Mftan Vh Win! A The Latest In Restaurants. TAXI mm BOSTON GRILL in a hurry Phone 99 Beet Car and Beit Service In the City. Rates Reasonable VOL XIV., NO, bO, LONDON, March ft. IncrruM'd cl i -;i 1 1 f-1 1 i i is developing among Brilish naval official" over the Labor government's avowed policy of ai ifirini ami ils intention lu reduce Britain's prc-enl naval ami military t-otnmitmculs to (lie minimum. Admiralty official feel this may endanger the safety of tin- Knt-pirc. This feeling is lriiiKlliiiiI by report! printed this morning that the government lias decided lo drop the. project of a naval base at Singapore. The nuval .staff at the Admiralty hold slrotig views that the base is a necessity. CONCENTRATES i BEING SHIPPED Ore Passing Throygh Here Con tains Palladium Worth $85 an Ounce The r.lsmorr " of Ketchikan is ural increase or 313.017. SINGAPORE BASE TO BE CONSIDERED BY BRITISH GOVERNMENT LONDON, Match . Charles Amnion, parliamentary secretary 'T Hie admiralty, slated in Ihe House of Commons (hat no decision hud yet been 'made In re-Kurd lo Singapore, as a naval base. ' , mailer would be considered shortly by the Onvern-'enl, In-, said. SASKATCHEWAN VOTES ON LIQUOR QUESTION 11F.UINA, March 0. A plebis cite on the liquor question l throughout, the pruvlnee of .Mr asi.itnlity k -.o f;i. 'u" '' v Ij is irecly predicted lliat, if I lie Maedouald government an. iioimce its unequivocal decision lo abandon Hie base, it will . re-sull in I lif reimialion of liar I Ileal ly. fust sea lord. II is believed Hiat premier Maedonahl is working out u compromise policy. TEN DAY ALASKA SERVICE STARTS in port loday unloading 20 tons or ronrcnlralcs for New York Princess Wary Due In Port from rriim Mi Sail Chuck Mine. Alaska. 8uth Jr'ow 8,0 nf pohl.t Boats Will Enter Run The concern rales are e..Mer ami nalladljiiii. The laUcrJ InJune " " " . Iumiiu uinlli Kir an noneiror- ......I lt.i.. r..i.eeiilmles were C.P.U. learner Prince. Mary. shipped lo Taroma for the recov. OrmMon, norlhbound from Vanrouver lo Skagway. Is ami values crv or the gold copper wl.Hi Hie palladium 'which the I""' lomorn.w morning, H.e C.P.U. is now Martin iU smelter was not looking ror. was Mirown away. Bid. In any eae. I en. day spring service which will continue unlit Ihe end of May i . ..i.,.- it. r n.ill.nlioin n.iild nol be recovered at Ihe Ta-hen Ihe sum r schedule wil r ima, smeller. Hie New York one bein (be only smelter in the country ripiipped In recover such mlals Pallnlium l n precious luMal similar lo platinum. P Is I'Vpecled thai some three cues of these concentrates will be shipped through Ibis port for New York every month, FEWER BIRTHS FEWER DEATHS BriUln's Peculation Problem Is Getting Worse Because People Live Longer I.O.TON. March 0. Fewer babies me bring horn in lli'llaiu today lhau formerly but Ihe rouii-li s population problem, with which unemployment is linked, Is gelling worse simply because Ihe people seem to live Ioniser than they Used to. I.a-I year Ihe biclh rate was Ml 7 per thousand, Ihe lowest on recmi I exceidinir in Ihe last staaes of Ihe war. llirlhs in Knulaud and Wales totalled 75H, )Hif and deaths. Ul.Hrt a nat commence Willi I lie strainers Princess Alice and Princes l.'oui.e iiiiikin sailings weekly and at shorter intervals. A lar ger (ouril business lhau ever is expected Mils summer by tho company. POSSIBLE TROUBLE" RUSSIA VS. RUMANIA Both Countries Claim Bessarabia and Military Forces are on Either Side of Onelster lir.lll.IN. March 0. With both lliissia and lliimania claiming llessarabla ft is feared by obe ers thai -if Ihe ipirsllon is uol filled, by diplomacy at the con fereuce lo be bebl in Vienna about March in military aelbm will rc- nll and a cliili along the Dncisler lllver might '.involve Polaml.. There are some who be licve II miiihl embroil all Ihu little entente countries and lead Id a general Italkau Luropean conflict. tin man i;i and lliissia have ex. tensive liiililiny forces on oppo- ile sides of the lineisler. FORMAL OPENING OF NEW MASONIC TEMPLE Event Tonight Will be Occasion for Grand Rally of all Members of Craft In City Local Masons and visitin brethren will be out in font; to- iilnlil for Ihe opening or Ihe new Icinpld ul Ihe comer of Sixth Avenue and llowser Slreel. The even! will be the occasion ror a Itrand rally of all members of the craft in Ihe city. After the InilVi' ineelinir, there will a baiiquel. Tyee and Tslmpsean Lodges are in cluii'tfi of Mrs. Olaf Hanson returned to Hie city on Ihe Prince Ituperl yesterday afternoon after a trip Honolulu and California with Haitton who rctirrne.d last Industries Increase Throughout East as Shown In Railway Report MONTItLAL, March fi. - A clear indication of the important part which a i'lcal steam transportation syMeui plays in (he industrial lite id a nation is lo be round liv an analysis or the an. nual report siilonilled to K. Datyrmple. Irallic vice-prcsidenl by V. P. Filzsimous, inaiiaer of Ihe industrial department, of the Canadian National Jlailways. This report rovers that portion or Canada east of Fori William, served by Ihe National Hallways and it shows such a steady (.row Hi In the establishment of new industries and Ihe development of old ones, that there is every reason lo suppose lliat the barometer of business in Canada is poinllii? to "Fair." Employ 6,000 Uurllijr the past year, there located alouv Ihe lines of- llir Canadian National llailwuys, cast of Fort Wjlliam. new hnt wni" endopji wail industries jirjjiiuistely fovpe-a witfe liversily of aclivilies in the manufacturing and industrial field, some of Ihe commodities to be manufactured be in if automobile accessories, gasoline, pulp, paper, lumber, oil, casters, hoiery. textiles, excelsior, ron-v teclionery, soda fountain sup plies, gloves, canned rrtt 1 1 waler pinups, iron and steel pro- lucls, electric appliances, clothes hauliers, cheese anil butler boxes. Similar aclivily was shown by plants in" rcccnl or Ions si audio;;. Intensions to plants in the same area during ll2:i provided for an increased production thai made necessary Ihe employment or JMMi more hands. Tbe-e plants also represent a wide diveru'cncc ot endeavor, som oT Ihe manuraclureil commodities beiinr coribme, steel, electric Uptdies. soai, explosives. screws, linoleum, ra.naiors, iur- uilure and aulos. Optimistic Tone It Is Interest hip lo iioln that Mr. Filzslmons in his report strikes an optimistic tone re-trardiu? Ihe neneral industrial outlook in Ihe liomiuion in Vi. lie points out thai duiinij 1 lu spile or (lie unsettled coiio. inic and political situaliou in Kuroe. which reae'led stroimly i"n an adverse way upon trade conditions in Canada, a most en-couraKiiiK industrial expansion was carrleil om in ine iiomuiiou, particularly as it concerned the lumber trade. Hour and cereals mills, the automotive and pulp and paper industries, and Ihe ii i it 1 trades exclusive or Ihe manufacturers of agricultural implements. Mr. Filzsimous notes that the lumber trade experienced its most successful year since the war, while Ihe automotive in-duslry enjoyed a banner year With boiler trade and economic PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIUXUB llLPKflT, B.C., TJUIISDAY, MAHCII 0, 1021, Vttttrdtr't Circulation 1E92 NAVALlS)UCTION CONTENTIOUS HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL. Sirttt Sl( M2. Third Avenue. Best of Food flood Service, Private Boxes for Party Use "Take Her to The Boston." J PRICE FIVE CENTS. MATTER SWANSON BAY MILL TURNED OVER YESTERDAY LUMBER CUTTING STARTING If Base at Singapore is Dropped by Government Earl Beatty will Resign PRESENT YEAR PROMISES WELL conditions, a stahiliatioimr tin international political situaliou overseas and Willi Ihe 'cnmplc tiou or Ihe extensive waler power developments that have. Iieen under way in varinus parts or Canada, Mr. J'll.slmons Is of Ihe opinion HuifUm 'present year will be brlnht. In promise for in-dusiry and business generally lu Canada, HOOKEY SCORES A I fail tf.ix ftHJUSeii y ' v P.tJ.E. Affairs Are Again Being Ventilated Before Royal Commission TREATED WITH COURTESY VICTOIIIA, March (i. Afltr a week's adjoiiiiiiiMiit. Ihe lloyal Commission luvesliualiuu (he various businesses. A separate account hail been opened tor the i?aciric Ureal Has tern Work. Pacific Orcal Laslcrn affairs re-v sinned loday, Al the opening .. f M. McNeill, K.C., ciinsel Tor Ihe Provincial Party, .staled he had been treated with ihe iilmost courtesy by officials, or Ibe ril.'' way ilepartmenl in bis examina-' lion or ofricial files. It bad been Impossible, however, to conduct a 4. complete InvesTiaUon dn tho time. .! ' F.. B. Boyd, I reus urer for Ihe Northern Coiislructlon Cuiupany, s- Good. Understanding Between Britain and U.S. is Guarantee was the first witness. Question-) ed by Mr. McNeill, he stated "'at'iiiotrv 1D1D TDCATV the comtmny had opened separate ;rlllULUAIrlU lULrll l bank accounts to rover a num-t WCADIMf PHMPI CTIflM 1... ..r r. ls 'l l.eie wais not HliniUnU Willi UillUH docuineul counecliuif an individ IS NOT MAKING MUCH HEADWAY ON ELEVATOR Special to Daily News. YANCOUYLU, March C. - The World has the following in a despatch today from its Parliamentary correspondent al Ottawa: "We are doiuir our best but I cannot s,jy we are making ureal headway," said Fred Slork, M.P., for Skeeua today, re aiding Prince llupert's claim for a grain elevator. 'Hie need lor it is recognized but the cry is economy and a balanced budget, and a lot ot needed works have to go. by the board. However, hope has not been abandoned." ual contract with the ennmauy's Negotiations Being Conducted by Slr Herbert Samuel and King Hussein of Hadjaz Mr. McNeill insisted on Ihe pro- ,i:itUSALi:.Mv March 0. Nc- duction of books showing I ! , a I for an Anglo-Arab connection id Pacirie Ureal j(r,.uy rotiducleil by Sir Herbert I'aslern accounts and the; com- Samuel, 'high cominissloner for pany's general accounts. Mr. Boyd pnT(!i(o and Kiny Hussein of replied thai vouchers coeriuK HedJaz is near a successful com- all mailers had Welt ! produced, iVelion. acording to reiiorls aii- Must Produoe BooKs ipearing in Iho Arab press. Mf, McNeill" wan nyt satisfied' . , i . .. i i....r , 1 1. .. i ami inc. cumiiiissiuiier .ruieu mui rtniit in ajnirDlTAD nny books covering . Pacific Cnnl UUVY lb WIUUtKAlUK Kaslern mopey in any way shoubl be produced. ' Asked for copies of agreements for expenditures between tho Northern Construction PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD, March (S.-llev. Company A. .1. Dow of The- Kamloops prcs- nnd its sub-conlraclors, Mr. B6yd bylcry was yesterday elected said 4iat ilelalUidf ull ntonii)sinoderalor Ot Ihe synod of Bril-'Conlltmod ou page six j -'' 'uai , m,!!) 1iei- Logging Lamps, dawmiu ana Possibly Shingle Mill Will be Opened by Whalen Co. For the first time since the .shutdown of the plant last De- jcfinber. the sawmill of the YVhuleu Pulp Paper (Jo. al t?wun- Miii Hay was turned over yesterday. II is intended to commence sawing lumber right away for Ihe general market. The shingle mill may also Jie reopened, A. (1 Deviiie. from flic Vancouver joffice of the company lias assumed the managership uceecdins' jit. L. Hennessey. II is the intention of the YVhaien Co. lo operate its logging camps on Moresby Island, (j.CL, at Beresford Arm . and in the vicinily of Thurston Harbor Ibis T"1 summer. The camp at Cumshewa DDTTAIMTA kT which is now runniiiK will con- DlVllillll 1U nil) tinue. ! With present .market conditions j coutinuiiisr, it is expected lo run the sawmill al Swanson Bay for at least 18 mouths. Jap squares ...ill I... l. I ,ll..,.l lo llin tl,c (Jrienl ami some may nun uicir way here tor loa.liiig. Jr'ome lumber will probably be .barged here for delivery' lo the Lnited Stales by fait. . x y I .., , ! .. I , I l lie v naieu iniipany is unoui ; mons gave to seek a permit from the pro-'ie Trade viucial Kovernmenl lo. FISH ARRIVALS ARE LARGER AT EXCHANGE Eight Boats Marketed Totalling 95,200 Pounds American Canadian Cr. this Morning Halibut arrivals were iome- what larger al the Fish F.x- I'uuUrC mis morumg, eini noais marketing 05.20(1 pounds. i i Norma. o.OOll pounds, al 18.2e and I'e. to the Booth Fisheries Canadian Co. Canadian llingleader. 1,000 pounds, and Maude, 5.000 pounds, at lO.Uo and 8c, to Ihe Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. lluth, 3,000 pounds, and I'oinl May 1,200 pounds, al IG.8e and 8e. to Ihe Booih Fisheries Can ud i an Co. BELGIAN CABINET IS BEING FORMED PREMIER THEUNIS BIIUSSKI.LS. Mar . -Thrunls has underlaken the task of 'form, ing a new cabinet and it Is uiu derslood Paul Kymaus will taka over the department of foreign affairs. Both Ihe Flemish right and the Christian democrats will be represented in the new cabl et I THE DOMINIONS biii fassea nouse or commons Providing for Interest Pay ments on Loans LONDON, March C By a vote of 297 to 13 Hie HoUsc of Coin- second reading to, Facilities Bill .em- allow hodyin? proiiosals announced at them lo ship No. 3 cedar lops m. Imperial Conference nrovhl frOni Iheir camps to the Orient. 'jK fr 1C payment or three 11 uv liiivfla t lnrri ntitaiilitv nf r ii.n i..inHn.i . .j. -.. . kfnr Future Pparpnf War a &wt iiiUjit J , misea. jn airuaiAjiy,,ijiMuinih- ,vt "l"f cutt Ul rr-wuu - market Tor Ihe ntiuu- rva,y on a, eoloiiT?" tti xrinanc : Tacturcd product. public utility undertaking,, the WA-SHINOTOX, .March . King (ieorge sees jn the pood The sawmill which has a capac- maximum annual guarantee ber iiuderslaiidiug between (ireal Britain and the United .Slates Ihe it 0r IJD.OOn reel in leu hours,1!,.;. ,, niiition nounds and the Oesl guarantee for the future peace of the world. This declara- will be run al shirt and period rive years. .ion wus niado lodar to PA'sidenl Oiolidge ul the request of Ihe will employ 100 men. Pulp wood The urinrinal realure ir the King hy SiriKme llowatil and marked the presentation or the and slabs will be piled up al debate was the persistent op ,iew ambassador credentials lo the president. .Swan son Bayisainsl Ihe possible position or back benchers of the Heplyjug. Mr. Coolidge asserted the 'conscious identity of re-iipcnin? .of Ihe pulit mill when :. .., ...miI n.irlv n ri in utarlv me general uiiim I'MMiiijj oeiwen wie i iiuro nmit .inn me inaiKCl conuiiums improve. Iriv.leilile meiiiber i i... .. r :.. : ... H...I .... .. . uijiuuuic liriliMi iiuveiiiiucni win or u iiiikoi lorru in oruiKioK 10 me 11 ine camps on Hie isiamis re world a just and baling peace. sunle full blast some J230 INVESTIGATION ISPROCEEDING; 4e will be employed Ihere. men HEAVY LOSSES IN COSTA RICA Catches Government Buildings and Churches Alone Destroyed to Extent of Fifteen Mil- . Hon . HAN JOSF March C. It...n oulliiiiiln Mini Mil. of l.nit.Itti'.v n rt it Four . . 11... ......n Vlllllwotr lll'lli llic yt.uiiuuni 4 ,t li,,.l, liiiva tk.n., ill t,rn'?rna fop Immiihis a.iu it suiMiur iiuiuwr 01 . vil ,.nva ..., ' ,,, 15.. Canadians. IJ 'Oil pounds. Price no ,,riui,0 ,0S!ies ,,aV8, well suslamed not though were nol , 1)e,M, ,,liluate(, hxl tllfy quilt' as high as earlier wi. Ihe np ,,. v , ,.,.. ,.(.llr . week. ! in .,.ii. .i.,.i-j n.i ii. Arrivals and sales: tremors continue in a milder American Turin. Many appeals ror help. Omaney. :i5,00(l pounds, lo Ihe (.,, cl,i t iiut few casual- Pacilic Fisheries at I8.2e ami He. ijes are reported. Arctic, 38,t0 pounds, al 1 8.7c and He., and Lranus, 3,000 pounds at IH.:)c and 1'c, to the. Fish & Cold Storage FISHING SCHOONER LOSES HER MASTS 0FFCAL1F0RNIA Galilee was on Way from San Francisco to Pirate Cove, . ' Alaska SAN FltANCljjCO, March 0. -Fishing schooner (lalllee, whii'li. lert here February 28 tor Pirae (Jove, Alaska, is in distress rfift the California coast south tit San Francisco. Two masts base beeu carried away. The vessel is believed to hiiyo 20 men aboard. SAN FUANCISCO, March C (later) The (lalllee has been picked up by the coast guard culler Shawnqe according lo a wireless message which mukej no mention of the'erew of twenty' men. P, S. Bonney, district forever, relumed' to Ihe city yeslerihiy afternoon from Vlelorla where T19 attended a conference of dUlric't foresters