PAGE glX Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 Ordt Orders of $3.00 delivered Phone 13, GROCER HAVE YOU MADE YOUR Christmas Cake? We have a nice fresh stock or Raisins Currants Peel etc. F.W. Moersch The Safest and Best Family Medicine u.. . 1 1 i I. WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9, and Saturday Matinee at 3. MARY PICKFORD, THE WORLD'S SWEETHEART, IN "DOROTHY VERNON OF HADDON HALL." A screen presentation of Charles Major's world-famous novel. A photo-play of spectacular appeal, magnificent sellings anil storing adventure. A romance of the days of chivalry when (Jueen Klizabelh ruled. Never was Mary l'ickford so gorgeously beautiful as in this, her most enthralling photo-drama a picture story filled with tender romance, thrilling action and delicious comedy. Never so splendid a portrayal as that of the vixenish miss of eighteen who braves parental wrath, faces treachery, intrigue, and even treason, to wed her heart's choice. Heauly marks every phase of Ihis'classic a classic that rings true in every detail. Mary l'ickford, as Dorothy, reaches the highest pinnacle of her career, being ably supported by Allan Forrest as Sir John Manners, Anders Randolph as Sir George Vernon. Clare Karnes as Queen Klizabelh, Kslelle Taylor as Mary. Queen or Scots. Marc MacDermoll. Courlenay Foote, Mine. Ihuimerv. Lottie l'ickford Forrest and many others. TOPICS OF THE DAY. FOX NEWS-GAZETTE Admission 50c and 25c PUBLIC TAKE NOTICE. an' in a position to ipiole you the lowest market prices on Vcul, Lamb and Heel". ltoiliiiB Deer, per lb. ... 5c Pot Roast, per lb. . . . 8c Choice lloast, per lb. . . 15c Les of Lamb, per lb. 35o Shoulder Lamb, per lb. 20c Veal Slew, per lb 7c Choice Veal lloast, per lb. .. 15c Home Made Headcheese, per lb : 20c Sausage, per lb 15o Dripping, per lb 15c Hologna. per lb 20c Come in and talk (o us on a fine price on quantities. Lowest in town. Our new stock of Ilaisins. Peels. Nuts, Cherries, Figs ami Dales has arrived. Heller Quality and Lower Prices. "Standi' Creftcant ground 5aw.i 'tieif taetharaoi tvrn Ihickn... h.ou shout the a ntif'h cl ll .aw, n.kinffbindincinlheWrf CrMcentGrind iif is aa eaclu.iT Simoads future. Wjutb EBjnaT:a:ir.B i-bi-b cb cb it Bf.a c vmem turn !' Utl s g EXTRA SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY M u w n m M a Ui H M H M H ,4 n s B H Flannelette Blankets 10- -4 Flannelelle Sheets in While and (irey 11- i Flannelette Sheets in White ami (irey . . . . 12- 1 Flannelette Sheets in While and Orey While Klaiinelelle, f yards fur Terry Towelling, 2Vt yards for Unbleached lloltuu, f ytirdg for . . . ' tloltuii Crepe, 4 yards for THE DAILY NTAVS Saturday ovtmt8 l. ' . i i i i We have just received a shipment of FRESH NUTS We an- now in a position lo tpiolo you Hie lowest prices: llnizil Nuts, per lb. ... 25c Almonds, per lb 25c Filberts, per lb 25c Manehurian Walnuts, per lb 25c California Soft Shell Walnuts, per lb 40c Chestnuts, per lb 30o Huy your requirements now. Prices will never be lower. Fresh Meat Always In Stock ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Ave. West Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. TIME For Sale lime is the measure of life . That's what our salesmen offer you. They are selling a real service, giving you lime for more important duties than washing. Will You Buy? Phone 8. f.'UH.'l.t'.'HI.I'.'l PHONES Vnty B0X392 PRINCE RUPERT trtutat GfmT UM0KDJ CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED Vrv-Mttr AOMEtAi a UuTU CfHlClL $2.25 $2.50 $3.00 $1.00 $1 .00 $1.00 $1 .00 Only two days leH, get udviiiitage or our slock sale.. Tremendous bargains in Ihe dress' goods 1 JabouY Byos. Ltd. I Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 645 m vxmmem nrss.: :-::" h:.i a::; mum uv, bt: b;1 s:i tr, m vxswbib" s Notice TO OUT OF TOWN CUSTOMERS Our suppleinenlary Price List Is now reioly for mailing. This lil eoulains many special lines at tempting prices, which are orrercil only to Mail Order Customers. Write us now, ami have jour name placed on our Mailing l.i-l. tor (his ami future circulars. Rupert Table Supply P.O. DRAWER 1712, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 HE SURE FELT MEAN BUT MENDED HIS WAYS Said a well known local man !ie other day, "Well, Sir. the leanest feeling I ever had come Advertise in the Daily News. iPiuinuu dipicip bfUIHUMCAMI lb I fsAlLINGsl I f TO EUKOPK H MAKF. KF.SKRVATIOKS NOW xma sn.mos mom it. johT Dec. 10 MlniM'clij.a to UitrlHMirir Soutlianiptun-Antwerp. lice II MeUKiiim lo Belfast' Ola'Kow. tw. I -MiHitlaurler. t I.Iktik,I. live. 16 Mnnlnilin to l.lvrriiuri. FROM ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL-OLASOOW Dw. VH MarliM-li TO CMCRBOURa-SOOTMAMPTON-ANTWERP le -.. 27, Jan. St Marlmrn Keb. I, Mar. It MHIU TO LIVERPOOL Jill. , ft). 13 Mould re Jan. tl, lb. t Monilmirlcr Jail, tft Mlntiedn Jan. S3, IVb. in Mwtrue TO OLASOOW . Jan. 3, feb. 1 Montreal ppljr 9 Aftntt trrrrwhefi or . . FORSTER, Gen. A(L. c.r.K. station, vancouvtr, Ttltphon Seymour 2610, Can, Pc Kr.. Traffic A(tau. I iver me was last Christina" - morning. I Had jiasseu up mc Chri-tiiian card idea entirely ainUl t - I I. -.11.5 or course wa ueiuseu wiiu an orts of lovely Christmas greet iugs froui relatives and old friends. And there, I hadn't senl In the Letter Box out a single one. I thought ther; ,,,,. THAT MUSEUM f everyone had been like uiyjeii ' . I.. i .r .1 liu,-u l.ikiin In , your editorial ... column yes- , , , , i ,, thai i I lerday you invited iorreipnndeiir ' ot. I determined to see . ... olhing of Hie soil occurs this :!iristuia. I am going to dis pense sunshine on Hie " glad morn" as well as receive II." our private greeting card can 'ie selected at Hose, Cowan & I. atla s, Fourth St., from our wiJe range at moderate cost, and aids will be printed on day of order. Phone 231. ST. ANDREW'S ANNUAL BALL LAST EYENING Some 275 Persons Attended Affair In Rink Which Was as Great a Success as Ever The animal ball of the St. An-Ire.w's Society held last night in lie Auditorium was as usual suc-esful and enjoyable. Some 275 ersons danced in the hall which j was daintily decorated in the due and while colors or the so-J iety a well as patriotic haug-ngs. The affair comtnenced hortly afler V o'clock and was in rngrt-x until 2.30 this morning. Music was furnished by Art l-ia scon's Orchestra and the Solely Pipe Hand in full costume, he latter playing for the High-ami Schottische and the square lances which featured the program ami proved very popular. 'lefredinients were sered at midnight. William lleid, president of Hie St. Andrew's Society, was master d ceremonies, and Marcus An-"rews and Jack Allen presided at 'he door. The committee con-iled of Howard Sleen (chairman . James Sim'pson, Jack Frew, Marcus Andrews, J. A. Mien. M. II, Dalgarno, Mrs. W. I). Chrilion and Miss May Iteid. Christmas Cheer WILL SOON DE HERE PORT, SHERRY, COCKTAIL, CHAMPAGNE, WHISKY, DEER, SHERBERT GLASSES Priced from $2.00 per Doz. up IT AIN'T A COIN' TO STOP RAININ' UMBRELLAS Good strong Children's Umbrellas, from $1.50 up Misses' Colored Mixture, good quality $3.00 Ladies', Best Quality in Silk, all Colors, 10 and 12 rib, from $10.75 to $12.75 THE BEST $2.00 UMBRELLA VALUE IN CANADA INOESTRUCTABLE PEARLS Wonderful values, from $1.75 up WRIST WATCHES Special Christmas Gift, Prices from $11.50 These are all Guaranteed SEE OUR OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST FOR EYE GLASS TROUBLES Max Heilbroner JEWELER. DIAMOND SPECIALIST. on public quest ions. I do not like writing tellers tor publication as I object to appearing to pi it as one who would led my m'iglihoa: wlial (o do, bul I (ffl thai lint i so important a question that it need a word from m I understand that a museum i to be organized here. In thai I Then when I h; collfclion iit large enough lo warrant sued a move, a room could. be .ecureil imlil a complete lilirary and mtueuin iiuitding i circliil. I am tu 1 1 y in aeeord with Hip mueum idea ami I hear it poken oT with appreciation everywhere, bul it de m! (J lo fin loo fal . (iel the rolleclioti well under way bt'Tore aAinv for i ii y big expense and the iniiiiu- lion will probably Im- n iireeH. ir I raunnl attend I Id cily hall meeting Wednesday evening I will at auyrafe contribute one or Iwo specimens Dial should prove of value. FOSSIL, BATTALION ORDERS Ity l.ieul. Colonel .1. V. Nh-Ih.IU. Otlicer commaiidiiiK. UI lln. North It, C.' Ilegiiiienl. 1'arades Company intradi Moinlay evening, December I, at 8 ii.m. I "H" Ouniiany parade Wednea-, day H p.m. Ilecruil Irainiiig WedueHilay Evening H p.m. Sergl. Suuires in charge. Signal Section. Signal xeetion parade Tucilay evening at K p.m. Tor iiislruclion under Lieut Harnsley. Mmaltitr lluiiK'- l'tutn:e .l ip-. ii ninnimui uin i mailable. Sj i.d llejjiinenlitl Wlusl lrie and I Mure in tbe Armoury. Friday evening, lieremher 5, H p.m. Open to nil member of the regiment and lady friends. S. 1. JOHNSTON. Major and Adjutant. Alld. Ii Hi. North H.C. ll.-yt urn in full accord, but I do noli think any attempt should be: Schedule for First Half of Season made now lo.pul up a building! s B,ued by Jam Mapll8i or lo put the cilUen lo any (treat. Secretary of Association expense. There have, been a' ureal many call oji litem Ihi hoe.-mber I . -I.adie' I.rHgue. year and a hall will have lo bmU: v, Ma, HaN; j.ileniiedi-called somewhere. HB,. ijrollo v. HeKimnt: If I uiiht Mik'ueit a IIIUeUiniK-iiiiir I n an collection roulil made and i housed in Mime Mtiilahle plant . Klk. TIME TABLE! Soiid of (Canada Oeeemher 5. Junior game; In- mh-ii h a ninier ni ine punuo Prniedial League, tlti. v nururj, wiiiioiii ai preaeni eii.(jro. jj,.,,,. .eil2ue, Cdls tailing any very large expeime. ! Klkn Dnfetillxtr H. Ladies' I.easue, Maple laf vs. 0H'; liilermedi-te l.eanne, (dt . Ilegiiiienl ; Senior League, Units v. Soni ol I Canada. December I'.'.- Junior name; liitermciliate I.eaKUe. (irolto v-Regiment: Senior Leaitue, Son of Canada vs. F.Iks. THE CHRISTMAS BOATS TO ENGLAND Ar.danla" from Halifax, Dec. 8, followed by the Wonderful Cunarder "CARMANIA" (20,000 tons) Due to sail from HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL Calling at Queentown DECEMBER 14TH Due Liverpool about Dec. 21st. Make your reservations early through Local Agent or CUNARD S.S. CO. LIMITED 622 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.C. M.U KU R IKXU l U U IH I t I B I III I t f U I U tU i,U ' Ui U U m FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a compltta line of Materials and Threads suitable for Stamping and Embroidery Work. We can stamp your Pillow Slips, Centre Pieces, etc., for you, and can give you expert advice on how to work. H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave, and Fulton SL Phone 9 Flats for Rent in Wallace Block Apply Store. es ii us Burn m n: :n: urnv ur, B;ra.n n:: w BrrBit as us, as a1 SPECIALS Specials LADIES' "ALL WOOL" HAWTHORN H03E In MX popular xhade. Si.r MH f Iti , j, 1.45. Kxlra e nil, pair ...... 7jfi Di-pliived in our Third Ave. Window. LARGE WHITE BATH TOWELS Heavy quality, muim with red lordr. Si. - x 4S. vg. 2.50 pair. Hpri-lal, pair . $185 GREY FLEECED LINED UNDERSKIRTG .Scolloped al IkiIIoih and nicely uliaped. r-, u-efiil guriuepl. Special, eah ... jjq "BROADCLOTH" PRINCES3 SLIPS In Navy, lllm k. While, Veut h l4 .Nile s . . M tu 4. lteg. .f:t.oi. Sk.ciuI $25 Clearing Linos In CRETONNES Value,. In .0 ppr ard. t'ntil i e . . i , per yanl 45e gulden (ppiiiluiiil to make inr vnm -Ii fur C.hri-linii. Thee gi.od will be mi .;-''' coiinler-. Universal Trading Co, "Rupert Fish" Frosh Froien All varieties. Fresh Flih All varlctlos In soaion. Smoked Fish Our woil Known "nupcrt Brandi." Finnan Haddle "ThHtlo Rrand" Nova Scotiani. Canned Salmon- Pinks, Skccna Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish- Herring. Salmon, BWtck Cod, Grey Cad Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlr Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMbHtP COMl'ANV OI- B.C., LTD. Saitiiic 'r"n I'riti'a Rurt, or VNCOUVI, VICTORIA, Swanaon Saj, t4 Alart 9ay, T.WF, IM for VANCOUVER, VICTORI. Aur( Sat, it Snaii ai, ilu', For ANTOK, ALICE ARU, 3TIWART, Sufidaj, S r.M. Tor ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON ) Nat Cannarlta, Frla At. SZ3 2fl4l aiMal. ). Bafn.Hr, frmca ntr. 50 Boxes EXTRA FANCY JONATHAN, GRIMES' GOLDEN and WAGNER APPLES S2.G5 Per Box WE DELIVER. Box 123 F. W. MOERSCH GROCER Pnone " I S GET IT ATlc, I-" -GROCERS l PHONE 586 EVERYTHING IN CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES