PAGE BIX. SPECIAL SALE of Ladies' and Children's Rain Coats Travellers' Sample. These art tli - well known CuwBrand; Kuglisli mail?, guaranteed coals " We look lliein on very advantageous terms and are passing along Ihe saving to you. Those not sold will be relumed al the- end or Ihis month. IT you are looking for a guaranteed coal al a worth-while saving lake this opportunity. Now Showing In Our Windows. H..S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Cor. Fulton and Third Avenue. Buy a Tin of Fruit for Table Dessert At the following price: Itartletl Pears. 2Vt II. tins 3 for $1.00 Itartletl Pear-. 2 lit. tins 4 for $1.00 Loganberries', 2 lb. tins . 3 for $1.00 Hlackberries,; 2 lb. tins 4 for $1.00 blackberry Jam, i lb. tins 75c rtaspberry Jam, i lb. tins ..85c Strawberry' Jam 90c All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. WOODCOCK DAIRIES LIMITED Starting February 1, The Woodcock Dairies Ltd. will lake over the business of Die Prince liupert Dairy, delivering milk, and cream direct from the farm at Woodcock to the Prince liupert homes. All our cows have passed Ihe most rigid tests as to health, etc., ami arc living under natural conditions, ensuring our customers gelling a first class product. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. CLEARANCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, CORSETS, BRASSIERIES, ONE FIFTH OFF. SILK HOSIERY, GLOVES, ONE TENTH OFF DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgercon Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 te 6. Phone 686. Ooen Evenings Only For Special Appointments. m Phons 9. TIMBER SALE X 5767. Sealed Tender Kill be received lir tlx ' Mlni-ter of Land at Victoria iiul later than novo on the JJ day of February, iiii, ior ine imrcnaM- ii Licence - . i i, to cut J.ttuooo reel or Spruce. Balsam, Hemlock and Cedar, on an area ltuated oa Channel Itand, Gardner Canal. Hanrt 4, umrici. Three (i year will be allowed for removal or timber. further particulars of tbe Cbief Fores ter. Victoria. B.C. or bittrtcl Foroier. rnnce nupcri, p.i;. TIMBER SALE X 5626. There m III be ottered for sale at Public Auction, at iKKrfi oa the nod dir tit ilebruary. mi. In tbe ofrire ut tbe lilt trlrt J'oreler at I'nuce Kupert.- B.C. the Licence XUti, to cut .u.oo teel U l ... .1 ..... .... II I .... I. . - . c('iiiir minM iiriiui. in . u nr. .situated at tbe bead of Cbler Matthews' Bajr. Hanre t. Coat Land HOtrlet. 1 Two m year will be allowed for re-llnoval or timber. ) Further particular ir the Chief For-le-u-r. Victoria. B.C or liislricl I'oretler. friuce nupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5753. Scaled Tender will be received by the Mtlrlrt Foreier, not UlCr than noun oa Ibe I lib day of February. I SSI. ror the purrbae or Licence X S"S3. George Inland. cumtnrwa unci, o.c.i to rut .OT.iTU fjjjii. of Spruce and Hemlock saw lot:. oik it) year will be allowed tzr removal of timber. Further particular of tbe Chief Forever. Victoria, or tbe OlMrirt Forester. Prince Huprrt, B.C. TIMBZR SALE X 5763. Sealed Tender! will be received by the Minister or Land, al Victoria not later I run noon on the tin day or February, 1 9TI. ror the ptirrhafe or Licence X S7M. to rut I.IU.ftfln reel of Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock and flaUam. frnn an area ftuatd at ihe head or Turin inlet, x.w. or Prince Rupert, nanre 5. CoaM noirlrt. Two f'. year will be. allowed ror re moval or Umber. Further particular or Ihe Chief Fore-ler, Victoria. B.C.. or DUtriet ForeMer. I'rlDce Rupert, B.C. Lard,Ham and Bacon WE SELL FOR LESS. Swift's Lard, 3's, reg. 75c. Now 60c Swift's Lard, 5's, reg. 1.25. Now $1.00 Swiri's Lard, lu's. reg. 2.t0. Now $1.90 Swiff Premium Itacou 43c Swift's Premium Ham.. 35c This price is on a whole ham ami for this week only. Fresh Meals al our usual low prices. Tlnse prices apply to our out of town shipping orders as well. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. EDSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL jn any quantity. Phone 68. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarellcs, Candies and Soft Drinks. We have a pleasant back room. . (ionie in and make yourself al home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. DEFENDS SYSTEM OF CADETS IN SCHOOL Colonel Wells In Speech Urged All Round Development of the Boy WINNIPKG, Feb. 9. Implying to the toast of "Th Cadet Ser vice." Colonel U. A. Wells cm-J pliasized the fact thai it was; upon the youth of today that the! world of tomorrow depended. ' He went on to say that the re-' action from (he war hail brought with it two outstanding 'dangers to the well-being of the state, first, "the emphasis which we placed upon the importance of the youth, has led some of them to a grossly exaggerated opinion of themselves as they are, whicjt has resulted In wide-spread lack of discipline and an utter disregard of law and order; sccopdly, in the hearts of many who have suffered seriously because of war there is a profound and reasonable hatred of anything which suggests war of any kind." Depends on Directors He went on to say that any organization which undertook 16 help in the training of youth, must keep these two facts in mind and tackle the problem carefully, "without offending those who did not see as we see." He thought Uiis training could ! found in the cadet movement. It stood for all round development of the buy. which would make him a useful citizen in peace and' a useful soldier in lime of war. The real value of the cadet movement depended entirely upon the type of men who led it. No amount of drill and parade could take (he place of the personal influence of those in charge of the boys. There must be sonle change in Ihe methods of cadet training, he said. "Too often the cadet CANCCLLATlOrl Of RClIRVC. .VOTICE IS IIIIILHY GIVtW that Ihe reserve eilstlur over Lot 411. Jurru Charlotte liland lilstrlct. I cancelled. i. It. .HAIt. leput MiutMer or Laud. Ijnd Irpariment, Victoria, B : . Hlh Janinry, lfl. SKECNA LAND DISTRICT Of QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Take Notice that I. Arthur ItobrrlMMi. nf I'ori t.imtrm., rmiiMi i.oiumuia. iihcimis w apply ror a lrae over the rollowlnir de-M-rils-d land Conuiienrtnr at a I planted at the north eM corner or Lot SIC north roal of lirahani Inland; Ihetice ICO rlialn. wetlerly: llienre five chain nor-llierly. in low water mark, thenre K rlialuit easterly aloitar low water mark: thence five chain southerly to liit or rommenretnent. ojtttaiiitna- forty arrr. HMre or le. Located January Ifcth. Il. AIITIIIH HOBF.IITSOX. FLOUR Market Advancing We are agents for lloyal Household aid Itohiti Hood Flour which, with one oilier brand, are recognized as the llirev highest grade flours in the world. We sell every sack with, a iniiney back guarantee if goods are nol as represented. During the past week we have received telegrams ad vising us lliat the market has advanced 20 cents per barrel. We have reason to believe Dial the market will go higher. We arc almost certain it will not go lower. There fore we are going to sell a limited uanlity on Monday at a price vvhiehvwlll command the attention of every housewife in Prince Hllpeit. 10(1 sacks lloyal Household Flour. Su lbs. each. loo sacks lloliin Hood Flour, ll lbs. each. i SPECIAL MONDAY ONLY, $175 Limit 2 sacks to each customer. Notice- This Special will not be repeated. Our retail pi ice w ill advance Tuesday with the market. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 war. TUB DAILY NferVB. Saturday, February 9, oi huniM l i nkamwrn. maintenance eh foorge ftotel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 210 ROOMS 100 wi Mvtta Bat BUKOPEAH PLAN IMKltT THO.nOfc. MAN-. DM. SCHOOL ESTIMATES Yliri'OHlA, Feb. V. Kslimaled VICKS ROUTS CHEST I COLDS OYERNIGHT External Treatment Quickly Brings Relief 1 Mr. Allan Mcl.eod. I.e Itol Ave, Mast, llossland, llritish Columbia, says:"l found Vriks cry satisfactory- My sister was ery sick with a cold so I suggested to apply some Yieks. We rubbed It on her rhesl one night at bedtime and it seemed to break up the cold. The next day the cold wa Just about gone. That night we put some more Ylcks on her chest and in the morning the (old was completely gone." ' Yicks Yapoltuh comes in salve form, and 'for chest colds you jusl have aiPy l over throat and chest and camps been a poor ,IIlUa. tiotl or a poorly conducted nidi- yer a arm "n C,0U1 tary camp, must bechang- A1,e 1kn,' ',f,al , ,wr ed so that there will not remain ,,u! ,arc 1,,",,a wl ,,1it,,l ln in-in the minds of parent the ? ht;. ,,,rt!al utT Mu shadow of a doubt regarding h"l '"''" 1 ,ynMf' iti.n ii.- i.. ,i., I lu" ad turpentine. icks l aMI.rough and stim- ...eth.Hls by which the training i carried out." ,,,l .,"r' M",i '"V41"', ' to relieve roiigeslioit. I siiully Military Uniform !,,, K jn wnp ljjt, B,, croUl While lie liked the niililary is often relieved in 15 minutes, uniform In; was not satisfied' At all drug store. 50c a jar. that it was the best suited for For a free tet iie package, the purpose in hand. Anything write Yick Chemical Co. 311 St. which suggests war at the pre-!l'atil St.. W.. Montreal. P.J. sent time is detrimental to any Though Yiek is new in Can. organization related to boys. ula it has a remarkable sale in "Not many weeks ago a body of the States. Over 17 million Jars women, loyal and earnest I have 'used yearly. no doubt, adopted a resolution to exclude from our schools the When you buy mv erasing yon Canadian war picture presented CIHCPI.ATION, and e that by the I.O.D.K. You need not be "" " surprised then if you find among a very large number of people, a bitter antagonism to the idea of having their boys dressed in garments winch have been associated with battle and rarry wilh them the very spirit of Trmtt-r- are in.ilcil r tbe annual over haul or the s .Vala.plna" and Liven h.' .o(lc specirii-atloiM ran be ob Maliml .m applbatliMi l the uixlenlrned or ;i the rohrrtet Hlfw at ew WtituUtKler ir PrtiMv Huprrt. tat trtrvrvrvi a i nn tin innwr- mrr , w ynuiij nurira on ine IN Vll TllKl A ARF IIP ' f ihe rnvcl., rm,r fr the 111 llUlUIUrl nlli UI Irrpalrs I., the i; V4U.pln- and 'siivmrh.' and nm.t l rerrived al tin iorrice f the iiMleniaiied ixd Uler than I Number of PudIIs In that Cltv ""V"- ivt, '- Increased by Two Hundred lhi at Vaitcrtiver the lllh or February l'erl renvtlrrd ror rurwMellofi of work to be laird. A cerUfied cheque fic , li of tlie expenditure for operation and .JXc .cKT , f.t of ictoria public c"upnj t Lowe.t. or any g U2l, IU2t, as as compiled compiled accepted, aerepled. schools during The Canadian Volunteer, which was to have come here on February 12 bringing freight and 1. 1 t BOOK VIA C.N.R. FOR EMPIRE EXHIBITION S'iieefal urhiiib-f menls are be ing made ami additional sleam-i ships l-oig operated by the While Star, Cunard and Anchor-1 Donaldson lines to handle tourists desiring lo visit the Uril-ish Kmpite . Kxposltion In r-'rig- land this summer. Close connections are made by the Cana dian Nalioual Hallways with steamer of ithese lines al Allan-lie sea-ports, Passporls secured and full information at City Ticket Olllco. Canadian NaliMial Ilailways, 528 ' Third Avenue, Prince Ituperl, H.C. Phone 200. INDIGESTION relieved in lv.i mfules with JO-TO "ras, acid, sour, hurniiig slom- jaeh all milckly relieved wilh Jo-JTo. AH Driiif, fibres the lender. lender, nol hece.tllj by the School is slighltyj """i;J( L,r,Ti'r!&He. over li..0ub greater lhtmmi, , ,, tZ?Xu''a. amount expenoeu tturing iviJ.j according to figures issued at land act. the conclusion of Ihe meeting. iitmio ta Ap.if ta lata Laa. Tliis increase, it was explain- in skeia I ami ni,i.t. Kecoiiinr li- llv!'r,f, of "-"L and tiloate 141 llanl. I'd .i, was was inle tin up tiriiieit:illv principally ny taya Ta, ,,lllre lht, Cv,rn kr wtMW. three items: Salaries of addl-'tloa butcher, or phnce HuperL B.C. In- IIiiiimI lionai leaciurs, A 1 1 011(1 employ- eiiinlnv. lo ,''J, r"r peru"ll"0 to Irate lot ,oIlolg 0,1 Undt. ommencim at menl of whom was found neces- ti planted about rour rbain iK-th r sary because the enrolment of l&,J1&tiZj'it pupils iU Ifie commencement of nl,h "f around ttw Kland and U2t was some Iwo lilllldrcd nlalnmr l.itoo arrr. or let. greater than al the beginning of January. I'J23; capital expindi- lurc of 2,000 on the roof of the Hoys' Out nil School: ait in- tiLOIIGE kl.lilt i Maine of applicant. I lioovirjt i,, MU.tMA.V. 1 Arenl. ' IN eROSATI. ( am vufr .iibb.m. -A,, A- '2,000 111 the estimate. Columbia. 9 t 1. 1.1 ..r I lor I1J.I, iiiukiii 11 town 01 ?i.- ,)M. Mlrr of . Admlnl,lrall. Vcl. (1(1(1. T ie rema n nir 2. 00 was . made ujt of a number of neces sary Hems, mostly repairs. CANADIAN YOLUNTEER TRIP HERE CANCELLED In the Hatter of the lale of Joint Vliibulrh, lwrri.r.1: liilntate TAkl. MlTK.K. tltat I wa aii.lntl toiiiilralr or the FMale or mbtilrli. liereaMJ, and all par tic. hailna- riiini. aaain.i ine aii r.itate. are Iwrrp) rMjulreil bi rurnoh aine. nroivrlr verl- ried, to liw mi or lefir Ihe ? lit dav of March. IVKI. aikl all uirllr Indebted lo the F.late are required to pay tlie ...fHi.11 . niir i.Hi(oi-fiiM 10 nn. form- won. TIIOMs w. IIFIlK. Ofriclal Admlnlttrator. I'rtw. H.ioect R f in rnosATC. IN THE SUFftlMC COUNT Or NITISH COLUMBIA. ii.kmi na, orr, is 1101 commn. tl. yaller or ttw AdiulnUlratUrti Act in ii.!.. .. 11. 1. ...,i i.t!i,,v i,a 1 ana 1 till til.' slalter or tti l.l.l t,r ll-a.rir- S cancelled. She has to dock al Vancouver and (lie, freight for tliis port will he transferred to the regular steamer. It has nol ye I been decided whether the ore will be shipped 011 one of Ihe other boats or be allowed lo accumulate until next moiilh. FIKliianiice. lireeaMI: lutelale. TM.K .MiTllF.. Ilial I wa ailnrinled Adiiiliit.lrator or Ihe Ftlale or Oeorte S. I'lltmaurlre. ierrael. aiKl all Mrlle havlnr claim inllol the ald Lalale, ace hrrehr required to furnl.h me. properly veriried. I toe 011 or lefore the lh rtar of March, A H. i. ami all partle Itwlrbted to IIm- F.Male are reonlrril lo pav Ihe ""iiul of lli"lr liidcbtnliir lo me, forthwith. Tiiovivs v iiinvr. orriclal Admiiiltirator. Prince Itui-rrt. B.C. hle.l ihl .Hi dav of Febniarr. Ifttl. FinlP Thrif-T-Service lJbI Washj Three Services, one of which wilt exactly fill your wash day needs. Phone us for particulars. Canadian Steam Li Bundru Phone 8. Phone 376 The House Phone 376 of Quality 10 Only LADIES' SKIRTS in good quality tweed and serge Regular values to $7.95 Special at $4.00 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Constance Talmadge In "The Dangerous Maid" A tale of a inmh iip m Ihe tla- of M 'lf knights wers hohl. The story of a lut of wildlire rrl feminity who mihmmI her fingers at n king, horsew his men uud riiplnred Ihe heart of his iaitilomef uf A daring flapper in boot ami hreerlies who fight u l':!f army mid wins. Lots of fim, frolje mill rioloi'is Mglili" See liar breaking jail. Lovely cotniiies and sceuerv Conway Teiirle. Tully Marshall. .M.irjone Djw i:J huge cnL CAMEO COMEDY- "HANQ ON." FUN FROM THE.PRESS Admission 50c and 25c. Letter ol Cr(!ll Traveller CSeque Drill. Money Order Money Trnlet can Banking Service that Travels with You WHEN you arc preparing to travel the question of carrying your money 6afcly may puzzle you. The Manager of our nearest Branch will solve this rroblr.n lor you, however. He can forward your money "'J' wherever you wii to go, so that It will bo quickly and conveniently available you require it. Because wc have over 550 Branches In Canada and Newfoundland and 110 abroad, as well s correspondents In u parts of tho worlJ, he can give you an Introduction anywhere you may want to travel. SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 8. .1. MACI.Ktin, Manager, Prince Iluporl Ilrunohr