Lccday Jnnunry 15, 1924, THE DAILY NEWS. PAQE TIinEE. Clearance SALE of Electric Heaters 'llus is hi opportunity for you to pun-liusc ait nrliclc, -hut tery home need iiwuy below the regular pro'C Ideal :ur wanning the Imlhroom. for removing the Hull ami iiiiu" from rooin- iml dialed. You dimply press llic pulton anil Hit- lical nimmcures (o flow. V ii. 7 Jklai'lir Ileiilcr. Ilcg. price 1 2.011. Hale ric $ 8.00 n N Majestic lienor, lleg. price J? IH.UO. Halt- I'rice $12.00 N : Maestie llcalcr. lleg. price 10.75. Hale Price $13.25 c 1 Miijesljc Healer. Ileg.prire 21.00, Kale Price $15.00 Yif. I Majesttr llenler. He pro.- :HM)). Sale Price $21.00 See our window display. Buy Now at Reduced Prices vrrr-mmnmueL, rliis nj 'cr Genuine Eyersharp Pencils SALE NOW ON . ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. The Rrfxall Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th SU i We Prepay Mall Orders. SOMETHING NEW KYANIZE SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL. new and iliiierenl fuuSh for floors (hut is washable, :iry -end exceedingly lough and durable. Ak for color sr.' Pints 00c Quarts $1.60 Hair Gallons . . . $3.00 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. Box 1646. Phone 109. Holgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hours: ' a.m. to 0 p.m. Open Evening liy Sierial Apjioiulnieiil. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. umurar 1 Behind this label ll 111 rniit.l!n. a! (ltd larfttl, moil hylenical. If scientific brewing initi. tulion in lha W.l lhal fuaranteca always the utmost in purity and tht per ferlion of aatiif Arlinn ... bollU. Public endorsement of Cascade It proved by aver increas Iny sales now greater than all olhtri in British Columbia combined. Get a supply of Cascade today Sold at all Govirnmtnt Liquor Stores Vancouver Urewcries eBecr without aPeer mm .imjlll JHUIIIlaJlia J II 1 II III fsemeiif i nut null!' !' ;nlii.v I liv tlio Liquor 'ronona m- hs i f ov BARGE AND TUG IN BAD PLACE Salvaging of Stranded Craft on Watson Rock Will Depend Entirely on Weather Conditions I lie Wiialeu Pulp V Paper Co.' luif Francis Cutlluir and Hip Canadian Nuliounl caSbarpe, which stranded on Watson Hock al the end of the week, arc in more precarious positions than had lipcn al first anticipated and whether or not both or oil Iter of Ihein will he saved depends on lirely on favorable weather con dilions prevailing until it Is pos slide lo lake measures towards salvaxinff (hem. If a slorm should come up, (he work would have lo he abandoned and the salvage gear would have lo he removed from iU present loca- lion lo safely. The I'rdncls Culling is part undor water at low lido and it in nol known whether or not her hull" is damaged. She will have i" be lifted and pumped out. An allempl will probably he made l" float her tomorrow- aflcrnoon. When (he lug hil Jhe rock if was not anticipated that she would sink. Unexpectedly, however. he slITI Into deeper water and the rrew escape only with the clothes they wore and a small Humility of provisions they managed to recover from the palley The barfre is stranded al high water mark and il will probably be Saturday before il will he possible lo make an al tempt lo pull her on. She has two holes in her hull, ami cofferdams are being built .around these. She has a considerable list but, fortunately. Ibe cars, are sllll abuanl without bavin? oerlurn- cl. of the nine cars on the bnrj;e. three are loaded with lumber. SONS OF ENGLAND WON AT BILLIARDS First of Leaoue Games Resulted In Score or 955 to 886 Against Elks The first game in I lie Prince It ti pert city billiard league was played yesterday resulting in irlitry for the Sons of Kiiplaml "er the Klks by a score of 953 lo HH6. The score follows: V. Mitchell Klks). ?O0; Il Howe S.O. !;.). 171. C. Thompson 'Klks), 171; Dr. West S.O.K.) 200. A. Kason (Klks). 1-5; II Shocklcy S.O.K.), 2011. ('.. Malaxon -Klks-. 2ni; p Tinker S.O.K. . 181. W. Palagno Klks , 1 78; J. Howe S.O.K , i'00. PUBLIC WORKS ON QUEEN CHARLOTTES r.'ew Wharf at Lockeport Nearly Completed Massett Dock Being Rodecked Is The new wharf being built by Ihe Keileial dcparlmcill nf puhlie works al I.oekepivt is rapidly iienriiiK ' "inplcliim and will soon he ready for use. J. II. Lumber!, nislHnt di- lriit engineer, returiied lo Ihe eify on Ihe I'rlnee Jolin last night after a trip of inspection (o the Island I'. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert ltiibord, Terrace; M. par- Local tandlPersofial- U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners, Undei takers. Pboue 361. tf Your vole and influence res pectfully solicited for Alderman. Geo. Hill. 13 Your vole and influence re spectfully solicited for S. P. Mc-Mordiu as Alderman, 15 Try NANOOSE-Welllnglon or fclkwa Coal. More heat. Less soot Phllpotl, Evilt &. Co. tf V. Dubord, proprietor of the Tourist Hole!, Terrace, reached the city on last night's train. Women of Moosehearl Legion Whisl Drive und Dance Tuesday, January 15. Mclropolc Hall. 12 We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 825. tf Miss K. Kunyu arrived in the city on Ihe Prince John last night from Iluckley Day. She is attending (he local High Schol. The annual meeting of the Exhibition Hoard will be held on Friday nighl, January 18, at 8 o'clock sharp in the council chamber, City Hall. 15 (ireat War Velerans' Associa lion general iiieeling on Wed nesday evening January IC. Important business. All mem bers requested lo altend. Smok ing Cbncert afterwards. 13 Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Little of Terrace and Mr. and Mrs. Olof llaiisuii of this city are sailin froni Seattle today for Honolulu on a brief holfday trip. Jarvis. McLeod, collector of customs, who ha been visiting his parents in Vancouver, is ex peeled hack on 'Ihe Prince llu pert tomorrow afternoon. ' Frank PeHrce,1 Port Clements reslauranl nian,'"!arrivel in the city on (he Prince John last night. lie is on his way to Vancouver on a holiday trip. Dr. M. Sparrow, provincial slock inspector, who has been on a trip lli rous; Ii llic inlerior on leparlmeiilal business, relumed to the city on last night's train II. II. Murlall, manager of the of 2 by I lumber ordered for die hlewalks in Section 5 which il has been decided nol to liii-'ld h MACD 0 NALLTS Kalb.tin 80 The team trawler New Eng land, whjch was lowed into port from Ketchikan on Sunday, went on the pontoons al the dry dock this morning to have her miss ing propeller blades replaced. - Alaska Steamship Co.'t steamer Yicloria, Cap!. Davies. was in porl last night from 0 to 7.30 o'clock hound. north from Seattle lo Alaska ports. She unloaded a smaJI quantity of perishable freight here. The vessel will he back about January 25 CP. II. -leatner Princess Mary." Capl. Ormislon. was in port last night from D.15 to 1 o'clock unloading a heavy freight cargo from Vancouver. She brought eleven passengers and took about 30 north lo Alaska from here. She is due back southbound on Saturday. FISH ARRIVALS Two American Boats and One Canadian Sold 62,500 Pounds of Halibut Today I'hree halibut boats marketed! catches totalling 02,500 pounds at Ihe Fish Exchange this morning. Two Americans had i7,500 pounds anil one Canadian 15,000 pound. The supply being short. prices are si ill w ell sustained m-akinc firnfil nlti iirnffil fnr Masked Timber Co.'s mill atjthose who have been able lo Iluckley Hay. Mrs. Marled and, land fares. ramily reached the cilj- on die Prince John lasl night from the Islands. They arc on their way soul It on a vacation trip. ... A. H. Coulter, representative of Ihe Deleo Lighting Equipment Arrivals ami sales: American Itadio. 12.000 pounds, al 21.5c and lie. lo Ihe Alliu and Iloyal Fisheries. h. Neilson. 5,500 pounds, at 21. Ic and 10c. to the Canadian Co.. arrived in Ihe city on the ,'i"n Storage Co Prince John lasl evening from Vancouver via Ihe Queen Char lode Islands. He will visit Ter race and Slewarl on business. .Mrs. Whatman has cul the eake! All Daughters and Maids of England and friends will be welcome lo tea and cuke at Mrs. Whatman's home, corner Klevenlh Street and Heach Place on Ihe I7(h and 18th at 3 o' clock each day. . - - Payment of an account lo Al bert A McCalTery for 20,000 feet Canadian Kaien, 15.000 pounds, al 20.2e und I Or. lo the Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co. ORDERED DEPORTED Hessie Murren, formerly of Ibis city, who recently served a term of six mouths al Okalla for vagrancy, has been ordered de ported by the immigration authorities. An appeal to Ottawa against the order was dismissed. OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Passports secured and issued via White Slar. Elite Git tickets Cnnnpil ro A. II. Coulter. 1). McKcllar, nuthorucd lasl nighl by Ihe city ,in.j ' Anchor-Donaldson Lines. II. D. Hell-Irving and A. L. council on motion of Aid. Muuro.Tbe Canadian National Railwas Slewnrl, Vancouver; D. Jackson, England; .1. H. Lambert, Locke- poil; Mrs. V. Fled, Mrs. J. A. Mrllilehie and F. Pearce, Porl Clements; Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Marlall and family. F. Alice. A. W. Smith and W. Hells, Hockley Hay; Ilosaliiula Howeu-Collliursl, Kilsumkalum; Mrs. M. II. Point er, Wrniigeli: Mrs. a. Wood- house, lieorgelown j 1). J. Mcin tosh and J. Selfjord, clly. Central C. Cowan. A. (Irani, James l.iiikiu. A. J. MeCullough. Alfred Sykes und A. McCullough, Huek-ley Hay; Dim Lanionl, Cum. sccunueii oy .viu. uoiiait. . lhe'niake direct connection. with lumber is Mill lying in Ihe yards.jsleamers of Ihesc lines. Full in- r formation al Cily Ticket Office. The clly council's buildingiCanadian National Railways, 528 moving bylaw providing for Ihe payment of 5 permit and $30 deposit ns guarantee, lhal no building shall be on the streets more (ban five days, was given its third reading at the meeting yeslerday nflernoon. There will he a special meeting of the council this, afternoon ) finally adopt It. II. H. Hell-Irving, superintend ent of (ho II. Hell-Irving Packing Co., Vancouver, arrived in the shewn; Charles Harsie; Queen clly from Ihe soulh on the Cliarlolle; J. F. Moss, city, Princess Mary last .night and Is leaving on tonight's train for Mr. und Mrs. A. K. Johnston .Port Essinglon where lie will in- arrived from Iluckley Hay on Ihe sped the H. A. cannery which Prince John last night and will .was destroyed by fire lasl soring. suit friini here fur Yimpmiv,i II la luwsll.U II. . il.,.i ....... i.t Mr Johnston has been on the rebuilt, llils. dopeiulliiK innlnly sluO Hie Mui soU-Ttnibor t on Mr . IJcil-h-Wl&'s runurt. i Third Avenue. Prince H.C. Phone 200. Ilupert, , , NOTICE Advertisers are reminded (hat copy for advertisements should be in the Dully News ofllce before 4 p.m. today to ensure insertion in tomorrow's Issue, tf ' ! smH w i kft'i CATARRH k k el Ihe BLADDER 'E.chCap.le (mioy) beart Dam tT J ikwar cfcvuttierjillU For those smokers who like , MACD0NALDS cut fine op who roll their own et City of Prince Rupert 6 per cent Bonds 1000 due 1st Aug., lUii. S2tHU du 1st Aug., I!il. 22.')0 due 1st Aug., UK 7. 1203 due 1st Aug., 11)18. ir(0 due 1st Aug., 1011). !."0t) due 1st Aug., 1050. Price It) 1.20. Price 10 1.25. Price $101.28. Price $101.30. Price SI 01.. 52. Price $101.31. Yield 5.00 Yield 5.00 Yje!d 5.00 Yield 5.00 Yield 5.00 Yield 5.00 Semi-anmial Coupons payable in New York and Can ada, Denominations $250, $500, $1000. Orders m.iy he wired at our expense, we pay delivery charges. Inter st accrued and dale of payment must be added. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Saila from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX ... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Jan. 2, 16, 30; Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert .4i pjn. Tor rni.NCE GEORGE, EDMOMTO.N, WW. MPEG, all points Eastern Canada. Untied Slates. AOCNCV ALL OCIAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Orrica, S2S Third Ae, Prince Rupert. Phone 280. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Vancouver, etc., Sailings for January 12 and 19 are Cancelled. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Pull information from W. C ORCHARD, Qenoral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnr From Prlnre Rupert, For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Palla, and Swanaon Bay, Tuesday, S PJI. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday Noon. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wslia Island, Sunday S PJB. For PORT SIMPSON and Naas Rlee Cannarlea, Friday A.M. 6t3 tnl Atrnue. 1. Bamtley, AgsnL Prince Rupert, B.C BARRIE S Home Furnishings Where yuur money buys the must. We have that particular Dining-Room Suite you ro wauling. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK. Advertise in "The Daily News" THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS 13