;: Aj.r.l 15, I9I.M if r' Wheat FREED OF RHEUMATISM BY FRUIT TREATMENT. 11 '- Jle tixxl enough to pullh for !.f information of KlirumatUm , ;. ::. how Truit-a-tlvre" rrlinnl :jrumtiiiQ nlnch had at lent r rr oUmliiir. i tie trouble io, tny right hip c ( tliouiilfrj the J'id attnott i;r :.:-a(ilp. Thi krpt up unlit I ' .; :r sutae"JruU-a-lhrV. Afier : " tinuout trt-tltuf-Dt foraliout nil in; I am now Id flrt-rla rn-j Tlu, I Attribute to mjr :?nt u of Kruit-a-titfV. ; ilir Utter wlileh Mr. Jiin- ica of llroot, (Int.. wrote fUr ij ' i wondrrful f'rtilt Treat-' ruit-a-tlrr" whirli eoo- f inteoilfled fruit luirrr ...... r l wltli Ionic j aufler with ItheuroalikiD. tl rei' will make jou well L )ou well. and MV. a lot at dealer r wat by "Frult-a-tires limited, tuna, Oat Eat More w h Hr-ad. fake. la'rie, baked Willi FiveRoses Flour The World's Best. Spring Coats ' . in Sin Irt I M i! I.OWI'Xt BENT'S Third Avenue. Opp, Bank of Montreal. Agent for Society Brand Clothes showing Spnnc Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Ji'si arrived, our slock Of f'anlen ami Field Seed. "i en Sola ami Fcrllliicr. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous F.dmin (loal In y quantities Phono 58. Prince Bipirt Feed Co Geo. Papadopulit' new and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy, sell and exchange n'l kinds of new pud second-' liand goods, 839 Third Avenue. Phone 648. P.O. Box 92 Hieir JapHiiee parl ell, the diyili-e lieins mi cumplelA in many cae (hat II wn alino.t Itupooihle to lell who Ihey were. The pronram follown; Clioru "llcforr iur Kyc." Siiiik and rhoni -- ":iion Kuia.' MU Dalhy, ni it "flar of my Soul." I. Hil.li. Sons; "The Amorou iold-fth." Mr. Itonney. i :iiorn- "Japanese Marc li," Sonji- -"The Jewel of Aula." Mi K. Iiavie. Trui - "Jolly You ii s Jark... Menari. Warlock. .VicholU and A. It. I a He Sonu "A HeLha' Life." Mr. I.. tl. I.aren. Mmj and rhorn -'The luler-fenns larrl.'' Mr. (1 Culliu. t;iioni'Hefore our eye." Member of the liei.lia rliorur The importance if a central recreation t round for the youth Of our cily has of late, been per-ifenlly iiiMillinK iteelf into the mind of our mo llioushlful cilen. Willi the onr ummer evening tiefure u, Ihouiihl of lei;il and other outdoor pirt liivollie 0perilMl in the mipd of all, and it i imperative that an part of our dutie a citiien, we fiicu our attention upon ohlalnlmr fur them thai mol deirahle of wilie a uit-nhle idaytfrouml, withoul which they are .everely handioapped. The (iyro Club ha in the put done murli lo ait the bi. and may b detenile,! iiou In jrivr Iheir whole-hearted npfxir' to Hii larger movement. A delrabl nil al Ihe corner or . ft.-mw, - tarn -iullllllTlllTla lPTi k Ac Bperaiaioini .mwa -- ir-v-fj i-:i i loundod -sinx. 1859 p 1 1 I 1 In.. fv . k S . oHttnisisu'iu inuii ciiaiuy SSL Ml ,. ak m " " iac:;iliiiiiI.if!kaS.i v N Ij:,!.!,!:, WW Mir'i!:., mmi'm,,, ;f')i'iiriiii,w.)'!i' 'iitiiit;H,MHti;ij.iHHMTi'ni,Hi'.iiritii;iti. iTH I'Ith'i'imiiI1 This advertisement is not PijWl.ilird or tltsplayeij ly tlto Hoard Hie (lovriiniit of 1 1,1 moor 1 Cnnlt'o! or ly HritUli Colijinbia. TR1 DAILY nWB. paui rrni GEISHA GIRLS 'WHY DOES YOUR DOCTOR ADVISE A AT WESTHOLMEj SPRING TONIC THIS TIME OF YEAR? Fine Entertainment In Which ThU U Urn r-non when yourlPyrup. I'ut yotir olornaeli In Young Men Take Part of nynlem i Iryinir lo ailjufcl ttuplf Inornlilion noollift your lire(J otvl Ladles warmer weather. Your liver nver-laed nerv, hrare up your . , - iheeorne iiKinli nrl your !'afm, ami pmI purer and Seldom lia Ihere heen a innrn''M,wp''' ',",frwi, up with poUon- henllhiep Mood roliming tlirnueh pnjoyahle onlf'rlainmeut n,aajii .Irknnlnir wauled a re- your ven. i, Mini Klvn fKt nljflil al Hia 'na,,y puffer from audi Nnllee quirk diferpnee in way WeAflioliiie Theatre under (he. "ynplwn a our rflomaeh, you look, eat, sleep and feci mixplce of Hill Go Chapter of oa,',l njni, had late, hilioim, !lmproeniep In ly than li he I.O.U.K. There were two di. r-rr i 1 1 r movement of Hie hour. You, loi,(will he nnliKfled, incl inula, the fii ()f whirh ,,W'"M idrJi-hfadarhen, palnw in a oilier hnft, or no cl, ronlled of a Ueiha eene in!""" i,!iv)i and lde. j )r, Tlirlir'i i Mold and re. which the inciiir of clioniHov Make lli lfl! Cleanup and rommendeil by t)rme ,ld. In and onKH from the rieii.hu (ijrl f""' "r liver ami lowe wilhlrinee Ituperl' and hy leading featured. The eeond part ,,r- Tharhcr' l.ier and lliood dru??j(li in eery rily and town. wa n frreaiuintr farre euliiled ' ' i im ."igmtori. in whieh a tieore Mitchell, ntlinher of youn? men aroundi Mr. .1. Manxm wn rnnvenor town look the pari f Indies f Hie rommlllee havimr Hie en mm, wnn me ereption or llinilrlaiiuoenl in hand. iudifriliHl,p vniee, did their' part welt and provided an iin.' ineu.e lot of ailllleineiil for thel large audlcnre. The. find part1 wa under the capable maiiaer- lilp if Mr. Iiarlon who aUo rondurli') the in vintr and lo her ami all lhoe feioiiih)e the tfrculc! of credit i ilue. J, I'liider-Alii" illrerlcd the play with eicellenl ic.ulU. Ill the firl half Hie cirl did Need of Recreation Ground Written for the Daily Newi by Alice NeUon in Pattullo Competition PORTLAND CANAL RAILWAY AGAIN Victoria Despatch 8ays It Will Again be Operated Soon. YICrrmiA. April 15. Opera-lion of a railway lone in diue I etpected lo refill (liiririf IU2i! Ihrouyh niinini; aclivily in the! I'orlland Canal.dlvtricl. In luto.i Sir lionald Mann, with other i whir examined that part of llril-! i i , , t uuit-er. lie iihi urn riiiiii(ar iiiui Mrltride and Slvlh ha lreid, r.N of heavy k ml, w o high. lllimIpillr, U.MH r,.lllirP.,! l-'en eemi.preparr.1 and inny.l""- t.anad.an railway nr. ihe ... ' . ' i . . a wi ii in- iniiHini midiiiiiii Mr. A. lUilcy. Mr.. Wane. Mr..,"m'ry " "". , r"' rrr""" I I H1, tl ,,1111,1,111.11 Jal'lir, .. t : I..... , Ililllll.V III.. llatiM U h. Ilikll.I f'.IlilT. I -" .rat.", , I ald"ii. Mi Harding', Mr. lr- ven. Mr. Maiuon. Mi Murh. inlrallo: Mr. IWnlie. Mr. CiiIImi, Mi lalhy. Mi Shick- ey. Mr. Mjulre. lenor; Mer. IWd. Iine, Nieliol. Warlock. Ha:A. tllapperlon. Second Part The play roniled largely of a converalim anion? a troup of n i(hliir who were preparing Hi welcome a little hoy who did noi come. The Icadliu pari wa well ulained hy lloh'larn-ll who with hi iroinn? hoanl, had an itiiiicn bd lo remember. All Ihe other utalned their rc-peclive character lo perfection. ieirKc Milcjiell made a wonderful liahful hoy while Arl ll.i.on a Ihe (rrnnmoolher could hardly have lieen itiliMel tlou. One laiitfh followed another ami Ihe whole provnl mol enjoyald. The character were: (.minima Mr. OhrMoM Spaiikhiind Arl llaon. Mr. Iiiaulha Ahlc Ml '.an-nelle Kellermaii lh Harrell. Mi I licit Able Ml May Murray- l.en Hale. Mr. I.lmira Moran Mi Norma Tulmidni' W. Hamilton. Mr. Tnd Mr. amlanl Mcalon W. Mitchell. Mr, t'arry KlUworlh Mi polli .cjira II. Aloil. Kira William Silent Hill ll-'arl- -Harry Wclfnrd. peier Mr. Harold l.oyde he t'he echool board ha hroi;il tlui plan before the nuhlic nod 1 if remain u Jr the vily jc'Nincll lo she their decldm vole. The large majority 01' Hie people view Ihe proHtal ill very ymialheic inaniier ami may le depended 'Upon lo co- otierate ami clve It their uh-:' tatilial ii!iorl. II i lo he hop.: cd dial Ihe council will ee fit lo forward Ihi project u fulfil Ihe Hxpiration of all lhoe who are keenly inlcreled ill Hie welUhein? of our younper general Ion. There I lillle lo crilleie in Ihi article evcepl lhalll i rum. monplace and how neither brilliancy or depth of thought. The ronlruclion i fairly gifctd. Some of Ihe article have not been anything like a well written cl have been much more valuable cnritrihulion lo Hie uhjecl with which Ihey have dealt. Something more than faullle contniclion I needed in editorial writing. lililor. KEPT ON WALKING 'Tin walking fer my heallh,'! announced Ihe wayfarer, an u nrt of preliminary. "Well, it ain't henllhy for I ramp around here," wa Ihe untympathelic rMnehack. The PitMnirg Pot. Pilhanrlhe fo Ihe Dillv Ve' ih (Vdiimhia, had a vinon of a railway lraverin Ihe rich mineral area at Hit; head of I'nrlland Canal, on toward the northeast and finally fappin? Ihe rich (rain field of the Prairies, and bavin? it lerminiM al Slewarl, at Hie head of. Portland llannl. Sir Honald huill ome fifleen mile of lhj line,' makinsr i! a Mandard-pniifre heavy tee railway, and eijuippfti it wllh locomolivf unit C'luhinalinn paeiii;er Hiit frel?hl ear. The line functioned at a real lust for a etiorl lime and Hieu w.i.' practically abandoned, Refused to Sell Steel llnriiif lltn u'nr vVit- tx-l,,n In a (nnll-way tint line ha I m n. I . astl 'i ! es I u lid. I Again in IHISwhen the Alguu- Ican yndicali hacked by llel-gian rupilnl, wa doing miuic e.x-ploralion work on the Fitzgerald properly on caued' hecauM'' Ihe surfacing nol done properly in the til n tl i ermn as ; 1 mil) . , , porlalion nee,l t the4 .1 i- I ri.l J orl waw ''"'''"'. Hurin? Ihe year when there . ......--.nnin were pracllcnlly no mining or KKllldll ITllIlDltKO other development going on, I I befit were hi ill many op!iniiltc! priKpcrlor liviny Ihere who an-1 SON IS IN CANADA utially went into Ihe hill lu do Works on Canadian National and; Ihejr aeuieiil work. The line during lhoe year. w a in. charge of n ort of watchman, (.barley Itakcr, an Kngllhnian. who. for Likes Country Very Well I.O.fOX, April 15. Captain A. J. Thoma. on of Hon. J: II. it lime opcraicii promouy me Tlmnia. Hrilih colonial eire. mo. I uniune railway lem in (. js un einoloye of Ihe Cana- Ihe world. tilinn National railways in Canada. Haul by Dog Team (After a year' residence, in the linker wa Hie owner of 11 learn lioniinion he ha writ I en an en- of slout dog. The railway I tlinialic article for the Daily almo.l perfectly level ami willi'llerahl urging Hrililt young men few curve. Maker maintained a fairly regular service up and down the valley with a hore;career wnrkrar pulled by hi dog team. to emigrate lo the only country offering real opportunities for a lie give fair warning, however. that hard work I neceary, hut pointed out -the splendid rduca. tional opportunities, emphasir- ing Ihe chance of energetic young iiooe Creek. Ihenen to work lhemrle through line wa put into npcratinir, W A. MeiMhe, a mining engineer, making a deal Willi Sir liouald Mann for a hnrt lea of llie'Knglaml. line, which he equipped with a gu-oliiie engine and ued lo lranporl upidie up I Iin valley and carry asenger. During IHJ.'I, minin? nclivity up Hear llivcr Valley, lravered hy Hie railway, experienced a ronideralile revival and Hilt promle o he o rxlennivo. during 192 1 that it i expecled the railway will u operated again in Mime way or other. CIH ENGINEER TO STUDY SURFACING METHODS IN SOUTH The city engineer 1 bo lo Vancouver lo slmly mellnwl for llm renulriiiu' of Hie liiaeudiilniieil lreel in Section; (IneJ it vva derided by the rily council lijsl niylit on recopiineuualioti ot the Hoard of Works. t Aid. Collar va'i nf thij oplninn that If trouldVrithn ulrnHa was retnediHil iiiimedliilely it" anise it would not bocoiuo .er(6uk, , Thul the universities ami draw a vivid conlrnst hetween chance for Micces in Canada and in; COCKER NOMINATED FOR OMINECA RIDING Samuel Cocker, former Conser-ulie candidate for Prince Heorge, wan nominated last week by Coni-ervalive.H in convention at Hum Lake lo contest Ihe Dniinera consllluency. He, I a well known farmer of Vaniler-hoof. Coiuervalive officer elected for Hie cen I ml association are a follow h: president C. I, Imeson. Secretary W. .Mcjvav Tufts. F.ieculive Meosru. MaeMlllan, Held, Kimball. Paliertiat, Mitchell, Mctkiegor, Mcltne, Smith and Murray. A resolution was passei) expressing confidence in W. J. llowser as leader. If you find you cannot get the dally New regularly, call (n anil suiiscriito ror It and have It deliver 1 to your home. tf order plenty of Electric - Bake Hot Cross Buns from Your Grocer or from the ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERY Hot Cross Buns For Good Friday - April 18 hi policy had not IWti currHtl out ua-'ax tmich J ! fault nf laI ycar'n council a the cily en-i . . ii.. i i of Mecl e once teel, ej-iiecially ,,,' time eoul.l havopld Hie rail id, , . . .1 hi line, which wa ku-wn a lb' "; ...-. -.- .... fMn u' iU" Poland Canal A; .orjheas.em. ,0,u'' " ,al11 nu -'" for aim.., a mucli a the enier- ; ,. . . and most effeclive prnrv vai pne had col him. On liU.nr--, ... -r, .. , . . decided Tin wa ihe idea , i.;. ..,,... i.iiK i upon. .............................. .. )p engineer ferred o tin, and iirdinliil Ihali ., . , . 1 couth. Mime of the (rouble on the day wa not far d.Manl when . . ... . ma r a ttn iiuniiiunii 1 'ifiiisi f s 'Mt"i, 01 Iin hihniiIi' ucl to rvfvr lo lliai afi I aat Itfl uiatllil lltfalit " 1 After Mime diciiion, I m re- Store Closed all day Friday Thursday is the day we all make a B-Line for the buTs Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND, SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patttrn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sails from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 turn. For STEWART and ANYOX ... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, April 26, May 10 and 24 11 i PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Lrivc Prince Rupert t.ii p.m. ror rRI.ICE CEOR0E. tDMO(To.l, WIX-NirEO, ill points EiMero Cinidt, United Sutes. OINCy ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. CU TlekM Offk. 62S Third Am Prlnct Ruptrt. .PImm SCO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY . B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 21 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, 8wanson Bay, Cast Bella Bella, Ocma Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Una. . Full information from W. C ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.Q. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. ptlltnn From Prince Rupert. tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, OlMH Mil. n SrMM TMy, PM. ror VANCOUVER. VKJTORIA, Al.rt u Sn(0H , StWy NNI. For ANTOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Wftoe IflMtf, nUr S PM. For PORT SIMPSON m4 Mom RIim OoonorlM, frHtf A.M. ell lud ATtnu. J. arnlr. A.bL Frloeo Bup.rL B.C 1