Tii"'i"V'- Jainmry iS, 102. THE DAILY KEWB. nras ttvs. choose! The task of washday is far too great for most women: Slowly but surely it undermines their strength and often results in illness. Banish washday by using our Thrif-T-service. Your washing will come back snowily clean flat work ironed only the wearing apparel for you to finish. And at a cost that is wonderfully low! May we send our representative this week? Thrif-T-service gc a pound p!u lc per piece Minimum Charge $1.00 , CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 fojhe Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating C. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plnnl i equipped In handle nil kimls of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion C.E.Fi Recruits Wanted AK- limit 18 In 15. Young men from 10 to IK can join willi parents' consent. ComiuciiciiiK Wednesday. January (th, n comprehensive ix weeks' n.urse of mil itttry Irniniiiff will he romlnrled loanc.l to the Jlpgiineul under ii regular army instructor tor I hi iurM )-.. Physical .ruining ami hosing under qnalifbd Instructors, Recruits will be examined Mondays and Wednesdays it 8 p.m. Shnrlrlpv Planing Mills lUVVIllVJ w Phone 383. Sole Agents for Baui Mtn. u..u an. i Lumber mini, naiiaii, ....... ttmmAirA J. Fyf Smith Co. . s -J1?, " sr... mini. Fir veneer " V.. A. V ' vi.: Snmro mul .Ceilnr. Spruce IfllllUIISlUII UIIIIJIIVIY I'M ... ...... Sash, c.,,,1, U llnr ors, nnd (Jednr Hhiplap. Spruce lMnkiiiff. Mouldings, Alas. Shingles. Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling. The Man it the Metn SAYfts- KOMH people do thing, fillers iln people,. NO fatalities, have a yt been reported here, hecmiso of Ihe, iidwnl of loaf) year. WITH nineteen aldermantc candidates lo choose from, there, should Im no diflieiilly In selecting eight. Till: kind or girl I like Is one thai turn the oilier cheek. II.AYOHKl) powder Is said lo Ik Ihe latest. It makes a girl into a sundae nnd n foolish girl into n mil sundae. I.N" a linldtip in a southern eily Ihe, woman of the house was gagged lo preve nt her talking. and now it is said all the hus-llmmU of Ihe eily are trying lo 'hire Hi burglar. TIIK man wlio swaggers a round and sln.ils ovpr tiU fel. .1 . ,. . recreation I passed. declares Miner. park by-laws were of thi" nliHii.icli, lltirnr Imwcli. ' rndntibli'illr the fu ltnil Ik mi-moved Iwfrtre imthiiiiimu n'llrf may lx? Iiad. Ilurdnrk 4iihsI IltlliTS rwnnvra (Im raii.e of H' dfailai'lit', a It arts on t-very nrKan O'" ,HH,J '"' 'IrcnKUinn, pnriflm and r-riiimes th whole )'iim. Mr. ivti't Currnn, 7 Morrison St., tryinr sevrral rrnmdie. -whirii I found in lie of no avail, liiirdorii IUihkI itr was reromtneiidtHl la me, H.II.U. did tn world of tood, and I rannoi prale lhl remedy enoimh," Mannfarlured only ly TlM T. Mlllnirn Co., Limited, Toronto, ont, ISLANDS ARE STILL ACTIVE Buckley Bay Biggest Lumber Pro ducing Centre In North, It Is Stated Jluckley Hay if the largest lumber producing centre in the north according lo arrivals in the city on the I'rinro John last night. During 1023, over twenty million feet of lumber was ship. ped from Miissetl Inlet they slate. In the near. future the sawmill at Port Clements recently ac-ipiired y (he Massed Timber (o. from . r. Lynch and oilier local men will be in operation ami building of T. A. Kelly's mill at Atli Inlet is about lo commence. Ihe Maet Timber Co.'s mill at Huckley Hay slill continues lo op- iae full blast m'ghl and day. Ttiree of the I.os AngeleH Tim- tier Prfidiiels' big lumber schoon ers recently left Buckley Hay for the Miiith, One of t he vessels earned 1,900,000 feet of rough spruce lumber to Seattle' and the lows is Ihe one who does nol'olh-r lvn wor" Mch ,oa',''', wiUl l.a,e lo wear a ChriMmas tie. 5.000.000 feel of cants for Los . Angeles. KVi; will.oul the aid of leap- Tl,p Kl (:ic,,,iJ al Vnl lyear 25 per cent of London' ""- ,war widows iiavn remarried. 'What will happen this year? I Till: Irulli about the Chrisl-liiia presents Is beginning to jleak out. There was one young liiian of it cfjh nature in this eily hi girl lip.lick gave a so Foplyu Aarfm Resp()nded lo Mill I III I'Mlim IHUf a T,Ki: rourape. Very -few of the expected bad things happen- Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert I S. M. Xewlon was lodav elect-1 Korr, TliomHH Mcf-lyriionl, V. II. Mnnlftnmry. .!lin Dyhliavn, I). V. Mnrripy, Victor Ha.so-Hrt ANNUAL REPORT OF FIRE CHIEF During 1923 Net Damage, $1,012 Forly-six alarms were respond- ' fPW,r Wi" r' "VOn "l 1" by Hi" diriment during liapixn In I92(. naVOIlKH rouge be good lasle. is saU to' ttie year IUJ3, 10.000 feet of hoe and 700 feel of cheinicnt hoe was laid, 300 gallons of chemicals were ued, 30(1 feel of ladders up re mil im mid Hie nmiiirallis fBllAI.I.Y when a person wauls ,,.,.,, 5 miW arc.iding to something for nolhiiiif he' gel nothing for something, NOW thai the nominations are the twelfth annual reiorl of I'ire Chief l .11. McHonald submitted to the city council last night. The tidal anrniinl nf damatre lo over and the speeches are on, we Iir0ri. fr(,n Ure ai, walpr all be thankful that the can iUiting ,. yenr wa, 2;,y9.35; rampnign will end on Thiirsday.'amo, ,f jtlMiranee j.ai.l, St.- 1)07.35 and actiial loss In nroiierlv IT'S all very well In vole as wnorM ,o. The value of conscience dictaie run so many Iiri,frf,r(y jnvov( wa 321.500. people have no conscience. j . nXieiidilure of the deparl- .iiwnt during the year was I5,- 1 IfiH. jjPRINCE JOHN HAD ..n.l II II Mi.rri.i.n ivoiw atari ft J ' Illlllll". FINE TRIP NORTH ed mavor of I'rince Hupert ovei' Weather for 3! Months T. I). I'atlullo by a majority or Best 87. T. U. Mailland, (ieorge W. EPrlenced by C.N.R. Queen unanoiie isiana vessel tinm liAM lkl Vnl'nftA Mitplll ll 1 ..11. . O.X.H. steamer 1.-1 t..i... 1 1 ..1 v .. : 1 Block 21A, Section 1, Will be Remedied, Owners Paying For It Tin city council yesterday af- Hlock 2 1 A, neetion ocros 'Mini Avenue M. 1' MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great armies of film fans who eagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to -provide a proper background for his art. The movie multiplies personality and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a moment you can tell exactly where to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure , how much useless walking and talking and how much actual money you can save by spending a few moments daily with the advertisements. Gecrge READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS rAni) PPfirPPQQ AN sionally he had estimated the rosl UUUU rlVUUIOJ UH ,al $350 but the superintendent of HI TIF rnNTRAPT "lil'li,,"i bad offered In do the aldermen. M. W. Anderson and ith- -...., l- -"-." arrive,! in port at J.I5 last n.ghl Or. w. T. heruin are Ihe now p McCaffer Returns school iruslees. The I'rinco '",, V.u,r,!uyT."U Queen Uueel! 1. Visit to Camp East of Prince 1 !. sL 1 1 nh 11 nAt iis. iimAAiianf Charlotte Islands. -150.000 deiKM oil plant and a speedy passage of .in.000 " public """""" building by-laws " days from, Vancouver. vessel She MfOaffery has retnrneil , bvMiighl till as.eogers here and from a viil to his lie lie camp-east camp-east singing of Ihe ational Anthem. ,.re o- u . n ,.u... , ,.,. which o( rInf0 r,pnrge 1 1 I 1 1 . ft nikA In partnership eiecinc llglll xieilliii, , ,..... ... tnn t. i.i. I l lf,.tT..n I IS MIM imijilllji IIUI1IJ, I "' llllll 111 HlWllin, .'II. . V ' i ' , , , , , AnA AAA extension and 130,000 telephone (f piiMi ui a ear,oa ,f a C0llriU.; , pPl oul fl0.000 shingles for Albert A AtcCaffcry. lies and a good many ofvlhcm itlsli boxes ami sawdust for Hie have already been cut. Now that 'r1.!...!.!!.!.. I.'ili .t- Pa1.I AlniviirA l!il II.ArA la fnifriinnl tiniiw llll vvnrk , . . i.,,,' .M 1 1 ci , 1 1 nil i nil i. win IH.IUB. -",ii i. i.. ..iiintit ii. .... i ne opening o. a p-ick irnu , u fmM Jla1,Uy of pellera. of ,!U,ling and loading on llll' 1 1 1 UUIHI IIHK liillllll -until Slewarl wilt permit of Jxplora-lion and development work to- work for )330. The scheme for Ppgn, signal worked admirably in other cines. 11 is opinion was mere inerr was such n rotten police commission as the One for ll23. The gathering closed wilh the NEW HAZELTON Miss Hazel Hall is in charge !of Hie Hazellon school until t lie ll(. arrival of a successor to .1. Dil- The n.el aiU' fur I ! Miiith at e:ir is proceeding. : won ii woo nas resigned ami m oVloek tomorrow eveninir. ! Mr. MKiafferv savs it is Dossi-'ftone south. I.. K. Mawliinney, day. A sister ship; the (ialiann, uniinuu vvtiiiuiiivii will arrive shorlly. i CONSTANT HEADACHES AND DIZZINESS II a liitri! lo MnutirlA almi wllti a lii'Hl Hilt nil'' nnd pains ill tin Pine, anil In iiluf ne mil or len Hi htNIiMi hrailarliM arp uiip to aninn ilpraiurrinrnt assislanl hie they may get nut more tliaii wards pelling nut smokeless ror ,;r , prinCl Jolin u off n, n-umiier cofilractM Tor steam coal which the world needs sick and i being relieved hy A. may possibly reach 75,000. the I'orlland r-nnaUmiU. of the O.tUIJI. shore steward' staff. The new fisheries protection npnmiocinu nilFil sleanter Malispiua is making her rEfAlTl.OiMufl U1TCI1 first visit lo Prince lluperl lo-1 fUAMrP rnNNFfTinN STEPHENS OUTLINES HIS POLICY AT MEETING OF ELECTORS LAST EVENING1 K'. Dr. Itarnard. .fcuperln- jlendent Of Methodist Church continued from page two) missions, was a visitor al "" '"' Hazellon and Kispiox last week. iU nnrl. He nlso lirceil the nass-i-- 1 ... ..i ... , Unsatisfactory sewer Service in in of tluv .V.A and' Mls (ilaoys McDonald has re lumed to take charge of the school hero after spending boll-! iliys at her home in Telkwa. nuiw. 'N TH- IUaRCM. couirr or insu llfinv vJinilli ml.l if Al,.fln.l IiaI COLUMBIA. would do Ihe best he could. H. B. Rochester II. It, llochesler said lie had Hanson, K. W. Hart, Mcllae Hihvs., vice. He tluuiglil there was and the I'rince Hupert filuh ask- something wrong with Hie school ing fur permission lo change hoard when it cost 20 per cent their sewer connection nl .a cosljof nil the revenue to educate a of M0 nr 150. In- he borne byjhandful of uhlldren. Tho money lliemsehos. Complaint, was made was not going in wages. He that the present, servire was not cited Ihe llnnlen Street school as salisfaclory, lI. tM. (?. Lw, man-Jan e.vuniple. He saiil the eily dinger of the Hank .of Montreal, ami gineer had figured the. rost al John Oyhhavn, wero present In '$2,800 but the trustees wanted it furtherance of the reipiesL Th done some other way nnd he was Sydney. .N.S., wrllfsi J luive tnjProl,ry .afrwedMn .Ilk Ih. I.II-P iif Ilia lilnilnl.l..ll..n . . ... ... .i.iv ... .-.u... .11..1 a. .If,, .1. and In IIh Matter of tho r.tme of Murdoch M'I.eiKl. fi-ra.l. T.KK .NOTICK that I wa apiK)lntml Alllllllll. AdmlnlMrator of the F.MalP of Murd.irh ... t mil lllieuueil in appear III iniiuic Mrlr.nl. poi-rawd. and that all partlfa lernoon accede.t ton i-e.tiest from(again but he llioughl lliere might .JJw Miun,i"aC,i!,.iy ser- on or liefore the luili day n. a ii.inL- ..r imiii.ni nt'ii nun A' ..-.. i. a .in Ainw.iiittiiii run up. 'Vf 'verified riFiwi in in me me i III" I HI II . ........ . .... I 'J ...... . '. ,ir. Ii.- ... .T". l.l.J . ivi reurimry. a.u, ivti. Af I TIITHrH TVIiF. NOTICE that III parties Indebted lo Ihe eutn are required lo iy Ihe amount of their IndebtediM- to me forllmllh. IIATEO at I'rince Rupert. B.C- lhl atli dy of Janimry, .t. l4. .THOMAS W. lF.nF, orrirlal Admlnmrator. Prince lluoert. B.C. in .enooATt. IN TNI SUFRIMf COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Mailer of the Ailmliil5lratl.nl Art; ami In the Mailer of the FMaie of Franrli M. Wade. Iiercxisl TKr. iirirl' tin., l km imu.ii.11 now llliornied llial ttie COSl Had "mmiiraior nr Ihn Kstate of IranrU i..ui,M- Wde. iereaed. and I hat all tii mm ii. Li- partlea --.ii exceeded 0.000. During tils last(iir ,.Ui tttitVit x Mid iate are term n mavor he lind vtsittil 0errty requlnnl in furnliu tame Only ... lenu us uuijor in nun visiii u iv-H.lM. nMl ... i,..., ih mo. Piissing .through private properly. (other parts, of the province w!;nh7USV!!,nTl! ,h ... ii lis iroMieni in niuniiru whii.ihiu iiume nTiiiiiiiiriMnii itum in mc ,parue imieuirii lo llie estate are required the sewer in the lane, between Second and JlUQ Avenues, Subscribe for the Dally News. police oommlssion hut these had not been carried out. The mayor had sflid H would lm ton expensive and would cost ?3,000, I'er- tn nay the amount uf ilieir imleliieiliiiwi lo me forthwith. Iivrm al lrlue Iinrwrt. B.C, this stb day of January, s.n, . THOMirt YV IIF.rtNE. OffleUl AilMilnl.lr.lnr. rrlnce iiuoeri. U.C. Dr. E. S. TAIT OENTIST. Halgarson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 0M. Open Evening Only For Special Appointment. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Hay or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co - Phono BS. Big Reduction on All Coats, Suits and Dresses at BEN T'S