PAG 12 TWO. The Daily News princr nui'KHT - nnrriAii Columbia. Published Kvery Afternoon, exrpt Sunday, Ihe Prince Huperl llnilv News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. K.'l'ULLKN, Mauajrjnjr Kdilnr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, liy mail or carrier, per month ........... $1.00 By mail lo all parts of the nrilih Empire, and the.. United Stales, in advance, per y?ar . $0.00 To all other montries, in advance, per year L-Havlng World Fair. ?7.50 Transient Display Advertising . .t .?H0 per Inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Pa?e ?2.K0 per inch Local Headers, per insertion.... 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion..... l.'o per ayate line Contract Hales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporter Telephone ... 88 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOft ArchDlshop Discusses Problem Of Pleasure. - Yesterday the lenleii Thursday, March 6, 192 1. .season commenced. Today Arch- this thought energized ! 'some.' emotion, or feeling. Next there is this, energized thought seeking to express itself in action. Lastly, thcre'is the slppropriale action cxtcrnaliziuK this ener-jrized thought. "It will he ohseryd that Ihe emotion, or feeling, is a link in the chain of causation; the thought, the feeling, the tendency for Uii! big city to hog everything and not give Ihe smaller one a chance-.. .So the villages and small lowns in llijs neighborhood oiien reel inward .-ard if Vancouver RADICAL VIEW OF MACDONALD 2lnovleff, Chairman of International, Analyzes British Situation DREAMS OF FUTURE Declares Premier Is Type Labor Aristocracy But Step Toward Revolution i.oiiirniinisi rany. recently iieni ., in .Moeow, .nioviprr, rnairman s llrilain. Will Become Farce .Macdonald is a typical repre. Prince Huperl. i lime ,ke a his, Jnm-everf.'plal(vrt of lho Hl,ir of decide? to go ahead Willi its bur nro ect everv cilv i. t ..i ... .... and low,, and village in Hritish Odumbia should co-operate m' ' ; T, . r' " ,;ra the fullest possible extent. An exhibition would advertise the Znt 0 e, lo , ' .wer n a whole e ...d Prince Huperl would gel its share. We hope J ' J, , Naucnuver will go ahead w.lh ils projin-l and make it a success. Vwi .rbl'wM E r cal delt'K&uang oevcv Are you inclined to be stout ? P)R ever Qusrter of t century Ktmt Stjf.RrJudix Cur m I have Iten the choice of thoumndi upon thouiandt of stout women ll ever the world. Tolay, with the advent of the drapca gown snd tailored (uit, it ia more than ever necestary t;o attend carefully to the curMt foundation Iwncath. A(' Cvritt will give you anatomically correct tupport and control, amooth away any figure Hawa and brlnj forth vour Lest linca. And there ia Nemo' Conet to meet your exact individual needa no matter what ty)c of figure you otteta. Ask our corseticrea to (how you a Sejf-Red jcing im6t, and eiplaln to yoii how the famoui Sclf-Reducinv (trapi hanikh undeurable flesh. 1 nrre ia no additional charge for entra Lre size up to 44. 10 MuJehi "Once try a Nemo end you'll never change" Sold in Prlneo Huperl exclusively by u'h JAB0UR BROS. KOPS IIR0S. Mmllrd, Twosl , li jance. I his i no in I.stliunia, or in lluldaria,' or even fiermany; il lis in Circat llrilain, vvhon bourgeoisie actually holds one. sixth of the universe under ils sway. .The inrporlaiice of this event is not iliminilie. oy Ihe fact llial.! for Ihe lime being, (he Liihnr government will hecome a farce. that Macilodnl.l will cerlalnly grovel -on all fours before the opulent Lnulisli bourgeoisie. Of course, lho latter is playing ils own political fiamn nml prompt ing Macdonald lo assume power, in Ihe hope that Ihe sooner he Iocs mi, Ihe nmre surely he. will he gobbled up. Nevertheless, (When mi, powerful and influential a bourgeoisie hands over the power lo Labor, II may he an-1 sumed (hal is nol done merely' for the pleasure of mnklng an "experlmenl." Thai Is why (lie advent of llanisay Macdonald lo power marks a most imnnrlnnt lll.nsn In II. t. I f .I.... I ' ...i ...ii i.n.fii i.iii.i.r. .movemeril, a great advance lo. iwaid the liberation of Hie Hril- i-i. r .i .... . . . . isii i.niM.r rins, ami a migniy stride forward on Ihe, road lo wards the liberation of the llril-Ul, Labor clans, and a mighly THE DAILY KKWa Tlinrday. Mhn-u i stride forward on the mad to.; ( wards the rexolo-' lion, 1 German Situation 'Hie second and jireater part "f the sitervt, s.t ttnolKt lo the pdiry of I lie Onminuusl tt.-tlional. Xrnotieff dwelt m ile jiait oi lh trinities -of that ixly ta foiims-iit.u with the sit. nation in (iemmny. Snakinjr of wliut happened in that nuintfy last autumn, he said: L 0f' The party 4n.eaniii;r the Hus- siaii lonioiinrl Party realitett that a moment had arrived in !iriiwmy wlii-h -r.ult not le re- . . ., , .. ftarded otherwise, than as a mo- t the UII, conference ,.f the - . .,.,,,; .lk,h . . . .. . .... . haje a coniiteralde rhanre of oree. . I lie esei'til'Ai of lh Thjrd ina.le n af0Uf by' m of bavins twopapcoflhe a lhev(nj(u , , (tri ,a, i,s l.on.lon -nines. This i, lli first ..j,,, VVJl. Ml n. ,,, , tnc lime thai I he .fnrefcii n i,eerh on ,,rmJin Onmmuni'.r I'arly ,,.diry of II..- Cmmtii.i.l - I'arly n. , lojn, wnl, m and of Hie eseeolne of WTIiTrd SjUllIiy. ,, lnj, wi hnw , International ha apare.T Hide- rm, uf ,h(, .j,.,,,,,,, w, ni lail in Hie Soviet ore-. - i;.Pma i.JSViv. We advocated t he ,ccli was divided Into ,h ri,lr). nf mPintM.r, (lf two parts. Dm firt dcalinV.wilh Saxon Communist Party lnhop lu Vertiet rives readers an inlerestin? short article on ,UeVlioiis of Soviet foreign policy saon government what lo cnlilies 1 tie rroinem 01 rieaure,- a siiojeci ino ai-pnpriale lo the reason. He saysi "If we understand the primar' process' in the working of the human mind we shall see clearly why hahilnal pleasure .ecke! are always weak in character. In this primary process there is nrl a Ihoiight, or idea, in the. mind. Then there Hie ini.t order and the seennd Willi the affairs. , ,,. it a, ium,,i, ground or Ihe O.n.miiuM International. an, rraiile the striate f.r '.inovieff .levoled a rni,i.ei-alde (OWCr yy0 s peeled that Ihe 'portion ..f Hie firsl wrl of Ihe , ;,,,,, vhm, in Saton pec-rh lo relations with Ureal flmrinslan srovernnirnl iwroild iiisfsl on the iriuidiatc Macdonald Cabinet tarming of 5n,n6ti to on.nou pro- Whal will Maedonald's eahinel ,.ariaiis. and an allaek on Ihe .represent. from the point of view iavariaii Pa.e.i. Our llermaii Lf ihe development of Ihe Inter- ,.omrades had persiiade.1 u that national Ijil.or movement and Ph a manoeuvre had a chance the international revolution? . . . . . f I L . M II . .. . ...... .. Hie act. Any one who takes uie-cmouonui iiiik oju m uie iniiuiie .inovierr askeil. Willi resard lo ny ftlrk. II wa he who pulled! of this, vital chain and puts it at the end and lric lo make it iP -top strata"' and petly parlia- hack Ihe (ierman parly hy Ihe supreme i violating tho human constitution. This i exactly meulary polilieiaiis, he aid. it I coal tail, when if should lMej wiial lliose who are seeking pleasure ior uie sake 01 pieaxiru are grPa importance. Hut Willi H.en urge.1 lo fijilil. .doing. The feeling of pleasure plays a mosl important part in regard to Ihe mass Ijihor move!; huii(au Irehavior. It help to energize the idea which leads to 1(. it wj he an eveni of ll Tur. nilAIITV AC Dill V TC aelion. I'.r example, if it were not for the pleasure of eating ntmosl ituiMM-lanee. You all re-.IMt QUAL1 1 1 Ul bULK ltA toaiiv would go wiinoui uie ioou necessary ior ineir pftony mwiiiher how, at the second con strength, hut those who make the pleasure of eating' their end iuro of the Communis! Interna view soon throw their whole mental and physical machinery out of gear. Gratification Becomes A Poisoning Evil. , "Tl'is same primary law applies lo'pvery ilepSrlment of life. I!ritili Communist Parly lo sup The Quality of Hulk Tea is lioiiat, Lenin advised Ihe young always unreliable for several realms. In Ihe first place, lie. port the "Menshevik .nlih I-n- injr tinlnhclled its origin i uii-l.or I'arly. to vole for its randi-jkuown and there is no one who dales and help it lo come inlojhaauy particular responsibility power at the earliest opporlunily.lfur its goodnes. In ihe second .vii einouoii, a iicjuig, a graiiui -auoii porsue.i n.r n own sake, You rcmentnrr, loo. how frankly place, it is cxixisfd to Ihe air quickly i.ecomes a Mnsoning evnt, whereas wnen conin.lien ana nxlx explained (then? U no necl'and iherefore'Wrv quiekty loe. uii-vrii-u arigiii s .in imp-iiiuH mmiir m .1 iutni.-i cnu i a i niake a secret or the ran, thai , faVor and freshness, Kvrn if power ror good. It i only legitimate to pursue pleasure wneuwr should support Ihe linlish it were as a. "jAUi." in nil is ior uie purpose 01 oivcrsiou or rriaxauon, ior 111 sm 11 a 1- ,r parv. Mac. onal. s nartv. il.e fir.i .,ine it u-....t.i r:...i.llJ .1 :. ...I... :i.. . " . - 1 1 1 case, .iiT. while wiiiir pleasure Picnsnrc is 1, ,,pprr,,u, apparently piu.-iiru pursued jj.r pr 11s us own u sawe,ihp s.,Nr,iP Uie same atn(. w. way a a, ,(,,. Ihe rope rope 'deleriolate deleriolate and and in in any any easf ease it . ' 1 . : . . . . . preparalioii fo activity iJhMstant end in vie.w which heighte.ilj..MI(,0I.U" the man who haou would h - im'VMis.iide for Ihe of fhe recreating pleasure. Those who take the enjoyment hiniseir. He said that the oouer 'dealer lo follow coii..lrolly emotional link out of its tnie place in Ihe vital chain and put it llP. , 1)m.r ,,. helier.Jaiue qualily Ihrouxhoul !a. as thought it were all are really robhing life of its high c.s 1 hecau-e ll.eir failure would he- year. "SAL.MIA" always m.i J"- (come evi.lenl, and the illusion ofitains an unvarying high jllrilish Lalnir he disjeed all the Joy Or Living Is Isooner. and the road cleared for Joy Of Doing. proletarian revolution: "The joy of living is not the pleasure of being played ii(oii Historical Revenge in a passive .-dale wilh Heeling sensational thrills, it is Hie joy That momeiil is now approarh-of doing. Among the crowd of pleasure seekers- we can easily )rj,.h Labor, as a whole, delect those who arc rapidly deteriorating in character. They jnierprci. Maedonald's aeeen lo .ire iiio'C who are seeking pleasure 1101 as a oeaiiuy inversion i .1 . . , i . , r .... . . . any Ihe the a in sl sla a ml anl . possible through skilful hlemliiiz. BOAT ARRIVALS C.X.H. sleamer Prince Ituperl Cant. Harry Ne.len, arrived power, mil a a mere parliament-1 from Ihe soulli at 5 o'clock yes- ....... o.x. c,tic kmi, .. ... ..,,..(. ....,Co....,i, s, ... p., .-y iall2(. of government, hut as fi.-....i... ,u 11 fi . - i ... ......... ...... .... .... ir us own sake win no pra. urai mm, no iou purMse ln uie. ;,,, a,Vriit lo power of the work- winjr nassenter ....v ..v.. .... ...... ...... ,..n - r... in;, class, or the loiters. Ilieav- l.,r Prinre llur.erl a m not to destroy Ihe pleasures of life hu d to uplift them and direct Tra(!P irillsh .worker h)ks upon'Kno I) J ' liergiu Mi.s V. S Ihe.r energy nilo higher channels. I lie season of Lent was ' ,hitl U)(. hlH,rica, j'u' a4 menRe or, . ,d,ns. , Mr and Alr. ' . never inlendcd to spread gloom and depress,,,,,. find .s both La,Mir; Ur Mio, ,ati w,, ,p 'a cheerful cheerful and and cheering, cheering, because because He He i i Ixdh Loth Light Light and Uve. '.u, or f i i.atior. -..,. .,...irtKmi I... '..V A. . Christ said: 'I came not to delrnv hut to fulfil.' " P. II. lit; VKIt.VKT. Arclibishop of C-iledonifi. Vancouver Proposes ,Bdeni unemployment Kay. Miss Sanlnn, Mrs. filof wiU cease, and pre-siire will be Hanson. Mr. Ilussell, Mr." and brouuhl lo bear on the rich. Such r,. .J. Will. .1. Weaver. i. A. point nf view is diclalrd by Woodland. .!. II. Lepage 'Prince ,a pi clasi as instinct, nris. comra.irss. ,!,.. i t iri:.,iiii..i Mr. t. . fnsl i.f ll.f, frr.tfile.l siiriiri- L...n t.. . ..... v ...... I r,u.i :,. V...... in ......Li r,.: :.. n...i - .-iriiiiorii, .vnioir, i. .vsu- .iii.vr. ... . ..... ...... i .. ii...- ,t.ij.i 1. 1 ill llllll a,. city in IU27. It i lo be hoped that the scheme will go through) Ucr ,j)l(M and I'ritice" IliiiVert will iindniibtedK' iln its' In ni.l Iho l.if .. ' ... .. , ,. . . ' , "r'llie oi'Veiopmeill Ol Hie lirilisn'ii Mr Monro and familv ils .i rininri n. .or, .vioore ami laiiiuy cdv III the son h m enrrviiiir on! n iiik Tlinro nr nmf inw.k . . i i.'i . .. . Vt I... . . , i.aix.r movemeni ano uie "lirilisn Idlle irrilations fell here over the altitude of Vancouver Inward . ... !.. .. ... local . . r. . .. if. .. i . ii . i.a.iiii ni ...... I .mv wiiiniriij 7..n-s. i ii. ir is in-iiiiK iirrr nun mere ,s a leuueucv lion. W. J. Va. Iiisjieclor T. W. ing Ihe history of s pnrsons. Mrs. Abminatiko and Twice as Rich as Ordinary Milk Vhm rm, rillalt ,kr doaklr. rlrh fsalrals af Ik is lla aOI aa.aart ballla rr-flnna mik part W, PLAYERS aBBBr:' I KfWTxrsy n NAVY CUT CIGARETTES Super-Quality" 10 forlSt 20 " o5i 7 ' IT i?4-' SO and 100 For econofny In tinning, more than half of the natural water i removed from Ihe rich, freih milk that become! Car. nation. This leaves it twice ai rich at ordinary milk. Nothing ele i removed; nothing at all it added. 'J'li u . Carnation it rich enouh for every milk need, for coflte or cocoa, on cerealt, fruttt, ric, and in all cooking. Carnation it alwayt rich, clean, pure, safe, convenient and economical. Your ifruccr hat it. I'rm4urr4 l'a.ala CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO. LTD. 134 Abbott Sl, Vancouver, B.C. FOR HOME COOKS NKMLMHI.RI Cuut stlk .' Ilaia t tmi'slll M hwu lur rus is, (in msb. , in, w arit isiliii fur 1U um van tt t CmsiiIm t cap atiii, Ii'i ftHjal'tll ART aiAKI, D.Mtta tHM DiHrMiil, Carnation Milk U.l" More sold all other brands combined and child. Mrs. I'atrliell. It. Kuo. K. I.. Xanlhrup. Mr. W S. Sar. lent and daughter illajtellnm. Jlr. Ueorge Frtiell, Mr. VA-wards. J. S. Kagg llaellon . V. WiNon. Ml H. Taylof. ilwirge Wall. It. Ileuney, P. J. While. Mrs. M. MeAnley, Mr. ami Mrs. P.. C. Phillips and child. Mrs. P. Ilegan and child Tctk-wa. Mr. Hills and child. Mr. Allen. Mr. Cavln. Morle Craig. P. S. Iloiuiey, A. H. Malheon. Mr. ami Mr-. I. It. I'uni. J. V. King. Mr. MusfoM, J. Hunter Harrison, .1. C. Ituniil., i. Hind. T. Mays. II. Mrlmnald. S. 1-1-wanl. II. King and Mr. and Mrs. Uray. For Slewarl V. T. fteavley, Mr. llarner. T. V. Wilson. I'. It. Wilson. J. W. Frame. J. P. (V-Keefe.. Mr-. II. ludl rtnd Mrs. F. Suiilh. For Anyot C. N. Itoyd, W. T. Ilayne, Mis- M. Johnson. Mr-. C"lc ninl -on. Mr. Miller. If. Mrhoostall, W. Longfellow. Herl lide. Fred While, J. W.vXimn. J. Wilson, II. Mooreliouse, P. Carndl. II. D. Clegg and Mr. Me. Millao. Mrs. II. J. Keoir tihrrlt- for the Dally Newn. Beautifully Cool and Sweet Smoking. DAILY SALE BULLETIN, No. 4 K - . oor w.rols'hed TVi.TT'ifhil TfllTftTV I. .hi Willi .ii O'l'ilar Mop. O'Cedar Makes Housework easy Till M rrli loth we will give KHKK one .m.i :. i ounce iMttlle ol polisli with evcrv ' .ifiKMinioig lo .'. and over, or the ani I'Olllll. BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYD0CK AND SHIPYARD Operating 0. T. P. 20,000 Ton Flouting Dry Oofk Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, PUern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle nil kinds A MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PH0NE8 43 and 385. Bath Room Fittings Towel liars, Horn Hislies, Tumblers and ,l",l'lfr HoldetN. .Soap an. I HpotiKi' Holders, Toolh Hnisli ll',1,ie Hooks for the Hath Hohe, Hot Wnler llolllc ami hlvoe Sliop, Whik and Hrnsh Holders, elC. " , v livery piece gnnrntilc'd, now on display In our KA1EN HARDWARE CO.1 Phone 3. P.O. '' Advertise in "The Daily New THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS