PAGE TWO. WOULD NOT HAVE ULCER CUT OUT JFJTOMACH Took "Fruit-a-tivea Instead and this Medicine made from Fruit Juices Relieved the Trouble. Maples? mt Pim, Hillhccst, P.Q "About 25 yean ag I It gut to hmtt trouble uith my Stomach. Three ynrs xo, I consulted one of the best specialists in Montreal. He said I must to the hospital, liarean Clcer cut oat of my stomach and fall stones rcmot el. I was then 74 years old. I said "XO." 71a. brgum la tlt Tnut-tUtt". I am ya much better that my old. friends often ask me what I have dose to luysrlf to look so e)L I am faining in weight and enjoying life . er7 much." , w. EDWARDS. '.T"1,'1"1'" ,s mJft from thejuices of apples, oranres, firs and prunes, combined with tonics, and files quick relief in stomach troubles. This fruit medicine actually strengthens the stomach muscles and enables the stomach to giTe out sufficient gastric juice to digest the meals. "Fruit a tires" also correct Constipation and Biliousness from which so many Dyspeptics suffer. 00c. a box, 6 for fJti, trial sue 23e. At all dealers or sent rost paid on receipt of price. FKOIT -A-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA, OXT. London, Eng., Ogdensburg, X.Y., Christehureb, X.Z. The Daily News . IM1IXCE RUI'F.HT - BRITISH COLU.MHIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULI.EN, .Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject lo approval, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION High School And Monday's Paper. silnrday. February 9, I'JSI. tin Monday the editorial staff of this paper will retire and allow the members of Ihe High School Library lo lake their plac?. This society i- made up of the" classes of the High School and the scheme of giving them rharge designed to give them an insight into the making of a small dally newspaper in order that if any of Ihem should wi-h to tak up journalism a a profession they would understand .om.elhing of whal Ihe work meant. It should also tend to en large Iheir knowledge oT world affair, showing thai each pro fessioh has its peculiar aUracliouskand difficulties. . ,. , rrom the lime Ihe paper poe.sdo prrss- thi aflernoon until Monday pap?r is out, Ihe High School will be in complete rharge in the editorial offices. They will report the local news haplKMiTjigs, Ihe police court, the gosjp of people coming and going and will also handle Ihe telegraphic despatches, IMIcr High School And Education Featured. Nalnrally 1he cau3 of education and Ihe doings of the High School will receive a lot of attention and tho-e who wish to keep in close touch with the local educational institution will do well to read Ihe number carefully. V$ are inclined to think that Ihey w-ill put up a r'r-dilable number and weiipgesl that anyone .wishing extra copies, onler.f(bem beforehand at Ihe bu-iiiess .office Iecaite there is a possibility of the edition being quickly -obi out. . Always Says Something When He Speaks Archbishop DuVernel differs from many public speaker in thai ho always says something when h speaks. At Ihe men's banquet of the -Anglican Church he emphasized Ihe fact lhat it ats a man's life in relation to the community that counted, or as nr pin u "the right adjustment to the bigger whole." It wa this relation lo he lives of others (hat meant every thing. He urged Ihe idea of community service and th desirability of every man making himself as efficient a- possible so lha'l he might the belter serve hi community, his cnunlrv and the world at large. This i the vsry anlitiiesis of selfishness. Fishermen Taking Interest In City. At last Ihe fishermen, as a body, are fating an interest in rivje and port affairs. They are represented on a committee which is taking up matters of interest In ihem with a view lo improving Iheir loL Thi is a most praiseworthy idea andone thai it is hoped will be followed up. The fishermen should take great interest in Prince Rupert affairs. They are the mainstay of the ci(y and lh?re is no rea-on why their inlerests should not be considered al all limes. -for Baby KLIM fOWDERCGTwHOLE MILK None of the vital elements of the original rollk are affected by the KUm drying process. Ask your doctor. CANADIAN MII.K . raoOfCTS UMIYF.D Mvatraat TOROVTO Wlanlp Sold by RUPERT TABLE 8UPPLY CO. JANUARY OUTPUT OF HIDDEN CREEK MINE ALMOST A RECORD AXYOX, Feb. . --In Innnasre (output for January, the Hidden ICreek Mine of the Urnnhy Oim-jpauy almost reached the ieak month' of nritiliietinii- Onlv mien 1has the tonnage of January,! tory of the ramp. Previous high marks were made a follows: (January, tUIH, ri.,03:i tons:May, I'Jtfl, .:. Ion: April.. I?2. 'm;.(3H Inns. The figures . for (January. I 'J? I. an 87,509 Inns. All lhes figure will be easily outdistanced when Hie to'nrenra-tor, now nearin? completion. i lit operation and fun-linin? to caparily. me. lo Ihe editor and everything that i published outside of Ihe ad-'lu vi'rliing department. That they will l (ouch. Tbc Mas ifl the Mom SAYS. --"- - -1 HIP. Hip Hurrah! Hunan' .Monday is a holiday. Miss Margaret Palmer of Hie Hijrh School i lo dress herself up in Hieing. usually worn by members of Hie male sex and write Hie daily messaye frnin Hip moon on I hat day ami I shall have a day oft. Oh. hoy! TK1.L you Ihe honeslrulh I hould like o (m around the ollires on Monday, but Hie man- enienl says, no. There will" be enough nnnens (here without I DOXT sp wliy the manage. menl should hae all Hie fun. THIL"s' are Ihe day for launching .campai)!n. What about Ka rampaiyn acaint luichelors "The girls do not eein to bae been very success ful so far Ibis year. We do not notice many men flashm? diamonds on their third finger. ITS terribly hard lo make a living thee days; I haven't had so much as a l-ione steak this week. WHKX Ihe members of Ihe French Chamber of , liepulie do 'I0, behave, 4','i?.',,t. I'oincare laps?lhem onthe wri'land ttwy immediately pass a vole of confidence in him. PREMIER Macdonald fight the going next war with nei?hhorline 'and franknes-" and thus put to shame the poison gas of Hie enemy. There's originality for you! NOW that people are all form-in? new organizations, I think I shall slarl the Loyal and Patriotic order of (anadian Moonshiners and hae myself elected Hizh Lord Mooner of the Mucka-inuek, and also Ohiff Taster. SMITHERS The follow inK chairnen have been appointed for the ariou bureaux nf the recently established Smithers Dilricl Doani of Trade: Finance, Charles Heid; publicity, .I- II. Warner; public works, w. S. Henry; railways and rales, O. II. Wall; apricjillure, L. L. De Voin; fur and pame laws, J. A. Macdonald; lumbering, ". S. Henry; mining, II. Lee; retail trade, n. F. Hall; tourist traffic, L. It. Warner; entertainment, O. II. Wall. The railwaymen's annual ball will lake place on Thursday even ing of next week. The following! .?omniillee is makin? 'arrangements: A. flreenhalzh. W. IL Davis, Oeorpe Itaymnml, ft. Lancaster, W. J. Fidler. II. II. Oleson, I.en ftaabe, James Pnrlenus and J. n. Mclnhre. L. S. Mcfilll. barrister of this town, has entered Into partnership with W. M. Tufts, a Van next week. Four is lcin: hundred carina, of pe been filb-d with l.niift Ions. STOMACH SUFFERING lisappeurs a if by magic when Jo-To is Used, fias nains. ael.l tlnmach; sour stomach, burning nnd all afler-ealinir distress re. lieved In two minutes, , Store. THE DAILY NKW8. Saturday February Old, NEXT WEEK'S SHOWS Monday and Tuesday "My WIM lrih I1om." Cameo Coined)- "Simple Sadie." .". lntertialinnal,..New. Wednesday and Thursday Jack Molt ' i '--.Maiijnp Man." Christie r.nmcdy " "N'avy Jlliies." Fox News ;.iio(ie. Friday, and Saturday IliMlidpli Valentino In "The Youn dtajah.' Sunshine' Comedy The Mummy. Fun fmni Hip 1're-s. It i , i WILD IRISH ROSE IS COMING ON MONDAY "My Wild Irish llo-e' will he the movie attraction here Mon-; day. All those who loe Ihe land of the shamrock will go wild cr Ibis plenilid photoplay, which tells a thrillinc story of life in tloJ F.meratd Isle in Ihe esirly hys of Queen Victoria's reign. "My Wild 1ri.h Itose" wa adapted fnun the famous old stase success. "The Sliaughraun."i by Dion Itouricault. It made its debut at the Drury Ijine Theatre.1 London, in 18IG and since then has been played all oer the Knslish -peaking world. The plot is an absorbing one; there' are spies, informers. "re!eaals anil pretty Irish colleens palorc- j and in addition there are three love stories, three heroes andj three heroines. The picture has been lavishly produced under the killful direction of Daid Smith,; who has such successes a "Hlacu Meanly." "Flower of Ihe North" i and "The Little Minister" lo hi' credit. He has bn.uzlil nut all the piclureo;ueries ami oM. world charm which is inherent in Hie subject and ha made ly Wild Irish lloe" a malertMee of colorful atmosphere. MAKING A MAN IS PETER KYNE STORY Will b Shown Here Wednesday and Thursday of Next Wtek For Ihe second lime within a short Mrin!d. Jack Holt, Para mount star, appears in an adaptation of a opular I'eter It. Kyne lory "Makiwr a Man," which will be on iew nt Ihe Weslholme Theatre Wednesday and Thurs- allktf tkt II T I U AiiL ll AMn I I V la A VALENTINO COMING The Healthful Walk T 7 HAT Is more pleasant and exhilarat- YY ing than a brisk walk in the crisp, fresh air. You breathe deeolr. The blood is Durified. The circulation is quickened. The bloom comes to the cheeks and you feel fine. The vital organs are put in fine condition by walking and many ailments can be relieved mainly because the liver action is aroused. And yet we do not walk. It is so much easier to ride in an auto or street car that walking is becoming a lost art. Since we do not take the necessary exercise to keep the liver active and the bowels regular it becomes ueceiwary to resort to other means. The most popular family regulator is Dr. Chase's Kidney-Uver Illls, for by use of this medicine once or twice a wtek OLD BOX 25 FOR NEXT WEEK ENDh""1'1 ., d.spo, of Will Play "The Young Rajah Friday and Saturday at tht Westholm A splenilid contrasj Is affordel by Wanda llawley and Ilixlnlph Valentino, lead'rntr wnnwn and star of "The Vnuns llajali,-' com-in? lo the We M holme Theatre next week end. Miss llawley is a couver lawyer. The law firm, will, blonde of the Dre-deii establish a branch at Hums IikeVs variety; Valentino with Mr. Tufts In charge. The.'course, dark and latter will arrive from the. south P'arance. They Ulln make hetdierd- is, of in ap. n very A llillhl of stornl nnil fnrv in and Vishnu. And ly clever douhle exposure. Valentino plays both roles. Ten Years Ago In Ptinc Rupert " k The Hank of Montreal notified the cilv this iiii-tnnf M.1.1 it ine naiaiire oi ircnsiiry notes and advance the eily the money in the meantime. Tim amount I .i;t.oon and IK was Hie price offered. , ' .'ji The Prince llupert . Clviftaii AT 80 YEARS OF AGE WAS TROUBLED WITH SHORTNESS OF BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART AND FAINTINO SPELLS pieasm? piriure as lovers in llitsl mm. M. O'&mw.r. WWl-iw, Ool.. strange screen lale. r him: i ixv i-n insibifsi, i A nwrnient of brilliancy, a mad xltr' .Vu hor,UM. " t.rm, pim pin up ai i..ik ivaftilyn inmuiu a not or cnlnr. ornakM m Ibis winter. The llooth Fisheries blade, of falling figures, of vle-,ntrt and 5w fiij. hirii i m. ami Canadian Co. of Prince llupert lor triumphant upon the throne l onr relief. ihI i k ivtrr hi has three bur houses which have. they have usun.eil ttial'a vour Vm"J iny revolulion in Jhe mall In- W, m Vm h,, tnt tn i ri n, diail slate. bifntilntus f rnr old lritile n4nlnr -n 'all I bate lo V Is U lk a few . Sew i:iislan,lii ,.n .ilrf ,,,nl w,,b u- f ' l I e,p- Is . ' , . . , ' . . ' nuBr yl. I alsijrs rm4iiniiH ready ror bed; a knocking al the uh-w m ,ny .me t is fiifTtm trn ibwir; two dark me.n wlli a child .'' iwsifcw." standing dripping upon Ihe ,'"''"o, t Vm miu r sw Drug thre.hold; jewels poured from a T ZZ'r7Z 'bag; stacks of banknote-a fare- Lunet,, ooi. you can be sure of the healthful action of liver, kidneys and bowels. Our greatest danger in this age of sedentary habits is from overeating and neglecting to pay attention to the regularity of these eliminating organs. Most of our ills come from this condition. Koriproof of this statement you need only enquire at the hospital where there is always a rush of appendicitis and liver and kidney cases after the holdiay Mason and during the winter months when we use so much artificial food and live cood up in houses from which fresh air is carefully excluded. You will notice that while the price of Dr. Chase's Kidney-liver Pills has been increased to 35 cents, the box now contains 35 pills instead of 25 as formerly. Likraiw Dr. Chate'a Kervt Food ia CO centi a box of 60 pllli, Initead of SO cent a box for SO pill. Edmaaaon, Hatea & Co., Ltd., Toronto. CHASES MDNEVUVE PILLS ONE PILL A DOSE ONE CENT A DOSE ,amPr"1 ,l" ifc ,, nigni on ine rrinre. r was the star of "While Satan Sleeps," in whieh knoekoul success. he scoret a " VI a l I M r Ufin'1 1. I It A .Inn' ,.f ttranl loses the little money and clothing he look in his hurried fllpht. and finds himself unable to draw- ion his credit. Itroke. hungry and tired, he meets. on a park bench, "Shorty" MrOahe, a down-and-ouler. From Shorty the man Winsby, daed by Mr. Iloli.i learns the definition of a real.K man. Of course, there is a jrirljf in the story, this ride beinp i!onel by Ka .oak. NEW BOX well and a small and miserable Hifle AssoDation tins e lee led f. i Ileal n.-e for New AVf-Ll.; Hindu tail who strues to jilde his fieers as follows: Ciptairf. D, 0 where Mr. Kerr ha ae e.i tears al parting renin Hie only stnar ; ice.captaln. W. J. (freer: (call. A larpe number or fr frienils he has known that's the treasurer. Doitabl Hrown: secre-'were i the 'M wharf l i slorj oflheadoplioti. " tary. ll. Cameron: everulHe, C. iihrni ff Itev . L lb: The jrifl of prevision be see T. I'urlmcUoi. K. II. Shockley and Wesimittsler Hall. Va-his own death ln own meelini; J. rjirjrill. i will supply for Hie nef lwi wrr witli the tclrl he learns lo ne;l jand after that llev. W I. I but he is rescued b) fitliful re.1 llev. F. W. Kerr and Mrs. Kerriof Vancouver will lake Tu i he sees in a vision the marriasre nf him-elf and his beloved in Hindu " ' '"' weattti A . " It 1. ........ . . .... .. . . 1 - anions his employe and bor alike, uho ptits one straw lo many on the eame h.aek, so lo speak. His life threatened, he escaoes to .ew Vnrk. I here lie fashion with all the of jnrj."ou" color and . , ceremony. i neiyh. . f . .. ... .. . . , ,t i no- vision oi me nuiiie in me clouds In the years of ancient Hindu history, when Arjuna. romnfanded by Krishna, slays , father and brother for the koimI' or the race, s one o the mod striking thlnfts ever port rajed on the screen: Hie same for thel heavenly meeliu? between .rjunn i one month. "THE HIT OF THE SEASON" PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World Nolhing finer than allot of this Delicious Candy. IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toothsome Delphi in a lleaiiliful o, All .Sixes -- All Prices. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Salla from Prtncn RiiiupI For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate r- f!... ' ' Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX . . Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.8. PRINCE JOHN. r For u.a, VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Feb. 13, 27 1 March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EX0IPT SUNDAY. , ' Vr,nr9 n"Pri . p.m. tor rni.icK oaonotc, snMONTon. wt.t au to, ill p,3 fclMfrB cnaiJa. Unlum Statei. 0V IL OOtAN tTiaMSNIr LINta. eit. 11 t "'. Thlre , frle. Hupm. fhan