 jlligh School ...,.., 3 Stars .-. 2 nine Birds 0 WR DON'T OO IT IN TMIti CCXJNiTWSf . ) 1 r k.,...T1. 1 12 2 in n 2 r. 2 t c 1 o 2 t o Sport Chat jt OVKKi HE tie riMC Jot X urcux-t ep.7. 1 COUNTS noohnveII n- Severt Anderson, tie contractor of Hose. Lake, was a Hunts Lake visitor on Friday. Topley visitors at Burns- Lake on Friday wre Ell Slromhold, Ova Watson and S. Marsh. W. E. Williams made a trin II... IUI It I ! . The return of the Callies to raneo s the Senior League football field ?KT a'1 "J"? ' this year will be gratifying to all ' Lnd un M: v" :,,ui " '' soccer fans who will warmly l. welcome once nc.iin lliia 1 ...-.. ' "mnX n ,N Ipioneer'leam of the city. Their J.1" 'absence h ' nn n... .ti, in 1923, the first year J" niorning .n nfler, h visiting . f, at Frun- c0' ,ali0 a few days. icuo t i, i , . 19 10, was much felt. In fact,, . .i:.i... . i ; iihmiiuii uiiiii i srem qmie ,., ,, ..,uif . nnllirnl in lliw man a I mm w I Mew Hotel at I rancnls Lake, .. in,, ..i ii ii i without the well known cry on La. ... ... .,,ir in ,. c ... the field :"Come on the Callies Many times have the Caledon ians distinguished themselves in the soccer field in the nasi and they may be expected with renewed energy to live up to past achievements. The St. Andrew's loam back on the field in 1921. 4- A very creditable hockey team has been uncovered al Sinllliers this winter but it has been given no opposition so far because there Is no aggregation for it to play with. However, Ihere have been reports going the rounds thai seevral speedy men are to be found around Telkwa and it is honed that an inter-town game will be staged in the near future. A cantain and manasrer is to be chosen at Smilhers this week and then arrangements will be made for games. Prince (ieorge also has a good 9nappy team this winter and there Is a pnssibilily that they may meet Hie Smiihereens. Hnr'ry Oilmour, who is match ed for an exhibition bout at Chicago with Frankie Ilussell, has the distinction of having been the featherweight, light weight and heavyweight of Canada many years ago. He will ho 70 years of age next March. Ilussell, whom he is to box. is a good 135 pounder. day ami attended the dance in lh'' evening. A party of Hose Lake visitors were in attendance al tho Burns Lake j dance on Saturday even ing. Included mrni'iipi in in the iuo party pariy were were c sooie ,s . to . , be congralula . ed on Mr. nJ M c lift ilAlprmmrilinn In rrnl II. a , ' .- w vra kl L IIM, l I' ..Ml. I " It j--a "lUlvl3i Mrs. r.lllis, of Danskin. was n Suuday vlsipr at Burns Lake, - .-r JL Parro(t',.of ColLeymounl, Is spending the, week end at Burns Lake, ' Mrs, Fay S. Short and baby, Innes. left on Thursday for Col- leyimtunl, wJiere she will visit inr u wrt-n wnn uer parenis, Mr. ami Mr.-. Innes. II. S. Parker, of Prior Ilia- perl, was registered at the Omiiieca llojel over I he week end. W. D, I. likens Is closing down his store at Pallinir and will shortly make a trip to Chicago. TERRACE NOTES The Terrace - Kilsumgnlluui Parent - Teachers Association held its regular monthly meet ing in Progress Hall, Thursday nighl. Arrangements were made for a whist drive lo raise funds WINTER ECZEMA CHaPSi COLDS0RES TEEN wintry weather brines a host x' of skin troubles. Cold-sores, chapped .hands, unsightly face-sores and blotches, become tourer ol discomfort and annoyance. To end the trouble and make your kin clear, healthy and flexible, tire, the face, artnt and handi, a nightly dressing with putt herbal Zam-Buk, Zam-Buk Instantly soothes the smarting Irritation, it kills disease germs, and quickly heals all soreness, roughness and chafing which, neglected, often develops into eczema or other chronic skin disease. Use also Zam-Buk Medicinal Soap and enjoy real skin health. This was an obstinate case. Mrs. Henry Amejr, 43. LyaJI Avenue, Toronto, says: "Xly daughter's face aad Deck were a man of ectrtna. I ler doctor prescribed treatment for over two months, but lo little avail. 1 was about lo call in a tkia speoialHl when I heard of Zam-Buk treatment rescuing oilier sufferers from this dread disease. So I got a box of Zam-Buk and a.tblet of Zam-Buk Medicinal Soap. In a few days these wrought a decided improvement. Day by day the sores gradually healed, and withia a month my daughter's skin was thoroughly cleared of tbt temblt disease." east SMSfiS sens af ISIs sssal akla pawafy I Seat la ataas (ta ratata naltiik aaaa J 4-.- - -. ...... t m In, A- at . taali. iaa kaa. all I BBBBbW - JBaaaaaaaa ZeMl (J'JfKlH 3 BBBaPSaBBBWBBBBHaBBBBaBll avaBBaBHaaBBBwnaxaaal fT THE WAN "OU ZSsJ -UTis! V FCEUNcortE f VOTf'w f S I f MH Ffill SALE. "23' Transfer and Taxi ronst'ling of one Dodge enclosed car with shock ab-snrlwrs and U'red chains, two Ford deliveries with civered iKidies, Iwls, etc. Business has been established three months and receipts are increasing each month. Cars are in good condition. $100 cash, balance lerm. Apply Northern Exchange. Mrs. Boh Jeall made lo Hupert last week. it: am rn f AtlH"i AND CACrVVCK LCWE JJEM - If KOK SALE. TifiMilhy hay 2S.M per ton. Wild hay. $1(5.50 per Ion. Mixed hay 118.00 per ton f.o.b. Htilalt. Apidy Hulall Mereaa-lile Company, llulall, B.C. EOlt SALE Sixteen room hoarding house ami store, furnished. Apply 929 Ambrose Fflll SALE. Large healer, In gnd rondflion. Phone fireen 13 FOR RENT' . BALCONY li rent in Ladles' Jleady-to-Wear store. Suitable for first class milliner. Apply J. Bent, 'ITiirif Avenue Prince Hiicrl, B.C. n STEAM Heated. Flat for" renl Besner apartments. M. M Stephens. LOST LOST. Oold Nuairel Karria? llewanl. Finder please reltim lo Daily News Ortlee. 15 .OST. Siring of cryslul beads. Fiuder please return lo Daily News OfIre. for lli" purchiie of suilahle honk ases for the ner school library. .Mrs. gave n rotiple of readings ainl .Mrs. Norrlnsrlnn insirumenlal selections. .Miss E. Hill of Prlnen Huperl was Hit; guest of Mr- niul Mrs. .loe Cook during (he holidays. a trip The Cheerful WIgglers. a girls' club umler Mrs. llrnnU' leadership enlerlained the Willing Workers, .Mrs. Parsons' class. Archbishop Du Vernel who was in charge or tho service at tho Anglican Church Sunday morning, preached In a large and appreciative congregation. Mrs. Donaldson or Telkwa, has been vislling ,nr sister, Mrs. Harry King. She was accompanied by her two children. Sim Dobbio of Copper Cily, brought his team down l.tM anil will Hiiend Hi.. tn wl at 11... ' I HIT wlnler hauling poles for Kill., Carrlgan. A number or I lie school child, reii gave Mr. and Mrs. (iritlln a surprise p;,ry last Monday I hey 1, w,r r,.a,r, ,() Piecr or Ibe we.Mmg rake Ull, had 11 very pleasant evening a Here is where you set the bis nriees for votir fura He mot where. I like yon to make money. W. QOLDDLOOM. 'Hie Tra plier s From Vancouvae Kneml. Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Good Bought, Sdd or Exr hanged H. H. HEmmiNGS, Auctioneer. Furniture, and Crockery. Third Ave. Phone Black I3A omt lti.l 119 TAXI Taxi 7 Phona. (Call George or Gust) Rose Brother. Prompi Sfmre and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avanu MISCELLANEOUS. U. ANDEHSON. Sallmakr S.lia and Tarpaulins made to order and repaired. Third Avenue.! nppnaile Pioneer Laundry. Phone lireen 392. P. O. ling 723. MAIL SCHEDULE Sundays p. m. Wi'dnesdays ....t p.m. Fridays a!m. CP.n. .lanuary 1 1 and 28. To Vancouver Tuesdayr,. Mall closes at 4 P.M. rridays h.IS A.M. Saturdays C.P.H. January IH. To Anvox. Alice Arm. ' r Premier- A.M Wednesdays in p.M From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart,! Premier Fridays a.m. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Sundays 7 From Port Simpson, Alice Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Tuesdays A.M. To Alaska Points-January 1 1 and 28. LFrom Alaska Points January 18. To Queen Charlotte Island Points January lo, :t0. Closes 0.30 p.m. From Queen Charlott dii. January M and ?H To Naas River Points and Port Simpson- Thursdays 10 From Naas stiver Points Saturdays nurtni 1 1 UK. a Tuesday. Ja 8:17 11.111. 18.3 21:31 p.,, ir,.! ,,nw 1 :5 a.m. 0.0 I n. : f 1 h.I Wednesday, January 16 0:38 a.m. 18.0 22:33 p.m. 13.8 'mv 2:55 .,. 0.5 1:l8 p.m. 7.I Thursday, January 17 "'' 1 0:2 1 .,. (o.o . 23:?3 p.m. KT.l '"w 3:5(1 a.m. 0.7 17:07 p.ui, 0.1 P.M. rob. Arm P.M. A.M. ft. ri. n. Ji r Aim SONS OF CANADA DEFEATED COLTS Intermediate Colts and Maple Leafs Also Winners In Basketball Games Tho Fons of Canada woro easy winners of last eveninp's Senior IlasketbaU game by a seore of 37 to IS. There were two dis tinct periods of play for 1he Colls easily bad the best of it In the. first half. The Sons came back in the second period, however, and complelely domin ated the same and were fully deserving of their victory. I-.. A. Mann refereed and the scoring was as follows: Sons of Canada II. D. Skin ner J3); V. Menzies, 2; II. Men-zie ( I ), 10; D. Ralfour (2), II; II. Aslori, 1 1. Total, 37. Colt K. Smilli, (3) ; R. Bart- led (, l: J. Mitchell (I). 4: A. A. Kasson, II; V. Mitchell, 2. Total, 18. Intermediate League The Colls won the Intermediate game from the ftrotto by a score of 16 to 2! but the tobacconists made the league leaders travel in the first half. They played a wonderfully effective combination same to start with and the Colts were behind at half time. However, the latter struck their real stride in the second period and the Orotto were, unable to stem the tide. It. II. Skinner was referee and Ladles' League DIIDXTG I IVV lain f . , LAKES DISTRICT Dilv . y News Classified Ads. a CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvartlMment Takan for Lai than WANTS D BOAKD. .MUI.hll IUIIBEU COI.LEdi: liOAHD, The Inlander. 830 wants men and women to Second Avenue. Phone 137. learn the Barber Tra.lo. Paid: while learning. This is your opportunity to learn n trade and get into steady employ, incnl. (iraduatos earn fnm ? 10.00 to 50.00 per week. Write for free catalogue. 50 Hastings B. Vancouver. FOR SALE REPAIRING AXYTIIIXi; IN CANVAS. Phone 78C. P. LeOlalre. Cow Bay. LOOK HERE MR. TRAPPER. January I8.-Kaien. T High School; v SI. Colls, lt. M first and last bafore selling e. iK'ftlena; Tear hers 36. Adunae. . SoImmiI, tinill". .s i i.i !8. Culls. !) leaehers. Mnl'' ! Teacher. February I, Knlens, t, Onriln; Tearhers. S I. firnllo, C.l' U Adanacs; S.O.C , f; M. Kalen. Tea High Sehool; O.i -- II. Ikills. Ileg! M Kalens; Irnchrs. Ktj 15. Adanarn, Tr Sehool, riroiin, S.O.i 18. dills. If Tejctirra. Maple I I enr Ultra. tl. Katena, .Vila ., (initio; Tmrlierv-m 25. droll. i. i Leaf. Adanacs; S' Mararrvv I. Knlen. High School; Col's, I Ir-Coll. Ili-gt Ma Kalens; Teachers s i 8. - Adanacs. i'eai School, Orotlo; S-v f It Colt. High 80ai .SCHEDULE OF bask jh6. ! For tha East i i-.t-.e-. rv.ii. . ..if Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl-1 l5Kalen. Adarart U days, closes at 5.30 p.m. rimiin- f.nri,.ea sn- r rem in Liiv .Mondays, i nursilay and Saturdays, .3n p.m. WHIST LEAGUE Jan. 17- Kiiigh's.k.( O.W.V A K of 1' St. Andrew's vs s land; Sons of ( a Jan. 21 K. of :. v; I of Canada vn fi.W V A of England s I Aiulrew's vs. M-1 Stewart. Jan 31 St. Andrew i v I..O.O.F. ValJ vs. (I.W.V.A.; Jauiiit ad.i vs. Sons of I - Feb. 7 SI Andrew V I.O.O.F. vs. O AV Jti Cwinaila vs. K. of V M' K. of C. HSons of l ' " of C; K. or P. vs 51 vs. I.O.O.F.; OW V A Aiulrew's. ' Feb. 21 Moose vs P nila; SI. Andrew - v I." K. of P. vs. K tiC ' England .vs. Elk-; fi im .k- ,.r n v t "1 Moose vs. F.Iks: Vonsnf a . m w- pi I r r 1 1 nun vs. !.. s.i- : v. k of r. iMnrrli nf P vs, If " Srina nf I'nirlnnil V, M' Kntia nf P.nnnil.i v K, Of March l.V-Sons of IngUrJ' OAV.V.A. RIIIFARniFAnilF ' ", ..a ISSUES SCHEDLII Inn. 1(1. Orotliv Unnl Parlors. ' Jan. 18. 81. An w v Jan. 21. Elks vs Jan. 23. SI. AunnVs Billiard Parlors. Jan. 25. Orollo jV Jan. 30. GrolliMVl' tlrew's. Feb. I. P.P.. Billinnl vs. Elks. Feb. 4. IM1 IllJJtpl vs S.O.E. pn. M SI