Vedder River Dykes Swept Away by Floods; Houses and Other Buildings Destroyed' NEW W i;sTMlSTEIt. Dec. IV Cherrywde Orchard ranch uimI Ii K. (i. M 'llrnli' oi this it. iin lulling mi i-iglil rimmed h-j:)'-f. fmil parking hed, stables and outbuildings, wen swept v S.iliirdiiv l Hoods -a tilth broke down lh dyke on the j- it ni dili-r Huer and converted the passage into a muss of iciii v:ilcr and look toll ot all in it wit). Ib-d Muiinliiiii Jvliiir. fort mil-! from Chilliwack. is rom-jji lr i'uh'!' il .uid tin .ii-r house has been washed away. All ::, :ssg v mi k It - t.i-'-'I VANCOUVER COUNCIL All Aldermen of Last Year Wore Re-elected to Sere With ' L. D. Taylor, New Mayor (I I'll'- f.illnwtim alili-i iih-ii were iiil in Vancouver at I In civic "hi In! i-rk : T. II. Tracy. I" Almond. I'. :. tllbbeus. - 1 1 1 1 Itintii'lt, .1. A. (iarhull, Dr. ' Wnriiitngloii, Frank Wood- ilc unil I', p. linger. m-Iioo1 Iruslecs were ohoeii a- '"Uiiw- )r. I". .1. Nicholson ami J V Pl'l-scill t. Jin- iiui-k commissioners elect -il wen .lonHiim lingers ami ' V 1. Junes. All the iiihik-V liyluvvs submitted but one "'c iii -! al-o a blebiscite on 'he iur.tiMii of lakniif South Va:; inn,,, inio Hie ril limit). ELEVATOR PLANS ARRIVED SATURDAY PREPARING TENDERS I'lniiK ami Miirn'tii alloiis for '' new I'lcvaloi fuuiidiitinuM and '"t'avalions iirriid Satin-day on (III! I'rllici.vj lt,.nl,i,.r. mill till! 1,1 I'd of the local .xyndicalc 'mi i.i ti'iidciinii on Ihc work ni'i' "fy tmiay nuikiiiK pri'liniliuiry lll'l'lllltritt...iMl t II o mikiiih iur mi' jii uiiii - of Ihc hill which hiiwt to be "l "Uawu by .linmary '. BIRTH (laiiHhlcr w. born til the I riiicc, llui.crt (ieucral llo.xjdtnl Mocpinlipp i in Mr and Mr STOP LIQUOR IMPORTATION BURNS LAKE INTO STATES Britlth Capital to Develop Group Foreign Relations Committee of Claim and Talatpln to j Passes Four Treaties Deal-Operate 1 Ing With Smuggling I l.M , ! K The' i it . Milling claim . Miiniiro mliiniiinif the , j n Mine. iMirili ir Huron In- develop! by Hrll-i ii.ii. tin- urn r "i&.immj mii 'ail? illfrrtlri fr the I in- in cmm , any m -- llu- nr.. Mining ami , ni r.(i. wild Arthur i- iii.iiiauiiix tliriTtiir. M V I who In already mi ..MM.! .-vpi-cU limit in; n; . 1 1 r.nlv iii llio new year until .1 I .1' IM lullll-H. V 'lie TaUlpiu III i lie vuliialik il Hi nly of H ha been mi-! il jii.I u shaft i to be . 10 u .liplli of ir.H fret, This . .si i y i - mnu to en-el u j. umi.-i- iii-i r cmiii iirinn in ! t ill (A Mi tin- nliji-rl of pruS- ( t vi,.i.iii tnmmi iipcra- - III SW 111 U . VANiUil VEft. tcc. 15. Four It-ratH (Icsi-incd lo li'iuor mtirliH? into t lie l.'niteil .lalti. n of llicm for mibml'i-oluii lo liiiHdit for olannliirc. wirrc pacoeil by the foivitfH rr-iMtimiH rommillt'p of th I'niloil tal (it Vahintim. Itlocknde of Vancouver export by llaim-ilian offloiabt is prtipoieil. Tearl-i will nlo 1h Mibin-iltcd lo Ihc Netherlaiidi. France and I'unanva. I'tleuiiou of Hie VI-mile limit ii nked. Other treaties with South AttMriau rountrlen are lo follow. Hi is point is not staled in the Wasliinclon depntch, but The Star leanis the fact on "inside" authority. Port Blockaded Under Ibe treaty there will be h blockmle of Viiii(-Miicr and tlper iinn of caiK"' by (laiiailian officials who will "have to be shown" that export are piling to Smith America ami not to the. U.S. The iiiopcriilioii of I'anamn and South American roiiulrics in the rheckinK in of cargoes from Canada -booked to tbem. and their fwi-opernlion ntherwife is asked. 4- EARLY MORNING TRAINS PLANNED AFTER NEW YEAR A change in Canadian National Railway service which il is proposed lo put inhr effect about .Ian- nary I. will bring the. westbound i passenger I rains in here at 7 o'clock Monday, Wednesday and- Friday mornings instead of at 1 o'clock Tuesday. Thursday and Sunday afternoons as at present. There will bo no rhatigo in I he time or days of departure of easilniuiiil trains from here, . WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. HUM. IIAItllOll. - (kereasl. slrong north wind; barometer, 2iUi5: leinperalure, 'i'ii sea rotifsb; K p.m. spoke slcamer Princess ltealrico nIT Pine Island southbound : 7 .11.111, spoke Hleamer Princess Mary oft lory Island, iu-'.hliouiid, DKillV ISLAND, -Clear, light soulben! wind, barometer. JiO.tO. LOGGING AT , USK BEGINS1 Horses Coming from Minneapo-i Us: Dry Kiln 'Being Built I and Mill t Opcr j LogM-Un has already commcne- ; i-d by (Ii'- ftU-cna Itiver Lumber ! Konipai.' at I lien- mill at L sk. and It is cXeulcil llial in 14 lew weiks the mill will be running. The new company is in charge, , haviiu taken over Ibe assets ( lite Klcaiua 'Company. In Ibe logging camp eleven j lianis have started ami two carj loads of horses art staid to he.) on I heir way from .Minneapolis luj aiiKiueiit Hie, supply already. I here. j A large dry kiln is being built1 and Hie cable aerusa the Ssi-fiu, is Iieitiij: pui in working order. Tins cable had lo bo strengthened and a good many xsbaiises made in the mill ei'uipnn'-tll. The mill has a uoii tract lo supply half a million feet of lumbit a .inoJh to MimivHpulis firms. kiliVfWHJ ahiTJrVssiNi. Ihc first shipiuent to be made in February. The new ulticia(s have taken over I lie actual muitagemeui or the mill and Messrs. I'elermaii, rtwausun, and lljoriislad are lo live at Lsk. Mr. I'elernian, who is managing director, has b-cn i; I In? business before. Mr. Iljorn- tad was a slocklioldcr in the old company and Mr. Svvaiison, Ihc secretary treasurer, has been in the banking business in the Lniled States. The mining iulcrnsts of the concern will tie PaiMled ly a seiarate couiauy lo be known as Ibe Kle.iiizn Mining Go. which is now being formed. BROWNIES' BAZAAR AT SMITHERS SUCCESSFUL, Sum of $48 Taken In by the Girls at Their First Sale hitler. l'.llll. r I MOVE STOCK HERE Woodcock Brlnqs It Cattle Into Town for Winter FollovI ig Reduction of Tralr Service Owing lo the (rain bnvfnfr 1 till,,. ..Ill ill..,-. ...... , u ,it,,ii iruiii iiuiiyi lo llirice-n week, the Woodcock! Dairy has moved all ; V s 'Sat fc ' wax TAXI BOSTON GRILL Largo Upstair Dining Hall, UiJ Air--." with newly laid dancing f floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at An, dances, banquets and wed. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd vis ding parties. and 6th St PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston MATT VIDECK, Prop. Orill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 487, .XIV NO, Ui VOl, I'KI.VUK IIL'I'KIIT. B.C., MONDAY. DF.CEMHEH IS, 1024. Kturdir't Circulation 1,773. Street Sales, 441 PRICE FIVE CENT3. DAMAGE FROM V LOCAL STEAMER ARRIVES SHEATHED N ICE Here is Mai goer lie. who lias allciiilcd every session of the League of .NalTons, ami bus amasswl a i-oiisideralde fortune doing it. She s not a member, hill simply the official c - mini niitirr taup SIX ABOVE ZERO RECORDED Vi NIGHT DIG3Y INSTRUMENT Tin cold snap which bit the city la-. I m0'lil was so sudden that il caught many householders unawares. The water pipes miiTercd considerably on that account. 'I he Diaby Island meteorological station teportcd that the coldest point reached was six degrees above zero. KERGIN AFTER AT PORT SIMPSON fflAQT FRFICWT 1 STORM OF LAST WEEK LJ -1 ; DESTROYED BUILDINGS Asks for an Investigation Into Alleged Combine of .mi iee. i... ine( viOTOIIIA. Dec. 15. Hert llrownies' bazaar held on Salur- k,.,.,,, lwiu-v for Atlin incite day ariernoon proved n Breatj,,,,,,,,.,. ,a, we,,ki ;s(Jlc. success and Ibe little girls are uu? h, .say about the coastwise deservedly proud of their Hrsl L,,,pjll(; toiuhiiie which conlrals iillempt to hold an affnir of this !,..,. t p,is in .Norlbern Urit- kind. The receipts amounted to! some -MH.lMi 1ml had the weather been more pleasant this might have been considerably increased. The girls in chariie of the fancy work ami dull booth were Carrie I'urness, Winnie llann and Margaret Wlmll: home cook- ish Columbia. Mr. Kergln asked I bat an in-i I ... '""" nrun,to quci. ciuuioit,. Islands. Mulch. Wanna llann. Annie Fur-i . ness. Myrtle Mclnlyre and Jennie Millet. Most of (he fancy work and the dolls were Ihc work of Ihc girls. Ihey being greatly assisted by Department of Indian Affairs A fine new combination school ami dwelling has been completed of Kilselas by Mitchell A Curriui HELD IIP THREE WEEKS BY INCLEMENT WEATHER (of this oily for the Department! SKIDKOATK, Dec 15. Nels ; I . ... I 11 I'- 1 1 1 I 1ft I. I a n os came POHTIIILL, . Sonnlne John IVER FLOODS CAUSED BY THE COLD SNAP Steamer Prince John Arrives From Islands Sheathtd in Ice Caused by Cold and Rough Sea Her -decks sheathed w ith sis inches ot solid ice funned last mght as the vessel was !nssing over the rough waters of Hecate SiraiU in a stiff northeast wind, C.N.R. steamer Prince John, C pi. H. Mabbs, formed a picturesque sight as she steamed into lorl id '.i.'tU this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. Not only were the forward decks, cabins, rails mid mast caked with ice but the water tanks on the upper deck and all the pipes leading lo saloons and rooms were frozen Up last night mid Ihis morning Chief Steward Adam Hamsey inade ),js f,rPakfast coffee Jrom water FORESTRY BOAT I l.ern. returned from tire- south on Ithc C.-u-ileiia yesterday afternoon bringing with him the contract f-ir a GO fool patrol boat for the! salmon LIGHTING FIRE RANGE BLEW UP "Sudden Cold Snap Last Night Caught Householders wares and Pip Suffer The sudden cold snap last night coining unawares and ac- IN RMIKIPY VAI ipylceutuated with a severe north II" DULIYLDI f.HLULI i vim, may ciliu.MS una. I wares and many frozen water SMinil'.ns. Dec 15. One of pipj.,, wus jjie result. In a few-worst wind storms thai has visit-1 ca,es there were bursts. eil tins section in vccciu jeuisj perhaps tlio most serious was thai of last Wednesday. tamage was done at the resi- uiglit. although it did not blow doncc of j. A. Lindsay, 1152 Park harder than usual in Smithers. il j Avenue, where, after the fire had assumed proportions of a hurri-u)P0 kindled this morning in the cane In the Olentaiina district, kitchen range, the water jacket The wind seemed lo originate Dew ou) and wrecked the stove vcstigalion be made but Premier 111 Vrinuy oi uk muuu "" as well as doing some damage to Oliver staled that the Provincial Hudson's Hay mountain as the'Uie kitchen including the break-(iovernmenl had no powers in " roar of r,"1,il"r wi"(,;ing of two windows. cotiKi ix uisuiiciiy ncai-u iu: . 11.30 last mgliL J. lloge- t ..... .. .. 1 . . . . . - - "I I Ii ink there is a coiiil)ine,"i ""mm rs aim it appears u nave land, 013 Ambrose Avenue, was Kergiu said, and ho was backed' travelled across Ibe Lake Kath-J n,aviiiff out a frozen pipe and tin bv Colonel Peek. Conserva-. ''" ar"' ''enlanna districts. tin floor caugltt fire. The fire inif lable. Alice Oazelcy, Jean! ij... n,c,i.,. rP n,,. isi.1,u . whiJ Tll"' damage done around Lake department was called and put Smith ami Pally llelheringlon;r,-inerly lived in the North. ; Kathlvn was of- minor nalure,OU l!ic i.dt0 iK.fore any serious rf""'' bo tUio Champion, j,r Kergiu said a ton of'"' al (,,llail consUlerainc damage was done l"" " lownfe ami May Smith: I froi-iit .ui shim.c.i 1., it,,,,.- destruction was wrougltt. Chap-i was a imrsl pw in the waitresses in Ibe lea room. Jerry, KnK Vbcapcr Mian the same m'"' !U"' sustained the'jaHng system at the Post Onice Warner, Nora Holland, l.orna ; ,.,, 1,., i.ltl.11 f..,,,,, v..,.....,...v..e! I"'1" ''"' 1,,s' wllic1' 1,af' bl'ithis inornui2 which caused cbn- NEW INDIAN SCHOOL AT KITSELAS READY placed ai annul s.'.ooo. witti me; teruatitm for n short while, exreplioii of their house nearby . . GRAIN COMMISSION down, and the hay and machinery, leH exposed lo the weather. I MAT TA DC ACtVCn V minthiir- i.f fnrnini-tt in t ItV 1 1 U DL rtuULU I but locality had the roofs blown j Mrs. D. Simpson in mnklne llu, ! Mitchell & Currle of this City 1 off their barns and hav sheds and Built Fine structure for fences knocked down. I he Hoard or Trade from Albert Davidson of Vancouver, assist- ant general freight agent of the 'C.N.H.. staling that the Hoard ot (rain Commissioners were sitting in Vancouver and suggest ing that if it was wished that ii.u.i .uiuns. me iiuimiiiik itomnson came mm port Iasi,ihey visjt prince Ilupert a U1 by :i0 feel, two storeys. vv,ek his launch on Thorberg i gram of invitation injghl attain service from Prince lltinerl on his wav thai nliiect AGED SENATOR DIES n I he W esl Coast of the Islands A reply has been sent saying - ' - 11 .ilianit Itm u-inlnn hnnnlni 4linl M.a llc.n ......a. - i ........ ....I'lfiii , .iiv .iiiii: I nut i-l iiiiiiur- I IM DeC 15 Tim VioaI tin. I II iron uivaIo III tin ttr Klinti n fit n llu aU -t -"41 " ' '- VF CWUII I'-IV flP HIC I'll" nirOll Hi lllnl nl 11f,nt- 1.1 1 ' "nn.A ..t. ...... . i. mi. 1111 i i s, inn VI-I I I1 IV HIT IHKili obtained from the boilers. It was too rough crossing the straits during the night to attempt the"1 , work of thawing out, which, to-" ; gether with chopping off the ice which held the hatces and doors' : fasl. was started after the vessel H. Pillsbury, Manager of Local got into port today. Dry Dock, Returned From j John had a long voyage South Yesterday After- I from Vanouyer, having IcTL there! "OQ" jal to o'clock last Monday nighU I The vessel laid in at Alert llay- I. II- Pillsbury. manager of-on Tuesday in order to go into e Canadian National dry dock'Ilison Harbor by daylight and was further de!ayed yesterday at Watun Hiver where she spent 24 hours loading 10,500 cases bf The John left Massett RESULT OF GALE r,jr,,s,r' 'leparlmenl. The vessel at C.30 last night and, in the face vvil! be or wooden construction' 0r the strong northeast wind she ... , , . . , 'capable or n speed of ten knots. ,a,i to buck took 15 hours to or.l received in town today ,. ,, vlitIl a rif, -,- ... ,,. rromP,,,-. Simpson is to the ef- Ackers Pelter wine. Il, W . 7 a V 1 feel that the storm of last Wed nesday did a lot of damage at lliat village. A number of build-i lugs were blown over and one I store was lifted up and landed: on the beach. The windows in t ho F.asle House were all smashed in and must of the glass in the oilier ejposed buildin.'s was brol.en. Hoals went adrift, trees were blown down and much damage resulted. Such a slorm has never been known there before. will be laid immediately and It is hours. expected that the boat will take fri'in three to four months to build. The vessel brought J!i passengers from the Islands including a number of persons who are on their way south for the Christmas holidays. They had a cold night or it last night and were, glad to get some Prince Rupert warmth. It is not likely the- John will get away on her re-r turn south until tomorrow morn- ing. a GIVES CORNELIUS S VANDERBILT JOLT I IN LEGISLATURE? ' a VICTOHIA. Dec. 15. In a speech in the Legislature Major Dick Hurde referred to Cornelius Vanderbilt in discussing specf laws as follows: It's time We called a halt. W'4 are all gearing ourselves up too" high. We live loo fasl; alto-setber too fasl. Why there'i young Mr. vanderbilt, my friend; from my own riding, goes tear? ing along our roads, with a red handkerchief round his neck, al 10 miles an hour. "II is true he doesn't knoci anyone iulo the ditch. They know" him. They jump the ditch and climb a tree when they see him, coming. Safely firsl. I think doctors responding to an urgent call should break every blooming speed limit there Is and a few that don't exist, but the rest of us should go stow and look at the scenery. That's what we get Ibe blooming tourists like my friend Vanderbilt here for, and he can't see any scenery tearing around at 10 miles per hour." visit prince rupertu v;;v; A letter has been received by ARCTIC STUDIO The choicest polled plants, boxed English Holly and Christmas bai-.kels arrived from Victoria this morning on the Princess Mary. Our Christmas chrysanthemums will arrive from Victoria on Monday, December 22, and our roses and carnations na Wednesday. December.'! ' ' Li m tn