Ali Ay t: t 'MhjN. Nov. Tin 1 1, j situation is serum hut' .'ul. Tli i?llent centre . mi Hie Sudan which i . ' iir quieted, telcgrapho-! . ll Mill Willi I -llll'I'll. I if I III' . 1 1 . 1 1 1 . v .1 Ilii Sudan iiiiii' ai iif M. re li.'i" pol - .11.. Ming lint ire of motion at next Monilay -i MMttHnt: . i .-li-. the order of rm , ini'ii in the public works ...ul dan been ! mil on " caoiuna by the Hoard 'U iturinfr the preenl i the euirineer liistruclad -aid orderi with a view a irefirir, first, to) i iiii-n and. secondly, to mri, re.idinv iii Hie city! liarticuJ'Tr, proMriy ! tvlierean, IhesA onlpra m continuouiri limoml fficinlfi in rhanre and, si downward revision In - been Hiade wilhoiil 'iioriiy from the council itliiltee; (,,,,., He it reolva that i oKineer lie given nn- niln'r 15 to provide hlm-'ti a r.impeleiit foreman In f J Mcllae und. failing li.' . iiy engineer be given iluv- notice and the coim- "iii-p fur n successor." OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. " -liain 5. Liverpool 2. " :.. West limn o. It' l i. x J, ,lry o. 'a Jiff t . Arsenal I. ' " l lluddersfieM 2. 'i I I. Nolls Foresl I. v " t ninly 1, HlacVburn 0. '' ' I' N.F.. 2. Munclii'sler 0. f li'ilaiiil I. Aston Villa t. 1 him, l Mi.nrrioi.l I 1 I'roinwicli JJ, Ncwcnsllo 0 8COTTISH LEAGUE Division I. ,ri,n n, Kilmarnock. 0. llnmillon t. '"'i I Parlick Thistles 2. 'Vi'ilctilienlli I ' Juu.leo .'. iinin, Hovers 0. a. Falkirk 2. ? "''" I Third Lanark 0. '' """''vvHI I, Alrdrleonlans 5. ""'ii's a,k ., st. Johnstono : SI. Mlrren L a! inn Army Sale or Wo ' Hi . miiev o. 8' ! BOY EMPEROR f some . CASEY ATTACKS ! CITY ENGINEER Dtmandi Resignation of Fore-man or Departmental Head In Notice of Motion Posted 3. Ill l.oNlrON. Nov. .29. A paidi from Mekin nays I'iiiim. th Imiv l.tuucrur uf Cfcln h wa twnja KfimlW ' COLONEL WEBB TOOK REFUGE;::;; Nominal Head of Chinese Empire Granted Freedom and Goes Under Jap WINNIPEG HEAD! I Elected Mayor Over S. J. Farmer of the Inrfeptrdent Labor Parly WINNIPr.ii. Nov. 2. - Lieu- nliaiil Cttliniel K, II Weli was elected mayor of v inuipey yesterday by a majority of 1,710 over S. .1. Farmer, the candidate of t-he lmbpendeut Labor Party, who ban been mayor for the past Iwn veai'. WetiP ecuriMi zi,- t7ti votes and Farmer 17.580. VVIRELEPS REPORT 8 a.m. HliillV ISLAM. Raining. slrong southeast wind; barometer. -"..rn; lempeialure, ti; ca rounli. IIKAI IHIX POINT. - -Haiiiiii. slroni: Kuulbeasl wind; baromei ter, 2U.U5; lempeialure U; hh rough. HILL 1IAHHOII. overcasi. strong southeast vuiu; uaroiow-ler, SU.70; lemperalure, 12; sea rough; W.3 ! l,0,,', ',H,,'I' Alameda. 216 miles from Kelehi- kim, aouthbound; K:3ii .m. spoke steamer Lamoun, tue Shusliarllo Hay 1.30 a.m., norlb-bound 5.10 a.m. upoke steamer Pl-tttce Hupert abeam Adenbrooke Island Miuthboiind. Noon HltJHY ISLAND. - Cbdy. strong southeast wind; baroine- le,r, SP.Uii; lemperature. 10; sea roiHjh: II ' 'i",k'' "I""""' lriitei.s lien I rice due Prince Hu- ncrl t I)1LI TltKC POINT. -Itaiiiing. sli-oug snulhenst wind: baromet er. 2l:3; teiiiperaltire l. roiisb. sea HULL HAItHOll. - Overcast. MlnuiBr south - east wind l.aromclcr, 20.02: tcmporaluro 47; sea rough. J. A. McAulay. chief ollicer ir ine lighlhouse lender Hirnle. saili'il on the Pi'incess Hca'rtce ' V i. : u WASHINGTON. Nm. Ji.lte- have ' ' "l",,"'"dal"ni conn ruing leu i I i-iii'mii for (lie roi'Kanizaiion m Hie Commerce Department, fur lli control ami ilexelopmcui o! radin mid aircraft, ami lir ; revision uf the navigation law Wre submitted In t I'--1. 1 n ! (lidge .yesterday by Serri iai Hoover fn lb aiimiiil i "n 1 1 o' hi department. Tli serrelary also recom-iiiendeil that Congress appropri-ali fimd for a I Apartment jof c..iihim"ti' llnildiutt uf uf fi - reeoverv of the nation's own m-'iii-v and rortimerre, Aside from cji iciilliire. The pnsl year. Hie secretary i. ioite,. has seen area! stabililv ( inre. high production, full i.i.l..vinent. foreittti Ito ie, anil hi ..-ii.tiiv nironarnoui me dmsi-ue world. There werf some tiio.lerale decreaHes in activity of some linns during- the taller nart of the fiscal year, he addeil. but iner its elne, there ha train Ken general recovery in thene lines. "In reewt years the couyner-eiat use of air travel has increased to a considerable extent, though there is reason lo fear thai in thl respect the t'nited Stales is not keeping pace wilh some foreiun countries. This me I hriil of Iranopnrtalinn means much to our economic and social progres, ami every en-i coiiraaenvent. legislative and otherwise, should be Riven loj Its developmenl. At the saniej time, there sliouM be crealcil a proper system for its reirulallon. j having in view, primarily the safety or life both of passengers and operators, and' the orderly conduct of ait- navigation. Eliminate Waste In tire field of eliminating national waste, the secretary reviewed the progress made in the unemployment situation. Skillful handling of the problems of slump iriods by conuiUllees of experts hn done great good for scncral business conditions, be reported . ire In ImiiMi all branches organisation, which al I pre.e-il are scattered Hirongh a -1 ;t 1 f" dozen buildings ill Weshing- ton. Mr. Hoofer's report defined the economic progress of the country for the past jiar, netting nut I as outstanding features the ad- lvaico.of aKriAiHiire prices which ft stlm V iVSS. Ml beginnhur 'rfliM amiimr i . . ' . . . v1Wpifinllt..nir 1iliff In a hilt i tiaii imii iii ntmj HHip 1 1 1 . i he .lspaiie leaalhin. Ap- l-.ii en'ly Iher,. iiu caiie fur linn t" fi'.il lliiiieii:(. ((.inger. fill enaun f wiin.imlc reri ry in I'lirftve. and tie ronipjete Seasonal building: periods, the report set out. have ieen so dealt willi Hint building is being spread over the vear. eliininat-insr Ibis source of depression. TliiMpai"lneurs division of simplified practice has brought aboul n standardization and simplification in nvnny industries wilh the saving of grent sums of money both to manufacturers and lo purchasers. The department has encouraged the purclinse and storing of bituminous coal during the summer months, the secretary said, to Hie great good of the industry which was hampered by Us own overdevelopment. The depart ment has also encouraged ile- ..... m . . ivemnmeni oi vvnier power re- . - out-i'i's or the country as a j '"led ".'' j,-.. 1 'ire ' PromUcs to go With Sutherland to Portland Canal Country Soon VICTOIUA. Nov. 21. Hon William Sloan, minister o mines, accompanied by Hon. Or Sutherland, minister of public .vorks. will make a trip to Port ami Canal district as soon as tin mow is off the ground in tin iprinv. to acquaint themselves with the real conditions in Ui district. This promise was mini tis a result or a plea for greale ictivily on the part uf tbo government in opcuim; up trails am oinls in that section-of the coun-'ry, by a delegation headed by II W. ilolslon. publisher of the Portland Canal News. Alter hearing Hie delegation, the minister promised to go north to investigate conditions TALKED VESSEL NEAR AUCKLAND Long Distance Record Made Estevan Wireless Station by VICTOIUA. Nov. 2V. Another record, the third In succession has been established by Ihe I's lev an wireless station, now con sidered lo have the most power !ul sending and receiving ap mratiis on the Pacific coast. H announced last night that nightly communication had been cslab 'ished wilh the. steamship Tahiti m its outward trip from San Francisco lo New Zealand, the ship's position being obtained daily by the Canadian station until she reached Auckland, a dis tance approximating 0,250 miles. ROYAL FAMILY WILL VISIT DOWAGER QUEEN m- II MMWM LONDON. Nov. 21). The eightieth birthday or the dowager queen Alexandria will bo rele- braled by a gathering iT the lloyul family al Sandringham over Ihe week end. The Dowager Ouecn is enjoying good health but has withdrawn enllrely oHdlr a ITn' "J- O TAXI BOSTON GRILL W i ind Large I'pstair Dining Hall, Ut Ambulance STf with newly laid dancing f'.oor for hire. Suitable for Servlcn dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. Stand For rates, apply to Boston '4 and Gth 8L PRINCE RUPERT Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XIV NO. 'HI PHIXCK Htil'KHT. H.Ci., HAIL IIDAY, NOVKMBKK 2'J. H2i. vt.wrd.,. circuun.n mea. PRICK FIVE CENTS. "-at SUDAN SURRENDER TO OLIVER GOVERNMENT SUSTAINED IN LEGISLATURE BY MAJ Sudanese Mutineers Surrendered to British Allenby Reported III I. MHO. m. 20.- Surviving timlun-. i Mi.irtiinin nlcrcil to Hm' fliili-li. it is (ifliri.ill a i t '!. 'I'hi' inn .niMig ( lie troop w.i mi 1 1 i- I In two platoons tf the f f t Hiiiiaiii'ot uiid Hit mutineers surviving have .iirreinier-i. r linmlDirdini'iil of 1 1 1 - riiiiiiiiinl itl the Kgvptimi armv '. Two Hrit ili iillirrr wtri' killed and fight wounded. Tli' -iIuhImui in Khartoum i well m h.iinl. mie oftircr and .-it (iicii of the mutineers are il In have been killed. ( i uiiir of the oilier ArU und Sudani. . troops an chnr- .. i eirelleiil. i HOOVER POLICY Report of Commerce Department Shows Improvements In Mapy Lines Four British members of the new lirilisli cabinet squeeze in the gales ill liiirkuigliam Palace In ulilain their seals from tilt King. I.efl lu right: Sir Arllitir Sleel-Maillaud, Sir I'hilili Lloyd-Ureame, Sir V. Joyn-'un-IIii-ks and Lord Kuslace Percy SLOAN TO VISIT 25YMRSIN MINE DISTRICT1 Post Office Inspector arj r.ll tlclan Doth SentenctJ for Conspiracy CHICAOO, Nov. ."J. --William 'ahey, former post olllce inspec- or and James Murray, politician. eceiilly eonvictiil of conspiracy ii connection with a two million 'ollar train robbery at Kouuduut, llinois. have been sentenceil to 25 ears in Ihe Atlanta penitentiary. v t ROY Mckinley found GUILTY PHINCK (UCOHUK. Nov. 2'.. The jury at the Supreme Court assizes here beiore Mr. Justice (ircgory yesterday found Hoy Mc-Kinley guilty oT assuall-iu Cily Police Chier Czra Carlow and Sergeant MacLeod, H.C..M.P. Senlenre will be passed today. The incident occurred some 18 months a?o when McKin-ley was living here. The police alleinnled lo arrest him but be got the drop on them with a gun and escaped. He made for I lie United Slates but later returned lo Canada and was arrested at Alice Arm where he lias been residing for the past several monlhsv He was out on bail pending trial. 4. J. 4. . OPERATIC COMPOSER Famous Plcolnl Succumbs Throat Trouble Following an Operation ' . DIED AT BRUSSELS 0MTY HALIFAX. Nov. 29. Leo I kfirut7t i on Iiih wav tit I.OICaffOl ... ii.- t. .. r OF TEN Oliver Government Gets Good Majority on Second Division in the Legislature Yesterday VICTORIA, Nov. Yi-itenlav the go eminent emerged li innijiliaiit from iU second division mi what practically amounted to h vote oT want of confidence. The vole for the government stood 27 lo 17. Those voting with the government included the three Labor member!, thrte pruviiichti paiiy members, and the uiic Independent, Major It. J. Hurde, of Alberni. Two Liberals and Iwo Conservatives, who paireil, were absent and one Pro-.iiinal was away. The result of Hie vote was received with arclarnalion by n .. . - ..- the icoveriiiiieiit members, all of CHARGED WITH SWINDLING OF ! MANY PEOPLE Former Chicago Man on Way Back to Stalls in Charge or Police whom were very much pleased at tht oulcoine. Tin resolution was moved by Joshua lliiirhcliffe, the parson member for Victoria, and was in 'he form of an amendment lo t!ie biuret motion. Its main feature was that the House "re-trcetteit the passing of orders in council under the Mothers' Pensions Act." The reverend gentleman claimed that these orders cieeeiled the powers conferred on Hie government by' the Act and he made a 1ng spech in regard to it. The amendment was op posed bvs the government and If .o ...c ...... " I it ,a,Me carried they swindling people out of several ... . million dollars in stock sellmtfj. have reaitkned. would ' 4Vt- .Jf i. i ..... . i . aw ui al . H.fcLA'.'SSF 'w" "pei-ieii uiav uib ...r,.. . ...... - o.. iY-Zitn-rna police lie look passasre on me . liner Coronia for New York. While Koretzet worked, a wide I j -earcli was bejnj: conducted lor 1.:... 11- li.....l i Vn.. 1 mill. .i" .... ... . . j . f wealthy retired husineMsman under the name of Lou Keyle. The man's rislil name in a suit ol clothes sent to a tailor lor alterations led to his undoing. POPPY DAY RETURNS irnv ernnieiii f whiiln tie sustained. it was not thought the majority would liave been as large as it proved to be. FATHER KASHEYAROFF LECTURES TO PUPILS .Shows Pictures of Alaskan Life in tlyi Far NortJi at Dooth School The students ol Hie High Sum of $277.81 Was Realized school and the senior classes or Foe Disabled Soldiers and ithe imblic schools wen given a to HhTSSF.LS. Nov. 29. Puccini, the famous operatic composer, died today from throat in reel ion following an operation. Death was due directly to a heart attack. BIRTH A daughter was bom at the Prince Rupert Oonenil Hospital front on November ?U to Mr. und Mrs AW S.v M' Mo' Js .pa'mi'(ls One Dependents It Is nounced An- tgreat privilege yesterday afler- today. The detailed returns were as follows: Schools am) street collec ted ions .. 2I8. s:t. Itegis Care Crollo Cigar Store Prince Hupert llilliard Parlor ... Oil's Cigar Store O. W. V. A. Armistice WIRELF5S STATION Erected at Lagan Inlet Kelly Company's Now Centre 0 10.00 7.25 banquet Per J. Trinder (Alice Arm) '. .... 0.00 FOR LOGGING CAMP, SKIDFOATK, Nov. 29. The T.f A. Kelly Logging . ,Cmpany i-making grent preparations to log on a big scale. Their new camp is located in Lagan Inlet four miles from Lockeport. A wire-( less station is being erected at the new camp. Mr. Kelly has al pisent three camps operating. There is Me Kmnon s Camp at Cumshewa In lei. Al Haden's camp at Inlet mid Dick McDougall s camp. noon, that or seeing; the splendid sel oT pictures of Alaskan life. -ioialtv r the life or the Poppy Day collections this year ' Eskimos -hown by Father P. A. olalled 277.6l. H. L. Landrey. Kashevaroff curator or the h.s- ecretary or Ihe Oreal War Vet- erans Association, announcedi . niuseuiii oi .vias&u hi j.loneau in the Hooth school. Some fifty slides were used m projecting Ihe pictures with the. school lantern and Father Kas-I-evnroff lU'si-ribcd in a most interesting manner the lile of Ilia northern people. At the conclusion a hearty 85 'vo'' '"I" thanks was giver, ttto vis- 3.65 iior. IS ASHAMED OF LIQUOR PROFIT a Member For New Westminster Objects to Using It For Education VICTORIA, Nov. 29. Opposition tothe liquor profits being used for educating the children if British I'nlumbia was expres sed in the Legislature by Dr. K. .1. Hothwell. Liberal member for New Westminster, in the budget debate. "If a man wants his 1 whiskey, let lino, have it at a I reasonable price, but don't let us !iw the profits for educating our i children. Just thiuk what future ! generations will think when they li...l II, a.. A.l.,n.,n.l I i.i', .11 uon' I'rrii VII .aizan i , . ... ,, l woisKey proius. Lagoon Bay. .. . It is interesting to note that1 Mr. and Mrs It. P. Maxwell of Mr. Kelly was Ihe first man to li'VBucklcy Bay. who havo been on into the logging business on theu holidav trio south, arrived on islands. He opened the first the PrinnM Penture Uiis afler- i-ainp lit Atli Inlet in I'.Hti aml i: ;u. will or-.u-i-ed to Ilia tilts been operation steadily ewi-.Oiii i'.i..-n lolt.. Islands op the '' ' . M u 47 i If! f. 1! if? .