ODDS AND ENDS IN WHI Send ft TE AND IVORY DUELERS at knock-down prices 514.25, $18.00, $25.85 and $30.40 1 Or.ly, WHITE CHIFFONIEF1 (five drawers) . . . $20.65 1 Only, IVORY DRESSINQ TABLE AND CHAIR . . $30.00 0ny( lr Bedroom Somnoe $10.00 SEDfiOOM TABLES (with or without drawer) $7.75 Barries Home Furnishings pi ne 1 23. 3rd Avenue and lit Street Safe Speedy Relief iV-e wotk w m rmi m m mm r mm mm f W WISKHWATlS.n JjQir&i. N. --yn.ru-' Lumocpp cutanea &NA NEURALGIA - HEADACHE M'fKliiJ.m TtmpU"". i:i King W..I, Tl FOR SALE BY ORMES LIMITED 0 You Know? uo You Know? MIAT ivi.ti tnth f th rrouchr ... - ... Mifir irvsT Piwre afl r : of J-To lh world iMt m Krfrhi k ! w. nil ipr ,g Jl i" M-p H tiomach mlMrr In t - ii n. r.utf A II rt,. ui...? ' - " at uiyi TSk The WASHTUB Slh Averue WosU Phone 8 7l . fUr, Something you're glad to tell "Qooclbye" There is no woman who does not enjoy saying "pood-bye" to the wnsh-tub. And there is no need for any woman to even have one about the house. For our Wet Wash Service docs all the washing and returns your bundle, fragrantly clean, ready to stttrch, iron or hang out to dry. When you see how well it is done and how little it costs that is when youll say "good-bye" to the wash-tub forever. Wet Wash 5 c a pound MINIMUM CHARGE 75c CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS - - - - ii Local and Persoul . ,t i H.C, Undertakers. Phone 41. Haynm, Undertakers, I'lioue 351 You'll like our coal I Consum ers Coal Co, I'lioue 7. if I Delicious, refreshing, invigor ating ' slT'HKMK" Coffee. If Dorothy Vernon of Iladdou it . .ii-- .. . . . . 1 111 Vancouver 151.01 perl seal. fsltiulfiie loniaht 50c. Hebekah llazaar ails' sale of) fancy work, .SI. Andrew's room, December 0. from 3 lo C. lloyal Purple llazaar. Wednes day, December 3, in Elks Home. Hridge-"hnt drive and dance In I lie evening. Once more we can supply (he Mr. and Mrs. Field Strang are leaving for Ihe Sunnyaidc Can iery tins afternoon, returning tomorrow. hiilght of J'ytJiiasI Nomina- 1011 and election of officers, Mon lay. Iiecemher I at 8 p.m. I'leasc attend. F. V. Vech. K.lt. & S 28, Otto II. Phillips arrived in the ily yesterday morning from nyox and sailed today on the rincen Ilealriee for Vancouver ctiroule to his old home near Montreal where he plans lo re main. L...YH. steamer I'rince John is lue from , Vancouver via the Jueen Charlotte Islands lomor- ow, the definite hour of arrival ot yet being eel. The vessel ill return couth by the sam ute Monday night. L'ii ion steamer Venture, Capl A. Johiiidoue, was in port from t to 10 o'clock this morula outhbouud from the Naas Hivcr lo Vancouver. The vessel dis '.-barged lumler at Albert A Mc- Callery's dick. SI. Andrew'M St?My. Auniver-iry eedviee will be held in the J'lf'liyleriaii Church on Sunday. vmeiiuW .10, at 7.30 p.m. Hev H. It. Grant officiating. Members ill inri'l al the nxMii al tt:l. .111. aud the Ladle' Auxiliary a Ihe cliureh. V. T. .Mue, buwl contractor. tin it engaged in making repairs ii Hie wharf at Port impon, I hi town awaiting the arrival nun Ihe -until nf wtrt for hi Hodriver. He will return to t'urt Simpoii us noon as the (material eomes in. C.IMt. Meaiuer I'rincess Htytt- riee, Uipl. II. I hump-on, arrived from Vancouver and wayports al o'clock lhi afternoon and re lumed eoulh at 3. The vessel. which was in the Skeena It her this morning, brought half a linen parngei'. here and about it) Ions of local freight. Ilev. S. II. Gould. M.A.. M.D Canon at Ihe Cathedral at Jcru- alem ami Ihe present general ecrelury of the Canadian Church MUcionary Society and perhaps he most important ollicial in the Church nf Kiulaud in Canada, preach in the Anglican Church here on Sunday evening. o member of Ihe Church of ngland or in I ere sled friends hould fall to hear him. Brocaded Tweeds An unusual purchase enables us lo offer these beautiful and serviceable dress materials at 11 fraction of their value 10 Indies wide in many shades mid colorings.' Hegular 2.i'3 At Only Per Yard . . $1.50 West of England Store SMITH ILOCK. FLANNEL AND HOUSE DRESSES FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN ON SALE MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. HOOVER POLICY IN THE STATES (continued from page one measure in 1 lie eiimiiiauon 01 national waste, and (lie work of the Nortliwenlern Superpower Committee, of which Mr. Hoover is the chairman, was reviewed. amous Edon coal in any quan-l operating with 'Hies. I'hone 08. Feed Co, Prince Ituperl If The department's work in co otlier agencies for the building of better homes, and more widespread home ownership, was also reviewed. Trade Associations Mr. Hoover in his report de-lared (hat one of the most itn- 'orlant factors in elimination of lational waste, was trade asso ciation organization throughout the country. He declared that while some of the smaller of 'hee aisorialions have operated to restrain Irade and competi tion, trade associations generally have proved very valuable in Ihe economic development of Ihe country. These associations are ham-ered in their work, however, he aid. because there Is no clearly leiiiioa ime. either or law or ourt decision of what activities re and arc not in the public in. nrfl Mnitv nranfy-ilinnt fniir HAS MIXED MEMBERS Chamber of the Swedi-h lliksdag or variety of occupation and -ial statu. The list of members oiitaiiis more than V different itle to describe the pursuits and .ositions of (he 230 persons eon- tituliug tthe full prnbership The Social-Democrats gained nouah strength to dictate a new abiuet headet by Hie veteran talesman HJalmar llrauling, .vhii ha twice before been So-ial-Democrat premier of 'weilen. ' Anmng his cabinet nembiTs are F. V. Thorsson, ninister of finance, . who rose 'mm a shoemaker;s 'apprentice o his pre-cnt place at Ihe king's 'ouncil tuble. I'er Albiii Hanson began his career as a gro-vr's boy and Is now minister of lefence. Hut Ihe stores of obscure be- nuuiugs are no more fascinating hau a perusal of Ihe titles by vhich the present members of he second chamber describe heniseles. They show black- t nf t Ii i and iron workers side by ide with admirals and university irofessors. Farm hands,- shoe makers and stone masons rub Ibows with noblemen, governors, irmy officers of high rank, pro minent lawyers ami Judges. No ess than 72 describe themselves us proprietors of farms. Ihe list outains 2(1 editors. It teachers itnl professors, nine carpenters n.,ui,.r iiul cabinet makers, four loco-Ltiiv ices ONE 50c BOX BROUGHT HEALTH Years of Constipation Ended By "FruiU-tives" The Wonderful Fruit Medicine Anyone who suffers with rajserable halth ; who is tortured with Head-aehra;aoil who U unable to fet any real pleasure out of life; will be interested in this letter of Mrs. 11 art ha de Wolfe of East Sbip Harbor, N.8. Mrs. de Wolfe says, "For years I was a dreadful sufferer from Constipation and Headaches and I was miserable in ee ry wiy- Nothing in the way of medicine seemed to help me. Then I tried " Kruit-a tires" and the effect was splendid; and after taking only one hot, I was completely relieved and now feel lilce a new person". 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial aiie 25c. At dealers or from Tru'it-a-tites Limited, Ottawa, Out. 1. nrnonnl uilt. . .t In!1'13" OlllCr, "he fear that their efforts will be onlrued to be against the pubic interest, the secretary said. SWEDISH PARLIAMENT URGE PAINTING OF LOCAL BUILDINGS Attention Drawn to Exterior Ap-. pearance of Hospital and Other Buildings That the General Hospital and th; Daily News office are the two most dingy looking building in (he city and that both should receive attention is the opinion of a delegation that waited on the Daily News a day or two ago. They would like lo ee all public buildings kept in good condition aud are particularly pleased at the appearance of the public library. They said that while their particular business had to do with the hospital building they could not help including I If Daily News as it was even worse MEN ARE MORE SHORT TEMPERED THAN WOMEN Is it so. or is it not so Smiiim liien naturally will tlispute tne 'lulemeut, but these same men dmuld recollect the times they STOCKHOLM, Nov 2V. Noth- '.iav lost their tempers when ng short of an American jury, 'hey lit the fire in the morning can compare with the newly and it went out. leaving them to lected personnel of the Second -do the whole thing over again. mollve engineers and firemen wi ami several oilier ruuruaa em- loyees. , Other occupations selected at random from the list are as fol lows: mechanician. chanlaiu. laker. miller, glass blower. clergyman, physician, merchant, dairyman, gardener, mail carrier and accountant. Of Ihe three women members, one is u trained nurse, one a one sets herself f down down BS as "wife. INNOUNCEMINTS e I.ulheran Itiuuur, December 2. Melropol Hall, llebekali Haxaar, SI. Hooms, December 0. Andrew's Fortunately this trouble can .us ily be eliminated. Coal is !-11 sr xdd today which can 'In- ia- liliil from paper rolli'd in'o balls. A good fire is going in a few- minutes and breakfast is ready in no time. This coal is the famous Na- uaimo-Wellington, sold only by Albert A McCatfery. Every pound of it double screened 110 rock or hale, no slack r.nd very little ash. It lasts longer, gives greater heal and belter service. These arc some Of the reasons for so many repeat orders. He one of Ihe many wise people. Do as they do by ordering nothing but Na- naimo-Wellinglon coal, l'rompl and civil service, lleinember I h-phone numbers are 116 a'nl 501. Church Notices i Presbyterian Church Morning worship at 1 1 a.m. Subject: "Faith."' Sunday School al I2.3U. Evening service al 7.30. The annual sermon to St. An- drew's Day. D.D. St. Hull. Sociely on SI. Andrew's Preacher. Hev. H. It. Grant. Lutheran Church Paul's church, Metropolo I'hird Avenue. Hev. P. E. H.D., pastor. Sunday 1 1 a.m. Advent serv ice Holy Communion. x Sunday school al 12.30. Evening .service) at 7.30; sermon topic "Faithful j Stewardship ami its Hewards." I Central City Mission j Home of the Fourfold Gospel, i corner of Sixth and Fulton SI., Services and subjects fo'i the week as follow: Sunday. II a.m.; "John II."; 2 p.m. Sunday! School: 7.30 11. in. Ilmllipi' Wilev t photographer andr sister Mcl'herson Four Squaro "wife."T..tin!.. I ns n'..i.l..s ...-.M.nl, I I'hcre is one baron, one count Wednesday' p.m." "A Fruitful'. am) several oilier noblemen Sweilen'-s bluest blood. of Tree"; Friday, 8 p.m. Young j People's meeting. Special musio by Ihe orchestra before the Sun-1 day evening service, also vocal, and instrumental, solos, etc. J. W. Knights, pastor. Salvation Army ! Sunday at It a.m. Holiness meeting. 2.30 p.m. Ailull, junior j aud sand I ray classes. 7.30 p.m.! Subject, "Fool and Mouth Dis-! ease." Special music, song ser- I vice and piano selections. Putt-' Methodist Church Itaxaar, Dec i He meetings every Wednesday, ember 11. IfjTbui -day. l'rday .1" ! s,i' uto . TOY LAND OPENS TODAY COME AND BRING THE CHILDREN Here are Toys from nil parts of Ihe wtirhl, well made, distinctive and low in price. Now is the time In make your selections before llio nidi commences. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN ALL DOLLS McRae's Special ... $1,30 Full jointed, fine qualify bisque head, moving eyes and real eye-Itishe. flowing curly hair, joinled at neck, shoulders, elbow, wrist, hip and knee, mnslfli dress, braid, lace, hoes and focks ?l.:t0. See our window. Other lines equally good value. You Old Dear It's Just Adorable lie had just given her a wrist watch in utie of the new patterns. The pride in her new possession is unrestrained for he surely showed good lale in the choosing, and we guaranteed the movement lu give every satisfaction. The prices this year are lower than ever before lwcause the Swiss walch factories hve all started making small watehes. and their market in Itussia : arid Germany is not the best so they 'have 'to offer us low prices. You should stp snrne of the little bean-lit- from 520.00 to $75.00 BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. iin - who wrote (his ad? (vm von wrile a belii'r one? The time is ex-leinb'il to November 30. fe(JEN WATCHES "The Family Shoe Store" Men's Special This Week Slater's Invictus Shoe, best rair slock . . $9.50 Special Assortment of Discontinued Lines in Men's Shoes, all ... $5.75 f Siiiull sises only. Kiiglish Shoes, cost price $0.o0. Phone 357. WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT sail frM Prlm Bupwt FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, inii'imi'dlato ptrinls rarli Friday V.VV a in. For STEWART anl ANYOX SS. PRINCE JOHN fur Vawouvrr v. V, lw. 13. I, JM. t. tt. V via WnlwMlay. ti.es p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, S.Otl pill, fur frhwr liwrtr, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all iMiinls tlrn Caaaila, Unllwl Sllc. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Citf Tlcktt Offki, S2S Third A, Prlnc Ruptrt. Phont ZfiO. Advertise in "The Daily News"