PACIIt TWO. THE PAllY NITvYB. Tuesday, April 1' L lj. ,1. Uii.'. I. . ! For Your Health you should bur the best. ALADA TXi KIIRSCRIPTION RATES I "Exhausted Nerves :eoo 1 tho purest and most scientifically prupurod tea, sold today. Try It The Daily News PIUNUR ItlU'KUT - IIIUTI8II OOUIMIHA. Puhlltdied Hvexy AUnrnoon, .Sunday, llio Princo ttuprl I hilly Now.. I.liniled, Third Avenue. II. R IM.1l.liKN, ManuginK Killtur. (lily llellvery, Iiy mail or carrier, per month f t.00 llv mail to nil imrts. of Ilia Urilisli himnro ami lh United iteonle do Hand then recret afterwards that thrvwere o rash. I -loin which is liable In JeaU hin tn.tfie sallows Does Not Trust Soviet Delegate. Apparently lremior ltmjh Maciloiiabl does not tntt the Itosiau Snvtet emissaries. Ho fears thai ihey hae no nnle nf y,.oo which vrecnt them Ukilii? tulrautnge of their piilion t irv to undermine the jwvertimeMt with which they rv ncjrn-ti;dir. At ay rale MaiHlonahl does not want red pmjajranita o HnUno awU not lo hstv it from Itussia if it can Ih t.rvwnleti, x ? AH Are Actors On Stage Of Life, It I simi Uw" ajai that William Shakespean made one nf hi eharmrtiwrs remark that vvfc we nil actors on the stage nf life, t. much nf Shkepe;irxs philosophy, i as true today t was ,i Ih time vxlien the wnrtl were spoken or written l K -o W e strut thrmvsh Ihe world, dniup nor little parts until -w.dlovvsHt up in nlilmnn and the wnrbl fnrjrets in a very hort lioo iHI mkst of u rvr IIvvaI. i the shw last nicht a numtter nf pMple aetet varl In 'he re..t .imosement nf the audience. Any day by keejvitip the eves MMinlr may be seeft actio parts i jut as hnmortoi way. AfW all, the theatrWfft itey r thir motiiHi piti.ire is an Aitesa4 tn dvpiet smne diaeV nf life and if this is done failh- fwtty an1 vvM a Ihe Mf forner are jnil actors, Lihor Winning In Mn Conntrle. ' I t,dir winninif: Wtins in many mwHtrie, the late le v iv ike state, of Aiivlraliit. Ther frm like a rhanj h -:t,-; hneup. tnit in reality it j unt. It is more a ch ." i u.niF ismk anvliuiic Time- was when Ihe Liberals were h v.Mtcr jotaeisil Ihwisht ami in evury ciomtry there wa ,i r.. s,-i -T .iti f Liberalism whwrh mnvnl ahead of the parly aw t irafrd ,t i,trwnL Tla lhal dnet" erlion is re pre strv-jo-,, ?,v vf,! K.Vrat atsr loil wtneA always was nw.N- lhoe uhn d lo vr,tiHe Uvr a lixriihtL Tme I.U Making gams ,tm 1nl literals always make rmn tmKsJ a mtire etuuiaeto deo-rc Sometimes whl -eem lke advances are rl? rvlrvir,le sleps aiot il is onlv by expen-ntetiloiie thai w can inut out what k4Ih-s .ire really workable. and Palpitating Heart Ttv a Ssm nJt r-K UW Mentis, IVMw A' U ff Xtrs. L, "hkix. 202 Kkue St. WrU. BrockriBa, OtL. Titr i Wk xrrj wl vd y mi i )MakcV, asj mrvj to r fi w i3k. At tea wj- Wn isit ii jmVi i i I '.4id Ulr cV vm jjstSj t l r ! ay tftaaslt tiul I man U(Si( I m3J trt ftt brt.rt. I tried xxrtjj kvKsv Vt it MTtMvl ct)ca( ti-rj' (ttT sue htVe4. I bi iW tnt p K-se Va lrmi aiitvei tk m ( Di. Ck Nmt Fisvl 1 tnri . aaJ cm tf k rtfUajy hk kWc 3m it t. I &i at vati I Lki ulra Br. Chase's Net-re Food MANY ATTFNnFD george sellars and , OPENING TRIAL , Port Clements Cases Attracted Good Deal of Interest Yes Houri closed Jop the Afternoon Ttie lAsaWXt Rcvrlhwns 'Wvii,a)nr, IP'WtJI'""'-ll a man has tt( jritn he has to ihitik over maltrrs be.fore takinjr The Man in the Moon - SAYSi- TIIK world never was uiie the same as u used to (te. ... i XIV I bat I here is In e an election within a few iiomiHis, what about a tittle (dilic bo- a eh.ln)te; VHAT I hate atnoil taxes is that they always have la he paid. O.vr.VUlos third paHy s.m to loivw SlaHeil on I to crab Ihincs pretty early in Ihe idiii- eal wauie, T1y- worked I Uke ei- Solml lMHS II is an advantage toJe ai Orietttjil. A Chinaman is sai, in m pHmd of his pannh. IK there wre itn sin. how-would (be daritis eel a kick nut of life? - - ,V POHT is a man who sets a ounienre the first lime he Rf away fvm borne. THKRK are two nf Cet- liny rallcl down, tine is In he loarfied and Hie oilier is to play hn.tae. Ten Years Ago In Ptlnc Rupr1 The assessment roll fr year 1911 was turned over Ihe city clerk yeslmlay afternoon. The jrrantt lotal is 5,Oi.3tn and the taxable property aniunis in i; I The recent xl of Mayor Nrw- m f ihe 1 0.00 puMirily ?ranl was en,hrsei hy the city eoinrU last nishl with Iww nwmtysrs f the nwinril vhl, hyhhavn and AM. Kerr afcsettt. Thnse ap-tmvin the were Maynr ewl.. AM. MonljCMwery, AM. Mxomsey and AM. MadUnd. T1ie aahisl were AW. Mrri ssms. AM. Mctaysnont aiM AM. jiassw-iterl. miOO LIU I!UITll TTLU Quiet Ceremony Took Place Last Night at Homo of Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Will Reside In Anyox terday Afternoon I .. ."'.'. , .. I Hit' wedding iftnk place mildly The I'nrl UiMiiiMit liuuor "I lh homo of Mr. and Mr. are allnicttntr a cood ileal of nt-Honrae w. Al.lmii. t:m linn Ave. tetitlnii locally. Hils hciiiK vll-l i'. hist evening l ". o clock nessr-d In the' fact. Hint tho speo-of -W" l.ilv drown., who arrived .Intnrs nllendimr Ihe otnntngon Sunday .-vmiuiv from trial yesterday afternoon well-nidi filled llio provincial mirl room reminding regular allend-nul I hero of nle court prn- eecdlng in this respect. Tin firl nml only cne heard yesterday was dial of Oscar Ihin-hip charged with soiling whiskey. Taking of evidence uu argument oT "iimisol was completed anl I Magistrate Mallory reserved hi finding until Ibi morning so thai he nilulil bo over I lit nides. The eno for the crown vvsts briefly thai accused sold drink Stales, in advance, per ynr $0.00 of Kins tSenrge whiskey lo Con. To nil oilier roiiiilries, in ndvanre, per year s $7.r0 stables llamny and Seward. , Ihppir hoard ddeolixcs. Tho x- Advertlnlnjj nnd Circulation Telephone - 98 jchan'ne "f money wa testified to Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 ito establish the eharire. The de- jfcnnVdid not deny the serving of All advertising should lie in The. Daily News Office on day pr drinks or the exchange of money reditu? publication. All mlverlisliiK received subject lo npprnvnl. cjalmed that the taller wis in Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 0M1.Y EDITION Tuesday. April 15. I Oil. Ontario Third Party Not Complete Success. Nut only did Hie third party in Ontario rim Hie ilccply intu debt bul it i cbarjred now that member!' ........ ......... ....... ...i i.. uri .it....n.. it,.... .r. .1 ...... ..r. payment fur srices nmierii ny ccued lo the informanl in.ev. 'aniininti Hie boiler of a sawmill, h'ho dry spiad men had appar- enlly made Iheir entry into Port .lUemenls under Hie Rinse of possible liinnle mill operator. K, It, Anderson of Vnneouver province conducted the prosecution and .r Hinl Millon t.oniales ttppcartsl fV j , " . V. I- ,.'., . 1 ,,a, ,,,0" intendeil lo pro a u.iy empseii,aecunnur m aiu'Kimuus iimur puiuiro in uir cai, rcr, u, cas ,,f wjtjjani beforo t lwisl nno member of the goveriimenl began lo draw lUslie, also charj:ett with sellinp. down iiMiuev iroiu private inleroM. This v the much vaunted and J. sicw-atk ebtirRe.! with tin. farmer LMivvrnmeuL wbich was to do Mich kmviI llihurs for tb lawful possession. Mr. dnuales prnvin.r but wliirb has eeuldl.v brought dit-jrrace mii its fairer Hie defence, however. aked tmnic. j for adjournment of Ihe former lease on Hie crounds thtit defence Great Danger In s inal nn I''11 npprtei nvreetly Carrylns Firearms, !f 'lie time ihe .te wus allejrod tkinying firearms is a dajijierous tbitip, bolli for the per-Jt" hve taken pVace. This was mmi earryinff them and alio fof the peipb who ussociate with the lfrantet. This adjournment not ?oimaii. If jhhip'Io never lost uheir temp?r it would uol be mi beintr expecte.1. it,r other aceucl. had. bilh.uiiformmilely jiehplis Uo ltd.aj thlnps on the spur of.'ewarl. was nowhere to be found Hie moment without cuivideririp tie coitsispiences and withoutjso adjniimmenl was alo made Hopunup a ti the justice or uie rse, is m easy in nuoi uiai," earl,. Ulastfovv, Senlland, In lleo. Sellars of Anyox. Itcv. Ir. II. It lirmil oltieiatisl. The bride was nllended by Mjss Annie Kelly and lieorjie W. Abbott was Kroitiniuaii. The lirlde wore u siuai'l fawn eosltiine vili hal lo malcli and furnace boiiuuet of wbilrt, caniallon. The brides maid was drcs in Idaok vrlvel and enrrie i bouiiiet of, while virunlioiis. Itesides Hie bridal parly. Hie cei-cnioiiy was witnes sed bv Mrs. Ucorge Abboll. Mr, and Mis. H. tiaxie. Mrs. .1. II Kdly. Williain llrowit and . S ItH'M'll. roilowina the ceremony. a weddhni iipoer was served and Hie evntiin? was pleasantly I wis mh awuy. Mr. and Mrs. Sellars will remain m Hie city until Ihe end of Ihe w'iek he f ore proceed ing to Anvox when ihey will take up their residence. The (tmAnr is well know n and popular in Prince Itupert. For some lime be wus encased on Hie xiulf of Kelly-lMuclas aai last year went lo Anyox to join IUe licMtthy sliv stuff. He serxeij overseas wilb Hie i8ll Milallion ami is a talented foot tall player. He is a memlier of Ihe local SI. Andrew's Society and a native of ilauw. Seol- laud. He and Mrs. Sellars an1 reeeixinst the hearty consratula Imois and le wishes of many friends. PRINCE GEORGE MAN WEDDED IN WINNIPEG Miss Lillian Alice Cook of London, England Becomes Bride of Q. Mealing The wcttlintf look place in All ainis l:lnirelt.V tnnipep. lasi V-tnesiav of Miss Alice ('.ook. who ,trrit from London. Kit l-land, aod lMlins of Prince lienrce. Hev. Iir. Jivhn- siiine oflirialeit. Mr. and Mrs Mealing are iendtup a f--w days in tnntiies hero re miviiik lor Prince Her:'' where Ihejr will re,iie. EIGHTY CANADIANS RFTURNING EACH DAY That Is Estimate of Robert Crect- man Who With George Mc-Nlcholl Visited Victoria" Kilh'.v Canwtiajn art rHurnlnc each .lay from lUiliforma ! Itritih . idaiiihia. ji-ronjmjr lo aa ennoaie made iy n often tlreebimn. asen?er Irafhc man- acisr al the- tiAnadian Naiooial Itallvknj's. after malms imtutries anWHc.l tranirlalMin eiuitan- ies aesrlin)i li an interview tivtti is Wiorw last week. Mr. Geeetniiiu. aernMiMniel h U. A, MeNich.dl. general pae- rer, asettt-for Ihe at Van -emjver, arrive,! in the city yes-terqay nh a business trip. Mr, l)wlnun Vslimjles that in lo Hie relurniniP the iv is a daily iajrre inio ae i'roinee en izw iHirisi rrnm QaMforuiu. He 4aes 11,4 helieve that the all rael inn of lo Hmptce Kvhibi- tiftn at l.on.lnn this year will enernaeh h ihe tourist Ira (lie toj the Pacific Northwvsl and W-lorla. He imuhIs imjI lital ac- H.feotMmrt.taii'1 tin lrauallaniic lojhners am already ImmW.1 ih hr sotoe month n roiue and thai will he ttiMeuN h Seen re juts sace lo KtriM until 'h- I jIj HAYS COYE AVENUE AND EIGHTH AVENUE EAST TO BE GRADED Hays 1.. Siilh aio.i fhth Avenues Uthih A -1 m between Mreei and I uNnsi an 06DENS GUINEA GOLD HEALTHY SURPLUSES fflildand Extra SHOWN BY UTILITIES Light Department Cleared $1,- SG6.S7 During March and Telephone Made $1,167.73. The ftiieratiiiz iiridus of IheJ liphl department durinf lite month of March was Sl.Sfitf tfT. winle the telephone depariutenl eleaival St.l6t.73. aerorthne to report f Hrnest love. superin-lendetil of al ill tots, submilled In the city rtntneil last nicht. Figures for lle Iw-n dparl-ntent were: Light RstimaUtl IWmhm . Expense Hrpl . tMimated Unpens . suri'lo - Telephone revenue s t0nt.iwij S.3M.I3 ?3.ifl IW MS.? ii.kt nj Suberib for tha Daily News. COULDNT SLEEP HEART WAS BAD NERYES A WRECX Wr H V twr MCwll. VS. nt f mm rt MM wtra I lt rrrHiv4 ht ( ! tmrm Hxdft ul .s r. 1 Wtwa I ru kw mm ttsv , lfr. mr twt a vrrt Ttrt4, , imfi.iiv M nqr tenr rr 4nW rr I trry frl n.L Avenue between M m4 iaj Onf i Mm n aiad tit. I " I M t 4 Mr Itrulr tT I 4 im4 Mk rrj tfU m b. j I M tor came IVM mi' 10 t in- vm urn, atil Vrfr 1 uta rtw ; rlwiel m ' i.- aaaffress pavement 1 etwu tr m n J ' program wa.h is alre4y etnsj tK.rn.sJ rametl .hi! ux . Ihe IV. Jt. eftv dS n sal" eral 1" w rinl . (Will n. ,s " snlher sstv': ig the iftullyw-1. sejr--iiif nut n niry wii tan hmm leeiinf THns hifn at Hatemon'ji.tHs l,i.iw hylaws vm- wf avnet i vi r re-over Ihe inetWiency of the pre- m fr Ht- trk ww inrMnluce4jef s sn I m I .. vine! pottc as jive 55e,r ftrsl re4infs m"ZJ i"jST! 'durtar the rejrtol 4ik ro6trry. uiht .immmU tmti. T4 t. (nn cn. unuwc inaa, uiv i Fine Ladies! a- A A FAVOURITE CIGARETTE IN ENGLAND FOR OYER 30 YEARS urailinu will be lo a witlti pfj Fifteen fe and I her,- will tie a! iiiatlresn of IiioIht with crown of liH-al nck and sand. l'.oiiinie-j lion of sKI'-walks will later lie n il. l for. You are invited to inspect our New Stock at our New Location at the Corner of Second Street and Third Ave. EVERYTHING FOR EASTER "Demers" Our Picture Department Of ' r some 1 re pntdt. t . m f FamousPaintings SujIaUy mounted and frameil Iri r are $7.00 and $8.00 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF THESE MASTER-FUL WORKS OF ART Barrie's Home Furnishings UlsHlA A A...llls. 34 Artatvc rt4?1 3.