PENCILS No. 580f-. popular Hule-proof style. Pure thread :n. ' .11,. St. silk, wilh mock fashion -Urnrks Slietcli llib' "Pop. all loudiiiif colors. tio Christmas seam unit $1.75 per pair Cxlia-Itlack and In POCKET BOOKS STERLING SILVER SILVER PLATE CUT GLASS FOUNTAIN PENS' PIPES CIGAR AND CIGARETTE CASES, Etc. 's, Misses' and Children's Umbrellas in too numerous to mention. A SENSATIONAL VALUE IN PEARLS Shoppers up until 12 Noon will be Given a Special Discount Max Heilbroner JEWELER. Il DIAMOND SPECIALIST, 1 11 WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 9 p.m. "EMPTY HANDS" Adapted Trimi llio- popular novel by Arthur .Stringer. The drama of a mini and a woman, the man a pruduct of outdoor life, Hie woman bred amidst the luxuries uf a oily, who find themselves lost in the Northern wilderness, empty-handed. A photo-play of many big M-enes. Handsome men, love,ly girls, the society ballroom, the swimming pool, eave-iuan life amidst Hie scenic glories of the Canadian woods, shooting the rapids, a re;-cue by aeroplane, all this ami much more is to be found in Ibis greal pitiure oT Idv eand adventure. Strong east Jack Holt, Norma Shearer, Charles Clary. Ward Crane, Hunk Mann, (lerlrude Olnisled and many others. HAL ROACH COMEDY "JACK FROST." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE Admission 35c and 10c. You can get Holeproof In Attractive Christmas Packages Containing One Pair or More J-folqproof ffasiercr GIVE IT THIS CHRISTMAS YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKE Whether you're chousing a gifl for wife, sweetheart, sister, mother choose Holeproof, You can't go wrong! Kvery 'wyjuaii lias a weakness for beautiful hosiery. And most women prefer Holeproof for its durability as well as its bounty, it outwears oilier hosiery and oiillasls mo.t other gis. Yet its daintiness makes il appropriate for Clirislniio giving. No. 1810 A favorite silk ami wool stocking. I'ure thread silk oxer fine cashmere with muck seam ami oxtru-stretch rib lop. I'aekcil in Christmas container. $2.00 per pair H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert I Harry Thriipp of Urn .t5;.V.lL division freight ollico Is n'ote peeled bark from Ills trip In the '(ilil Country bo fort the oml ofJIhrobgh il from a blal on the I bo year .. : .-.-; Douglas Murk returned Homo mi this morning's delayed (ruift1 aftor having .luMit III roe, monlhifj on a triii to Knglnml ami the continent. "' . ' T; Mr. ami Mrs. S. K. Campbell arc sailing this afternoon on the Prince llupert to spend thM Christmas and New Year .cation in (lie south. ' "j CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. i l.atuls lifiurtinriil. ! VlrlurU, B.C.. ', IDIIl PlTCIIllMT. JI. NOW IN. FRESH KILLED TURKEYS 45o Lb. We will have Turkey, Chickens and Fowl n plenty, from now on. Order any time. FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT now at Its best. Prices, wilt not be lower. Special this week, 3 for 35o Per doi 51-30 Rupert Table Supply P.O. DRAWER 1712, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 'DEMERS' Have Snappy Christmas Gifts In Women's Wearing Apparel Open Eyery Evening Until Christmas THOR. JOHNSON'S GENUINE SALE WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN MEN'S WEAR. LADIES! A new line of SILK EVENING DRESSES JUST ARRIVED Call In and Inspect them MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. 1 "Miss K. M. Jensen of Uslaml Is sailing Ibis afternoon on the Prince Hubert for Vancouver. nin iilni!i...n of Uliiiiil sails on the tteaWr Prince import Ibis afternoon for Vancouver. i Mr. ami. Mrs. Han l.idlono and family are sailing ibis afternoon on the Prince import for the south. A rear window in Tito's slorn was scattered tills tuortiiiiff a the result df a rook flying rock pjle "I Km' Hrown i sailing on the steamer. 1,'rince llupert Ibis afternoon fnr Vancouver where lie will spend the Christmas holidays at Hih family home. W. K. Trant, post-onlee inspector who bus been visiting (lie district for the past week. Is returning to Vancouver on the Prince llupert- Ibis afternoon. I- II Wor oek of the F. Mi Mrs. J. u. line ami laiiiuj oi Dawson Co. Ltd., staff sUil tblinithers are sailing Ibis after- afternoon un the Prir.c Huportlnoon on Ihe Prince nupen ior to spend the holiday season, affl vanMouver. mey arrixm iron. his homo in Victoria. I the interior on lusi mgiu iram. m (i. II. Carlo arlow J Vance brokers rf-crvi' riiti'i-inir l.i, t 31. t:iUr ,1ii sallin of the . IK aie conipany is Ibis afternoon on the tnci. i -imeiii. ... r. S Prince import .to spend the prpuij Miuuitr of 'unJMChrlslilla.'' holidays in the south. Jl. F. Pullen, managing editor of the PaHy News, satis thi afternoon ot the Prince import to spend the Christmas and New Your vacation with his family in Vuncouver. Miss 1'. Allrliesou of the len- ',o?rapbio stair of W illianis, M un ion A (toiizules I- sailing tin afternoon on the Prince import ilo spend the Christmas vacation in the south. Ml.. I t ..f tl... I....t! 4I,' w .'I. IWll tin- 1" i school leaching stair Is wailing this uflernooii on the Prince Hu- peri for her boiue in North Van couver whore she win sponu ine jChristmai vacation. Capt. and Mrs. U. -II. who are vi.Mliug on the coast from 'toroitlo, buve gone to Seattle where I bey will sond Clio Christina- holidays with Mr. and Mr-. Neilson Nicholson. N. Y. PacdJ represent in? an Kdmonton coiitracling firm, arrived in the city on last nighl'.i train. His visit here, it is un derstooJ, is in connection with the submillliij of u lender for elevator construction. Special Christmas musical program al llio Methodist Church on Sunday night at ".30. Iiistrn-iiioulal niiisie by Pryce's orelies-Ira of fifteen musicians. Stdo- Wis, Miss Jones ami John 1',. Davoy. Chrishnas aulbeiiis by the choir. William Ware, an oltlclal of! the Hudson Hay company who bus been visitinz branches of the 'company in the inferior orr busi ness, arrived here on last nihl's train and wilt .ail Ibis ufternoon on the Prince (luperl for William Cruikshauk or the C city ticket otUce umi his sis ler, Miss C. M. Cruikshauk, who leaches scIuhiI al Hose Lake, are sailing this afternoon on the Prince llupert lo . spend Ihe Christmas vacation at (heir home in Vancouver. further passengers lu sail for the south on Ibe holiday steamer Prince llupert Ibis afternoon include William Ware, W. IV Trant, Miss J. M. Keir, lon Hrown, Joseph SI. Pierre, Mr. and Mrs. Poue and daughter. William Small, i. II. Car low, Mrs. II. 1. I'orsler. J. Pelerson, .1. II. II alpiu, J. Peterson, I'.d. Winlber, K. Jubb, M. A. Kraitz, C. O. Hell, A. C. Hutchinson, Mr. Kels. Jl. W. Kdwardson, II. I", Pullen, A. K. Ilalph, Mr. Cope,' Miss C. M. Crtiikhhauk, Miss IV Ailclieson, W. Cruikshauk, Mr. and Mrs. S. K, Campbell, .Miss IV Dowar (of Copper City) Miss M.l Marshall. F. II. Worlock, I). Tay-i lor, V. J. O'Malley, Mr. IV Morris uiid family, Mr, and Mrs.1 Dan I.idslono, Mr. and Mrs. W.' J. Nelnon (of Hraudon, Man,), Arthur Kvans arid J. Morrison. COMMONS PROROGUES LONDON, Dec. 70. The House of Commons, In accordance wilh prograjn, begun Ha holiday re cess Ibis afternoon, udjuurning until KebmAfjuJO, if lMav. n,,.... TO DAILY NEWS isri, PAGE EIGHT Can A Child Shop? AND GET VALUE FOR ITS MONEY? WE SAY YES! Our Stock is all marked In plain figures to meet the keenest competition in Canada. We buy for cash and take every possiblo discount -our customers reap the benefit. We have many useful gifts in: JEWELLERY DIAMONDS BRACELETS IVORY HANDBAGS WATCHES RINGS SMOKING SETS Ladies', Men colors. Noveltjes NECKLETS BRASSWARE SUIT CASES CLOCKS BROOCHES CHINA LOCAL NEWS NOTES r ! K. P. Jciiner returned U Ihe city on lhi morning! train aN Icr a holiday trip to the Old ' Country. Mrs. I'. .Morris ami family of Hays Cove Circle saii Ibis, afternoon on Mm Prince import fof Urn south. . 1 ixJtfni of Cigarettes i 1 m r 15 Per Package 2535 i ; it'!; ALSO IN TINS OF 50 for 70? Z?iim tJWt it and Prosperity ( CANADIAN RYE WHISKY J This advertisement not publ - lied or displayed by Ihe Lmiior Control Ii aro or le mcui of Ht -Li h Cot ra n