Waan Vu Want A (LIVER WILL GIVE ADDRESS ALTA. FARMERS monton Convention Unifica tion of Osmanda FREIGHT RATE FIGHT a.ldre Hie Alberto Far- mvnition. he declared. I.: nremler believe, that AU j and British Columbia will P'l ii iiiueiiier in a fiulil In the !i in rale. "J'he west's il'" fr lower rale." he nrrt- H 1 1 the railway IIIKP? Ilxetf hoard )ME BANK OFFICIALS uml any TRIAL IS DELAYED BY APPUCATION OF CROWN sporl of politician or (lie foot- liall of polilir. an Ion; as he is Hie executive head of the ys- ilein. Tliec lun iiiiiiiirlmil nrn- lill Urge Upon Farmer at Ed-. .,.,.....,..,. ....ri-.i n. i.itri. not rt. of a peech that was u mulerful summary of some of (he problem which confront the National Hallway and of their . Isolutiou. It who a peeu which H T miA Jan 13. -t"tifT!1ftcnW"fo w-ni"rntH-aln- :lern Canada, in a con- luxi by more than-. 20Q .of tho it i Irtiiaii.l for loner frciaht 'most tinim neiil merchants and "lie niijei't or ireinieriiuiineo men ur nrorkviiir, a M inn to ivUinnulon. where Melt u by leading citizens from other rilic and town of Knl- eni Ontario. Too Many Railways In opening In address Hi." Henry dwell for a few moment on the history of the Canadian National Hallway. He admitted iini.f he earned hefore the ,,,. fmnuy tlasat Canada was al not eminent over hiiill with railway, hut he .pointed out. that, that was a fault which could not he Corrected, hut which havin? transpired niul he dealt with courageously ami inlelll.enlly and turned into an ascl if possible, he felt that with Hie proper understanding uml the proper handling (hi in? "ruble illialiou could be I T Mil INTO. Jan 15. In Hielbroughl almut. inuiial alie Hie trial of leu He pointed oul Dial during Hie H -tor ami offirial of t ic lai year sausiariory progress 'ine Hank of Canada, charged Iliad been made ami that tho licit lilli ritiiMiirury. omiii aiMilira. earning of 1023 would more "I uf peclal crown prnvH'ulorj than triple Ihose of 1022, which I. Mcljirlhy. wa adjourned were 3.(100,(10(1. It was at this Hi' a mould. I lie nceueil were piuni lual Mr iienry rouuene(i II in i 1 1 oi I n hall in the Miine.hl nudience asainl imythlnR Inounl a uraiiled at the. Ial thai would retard this progress 'lie. I (continued on page six) Parliament to Meet February 28 and Session Likely to Prove a Very Interesting One Prophesied O'lTAWA, Jan. 15. Parliament will open Thursday, i8, was the niiiiiiiinceinenl uf Premier King a I lh riue V Hi" niliinul iiicclinir at evenliirT- The ilale set is nlmct a lionlh laler limit lat year when parlianieul iieiiii)lel tin Jaii- Tlio hassioii lliis year will ho iniimcnioiis. .Mil only il'orlunl (iiieblious such as Ihe redistribution (if seals uml region uf lliii hunkiuir svslem be before I lie llouo hill the pru- N'diug.H will lie of special iuler?sl ... becnu.-e of their bearing on I..... it SUPPORTERS OF ECONOMIC ADMINISTRATION and of M. M. STEPHENS FOR MAYOR,, kindly jfalhcr at Mid Coin-nil I tee. Ilooin in tl;o uffleo of M. M, SlepheiiH mid Co. Ud., Fvdcrnl lllock, each evening until clecllon day. M. 1', McCaffery, Chairman. t -I tt i line political iiiieimn Since Kovernmenl took office two years apo, having al no time iiny effcclhc majority over all parlies coinniiieii, u always received sufficient prouressive uml Independent support to enaldo it lo carry lis measures IhroiiKli Ihe House. In (he coming ses. slon, unless there me uiiforseen developinenls, tho dependence, of the Koverniiienl on a measure of support from Ihe left of (ho speaker will ho intensified. HOCKEY SCORES Victoria 4, Vancouver 3. 11 firn' . Ultfury ? Will be Here Thursday Afternoon and Will te Interesting to See Hut Canadian Fop'stry A.o-cialiou's Forest Kxhihils ar will reach Prince Itupert on Thursday afternoon ami will he officially opened al eleven o'clock Friday iiioriiinjr, January 1H. by Fred Stork, M.I'. A public meetiup on forest fire prevention will be held in the I to Ii Memorial School al H p.m. on Thursday evening. January IT, presided over by Fred Stork, M.P., and n short addres U'lll Im jli.lii..f..l l.v ll s 1Ij.ii.i.i ' dislricl forester- Motion picture of a unique chararler. lo be shown for the first time in It.C. will provide plenty of thrills and entertain ment. as well hi inslruction. Ileil Fnemy," a two reel slory of Ihe Korot Fire Fiend, and it work, is a masterpiece never lo he forgotten, and il i a typical llnlish Columbia picture. "For Tha Latest In Restaurant. TAXI 99 mm BOSTON GRILL in a hurry fhm Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Beet Car and Beit SarvlM PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Party Use. In tha City. Rates Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 'Take Her to The Boston." VOL. XIV., NO. 12. PIUXCB IIUPKHT, H.C., TUKSDAY. JAXLUHY IS, 1025. Vnurday'i Circulation laea. Btrttt 41 a. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ALDW1N MAKES EFFORT PLACATE LABOR :IRST MECTIH6 TO DISCUSS CIVIC AFFAIRS WAS HELD HERE LAST NIGHT a 'tirring Speech by Sir Henry Thornton before Eastern Board of Trade IIIIDCKVII.IJ; Out.. Jiin. .. A solemn, straightforward Urt-wuniiug trade people of (Janada lliul Hi'- Canadian National lulwu) rumiot reduce fr -(glil ml1- without malcrilly reducing in1 griii! eurniiiK "Mil wi re-ii? in ine yMcm lo Mien an extent In impose further burden upon Ihe laxpavcr of tlx; Do ..... .1 .... .......I l... 4': II . ... . . . i. . Hi moil, wu ui-iMi'iru ii) nir iienry i iioriiiini, prsMucm m ine Udoiial system, in uu address before Ihe. Hrockville Hoard uf rraiii nere nii nigni. In addition, Hir Henry, in a manner which has added signi- ficance in view of ttic approach if I lie coming tciioii of the i Federal parliament, again re iterated liU ilelerniinalioii (hat 'die Canadian Naliunal Railways Mill mil he permitted to he (he FORESTRY CAR ARRANGEMENTS est Flashes" is also an unusually good reei with plenty of life in it. Other equally fine reels will be showu. The-jvic fleet ion results! wilier, jiiiuyiuned'at tb'mretiugn I lie l.vli.bll i.ar will lie spoiled cloe to Hie station and will be open to the public from 10 a.m. lo 10 p.m. Friday: from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, and from 2 lo 5 p.m. on Sunday and all day of Tour The Canadian Forestry Association, which i. a union of over IS, 000 Canadian Citizens, send litis car to II. C. in cooperation with the H.C. Forcsl Service. The Association is ttj non - governmental, non - commercial organization, supported entirely by public subscriptions and small government grants and ha fur lis object the conservation and preservation, of the Nation's limber wealth, and the prevention of forest fires lliroush educational' propoganda. A lengthy tour of U.C. commences on the arrival of the car here, and every rilizen should make an elTort In see the won- lerful exhibits which Dig car coulaiiis, and nllcnd Ihe Thurs day evciiintr meeting, which is free lo all. Over a quarter of a million people visit the K.xhibit Car annually during its ten to twelve thousand mile journey in the forested regions of Canada. Interior Engagements ATI or completing its engagement in Prince Ituperl, the car will uudertako it tour of the Northern Interior and will bo at Ihe. fallowing places on (ho dates mentioned: Terrari January -'2 llaunll January S3 Kilsegukla Indian Hcservc January 21 lliuellon lanuary 23 Suiilhers Ian. 20, 27 and .28 Telkwa lanuary 29 Hums Lake January 30 F.ndako January 31 It is anticipated that Interior people will bo greatly interested in tlio exhibits, motion pictures and leclurc, which have been designed lo bring before llio puhho mind llio important question of prevention of further destruction of tlio limited forcsl resources by fire. A. J. McCullough. A. McCul. lough and A. I). Sykes, who have been operating a logging camp on Mnsselt Inlet for tho Masselt Timber Co., nrrived on. tho Prince John last night from tho Islands. They arc on their way lo Vancouver, their camp now being loiid dowu SJ -ipjj Jose Hivrs, one of the mosl celebrated und picluresipie boxing championship contender.- of a few years back, lia dropped pugilism to become n violinist. He now soothes them to sleep w here he used to pul them lo sleep in another way. Another Serious Earthquake in Stricken Japan Causes Much Damage; Few Deaths HHvlU, Jan. I.i. h illy persons are believed lo have been killed at rokio and Yokohama and outside districts in uu earth quake yesterday. Alany people were injured and houses demol- hed. In Yokohama the water mains were ripped up and .smashed and a a result water flooded the streets and homes. The .stock market was suspended because of Ihe failure of All railway lines between lliralliuka and Chigasuki have been broken and eommuuicalioii . between Tokio and Kobe cul off. quickly emptied mid a near panic Ihe shock or Ihe quake ap- ensue.l. thousands of resident proached in intensity those of of Tokio are breakfast in? (his September but il endured briefly, morning in Ihe streets, not daring The Imperial Hotel here was to return lo their homes. British Parliament Opened with Regal Splendor; Baldwin Policy is Outlined in Speech I.ONUON, Jan. lo. The much mooled ipiesliou of how Ihe Maid win government would handle the protective issue in the King's speech at Ihe opening of parliament was selled today when the speech candidly referred lo the country's rejection of Ihe tariff proposals and indicated lh"ir abandonment by the government. Analysis of Baldwin's swan song, in the opinion of experts, proved il lo be a clever effort to spike, as far a possible, labor's guns, a largo pari oi ine speecn was uevutcu to u iIisciismou of bills which the llaldwlii govern ii ft' ii t would submit for the bene, fil of the working classes, were il permitted to remain in power. The speech furnished one of the most extensive lists of proposed 'measures favorable lo labor ever placed in tho King's message. The Labor Party itself could hardly have issued a more striking pronouncement. Tho list included the following: llelterm'enl of Industrial conditions. J'rosisions for workers' houses. Amelioration of unemployment. Hcadjustmcut of old age pensions. According lo the opinion of ex-perls. Haldwln was undoubtedly looking ahead lo another election when he framed the speech. the parliamentary Labor Parly has decided lo bring up the qucs. Hon of confidence in the Baldwin government for decision during the debate on Ihe reply lo the speech from Hie throne. I na as iivro associal,.! urv-M.i ian:M will, mill iiiu oneuiiiK oi nar ame m. was in no ....... i.. i.,.. n... Their bowed lo the cheers of . . thousands' i i .1 who watched tho procession. PUBLIC MEETING A Public Alceling will he held in llio Empress Theatre uu TUE8DAY, JANUARY 15, AT 8.15 P.M., re Civic Affairs. All Cuudidules. will given a hearing. Seats deserved for Ladies. S. M. NEWTON CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. Stephens Outlines His Policy at Meeting of Electors Last Evening Defending Ihe policies of ccouomy practised by Ihe eitv council of 11)23 and promising a continuation of such policies vvilh a couseiiuenl reduction in taxation if he were returned mayor with a favorable aldermanic board, Aid. M. Al. Stephens put forward his claims as a candidate for the mayoralty al a largely attended meeting in the Empress Theatre last evening. Al. P. AlcCaffery presided and all candidates for civic office wer viied to the plaiform and offered the opportunity of speaking, tot for the expostulations of Tom (iuthrie. who claimed to be a taxpayer, at the iniquijy of the! aa&.a.. i 95 poll tax and Ihe remarks of a "f Tjp TIIAITPIIT few wag interjected here ami there throughout the proceedings, all the speakers were given attentive bearings indicative of a general quiel interest that Is being taken in Ihe campaign. In opening his address. Aid. Mephens slated his gratification at having had the opportunity of loing .something for the city dur- the pasl twelve months. He hadJ made the best of his opportunity That was demonstrated by tribute Aid. Macdonald had paid jOreal danger lay in Ihe rever- or lax sate lot io the city- L- I..I II. n. I. .... maiuing property ...-" . ... owners ......ii... had MUM to! .... 1 1 I .. I.. 1 ' "T V "'"."'"rV !' Thero had been a reduclion ...,j,-.-v..-- lu.iu.uiiiiij . ..,,ftnm, In ll.e as.wsi.innl .- - i .- - lust year meaning reduced rev- lenne. SHU further reductions were being made Ibis year and it was necessary for thc council to cul ils cloth accordingly. Aflor Hie reorganization of the City Hall, the council did not know how the year would end' up fi- naneially. If It had had then the experience that it hair had slnco.l a lower lax rale might have been given. The surplus of 58,00O .left on 1023 operations was only a part of tho saving that had been .mado through the economy oh 'continued on page two nnx inuuuni WORK OF THIEF Burning of Branch Store of Top ley Merchants Looks HUUNS LAKE, Jan. 15. Tho fire which occurred last week at ., the llabine branch store of Sideris Marsh, the Topley merchants. to him for hi services a chair- '""lo"uc 01 a man of the finance committee- .jtl,,c? A00 "'l". . n'0l of . (covering hi tracks. "" . Answers Casey joa of slock and furs were Iteplying lo O. II. Casey's re- burned uo when the buil.limr wn marks in regard lo road que.- re(Uced lo ashes three days after tion.s, Aid. Stephens said it was any member of the firm or em- true thai the 1923 council had r0yee had been on the premises, not seen a report prepared some Circumstantial evidence ooint to year ago by Kx-Cily Engineer F. this fire having been deliberately ..... . . w- 11 ii 1 1 ..n-.. i.-.n on no- siiuiuioo- ue el Dy some nerson or uersons. did not know whelher or not the At nresenl Constable ftiiVlmii-ii report was in the City Hall. The n,e provincial police Torce sta-fact of Hie mailer was that some (iouc dat Telkwa, is out at the records II. at should be in Hie Habine. investigating the matter. City Hall were not there. This yu insurance was carried on the applied particularly lo the city Luilding or stock, engineer' department. Ald.i - r Stephen expressed hi .satisfaction with Ihe new scheme of road building that had been instituted by Ihe cily council lat year. The payment for road on the local improvement district plan, as suggested by Mr. Casey, wus.how. ever, not practicable under the Art a read by City Solicitor Jones and the inspector of municipalities. Complimented Alderman Iteplying lo remark by Aid Macdonald, Aid. Stephen said he had not always seen eye lo eye FRANCE MEETS MONEYCRISIS Increases Taxes and Decreases Expenses View of Fall of Franc PAHIS. Jan. 13. - - The French cabinet, acting in the financial crisis caused by Ihe phenomenal fall of the franc, decided to increase nil l:ivi' illrni'l uml In with Aid Alacdonald but he f Aid. , dircc,, hy ,,er rct and reduce Macdonald had proven h.mseir thc recoverable budget in l2t to lo be as good a sport as there Was 5,000,000,000 rranc, which will on the council and he had not be ,uel by lhU Uxallon. been a had alderman either evenj TlM. Iniislers agreed also to hough he mlirii . be inclined at U(Jouni discussion on all bills limes to take a little too much Mon patliameut involving ex-credi opon himseir. 'pcndilure. The government will Aid. Stephens then went on lo iniro(uce a bi)1 balancing tho explain why he had objected more hudgcl. ' than anyone else lo a proposed) reduction in light and power Announcement t i. ii,. rale ir the power rales were re-',,.a Ua-,.Ue lhal n ,s, of duced. eventually the ' taxpayers. -M-.-t,e , ...-, supreme rif ii-ni.i. The ancient splendor and' .' 7 , , , . ... .. iwould have lo pay for lie reduc-lrr.i1.lni.t i. ageantry. which for ceulunes,,,, i Whnl hp waicd to see was' ;? I70,,,(,,. beei, the.. . . . i co Geoigo outside ,.. luxes coming in. royal coach ca.ryiug the King established at and thc court at and Queen robed in "-Z "eCon with the county court. inr i.iMjii iii.ru iuiio; iruiii iiucn- iughain Fort Oeorge is cancelled, flcorgo Milburu Is the registrar. Similar action has been taken in con- A PUBLIC MEETING will be held In tho EMPRESS THEATRE, Wednesday, January 10, at 8 P.M. at which M. M. STEPHENS Mayoralty Candidate, will deal with Civic. Issues and reply to his critics. ' Aldermanic, School Hoard, Police Hoard Candidates invited, Everybody welcome. ki if