SV i- :,i uurv 0 JO t Baker's Caracas ;hocolate Sweet pure, cJeLcioui snd hesltKful t lunches cr lor between meal (necks it it vastly tupericr to i mott cf the sWeets commonly used. TraJt-mai on tuty pa(fltt Made In Canada By Ua Baker & Co. .Limited M j it Derjwtwr, Vf . -J Mcnlmt, CnJ nor choioc scares sua rstc 'iveRoses FLOUR lluy III-. Flour ak ei for "FIVE ROSES," Ihe World.' Ile.l 'Agent. Christ e OAL The Famous UOYSMITH.WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Slits. STERLING ttoi and Egg Slits. I: " oi sin k or bulk. Mi ne i.s ymir order day or night. rifice Rupert Coal Co, i rnone lo. Min Office hotel Central. Sw&J uT ,h Mo,iu,to pt which i. th. IflJCj - Mrif f Pr'"CO Ruprt'' P"PrUy SJQ ,M-ed of larger boat than here-ilofore in iirilerlhiii (bey ean bel-iler ciuiipete wilh h American ehoonei-. .Skipperx of the limine boat who have been lak-Miiic advimlave t Ihe winter iimnlhH lo put in a Jillle holi. day lakiui;. have praclieally all returned n, pml mid ure now bw.y lookiutr lo their ersifln and (inslderable fur lia been lironalii in ibis week whieJr ba found a rea.y ,Kal market. - I he, Ca,w I lay hiphulldins yard are full in eapucily and M-veral home JirfHlHit Mn are wail lint It tfti mi I lie ways to inidenro general overhaul work. Niqer Is Dead Ve lr. Nijrver ha pulled his hut load of lumber for AIIhtI .1 .Mci.aiiery ami lu learn malejCam. ,. Jae4ien. is on Ihe drv Hably is left In mourn hi loss. vvilh a busle.1 lem. From jwliili (lien llebh fii JoviBR mas-!eeoonl lo hand il appe;ir thai I lei. i wawdernitr aimlessly about; (he boat hit a loc snas while' THE DAILY NEWS. FXUE FIV1. ping season. The ealch include ed some very line specimens of mink, mar Inn and heaver. Our old college chum Frank Lock wood also arrived in port .with a nifty ealch of U'lNmink and 7 oiler skins. Iloth - catches wern . fold locally. 7 J, Tin launch Dixie Humeri ha jleen brought in from Sourdough iiay. cai uive, where he ha ieen moored during I h absence of her skipper, fleorgo ''wromb, ion hi I riii east, and i now Jying ...... .. ...i i i The AiImiimI f II.. u.. r..... v. . . aiir.raK .iii-.-.w nay tu.i ... . i t .- . .iT iymg (.roMrale. wilh in readine, fr any rush of "a, I J,':1' "'"I" l'-'td pillowed uon Ihe man. naulical business ,al happ,,,. 1,17, .7 1 u" 01 ,,a,,,- A" ial . .. . . l,aM way. beenjbrhi nautical general-Isnrl and conditions of horse liy are rapidly getTing baok in r, .bvioring were re.orle.1 In i.i kiii ri.,H. t'r!T. nrt4,,r ''J T''1" I","m ,',j,'f'"'i'w rou ,v," f't 1 The fish borage.ha serious-jiope w.lh Ihe forthcoming a. pep i,. h(. nW ,lorM, rfn,, al ,y Mt,,t,ml ,,, eitlcijU. (eon s walerrroill lnilne). The limine fleet has been dojnit Mime jc on h i derahle . reorganization ) work ami M-vcral hoalu have ;rjiaiuil liands durine the pal lumilh. It would Mem (hat the tendency of Ihe local halihul boat owner f o become pon. -m nc hrealhed hi last. The lion of Hill, of smoked cod lear i.f anguish hed ,y Hably fame, and ha put bim up were of iich colossal propor- againt Ihe proposition of sup-lion, dial lilen had lo m back ply versus demand. The order home for hi hip bonis, and an hook wax piling I'p and fish had elra ration of nice new oalxdid l' he ohlained hy hook or hy nol inalerially help mailers any. crook. The crook not proving II J douhlfiil whether any horce verif .alifaclorv lo fili uilli lt,n had Mich a di-liiKfiiilie.l funeral hook wiik Ihe only allernalive.l ax did Mjicer. The remain were Now Dill doenl do inueli doinj earefully hauleil lo Ihe Alherl- wln-ii he once jtel Mic hi?h hoolsl McCairery 4lock. a Itoal havfnjr on and hi" inventive brain wa previou.iy moori',1 alotiKi,p. lurne. on lo Ihe- orohlem nf and MinfdM a crowd of mourner- supply. Thouuhl Hill "If Hj iHOludinif Ihe Mal director of Chink can catch fili wilh a hook' Ihe hoard 'of railway c. minis- and a pie-o of J,ail eo can I," I fionr-r aiMl Ihe M.I', for Ihe di. and thai wdved the conundrum j Iricl I''. II. )awOM and IVpiI of .llnr.U' In n lilfv Hill I.,.. I II. vvur in wadipei... for Ihe initial Nlork. M.I'., Ihe mortal remain whole wharf Wrunjr alonjr with iprin Irip in ihe deep mmi finli inir jmmiid. lucominr kip. iter report Ihe weather on Hie uf .Micner were biwere.1 on lo Ihe lines ami hook- duly baled, while' waiiiim ciafl. I In- boat Ihen arming liimself with a lruly puiien out for lleeale Slralls cluh lie ma it relied v ii iii int. , and i"i ii'inii down !' liivli npnU lo'have beeii a, reatwliere ! Mjftrer wa donated lo Ihe pUealorial e.pilpmenl like H 'haudleap In cmn! fMilnj? duriilff Hie w?ek. IIoli liiuadlan ut meriean calehcs have been liaht while price olferitiK on Ihe lli exchange have risen con-sulerabjy due lo the halibut i-horlaite. Several of herrttiK have l"'ii ri'poried in Ihe immediate virtiiily ,,f Hi,. Mir am (MW liuts iii- been on I lu (tamer m the iniK'li neNs ba. Iavy Jones" locker. And m end- sentry over a carload of whisker ed .N'ixjrer's eiuhleen years of Now and aain he would sentry faithful and useful service. jSloop and lesl the line. While jit milsl be admilled several of McLean Yard Newt 'the books broushl up old Inwds The Iwutadian lialilml ehooner snd older dehris Ihe majority of Sherman, Cipl. Milliynn, in on them eame up wilh wivjrly Ihe M. McLean ways under- flounder fastened on the end soiiiii an annual overhaul in So fal did the floumb-rs bile readiness for her first dah of "i" it became ncreary for Ihe eaon lo Ihe deep sen' fish. Hill I" iddain the, aid of. hi intr Krounds. Kverylhintr i be- sparriiu partner loc ,W'e jusl in? Ihorouyhly pone over from forjiei ihe exacl wejshl of ihe Ihe lip of Ihe mat lo Ihe tip firs I ilay's catch buliifiwii tiolcd oi ine ruildcr. Ihe hull and Hu iisures .'ipproimarMy ,ij ilecks are beinjr re.caulkel and would, say we were playtnx fa I Ihe whole will be plastered wilh and loo-e wilh Ihe woiil irulh. a swell dish of nainl. Tlialhnnli workiiiK irl Klbel June. ((pi (tan. II n is alsii on Ihe Mc- . Durinv Ihe week 112,100 lb., of halihul has been marketed on (Willi bu hiii louehiiiR his knees. imakiiiR port, the lcm thereby' Herring Pounded There never was or never will jb.-comiu damaveil, which disar- '-anadian schooner N.M. be a Imi-w like Njjsner. 0 was raii8e her neat appearance. II Cap'. Neville, wa ri?ht on. one .if iim animal that de-j ciperltsl repiiirx will he com- "' J0'' when Die herrin? put in lilile, ui sutreriiiB with divers plele.1 early in Ihe cuiiinp week. "" appearance ami eomniamls. ir il wnn I on - .1.. io Ihio? (I Wa the oilier and de pile Ihe loving care of (Men, (he handing in of Nigger's final lime elieek rolild nol be prevented, (in Monday lat Nigger wa do. it k hi daily doien as uual but on Tuesday morning, when nien weni around i ihe barn lo turn on the feed he wa alarmed lo Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. ".BecrwtihaiiaPccr Bottles of Satisfaction "Cascade" the beverage of spark-ling purity and tonic tang gives the perfection of satisfaction. It's brewed right and bottled tight at the most elaborately equipped brew-ery on the Pacific Coast. Experience Ihe satisWion of drmhini; British Columbia beat br INSIST on "Cascade" at Ihe Government Liquor Store. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED l.etiii ways nd is Mntz pul'herish Hxrhauite. ' American Ihnsuah her pace in readiness were biph al Sic and 0.3c and for the oprin? ami summer husj.ilow al liic. and !L5c. linadian J. Busied Her Stem inlghly successful or he was con. iiemplaluig Ihe organization of a! : fourth provincial pnrly. The lookout of the dome portion of jlhe aunloiiomy wu registering .deep I bought. The forelry patrol boat Leila ,11.. Capt. I Mn Archie, relumed iTi-oni n departmental hutine. rrulse down Ihe coast early in the week. Repairs to Karen The trolling boat Karen, skip, pored by Hilly Thane, is looking as trim as a new battleship these day. and is the envy. of all Ihe lioal owners around the homn base. The Karen has just been filled wilh a beautiful new cabin . and pilot house, which glistens jii the sunlight like u sago tie pin in a black silk neck, lie. The interior has been ro-i decorated lit King Tut design ami a new milk pitcher has been added to Ihe table ware. The admiral ha his eye on Ihe Karen now and il is suggested in well informed naulical circle that ho conlemplale. leipiisilioniug Ihe craft to ho used its an auxiliary flagship for Ihe Mosquito fleet. ' Fur "Arrivals The power boat Oh Hoy. own ed by the Md'adde.!) Hrolhers, Thl. advertUmncnt U not rA'i.v t I fi on. Ihe (iar.lner Canal district by ine liquor vi Columbia. ; guccesnful fur Iran- 0oYrnmut of UrttUh Iwere hiyh al l'..9e and 9c and low at I8.e and c. The arrivals were: Kaien, Alii, Texa, The Canadian hChiMjiier W.'l J Valorous. Yellowstone, i.ape .wam, w.l.. Anna .1., l'orward, Crescenl. Livin?sone. Kanaco, Sherman. Talnosh. ling. An additional pound i lo be pul in al Jap Inlet, ,1'orcher Island, if Ihe run keep up. Some Hustler Charlie Wilson, oftlcer com- tnanding ice houses for lie Hooih Kiherie al Lake Kalhlyn, near Smilhers; hopped off Ihe westbound train arriving here al t.30 on : Wednesday evening lo transact business with Ihe local manager. The business was short and snappy for Charlie caught Ihe return train at 6.15 p.m. To say Ihe least Charlie is some hustler when it comes down lo doing business .between Irains. lie J nearly as, -fast as Ihe American contractor who built n row of houses An the morning and in the .evening turned Ihe delinquent lenanls out for mil paying Hiejrjilwck rent. We think you'll agree, dear reader. Hint Sandy, Ihe assistant commodore of the Yacht Club, must Im in love when you. have perused these, few .line. The EdfcHeUiajfSews FwtEasy-UrHin - STMONDS SAWS jwoiiij turn uv to. uwtii St, Su 4 Acont VaKianr.HC in TO other morning Sandy went out iiie.i nni "r- a huckel of water, in onler ..i., ..-o . i;.. :.. i...lllial he might make lea -for his! .IIMI1M III lllill , .... . hi.itittr.l II. n Kyax Prospectlna us WM" a e. -'Iad wonl ' " ' ' , ..,V,' wa- receiviM. The result of Ihe 7're.hurning ly .and .he, l'i-es.l. which ha recent ly!fir1 'j1'1 wvtliat a pound ha n trmcl Uplrtin Cove jyi lerjfoue Clllch rTairs. ha been down Ihe coasl this week!!n. xU,i.f.,L ""V W. ,n,,r f lh" on loiraliiir ernUe Pele Colli. M,,,0' were Oepnslici. Tlie i.. ,i. i..n. i!..ii..JS.I. IL will lm employed for avuit tioiiini i sii - ilUlllillf) , . . expeililion. was an InlwMiNll"' " . V. . w4 , paeiiger. Judging from Ihe manner in which John wa pao-ing Ihe Cow May float on Thurs. day morning Ihe Irip was either bacon and eggs shimmying in Ihe fry pan. Ileturning with the) huckel of water Sandy absent i mindedly lifted Ihe lid or Iboj slove and pourcl Ihe water into! he fire instead of lifting Ihe tea-j pot lid and pouring Ihe water pa! lo the e. The reull, fire out, kitchen floor coerel with muddy' ashes and the bacon and eggs sooleil like the inside of a factory smoke stack. Now, don't you think that a man who will dw a trick of that sort must be gen. uiiifly in love Hither that or Ihe services of a roofer are urgently required lo renew the llialeh on Ihe lop storey. -4. . A tragedy in j-hyme. The man I'd really like lo throttle, Is Ihe guy who broke the Ad- mini's bollle. It was no joke, it wa a sin. The label read "Fine Obi Tom flin." The steam trawlers (1. K. Fouler and Andrew Kelly, of the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co.' fleet, are on Ihe pontoons at the dry doek undergoing re-pairs. The fish hold are beting- enlarged and Ihe eleclrio wiring is being overhauled. Alf Olsen Passes Local naulical will regret to bear of the death of Alf. Olsen, which occurred recently In llio Campbell River hospital. From accounts In hand Alf had ship, ped on llio American schooner Mildred from Seattle, to the. northern fishing grounds, ami was taken sick Just after leaving Ihe home port. When off Camp, bell River, Vancouver Island, the skipper of Ihe boat decided that Ihe Invalid needed medical treatment and took him ashore for THE FMBEJO m Tel. 3. Of rE would acquaint you with the following facts concerning our recent Forced Out of Business Sale and the advertising campaign carried in The Daily News during the month of December last. Our Sale was forced upon us by our receiving notice to quit our present premises, the lease having expired. ' '" 'c However, owing to a change in plans of the incoming tenant our lease has been renewed recently, and we have decided to continue in business at the old stand. A. W. Lipsin has left for the east to purchase a brand new stock of Men's and .Boys' Clothing. In the meantime our present stock will be sold at Sale Prices until the end of February. ' - Thanking you for past patronage. Acme Importers. : ' If HEATER BARGAIN No. 213 Sunbeam Heater, reg. price $ 17.50. Special this mouth only $14.00 No. 215 Sunbeam Healer, reg. price. 22.00. Special tin month only . $18.00 Buy now and save money. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver. P.O. Drawer 1646 A LEAP YEAR PROPOSAL. AT YOUR GROCERS' ALWAYS SELECT Electric Bread Shockley s pKnI.Mil,s Sole Agents for Royal Mills, Hanatl, B.C. ....... Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co. ... ...... ..... ..... ..... Hardwood Fraser Mills . Fir Veneer f Dimension Lumber. Fir, Spruce and Cedar. Spruce and Cedar Shiplap. Spruce Planking. Sash, boors, Mouldings. Glass. Shingles. Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling. that purpose. However, Olsen did not rally ami died in I ho hospital. Olsen, who was faii)iU-arly know by a wide circle of waterfront boys a the ,vl'errlblo Swede," was for sdmO limn skipper of the Canadian schooner Tillie S. aflerwanf taking over the old .Mug Up at Cow Hay which lie ran as n restaurant. He was a-lngle man and us far as i known had no relatives in thi country Big Reduction on all 1 Coats and Suits BENT'S