Saturday February 0, 1024, TIIB DAILY NETWB. PAGE THREE. VALENTINE DAY February 14, 1924 GREETING CARDS, POSTCARDS, HEARTS, CUPIDS, ARROWS, CUT OUTS IN GREAT VARIETY, DENNISON CREPE WITH LARGE HEARTS. It you wi.'li In make your own Vali'iiliii .' we have Hie H 1(1 tr Y.ilriiliio' llnl Mai slock, mid it Mipply of giiniiiR'd H lo Uf 'Tillc Willi. A iliMiliiH" l)av is I hi' i liilili rn duy. Tin ro-l i a u friilc. Li' I Ih'iii enjoy llii'iiiM'lvvis. Th''y will lie In n lull oin-e. .M-iil orders forwarded' duy a received. PULFORD'S CREAM of OLIVES 50c (.i n Chapped cr Ci.nked Hand, Hor'iics, I lwK llnigliiii'. Ilt'dm-. ;miiI ill itTitjihoii of Hie -km. I sr Mfler shaving .nut f.n keeping lln hand in good lildoir il is Ullixpialled. FREE TO ADULTS ONLY; I, 'I fa uimI get h I Or liuUli' i'f. mi Uml')iMj may try oi! I voirself. The Re (ORMES LTD. "aail Store. The Pioneer Druggist. SMOKED FISU AT AT ITS ITS BEST RF$T M ML There are Just Two Rule to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked FUh, AT ITS BEST. T : i' MollH .iir J uy ''Rupert Brand." Itupcrl Hi ami i ,ilv.i dr-Jer'd In lln slor' in rlr.m new liovs clearly 4 uni'rd "Rupert llriinil." tJa'r.ip ' onkinK tnM'r. rimk in iiinilcKMlr over for yl'A to :I0 miiinli'v, remove paper ami serve l oiirr. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black z Cod and Kippered Salmon. fty all l'i-l and M'Ml Market. . mid tilo.rr. Canadian V Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT Phone 103. i 1 r '. Helgrrson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist f X - RAY SERVICE. Of fire Hour-: 111. In 0 Open Kvt'iiing b Special Ai(iiilineiil. pi CHAIRS &' ROCKERS UplioTslercd In Attractive Cretonnes add charm to your Living Room. BARBIE'S Home Furnishings TELKWA COAL 'C i : A $11.00 BULK ON WHARF $12.50 BULK DELIVERED Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. OUmm 110 anrl HONORS BESTOWED FOR POLITICAL SERVICES IN BRITAIN BY BALDWIN Supporters of Conservative Gov ernment Given Titles or Made Privy Councillors I.OMH)X. Fcli. II. The list of honor bestowed on the recuin iiM'iiiliition of retiring Premier Halilwin wan iunl loday. All the apitoml riifiiln were in Hie nature of reward for iolilieal services. Tin: lngh' peerage p"' lo Sir John Jliilclirr. foniierly iniMiilu'r of parliament for York Tin! Iit comprise also five privy councillors, iiiiii; baronet, anil sixteen knighthood. PRINCE RUPERT CLUB GIVEN ITS LICENSE Notification of Granting of Ap plication Received by City Police First In City Tin' l'niii i' Hujii'i l Ululi is I he fu.t iiml so far the only cluh Mini ha received a license from In1 provincial government fol lowing Ho' recent enactment of new Liquor Hoard regulations, Chief Virki'i'H of the cily police amioiiiii'i'il Ibis morning. Xoli-fii almn dial I In' application been granted reached Chief Vlrkcr Illiii week. BAND CONCERT By Band of 1st North B.C. Bat talion In Westholme Theatre Sunday, Feb. 10 at 9 p.m. PROGRAM Ml(ll'll ' I j(!lliMtlitllll'1." OwrulilPv "l.tiKlxiiiel." Sonjf-t-SelwIcil. VaUe. "Sunel on Hie SI. Law. veucn." i :tiliuiinjl Solo. "Out on I he lefp.'! V. U.' Irr-f acci.iu- panleil i- Hit ha in I. Si'UtImui.- "Smiiiili frun Ire- liiinl." j SoiiK-- Selwt'l. IIuiiIiiik Ssr.oe. Cuaraeleri'lic M . . . i h l) i-tffrT.l , ,: i V 'Kin Mil 41 l-r. "SwVef llrirr." Minli alional Kiiihlem." "lioil Saf the Kinjr. Itaiolmuf tr A. Ileale, IMJ.M. WIRELESS REPORT 8a.m.' lili.HY ISLAM). - Ilainin? I'trmix Mitilhi'a!'! wnnl: tiaroine-ler. :W.K0; li'iiiicial ure. :I7 ln'Hy w ell ; H p.m. coke "Irani. r Prinri'Mn Itenlrire due I'rinre Ituperl I.Jo a.m. iiorllihounil: l. in. Nitoke ileamer Curacao :5 mile! for Kelrlilkan iiorlhlioiiml. DliMi TIIF.K 1'OIXT.- Cloiiily. aim; haroinelcr. -"J.CH; lem- peraliiri'. 32: h kiiiooIIi. Ill I.I. IIAUIIOIt. - Itaininv. frenh finilhwel wind; liarome-irr. IV. Hi; I en i pent I ure, 30; lifihl well; 5 fpoke sleam- ar I'rinre IllJpeil in .lohliiloii r.liannel "oulhliouinl; K a.m. poke Hleniiier Anyox IioiiihI from NaiiiMie Hay lo Anyox 318 mile from Ailyox: 11.30 p.m. iMke I c i 1 1 1 1 1 r (trilfeo towinz I iik liraui'o alieiim Safely Cove wailoiK wi'iillier muiIIiIhiiiihI; 5.3(1 a. in. I'liMi'i- John Thprslon Mar. hor ImmiihI for (ti iiinliewa. Noon HllillY ISLAM). Overaol, liifht muillien! wind; baroiueler :).H-M leinperalllie, 3D; lifilit !vell; x(eainer C.imiimiiii iir U.30 a. in. foiilhlioiiml. DF.AD THKH POIN T. Cloudy, riilui: liaioiueler, ilt.bH; leiu-lieralure III; M'n mihiiiIIi. Ill I.I. IIAUIIOIt. lluiiilnp, rnvli sdulhwesl wind; haroine ler. '.'1I.H7 : temperature, 39 J iiioileiiile ,well; noon earner IMinrr Hupert oil Cliatlolh I'oinl soullilinun.l. PLANS WILL FLY FROM LOS ANGELES A recent ilespnlrh from Wash- iiiKion to Hie Aluxka newspapers sny.s l.u Awfi'h' ha heen !elecl-ed as the .xlnrtiiiK point oT the nruiy iilnhe flivlil inlead of Seattle or some oilier point Jit Hie Stale of Washington us pie. vloiisl.v plnnueil. Uenernl Pal pick, chief of Die Army Air Service, said the slail. in. idace of the fliulit had been eliaiiKi'd because I he planes were nl Santa Monica and the aviators would be given an opportunity to OLD CHUN SMOKING TOBACCO IS FOUR TIMES SEALED - tt w . - Local aod Personal li.U. Undertakers. I'hone 41 . (toxin? luuriiameul Kmnress lliealre, luesdny, Fehruary I'.i. We buy. sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 52. if tllllis Coiiln re was fined 5 by Magistrate .McClymonl this uiorniULT for an infraction Mf the frallie bylaw. He failed lo so around a silent policeman as re- inireil. v 1 ln anntoil lri'io'riil i in I i n ' nf the Prince lluperi' llrancfi of Iho Canadian Ited Urus-V'Icly will lake place on MondaFebrUary 1 1 Hi, lVi, at the Court House. l'rinee Hupert, at a p.m. 31 The oule-wrapper of (Vdler-andmoislvre proof paraffin paper- The res uUr" Old Chum'yjrdppcr shoving name and trademark ? The heauy tin foil The heavy manilla paper to bring you the full richness and mellow sweetness of this acco of Quality" Manufactured by IMPERIAL T05ACC0 CO. OF CANADA LIMITED -it- (I. P. II. sleamer PriucMiv .M.u-. Capt. T. Cliir, arrived from Van. comer and waypoils at 1.30 Ibis iiiorninj.' and leturued south at noon. Passengers Koins? south from here on the vessel iiwlml. ed: T. A. Perry -a.nd.,1, Q. Oies-tireehl for VaiieoiiMsr; Mrs. .. C. I'ease for Campbell Hiver. and K. C. Xevison for Ocean Falls. Col. .1. H. .Me.Mullin. suoerin- leinlenl of provincial police, and Inspector T. W. S. ;luisons ot llii City. Visited lUlmonton last week add conferred vvilh? Lieut. ,Col. Ilryan, head f lh Alberta prov inclal police. Their business was in connection with the puttiiitf of the JLU. force into uniform. The new system hero will be modelled nlonir the lines of Alberta, Col. McMiillin staled. AFTER-EATINQ DISTRESS and all forms' of sloniach (ronhin : such as gas "" i'"'--i nuins. iiri.l. sum, ioie , . , , , Him, make tesis or tlie planes lieioie.buruinw slonmeli n u the siurl on Mnrreli 15. They wilLin I wo minutes bv taking Jo-To ii -ii' 'h U-w.-..e - i.ul jJ,kT. u.Id by al! i)myyiU. Church Noti res ! I ; Presbyterian Church Moruinu worslilo ul II o'r.lnek. ! Subject: "Chrislianily and Pros- perily." Sunday school at 12.30. KvciiIiik service at 7.30. Sub-,.cl "The value of Friendship." Preacher, Ilev. II. II. (iranl. D.I). Ennllsh Lutheran Church ' SI. Paul s Church, Melropole Hall, Services every Sunday, II a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School al i.30. Morning topic:, "Christ Transfigured." Fvenins topic: "Truth and Freedom.' Preacher. Ilev, P. II. llaisler, ll.D SUNDAY SPECIAL Ilev. Arthur llarner, of Canary, i will speak in the Methodist Church Sunday morning at It o'clock and Sunday evening at 7.30. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert II. 0. Ooulbourn and K. C. Xevison, Vancouver; Arthur llarner. Calgary: J. It. Lambert. Victoria; Mrs. X. tr. Pease, Prince tieoige; A. M. Kipp, llalmoral. Central Mr. and Mrs. I'. Itobertson. Ilaysport: J. 11. Stewart and J. Coutls, Davidson. Sask,; M. Mon-sin, city. Hayners. Undertaker. 3M Pboue tf ' ANNOUNCEMENTS F.Iks' Annual Kali, Ttiesday, March t. Spend an evening in Ihu Tall limbers t the Methodist Church Thursilay, March 0, Hoyal Purple has! or Hainan ami Sale of Home Cooking, April BONDS Are the Best Investment Wo ifcoiiiiueiid Iho following us being safe, saleable and nf fair return: City of Vernon 5Mi due lulli June, IP3.S, al $08.01. Yield 5.70 City of Duncan ndue ISIh May, ltl5:t, al ?lUi.--"J. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert due I1H1 In llir.o, jit l(l.;M. Yield 5.90 (Tnlers may be wired at our 'expense, interest accrued lodale of payment must ba added. We pay delivery charges Gillespie, 'Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S.. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship LI net. Pull information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8 tree t and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Silitnr From Frlnct Rupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Octail talk, n twinto Ray, Tuwdar, PJI. ror VANCOUVKR. VICTORIA. Al.rt Bay, M4 Swaaton Bay, Saturday Neaa. tat ANVOX, ALICI ARM, tTtWART, Wil.t lalan. Sunday t P.M. for PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlftr Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. tt liut Aveoua. J. Baraalay, Prloct nupart. S.C in 1 mi 1 -4