fishimarket net! Salmon, White Salmon, Alaska Grey Cod, Red Cod, ,.,ll.l. Until. Ill CI..:...... I'lllClH, """UUll IHl1 f.f. Crabs, Clams, Kippers, Kit ,.',?,, pcrcd Salmon. '"",!' ,-i 'p, FRESH MEATS. VOL. XIV.. NO, 90, i ai of W illitt ii Ha'lM. uienH. rliHrjted Willi y sellliiK llijuor, t lie provincial court this k by .MuKlntrulo Mallor -ion wsm reined until aiinuooii. lwlloii in the "f 0-ar llmilap. eharsrd i a similar offence. i aUo V .Ml. llir rae of L Stewurl. rtiurgeil !i in lawful piielo oi ii'P : i now proceeding. SCOTSMEN DRINKING METHYLATED SPIRITS Gownment Has to Take Action to Prevent Injury to People Who do It i:iHMl HUH, April 15. 'H"1 pimiTr cn oT people in Scol-liii:i are comuining inelhykiled M'lriU in ineirii'.ing ijiiailtltie! iIiip ii (hi. low cost compared W'lli ali'idmlic beveruaes. Aroused I'V the serious effectd of the I'liirtire. the Koveriiiin-nl plan-mug lo treat oil metliylaled 'I'irils in mieh n fusliion thut it t'Hiitiot be usrd as n drink. WILL BE ADVANCES I'ofntliiK out that Ihe slrikr "lieiluled for yeslerday was nol hiking place, said he had re-reived word that there would be Increases for nil concerned ami h'lt certain lhe increase would be Milllcienl lo preeul a strike. STOPPED FIGHT TO SAVE TEX MCEWAN I'llll.ADl'.I.PIIIA, April 15. Young Htillding scored n lechnU 'nl knockout against Tex. Me-'wau of Ottawa In Hit' scmmiIIi round or a ten round bout. The referee topped the fiRhl to "ve Md'Avrtn further uuiiishmeul. -t- XF.W YOHK, April 15. -Fair ....,.ii...i- is i.rei ic eil lor 1110 open today or mini mn ing games leanues. Their chief fight Jn bulh leagues Ibis year is a combined allack by seen clubs In each circuit to dislodge inn imuui (llnnls and Yankees, Ihe pennant winners In their respeclivo or-jfiini.alions for Iho last three years, (iun-(io-AI, the llaxellon In- . ...III...! diau, who slanus conimiiini on u ..1.,...,... 11 f rn nimitlliiK a serious , niiir . . 1 , , .ininlurv olTcnse, is l.cinK iiikimi on 11. i,v Couslnblo. Mancnr ' ' ....!! . ...... . 11.., 4'ui-i enu ouay 10 wkiiiiii in - where eae is 1 be will remain Mi. Olga Heisrh, of West Iloboken, the fir-t girl student to run II mi the .ourse of n) uf Mardariu Chinese ;d Columbia LmrrMilv. Ii.-m rr eol v married Iter Clinic e nMnirlor Professor Frankhii C. II. Leo. Report is Accepted on Reparations as a , Basis for Discussion MKIILIN. April The Uerinuii raluuel today decided to iierepl the reirl tr the experln us u ba-is Tor neaoliaiioiis aim lo inform Ihe rcjwrations romniision lo tin's offecL This j in line with the ullilmle tuken by the roiifereiiee oslirday between Ihe oeulml Kmeriiment ami me premiers wi me iciicrau-u,ui-i-uuill stales. . . LONIiON. April l." The Hrsl official expression of opinion mi Ihe rejorl of Hie reparations experts Troiii Premier Manwiy Mai di'iiabl came ui the House or (imuniiiit today when he announced that the government learned with greatest satisfaction of the unanimous, signing ' experts' findings. FAVOR WORLD feasibility' of holding a worlds r..i. in Vciiii'iinir in ll'ii, hist 1 FAIR IN 1927E Committee of Cltliens Reports ln! Favor of Big Event For Van- couver VAN;iIM-.ll. April 15. The coiniulllee of cllieiisi seleeled by m,.... iiu.,.11 In iiiM'sliuale the iiIkIi! submlttiil a report nnani-' moiisly recommendliig the hold-j Intf iif the exposition from May 15 1 to October 15 In llini year. until Ills lcall wilh at lhe assizes. WALTON APPOINTED QEN. SUPERINTENDENT MANITOBA DIVISION VANClll VKIt. April 15. X. II. Wallon, nsslslant uoiieiiil siipcriulf ndcnl of llr- at Prince llu-perl since September 1 0-0. has been appointed Ken. era I superintendent of the Manilobii division .with headquarters nl Winnipeg, acrurdiiiB to an announce-nienl made 1odny by A. V.. Wairi'ii. general manager nl Winnipeg. The coinntillee sugKesis mo, rnrmiliK "f I"1'1"0 f1""1 nnrrm nr with capital stock of 0.000; MfcR HUmUL Uf to flimnci) the proposal. FOR POSTAL WORKERS BASEBALL LEAGUES MOXTHEAL, April 15. J-l.afrauce. ehairiiiau of lhe local 1oIhI workers assoclalli'ii OPEN SEASON TODAY WINNIPEG. April 15. -"1 can see poods being shipped very cheaply from Vancouver to the pralrio provinces beforo very lonir." declared . O. McGeer, K.C., who represenled liriltsii Columbia ill lhe recent express rales inquiry at Ottawa, here. Mr. McGeer. who Is en route to Vancouver, predicted. elderablu leduclion on "vtlnd ship ment from Vancouver on fruit anil fish, and also tin ull-rmiml decrease on tho western frelghl haul to Vancouer and vice-versn He also thought Ihere would be a furlber reduction in the grain rale lo Vancouver. Mr. McGeer has been summoned to Vancouver by the provincial government. It Is believed he will present British Columbia at the Royal Grain Inquiry Com. mission sessions. PfUNCE Fl UP El IT, B.C., TUESDAY, APIUL 15, 11)24. DECREASE IN RATES PURCHASED FOR LOCAL FISHING Mlnard Crowell Is Bringing Ves sel From Norway and Is Due Here In June Miiiard Cf-owrll, fiirincrly of 1 .1 '. Iluiil I. I'l.. Cow Buy. lias pur.' chased a 100. ton steam trawler in Norway which he is brinriiiK to Prince liupert to enter the halibut fisheries. According lo: word received by M. V. Niekcrson, the boat was due to Irate Kris-! liatisiiud, Norway, on April 5,j with Mr. Crowell aboard, with the! expectation of reaching Prince liupert about June 15. The vessel, which is somewhat smaller lhat Hi: well known cold) storage trawlers of the Foster type. Iki.i a capacity of lOO.OOn pounds nf fiitli anil lias accommo- dalion for a crew of 21 men. TAX EXEMPTION FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN Hon- J. A. Hobb. acting minislrri FISH ARRIVALS Halibut Fares This Morning Totalled 100,600 Pounds Salmon 6,500 Pounds Three American halibut boats sofd catches tolulliiitf 0.00 lbs. at the Fish Exchange this morn ing. Two Canadian halibut boats, hud t.tioO lbs. and two salmon boats landed 0,500 lbs. Arrivals and sales: American Coiiimonueallli. 10,000 lbs., at l5.Sc and 7e. to the Booth fish eries Canadian Co. and Iloyal Fish Co. Wcslern, 3H,ooo lbs., at 15.5c and c, to the Canadian Fish A Cold Htorace Co. Prosperity. IH.OOO lbs., at 15.0c and 7c, to the Alii iv Fisheries. Canadian Poeoloco. 1.100 lbs., at 13.2c anil 5c, lo the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Kouyosu. 3.500 lbs., at 13.7c and 5c, to the Iloyal Fish Co. Salmon Taplow, 5,500 lbs. of red sal. mini, tu the i.auaiiiun i-isn tv Cold Storage Co .at 18.3c. Hilly Boy, 1,000 lbs., at 18. and 3c, lo the Iloyal Fish Co. TUG NANOOSE TO STEWART Wrecking Outfit Goea North Recover Ore from Portland Canal to (I.P.II. lug Nauoose arrived yeslerday afternoon from the wreck of Ihe sleauier Admiral Hodman and proceeded later wilh Iho local wrecking outfit Skoo- kiim and u'leu ami equipment lo Slewarl where a barge which re eently overturned partly is lo be recovred. Hie .ilmiral iiotimau is now ready lo launch as..oou as the I ides are high oiioUfehv PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VMUrtfiy't OlreuUtlon IMS Itll.Mi:. April 15.--Italian airship .Number I was carried away from her moor-ing I iy a Violent gust of wind and two soldiers and mechanic who were unable to let yo Ihe mooring ropes were carried 300 feet and dashed to death. MISS KATIE COLLISON MARRIED TO MR. CLARKE Well Known Young People or This City Wod at Vancouver Yesterday The marriage took place al Vancouver yeslerday at Chrisl :hurrh, Hev. W. Craig officiat ing, or 1 rev or iiarKo 01 ioromr and latterly of Prince Huperl, to ntlierine Collison, eldest laughter of Hev. and Mrs. W. E. iollisou of this rily. Miss Collison left here about a week iago fur the south and Mr. Clark left later in the week. EARTHQUAKE SHOCK PROBABLY IN ALASKA YICTOlllA, April 15. A severe earthquake shock was registered Jiere yesterday. It was of pro longed duration and the est! mated . distance would place it probably in the vicinity of the Alaskan peninsula. Los Angeles Timber Products steamer El Abeto is discharging fuel oil at Stewart and Anyox enroule to Buckley Bay where she will load lumber for San Pedro. Mrs. George Leek s sailing this afternoon by the Cardenu for Ihe soulh accompanying un insane w oman from I lie Interior who is going to the asylum al New Westminster. Union freighter Chilkool, Ciipt Georgeson, arrived from the south nl 1 o'clock this afternoon Strxt Salt 4S. Tin- little building is a mission church on Tesliu Luke, Urili-h Columbia, which is almost out of touch with civilization. It is reached after a week's travel tip the Hoolalin-qua Hiver, where a trading post is located. All in Readiness for Floating Steamer Admiral Rodman horn Capt. T. .t. Wilkie, roirceiit'ilive of the underwriters who has been Miners isius salvage operations mi the Adnriral Ilodmau, IS TO RF INfRF&SFnluU'd today that, if nothing untoward intervened, the vessel I would be pulled off the rocks in (ireuville Channel this week ... . ; possibly within a day or so. All but the forward part or Hie ship OI iayva. April u. -ii i nowj juw af,oal jn urder U free her u few . earIicr sum; siaieil uciiiiiieiy uiai iirn i.llir ihn M,i. i,.,. i,.,.,. i.iMvi,i .,,.1 f.P.,i ,.i,iuw .lamn..A rcsidulioiis are .H,!dcrcd lnjw)d came 01t of lhe Oauadian Scottish, huyett plared jindcr of and . . " committee wuys - mcaim.Mll, r-ilit:.f her ,-ll.fiiiD- ,ff Ti,. I... nf finance, will niovc in amMid-l f 4 nienl to the income war lax pro.l vidiug for a normal lax exemp lion for each dependent child lo be increased from 300 as at present to S500. The increased exemption is to apply lo lhe 11'23 income and subsoqucul periods.' ITALIAN AIRSHIP CARRIED BY WIND MEN ARE KILLED back at the' scene from Stewart lomorrow morning to, pull vessell off. Free of Water After being freed from the rocks, it is lhe intention to take the Ilodmau lo Stewart Anchor age where, she will and given a thorou lion am patching up completed. She will then be lowed south. The vessel is now being kept free of IS KILLED BY AUTO SPEEDERS City Employee Struck and Thown 22 Feet on Vancouver Street VANCOUVER, April at work oji Hastings Goro Avenue, Charles 15. -.While Street al Showl, a ily employee, was killed in stoutly by the car of a speedin molorjst early Ibis morning. The body was thrown a distance of 22 feet. I lie driver of the car did not slop and so far Ihe police have not located bin v. KILLED RETURNING FROM THE CEMETERY Car Turned Over and Man and Wife Thrown Out; Woman In Hospital The Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Boies for Party Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. REPARATIONS REPORT ACCEPTED AS BASIS STEAMER ADMIRAL RODMAN LIKELY BE FLOATED THIS WEEK SAYS WILKIE AIRPLANES HAD HARD TIE AT SITKA, ALASKA Difficult to Keep Two of Them Off Rocks Owing to Wind and Waves SQUALLS DELAYED THEM SIATlLE. April 10. Slum pii" rnl"l I In Amrrloaii r .-: leaving Sewunl yeleniay, : riiiiiK If a ili'xiMlch tu Hie si v Time. Iietmrture for i i w. . 1 .,.K' .' W wu roiiirmpuuiij mi ,, tuorniiia. Major Muilin reioHwl l that two of I lie air ,:. Nd. : mid N. t, were t ally dashed lo iiei In in before leaving Sllku. - aviator uereMUlly waaeo iiti' linur lioltlr against lush r:; u d heavy ea- which . in Imrl Mir i - U)cainl I lii" fork) There w of an mrli while Ho' innch- i ; ue da)' e at Ktfko PORT CLEMENTS BOOZE CASES STILL GOING ON TrUU of Oscar Dunlsp and Wll- lltm Htstle Have Been Fin-lined With Decisions Rstsrvsd IBBlBBIRBBBBBlBlBBHr B9L iBssbph'Xssjbsshbbsf bbb. BBBBB IH VBBBBBBBBai BJBBBBBt aBB PBIIH STEAM TRAWLER ! PETER SMITH BEFORE COURT Former Provincial Treasurer of Ontario Remanded And Out on Heavy Bail TORONTO, April 15. Peter Suiilh, provincial urer. during the farmer Rocks Just South Prince Rupert U.S. APPROVES - Hon. treas- labor administration from 191'J to 11)23, appeared in the police coiirl this morning and was remanded for eight days. The former minister was arreted yesterday afternoon charged with conspiracy to defraud Ihc government. Mr. Smith put up bail to the amount of $50,000 for himself and 13 bondsmen arc bound in sums of 91,000 each. NEW CRUISERS Naval Committee Gives 'O.K. BUI to Build Vessels For Navy to ,Ol 1 1 vl I W.l , ,1(11 11 1 o . bill to authorize construction of eight 10.000 ton fast "misers costing $11,100,000 each and six gunboats costing $700,000 each was a on roved bv the house naval ",(,jconunillec yesterday. The com i. 1..... .i..i 1 mittee also approved a proposal 'In ennverl four baltleshins from ... i" toai to oil burners. 11 exauiina-j water liy using one large pump a ifew iiiinules pverv twn hrmrs. The damage lo the Hodman, which is extensive, includes a broken forefoot, keel, stem post and rudder. Because the sleni post is broken it will be impossi ble to operale I lie propeller on II. n .....I- v..,,ll. I.mI ik.. ...... ANOTHER NEW 'HALIBUT can slill be used to furnish steam H. Kingslead, is in port today for the pinups. Two divers one, bait enroute from Seattle lo,lhe from Prince Hupert amj anolher.halibut banks. I his is her Brsl from Vancouver have beenllrip. She is a vessel ur 30 Tons working 011 the vessel and arc and is of the big seine boat type, still Ihere. She is propelled by gasoline en- Kiiic. BOAT IN PORT TODAY Bonanza, of American Registry, Is Owned and Skippered by . R. Rlngstead Here For Bait 4 The new Seattle halibut boat engines. Bonanza, owned and skippered by THOMAS DEASY HAS for RESIGNED AS INDIAN AGENT AT MASSETT Giving Up Position After Fifteen Years Spent on Queen Charloltss VICTORIA. Aprit 15. - Indian agent Thomas Oeasy tendered his resignation to the Indian de partment nnd will leave t tie service at the close of the mouth after spending fifteen years witli the Haidas on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Prior lo lhat he was fire chief of Ihe city of Victoria, and at one time was engaged In newspaper work. LABOR MAJORITIES IN TWO AUSTRALIAN STATES MELBOURNE, April 13, The ministries of south Australia and Western Australia both resigned on Monday as a result of recent VICTORIA, April 15. Charles 8(ae election, which gave-lubor Crellleld died yesterday as a re- a nvaJorKy of the seats In both sun or an accident vvlieu the car .legislatures. overturneil m which ho and Ids wife were reluming from tho cemetery on Sunday, where they WOMEN JUSTICES placed (lowers on the grave of, 1 10 BART, April 15,The slule their child. Mrs. Crellleld is in government of Tasmania has up. a serious condition from In-pointed several women as Justices juries received in Iho aiX'ident. lyf tho peace.