PAG1 FOUL TH1 DAILY KIWI' Tuesday. April i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa Easter GOOD MORMINt. IF W QtsC CM.I; why "too CWT ar I i wMT- I TCll fTME'vl MOv.r UKE OTHER BUSINESSMEN rttt'.KL"iet NQrW WHERE Q r4-O.H-rS 1 l wvTiM tCU'D CML on WE Mi CCLr Mftf lit IN , TCO I LL Tut. HEKT ROOM . I Ur vl wr- .rr- I W7. OO T r 11 v-, . t I Will soon lie her ami I hat COOO CrC-) e.O5t-E-j EUCVCH H TC f is usually Ihe lime we look MB? 70 touts outs uewr ueN rrK. for t good weather to CosTv ome THC come anil New Shoes Oall in ami see our nevv nrrivaU. SPECIAL: Children, Patent MARY JANES .... $1.50 Sizes up lo i H. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue. Money i Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations Tor that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For TickeU, Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. i Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. Ot Finish Thrif-T-Service Wet Wash Three. Services, one of which will exactly fill your wash day needs. Phone u for particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone S. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Or any ten? h, HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phono CX. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing Team or Motor Service. Coat, Sand and OraveL 'Wa Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser SL Steam Heated Uot and Cold Waler ; Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phona St. y ESKIMO MANAGER OFF TO LAND OF ESKIMOS IN NORTH Hockey Mogul of Alberta Goes Off Ouletu nd Is Wall on Way to Arctic KIM(Vm.. Airil 15. A lit- tf I IkjalflAi I linn n mnnlli ... ....... ...... rtnf.rn.wta. audi Kenny Mackenzie, manacer of the',, lBnw w lkinio hockey team, emulate.! ilhe Arah and, folding his tent. iflitle.1 silently inlp the nisht. Ilr Mnrkrnii is not nrnne ti discus hi plans with the wide iwnrld. and a far a wa knovcn the man who puidc.I Ihe destiny !of the Kdniontnn team purpoe.l takinp a short trip into the (iraude Prairie country, Mr. Mackenzie ha not returned from Ihe near North, and he is not likely In do so now as he is 'well on his way lo the "'1- Arrtie where Ihe Kdmonton n w.ll!imn)j meel hi compatriot ds of saruit and Coronation fiulf and wherefor the while fox skins fmm the shores of the Frozen ' , riea he will trade the numifar.,.., lures and fo. of Ihe whi,e man. i First Trader Down It i the intention of the hockey magnate to be the first trader down to the Arctic coal -1 UIk It. seaort he aims I o reach "e;nmis, , farming tl,,. iie to. noruirrn irraur" iiou--i jurs, prior fo his rompetilrfrs, who will ) Cdmonlun by rail and then down (the reaches of Ihe poleward; flowing rivers, and for this rea son. Mr. Mackenzie has headed out over the new winler trail from Fort St. John, on the upper waters of the Peace River, lo Ihe Fort Nelon Iliver. lly utilizing thli route he will gel lo Ihe Arctic at least sis week ahead of the other traders -r-if Ihe fales are kind ami his scows are not wrecked in the rapid water of the Nelson and Ihe Liard. The laller stream empties into the Mackenzie at Sr'orl Simpon. and by travelling down llii river Ihe northern voyager reaches open waler in ;ih lower stretch. of the. big lream a considerable lime before the ice in ihe Uial Slave Lake ha melted, ihu allowing Ihe river rrafl lo proceed lo their ;detination at the (op of the map. 'EDMONTON WISHES TO HAVE ESTHONIANS Would Have Them Settle In Al berta Instead of Near Van-derhoof KDMONTON. April I.V-Allrar- Hon of neitlers lo this part of the west 1 a matter which Ihe Kdmonton ltard of Trade proposed during the next few months to give particular attention. The question wa discussed al Wed. nes.lay's regular meeting of council of the board, and the im. migration ronimillee was aske.1 to lake such sleps as it saw fit lo accomplish this end Among he uggelions offered wa Ihal the committee confer ;Wilh Sir John Pilka, who recently MACDONALD'S Eitie Gut RAH DftU RlOnn DLUUU i,anj . To'",,l. M.JU.OOO. K jj c ,m,mnyt PIMPLES AND B0ILS1M,;':",-.. Lnnsl ruction Company, Banished Bv i BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. I' l!. ouiFort William. l.l56.Wi. mu irm a. siihwh unr. 'rti: "I ihuutw i mM m .mt' 1 rrler-HalU Aldinprr ,ht dTttrd rra Nrtot Bhxm mum. IUl tvtd bliaie bira brv Olt M BIT.'r.i -. .n.. . - - -rv c r. h INITRESTINfi nN SH ht I irally dMl I t ahuitM Id fo anjnahpr. and the; llrkinr and bwmtBf rairxd mm-Ii a Itti bl siaUno I nM fel im rriirt Atj or ftitnlitt-k Bkni ttutn. 1 W iw tiil t4 rrlt qalU rUf. and J.T Ute tiinr I bad ukn 3 tioUIrt I i rcnlrHj' r- i-.1?!?;"- rr.' h"T anyone amirtrd like I will frt Ihr fane briwni I irhd." VinkM-k Bkavl Bitirrt M manafafUirrd mis by Tfc- T. Minrnra Co, Umitcd. Out. brought a party of Rthonian ltrom , oJ1 , , Killa--..a,,rl.,f r .Kl, ,,,urin tt,suml1-r month- to'Up nMT' hrtw-. ,,h' ,-,. , .,.,,. . :. , ...,: , s - aiF p.iiaiz rita-- ir u f. iK ..,.. east of F-imonton. Wa.talrnnii atvil Hi il UmiiI 1.. . '.irularlr suitable for the pur poses of these -Ksthontan immi- cranti. it was pointed out, more tK-hiii lhr im .iiJnm-l " IMMIGRANTS INQUIRE FDflM MCHf TC A! AM'"r,', "iu'le hj- Col. .McMnlie. Want to go to Alberta to Live: Ask For Maps of Country KDMONTON. April 15. New Zealand is. from all reports, an (excellent country in which lo be!tj0 wjt, r of the win. domiciled, but the fact remains that quite a nunrocr of citizen from Ihe --out hem portion of the Antipodes have ideas relatie lojmi jmp.rtanl feature of th-coming lo Canada to settle, and veiling will, of course, be the im winter ih.iiii uau a uiizen inqulrie regarding Allrla have been received at the local minion land office. Yesterday another lelle of lh description reached here frpiu Auckland, NX, ihe writer in lhl instance being interested, in Ihe Peace Hirer district, of which he ays he ha heard a great deal. He asks for maps of this area and all tartiriilars as (o soil, climate and so on . Inquiries lill continue (o come from Ihe Inile.I Slates. Tuesdays mail tiag .bringing queries from New J ;ey and Montana. VARIOUS TENDERS FOR EDMONTON ELEVATOR OTTAWA, April t5. Tender for the Kdmonton elealor were brought down in Ihe houe in answer lo a query by Hon. Dr. Manion. They are as follow: Cstrter. Halls Aldinger Com. pany. Ltd.. Winnipeg, l.;97.?0. Northern Cnnlrue!ion Com. pany. Montreal, H.3t'J.0nfl. 1 . lUrnell McQueen Company. Ltd, Fori William. MnrDonald Knsineering Cim. for those Smokff who like their toeicoo Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Git Yzb. tin80 iiCompany, Limited. i ihe ful bidder. TO BILLIARD MATCH Jebson Won Thouqh Hutchinson Came uo from Behind and Was Nearly Victorious Score 500 to 35. The closest eanie of lh In. .lividual ehamp,.,.hin serie, wa. Maxrd lat nihl wh-n Spt. Jrh-.n Ufeate. V. llutrhinon ),y a score of 5fl to 195. Jb.n ... . . .. . . - 11. nun. r uyi in luc- of the nialeh ami at Ihe ',,1 T fourth rtindre, was - ... ahead rrnin lln on llulehinsnn pM-ke.1 P"'"" had an itrelin? finish. ;Al Ihe very end. after Jebson had ! failst to enre foUr tim when I -'I he n4d tw yi out wo one. Hutchison made 26 of Ihe 31 he .miuired and then fell down cm an eay shoL Jetten Ihen made the nH-ear)' point ! eanie out fie point n top. The time of-1 he pan,-wa 1 wo minute undei three hmfrs and lhe players IWh averasml 3.1. 1 Hulcliin-MMi 1 high break wa 13 whwh ties Ihe hir.h break of Ihe r - - I Sport Chat Formal ceremonie in connec ler basketball eon "will le bered at a banoue! to be held in the SI. Rest rife. Tl preentalion of Irophie which ,,a ben won for the year as foiws: McMohtie Cup. Junior League rhainpinnhis- Junior Culls. . lintllo Cup. InlerHte.liaie Lea- ghe championship Irifermediale Colls llenson Cup, Lndies' l.eaeue clianipjonliip Maple Leaf. I.llhuly iiuti. Senior League cbaniiinliip Son of Canada. j J-re.1 Oilhuly,. preldenl of the (.1krihall Assiicialbm. will pre. side. Tommy Fraser, promising young boier of llil city, i leav ing on rlomiirinw night's Irain for Sinilhers where lie will figure a a headliner in a Ixulng lour nament that i lo he slaae.1 by Ihe Sinilhers Athletic CJub on Thursday night. Al Ihe end of Ihe week it had -not been de. finitely decble.1 wfiO woikl lake Ihe rin? again! Fraer. This is lo m the third annual event of its kind held by Ihe interior 'organization and great interest is Iwing displayed in il over Ihe jllulkley Valley. Ilesides an am- ibiliou musical pngram, there ill be a card of six fmir-round m M2 Lb. -15 " 1 ' L ' rrrJ Tf . Vll J l&M.l'S I 1 - . a t f 11 I I Ciu rr m Ft- v I ... II M HSt" w 1, . Daily News Classified Ads. B CENTS PCX WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad-rtlmnt Taken for Lo. thnrt KOc WABTVB WA.VriU). Oerk wanle! in Fnr et offire. Prince llunert. sal- ary 9rt.nn r UMnih. (an-didale must he uh-iecls resident in Canada at Ieal one year, and heiwren Ihe ajes of 17 and 25. Application will Im nsreiel up lo Wednetday, April Ifilh, ly Ihe Iti'lrte! Korv.lrr. Prinee HiiMrt, frtHii whom appliea-lion form and full particulars may m ohlainet. A ll f Ihe candidate will be hfM oil Satuniay, April IH. pre .in. W. II. Machine. iv it Service Commiinner, Victoria, WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest price paid. Prince Rupert F-tehanjre, Auctioneer. Phone 655. AOENTS WANTED Atrenls for nationally adtertfseJ protiicl; sell on sight; e-cluie territory; mall out lav. He your own b. Splendid monry niaker. Sainide r0c prepaid. Ureal We-t Sale C. 317 Pend-r Street. V.. Vancouver. B.C. Ut MISCELLANEOUS. ARK Your Itooks l'p-U-dale. Mr. Merchant If yu dnT like keeping tk, you ran hate IJiclrl enlerol up and balance.; regularly by a compHenf ae-rruihlanl. Write, in confidence, lit advertiser Ml IUix I7rt. Daily Kew s inice. oi FOR RENT OFFlck FOR RUNT, with mo.lern living quarter. Velenhaer v'llfba. if FfiaKKNlV-Palmer House for fiieap rales and home coin-fnrU. If BOARD. DOARD. The ' Inlander. 830 second Avenue. Phone 137. tf ("Hits, rdnging from fal and tricky diistweighls lo the pile lHviflg heavyweight. The Smlliir-r.s toxer have been Iraln ini( for .Ihe pal three weeks 1111 ler (tie direeliou of Frank Fe- fl.e Hums Lake Tenni Club, al 31 s annual meeting iai wees. eleelrd oflicer a follows: President. C. C. Ditlnier. ?efylary - Treaurer, W. M. 1 aim llrrtiind coin mi I lee W. W. il. 0Wll, J. YimjI and Perry Varr. The net game i to be followed enlliTfsiasiiCaliy at the interior cenlre this year and to raie fuml it i iiroMte. lo siaji a smoker 111 the near future. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. Alex A. Connon. Hazellon Mrs. John II. Keefe. Francois l.ake; Air. ami .urs. . .vianror anil family. Terrace; J. IS. Scot I and O. llnhnlroin. rily. Central I. D. Daimpre, Kilkalla; II. J. Pierre. Prince llnirse; S. Shrn- jky, rOC.H.; J. Richardson, V. Slew. 1 Capl. K. McOikrie. harbor uialer. ha h-h authorized t. leiael payioeoi of harbor due from fihing vrel not pro-pelled J.y oars', all or which are lo same whether I bey are registered or unregistered. . Prosperous advefUsiug mean,. Iretolar contlnuom advertising. 11 ur u: for sale 1 rf,w SAI.R Five ro-imed house ! "n S'tnd Avenue lluildiiig 00 iiosPrtltlw. wharf ne, 1,4 a news stand. Nine 10-arre bt, one I -nere lot at TeTriiee. Prince lieorge, tots 10 aasl II, block til; Isu 10 and II, block 116; lots JX and 0. bbk 117; lot C, UWi 151, Apply A. C. Litlle. Sec.u.t Avenue, 95 FOR SALFL Five rWied hou with bath, eb in. tuly' nMstem. tMst residential l.ea-iiin. J5.ftl. Term over three years. Also double corner on Sittfj Avenue one block fnm Mc-Hrt.le Street. ?nQ ..n term. Mrtffery A liiMN.ns. Lid. 9t FOR SALK- l-auurb "Slar" ?. Ford engine rstaverletl to marine .-ervlee. Ataler Kent igfiltkm. All conlrols brougSii lo aleering bulkheasl. Kteelric light and searchlight. A speedy txiat at bargain price. Apply raretaker. Prtne llHrl Yaclit Club, or pirn ft. FOR SAI.K. ia kosal "Nadine.- -3io. Hoffar built, t hp. Kathope. OmtpIHe with sior. age lUtlery, slove aol filling. Flrl clas eondtl ion. Lying at Yacht Cfub. Prie 5mi0. Apply (i. Rnrte. Hays HU. Phone 37 tf FOR SALK. S5t0 h.p. Sterling engine; Iloh ignition; coiii-plcle (o and including coupling. 1750.00 36 foot cruiser, 50 h.p. Just overhauled. toilet. galley. 1 1.000. M. M. Stephens. If FOR SALU- Pie. ore latirveti. Irt ft. x H ft. Ihsjiio. spacious cabin rsuilaining etove and 11len.1l. I h. 11. Reinil engine, newlv painle.1 am! in A.I romlition.j Snap. Apply Itox I ... Daily j New. tf I LOT 6. Mock I. Serliosi J for. sale. Seven In e4gtl feel ex- eftvated. Will aecspl any good , To Alaska Points-offer for eah sale. .. K. April?. tH and :'H. Le.lue. general delivery. Mun-1 From Alaska Points treal. 9' April II and "" FOR SALK. Power boat of every description including pleasure, trolling and work boats, al reasonable prices. Apply N. M. McLftan. Cow Hay. FOR SALK. New and used Machinery. Iloats an.1 Kngine. Northern KxcJiange. if RESTAURANT for Sale or lae. Apply Ilox 175 Dally Xes office. FOR SALK. FJeelrie Vacuum 'sweeper. Phone 103. if TAXI Taxi r7 Phona. (Call Georgs or Oust) Ross Brother. Prompt Service and Comfort Dy or Night Stand: Qrotto Cigar Store. Third Ave. AUCTION SALES. floods Nought, Sold or I Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. , 1 Furniltire and Crockery. ! Third Ave. Phones Mack 138 and ' Re.1 11 '' ' Dr. Martel'i Female Pills MrsctWwr era. Mnf litUTlD 1 iniIx MKNsrmuarioN. nxk. VOUSNZ3S, BJVCKACHa. DtZXlNSS.n. wSufM-'n8-llrli(MHiM C-rTUOZwtUr tiMm UnarMU wt t iL ' ptktrt p m VmUMm C. 'I L mi r::r: PfllNCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesdav, April 15 High 11 1; 11 S.'i:l . . Low .. . I ; a '1 16;.'..' . .Wednesday, April 1G. Jfhrfc .. . M:r. ,i i tJ '.o j , lw .. . 5.IM in m 7; Thursday, t. Aptil Apll 17 High . . IS.i l. ;.' mw . 6 o ." '; i -I 'u I : I ! f " Friday, Iday, Apripil Apripiau High :?v . v lt:S? )OW' . l .. ii. IW 110 . m MAIL SCHEDULE For tha East J Monday. Wediied)-s?rd V days. jldes al 5jjJ6 Ai rom the EasV Monday. Tlmr-i jsnd S imlay. i ..V) p.m. I . , - 'com Vancouver F X Sundiyt ... P H WWne-Mlay . ... .. i P v FrWsys AM iSftit, Aj.rtl (1 m ... H To Vancouver le.Jay. Mall rloe nt 4 P M Frfdy V Saturday A M. tLP jl, April II -n. To Anyoi, Alice Arm, Stewart. Premlsr Wclfiesdavs . Ift M From An yo 1, Alice Arrrr,v Stewart, Premier " Frf Jays ' V M To Port Simpson, Alice Aw1 Anyo'x, Stewart and Premier-Sunday 7 From Port Simpson, Alc cm Anyot, Stewart and Pramlee I'llftSdjays AM To Qucsn Charlotte Island Polnti prtl IS aod , ; From Queen Charlotte .Points pri in an. I : To Naas River Points and Port Simpson ' Thursday I From Naas River Points Saturday A M, it CAftCtLLATION Of MCSIRVC 54l Is berrSii IHM Uukb " easwrtaz Hie twi r-rweii) iv-' TMt&iUrre V- !!! M1 - i a .isi. tteputy Sim.w "f sactPia ino oisTNicT or quc CHARLOTTE ISLAM DS. t s-oMre Uaai I, VrOi'ir n4 IMWI OtneM. Rnwslt HSr fe a ! .i-r h fi't" rrifaiMl lAn.t- 1.. i.tnn. m l ptaatsd al Ihe anrtfcawl tun ' 'nwlh -mo vt Orihun ltl4J. trMhu Hlerty; limn H m" tlwrtv. I lav rr mark K-rbain eiTlr at.r ' jUarora fit rkawa wntbertr tffl 0 nenrinit. ronuinrar llr -or lr, Uw-aieii Jirwary mft , vwjiaa jiiitnT8' IAHD ACT. "Uc. f uuu ta Appir ta i la (mo ld Ofinri. HeeflM . Jclrt if kea. aM mi J'yl l ' j UllBit ui Ilia ndlk hriui-h .if I liorr. liear oeraair cj.rj Taka i.iw ikit I. Ttiiva v TUacier. ef 1-tMtrr nu.rl. i . Urtusrr. isinxH In ariv ' I Vrar Ike raO miai -- til- ' nmrnriaf at a r rianii ' 1 "otlmrhr tBl an Bu lslad. ii . Illr and elrly.j 1 ' HHfrtf; lnpf Sr MiIIh-- sef Um i pMM t)4 Msisiwe""'' "' 'euinmr l ar. iwt i . TlloVtVS Ve-V' . apiiei.' rtuuarr in. ii