Classified Rates Classified, 3 cents ; minimum charge § ANNOUNCEMENTS CLASSIFIED ADS... 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 1 HELP WANTED—MALE REAL ESTATE ty for advancement Phone Green 268 (203) ~—* tome PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE : | Five reom bungalow with three FOR SALE room self-contained suite m - basement, two-thirds of an FOR SALE Furniture, very acre, 21 fruit trees, etc. Owner good condition. Cash or terms will take house in Rupert in 1007 7th East (205p) trade FOR SALE—White enamel ice-/ Armstreng Agencies Ltd. box, very good _ condition. Phone 342 Black 197 evenings Phone Blue 393 (203p) (202) FOR SALE Coal range, $20. Call and wood 210 9th |People in Vancouver fa\ = towards the old, strong Messengers, 15 years FOR SALE—Three room house, Most Torontonians lean wards ‘ , 5 with bicycles. Grade FOR SALE — Three roomed knowledge. Good house, 2 bedroom and kitchen. hoff, a genial 57-year-old Dut immigrant, is making this ma rrinice Rupe 3 ‘Cres Cuesdwy, aA : Taste in Cheme Shows Varrety OTTAWA (CP)—How do you like your cheese? Most people in Ottawa like theirs on the mild side. medium-strength cheese. ii ind. That’s the finding of investi- u C mmigran by the Department of ulture into cheese eonsump- Carving History n tena i }- families 1 he ‘three cities tm Se OTTAWA (CP)— William Gost $> dS casi nvess / voles i CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:/30-12:30, 2100-5190 Eves.: by appointment «only 2? - 23 Besner Bloek Phone Blue 44¥ John F. L. Hughes, DiC. | SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608—3rd Ave. Ww house- terviewed indicated ‘they heese on the family ‘ . West I Rebekah Bazaar, October 4 " ; FOR SALE Studi coucl Catholic Fall Bazaar, Oct. 8 Phone Black 323 20 end Siiesinesites uae ._ NATIONAL Machinery Cr Lim Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar ited, Distributors fer: Mining, November 5 WIvUil Log om “tor Eq L.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar, Noven jes iavit ng and Con- 1ent. Enquir- invited anville Island ber 20. Vancouver 1 (tf) Presbyterian Bazdar, Novem- FOR SALE We ber 2% trailers 16 ft —— nicely furnished Ladies of the Order of the cooking ice x Royal Purple Bazaar, Oct. 18 throughout. Phone Women of the Meese Bazaar, ——— “— Nov. 7. FOR SALE—Misce Je ese 7 niture. Very reaso Prince Rupert Trades Coun- Red 739 cil A.F. of «. Labor Day Sport Roosevelt Park, Sept FOR SALE—wWestinghouse elec- tric washer, new condition, ; - c vringe! Reason¢e Orange ‘Latlies Bazaar, Nuv. 19 Lovell wrin CaN This advertisement is not published o: displayed by the Liquor Control Board o by the Government DINING PLEASURE Prince Rupert, Bic ‘| Phone se9 P.O. Box 374 | 1 FOR YOUR ROOK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Ce:nent Por yess Phone Blue 93 HANDY HOME SERW an, GTNERAL Con Build; NE and Rens kinds ROOFS chy OIL BUR PI PHC P.O. Box 16% FRED £ 0% OP PONE Rooy 108 Stone Phone Bye Open Friday ns | PRECISION SAW 'PEUING Lawn Mowers Sharpened 215—Ist Awe. W. Re Ine YOY P.O. Box 721 HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Jeuuty Culture in all itg branches 204— 4th Street Phone 655 BIRTH NOTICE " PHILLIPSON M: and Mrs. Keith Phillipson in th IN MEMORIAM ‘ Phone Green 699 (202) Lake Indian Agency, B FOR SALE—White Fawcett oil burner. Phone Blue 734. (200p) FOR SALE—Men's C.CM thr Pee+ speed bicycle. Good condition Conti ha Black 700 BOIp) (Pere accora ith the FOR SALE—Three piece ches- terfield snite, 6 piece kitchen } tende one or more of th eet, 1 iiterprise kitchen | ereee oe ee enaae of as range, 2 double beds, 1 dress- b project. or hest of T specif chairs. Blue ments will be ¢ Acro from fror » r € Ine nd Be « a B« tk A A E ( 205p) Indian Sur ‘ West ¢ re mseetns a. ces Indi A I ber E WANTED TO RENT : tne Miarintnvaent a aan. ih nomen Lake Indian Agen Va WANTED TO RENT —Four or . ¢ igation disclosed 8 Canada And it’s a mark See Dp ssed cheese is some- Dy thousands Of persons eve more popula than Ched- _ : nt families use both He in large Of the delica ( ads ‘heese is used in yb Of carving scenes from Ca Ottawa chee adian hist ry ym the stone wa lds compared wit the Parliament Building. H Vancouver and the task in 1950 wh roront« ees Mot } Soucy died ’ Ae ( é E writing shall be s Municipal Election each “pers son _ Propose d | such candidate: a poll being necessary, 8 all be opened on the day of September , corner of McBride Street and | e, of which every s hereby required to take " Returning Officer. Georgette Washington said “4! cannot tell.a lie, The way to quick results Red 129. (206p) | inom Carec;r | Pattee eet reat et aM ee eight, usi t VAY ‘ oO P.M natte f year \ : : 45 < ve I carving in wood f ‘ He attended a scut f school in Holland and did rh _ as a sculy th ol 3 Broad Bzist y I Professional curiosit gnt , him the job in In 1949 wah ' : J : f > visited the Build- i w ings and spent so much tim CI peerin ne ar ig Ul gue ne pi in aske what he 1 WEDNESDAY He I ] at 4 stone carver by profess in n Br ica 1 ciandaniuil “ans ‘al Clock the guard ybtai his I CB Weather number and passed it to ; Clock f I ews ——- ——___aumre> | § tere Bill Good af 3 . t i votions Oday S$ sIOCKS a rt é 900 +f and Comty (Courtesy S D. Johistom Ltd.) Moder! ) Time l 4 104 A1K \ t * ‘ . j A Lennicks VANCOUVER “i Bias : re American Standard 12 11:0 . M f Mu Bralorne 6.00 11:15 Rounduy , a} 3 NV’ ¢ € BR X Gait, a Cariboo Quartz 40 11°33 Re it Congress 07 1:46 § rain Melod Cronin Babine 37 P.M Indian Mines 14% $42:00 . Mid-Day Melodies Pionee; f 9 1¢ ~ Pah CBC New lone ‘ I 2.16 32:25 Program Resume Premier Border 1 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast Privateer 06 12:55 Recorded Interlude toc Mac j } 1:00 The ¢ icert Hour 2eves Macbe t 5 § Reeves MacDonal 0 | 9:30 Records at Random Reno 03 2-45 Our Babies: Comty Sheep Creek 1.45 3:00 Musical Prograni TELKWA HOTEL Telkwa, B-C. PLUMBING HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Simith & Elkins L PA HOx 274 WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 136 For the MEAL that REFRESHES COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE QUALITY TeRPAIRS For Downtredaden Heels and Ween Soles MAC Box 774 Second Ave MATTSON UPHOLST Epp Phone Blue 196 PQ 234—8rq Ave f Prince Rupert eet Ne seeatien G. HELGE LIMITED REAL ESTATE & 1 Phone 96, Ey Tings LING THE Jj Tailoring - Ale and Clothes Made 220 Sixth St Shipping and General Moving, Packing, ‘Crating Carlage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Bffi- ient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Altr Co. Ltd for Oxygen, Acetylene and all LINDSAY’S CARTAGE |& STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 68 PORTRAM Films Developed PROMPT $i CHANDLER'S 216- 4th Street Phone Grea, Prince Ry Train Sch STANDARD / For the East— Daily excep poem the Rast— Daily except Popular Steamer Prince Rupert: AILS ‘ROR Va ncouver apd Intermvediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 pon, For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGTH | Comfort and Serviee For Reservations Write or Call OFFICE RC. CITY OR DEPOT PRINCE RUPERT, CANADIAN NATIONAL USED CARS 1951 PREFECT SEDAN 1950 MONARCH SEDAN 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One Only— 1950 MONARCH Convertible When shopping for a GOOD USED CAR—try “The Home of Friendly Service” Bob Parker Lid. Phone 93 jeneny cor pty 1995 oar ot et é nly 1295 a dream car... aoa Silbak Premie! 45 $515 Waltz Lime Taku River 04 ae sovel rine Vananda 02 4:00 Stars of CBC Opera Co Spud Valley 05 6 Piano Pop Silver Standard 1.96 toe a x neta ard “it Western Uranium 485 f 00 Mu ic Won't Hurt You Oils— Anglo Canadian 8.00 |} . - woot 44 GEORGE DAWES /aimon Loe Centra} Leduc 475 AUCTIONEER 9 Home Oil 550 Phone Black 846 and Red 127 Mercury Ss aciapesn Okalta 3.90 | Royal Canadian 2 | Royalite 17.00 TORONTO Athona 164 - Aumaque 18 BES| Bevcourt 1 Fea Buffalo Canadian 291% | OF Consol, Smelters 36 00 Conwest 3.76 FOOD, Donalda 56 | Eldona Wes East Sullivan 8.05 Giant Yellowknife 10.00 God's Lake 57 Hardrock 1234 |} Harricana 0934 Heva 08% Duvex 73 Joliet Quebec 42 Little Long Lac a anaicina aoe ore Lynx 12% ¢ THINKING OF THEM Madsen Red Lake 1.86 NAT THE OPPICN McKenzie Red Lake 42 PE Oe oe McLeod Cockshutt 3.36 4} i " ; we Moneta 38 | a Negus 34 i Pickle Crow 14 Petrol Oil & Gas 1.03 Senator Rouyn 45%! Steep Rock 6.95 Silver Miller 1.84 Golden Manitou 6.10 Sweet Grass Oils ....... 1.32 WITH A LITTLE © JUST TO TELL HER | ~—eanether Poor Reception i. I CANT TALI! 7 TO YOU NOW, DAGWOOD -- 7 THE RADIO REPAIRMAN IS HERE y fin (ALL Times Dayligit VANCOU and SUNDAT } ss, Camosun § FRIDAY S5 Coquitlam ALICE ARM, SF PORT 5 Friday, Camosut, FOR NORTH CHARLOTTE Aug. 27, Sep w 8S Coquitiam, ror sovti CHARLOTTE & ss Coquill Aug. 20 Sept.§ FRANK J, 58 Prince Rupe Third Avenue Chines Chop Suey Oh Open 6 pa. e HOLLYWO For Outside Orders! JOHN BULG Optom John Bulg hird Av