PACK TWO. To Safeguard quality and flavor ttOkJ AH All The Daily News PRINCE riUI'EHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 eaa is always sold in an air-tight aluminum packet, never it bulk. Published Every Afternoon, exespt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of Hie British Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........ f,. $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertisini? on Front Page... $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion ..25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertirin ifc per agate line Contract Rales on Application. All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received suhject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. daily edition Tnesdny. June 3, I!)2t. Celebrating King's Birthday. Today we celebrate, the li'.llh birthday of King ficorge. II is not a general holiday in the sense that Victoria Day or Christmas Day are holidays hut it is kept hy the hanks and government offrics and we are reminded once mow lhat we are citizens of a great empire and that in addition to our duties as C-iuadiaus we have the larger duties as-Britishers. Everyone Wanted To See Prince Rupert. "Of einirse everyone is interested in the terminus of a great railway system," declared one of the newspaper editor here early Monday morning when they passed through on the delated trip southbound to the lug reinvention in Vancouver. "We jill looked forward io teeing your city and we are very much jlis- appoiuieu thai, we are not aide to do -so. "Can't we see the harhor as we pass out?" asked another of the newspapermen. Unfortunately the night was Mack as. limb- and even that was not possible. The point is (hat all these big- men in me newspaper worui look on I'mjce Utitierl as 11 city in. the making and they waul to see it so lhat they may he in touch wait the trend of events. Need Right Man To Handle Question. 1 here is just one man who thoroughly understands the freight rales question and who is able. to rnrry tlie war into the vim-mij n mica uiio niiiKf 01s iiiiiut'iirt' in me j-;nsi. that man is .John Oliver, present premier of British Columbia.- lie has Hill llrt n tTtHul fifrllf 'ilnraKt fiiijt vi'j.itlil Iw.,.a I . . 1 1 r. , - rj"--"! in"u; stilts if 11 111 mm: in iur jiriin lull II nol luH?n necessary for him lo waste his lime defending FiiinsHf '.....I II f ..I I . . ... . D. "H-uui i-.u.r.. courses nrougiii ngniusi mm ly (ieneral .McRae and his associates. The way lo have the good work ronlinue is to vote the Oliver candirlnlfs brie! illlll tlllVL'iir Y.l ..II10 ....... ... ". ...... .... .Filial IIMIII ever had .the prestige in the Kast and 011 the prairies that Farmer 'o' i io.i mi. 11 woiuu ne a suieuiai policy tu stop bi work jusl as he is meeting wilh success. Pattullo And , .. Immigration. . u lion. T. D. I'allullo says he believes in -immigration and he llftfi tlp.f.fl l.... :..l I.-! If !.. .. ...... . A . . .. . ''"" iiiiiistni 111 geuiiig ine line or immigration nun mis country started. Frank Dockrill is reported lo have suiuMi .il u-rruce inai he was opposed lo immigration until such time as the. farmers now on the land were able to- get abetler living and until heller marketing conditions were arranged. Jl is scarcely necessary In argue between the Two. Kv'ery- ...... m.ii ,i r nave population we shall have belter rail way service, belter mxirk-f inir ij itid fl tt if 1 1 I ... 4 f .... ..'..:i 1. ... II . ' I .c. -, i'-.iiri immtihi rillllJIIIOIIS on me. larius. lietter setmols. Iicii co-openite with the people now here means more prestige more 1 lllll lie.'ll rinwnr 1111 n... .,...... I 1 11 .. c .' it'i "v "i nun tfrowin lor me west. ' ... .rf e?.ply M:!!,lT,.t,llnp "ii" r"'intrj- they found it uiniuim in nve. jiiey nnu very Tew or the what we call necessities of life and no luxuries. Thai was because there were ; so few of Uumii. As the country filled up j developed, and living COIIlll Hills illilir.. ...1 Will. .11. .i .'. .. 1 .... """P ,." V , V . ",' "V1" " '"veiii.iii nnnuier million peo lc we shall begin lo gel m a position where uv on,, P,.ml.i better conditions. The policy of isolation is one to be "Liver Trouble so Severe I Had to Quit Work" Mr. Thorn Himhiv IIvm-J s. I wai a great tuflerer from enlargement of tbe liver f.r ten montni. and hnally I had to quit work. I would wal un iL. wv hs nwrnings with a bluer Uite ia my mouth, had frequent headache!, yellow coaplexioB. and pain in my right tide, and between the shoulder blade. It wai almost unbearable, and terribly weakening. I could not sleep at night and my heart also bothered me. But the whole trouble has now left me. thanks to that wonderful medicine. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 35 cu. a ln f 35 pill. IMiaauMHi turn Jl ti,, Ia4.. TmrvmUi CITY TO HELP j THE HOSPITAL Guarantees to Come to Aid of the Hospital in Year Following ii (lit reitiesl lal wk by the hospital board, llial it he friveu financial assist ance in connection wilh the in-sl.Mliii.' f fire escapes and olherj f.'re protection devices rrijuired It v j the fire mnrlml am! tli super inlcndcnt of .utilities, the eily council lasl niplil accepted a re port from the finance commit, lee recommending t lint Ihe hos pital hiirmw such 11101117 nn it requires from I lie hank wilh the jfiiaranlee Hint the eily will come to lie assistance with an addi tional grant at the end of the year if neresnry. Act in? Mayor Collarl sujrscsl- ed that the hospital hoard retain tlie present fir escapes as well as inslalliiig the new ones. Aid. Maednnald said he would bring the suggestion la die altention of Hie hospital hoard. COUNTY COURT CASES WERE SET YESTERDAY Three New Actions and One Old One on List for June-Four Naturalization " Tlie following rases were set. yesterday afternoon for ln'arinc lfore Jude J-". .Mr II. Youu? in Hie County Court Ihis month: June o. Jeorsre Itnss vs. Jo llrown. dauiaos in the Mini of sU'i'.ii. I'aliiiiire 1'ullon for Hie jilaintilT and Williaiiis. .Man-son tV (ouuli-s for Hie defend ant. June 10. .enly vs. .Stevenson' Criitu, aiidieulirin for sale of hind. June 27. Ilex vs. C. O. Kel- cliuin. tr,;:,. Patmore X l iillon for Hie plainlilf ami Williams, lionzales for Hie ilffenilaul. June .losedi Itenuer vs. .1. .McDonald el a!, m.:n I'at- niore I'ullon for the plaiulilT and Williams & loin.ah'S for (lir defendant. Therw were four applications for naturalizalion Itudi.lpli lirown, William llatreii, Jolin 'I'liomas and I.. 'I'assie. linden whs Hie only .one to tuil in an appearance and he was recommended to Canadian rilizensliip. CITY TO TAKE ROCK FROM SECOND AYENUE Offer of Mr. McLeod of Vancouver to Pay $500 For Clearing of Lots Is Accepted The city council lnl night derided to accept the offer of Mr Mc I. end of Vancouver to pay soon to have, rock cleared from his lots at the corner of I'ifth Streel anil SeconI Avenue to IK inches he low grade. Payment will he made 100 down and the balance when Ihe work is completed. -Mr. Mr. Lend had asked lhat the work he completed in eight m'oulhs hut the council decided thai IK months would he reipiired. The rock so obtained will he used as street surfacing material. MAY INSTAL SEPTIC TANKS IN BASEMENTS City Council Decided Last Night to Allow This to be Done Recommended by Board of Works Septic tanks may now he in. stalled in the basements of houses in the eily acconlinir lo o decision reached by Ihe city council lasl night. A recom mendation from the hi mill nf works thai J. (laion Ik allowed In inslal such a lank and that the bylaw he amended accordingly, was adopted by (ir council. 1 STEWART The Prince John and ,M. fl. pro perties will again he developed this summer under the supervision of Cap!. C...A. ,MaeKcnzic. The approaches lo the ltear lliver hridjfe are being filled in wilh gravel and rock, some 25 men being on Ihe job. Tim road liolurnon ltnu III.... I..!.l li .......... .......i iinr ii mil.- 111111 Olacier Creek is being widened, new bridges are belntr built over Olacier Creek and the Utile can yon on Dear Itlver, the Stewart TIIE iMlLY NRWB. TPIr)-, Junt :., " t GuropaGold CIGARETTES MitO vnO Extm Fine JJQ for 25? Ilydft- road is-Jieing resurfaced ami (rail work is geaeral Ihrouishout Ihe Stewart district. ,n early start lias lHrn made and work is proceeding apace. - K. I.eediT, who was eoivlrael-ing in the J. J. slope of the Pro-:uier mine, was killed in a blast, ins aceideut in Hie mine last week. A verdiri of acoideiilHl Jealli was reluriieil hy a oodmi-er's jury. The Cliier .Metals Mining Cu ha heeii orgaiii.i-d hy Dan An derson o take over and operale Hie Slur irrouii or foifr claims which ha been bonded from John llaahti And A. M. Durbeck. The Texas Crcek-Rnmsiiick .Mining C. hii eiM-iHl nUii-ers as follows: President, J. K. (treeu; vice-preidenl, Joe Jack son; sei-oml vice-iin'sideiil. Henry llumiiietl; 1 reasiiier. Frank l-'islu er; sec re I a ry. Ilandd Johnson. Il"-i'i-v lliiinuieh is mine manager. PRINCE GEORGE lliisiuess. farinerj labor and ladies' committees nre being struck in connectlrtn with II. ii. Perry Vclcel ion campaign in this district. (Jeorge Williams i chairman of 'the business t-otn-mitlee; i'rauk Clark, the lahor commillee, and It. J. Itlackhurii, the farmer committee. J. . Wilson is campaign manager., II is aunoum-pi! that the federal government will spend ffi.OOn this year on Hie improvement of the Suiumnl Lake water way to Ihe peace lliver Vallej. - The Mcltridc Liberal Association has elected nllieers as follows: President j David W. Hay; vice-president, s'i II; llyrne: secrelary-lieasurer, f!. T. Hold-way; executive. 'SI II. Harjing. C. It. CI 1 IT, J. (ioiiihuaii and W. A K. Wall. II. II. Slevens, M.l. for Vancouver, will visit Prince tleorgc in the course of 'the provincial election campaign it is exjiecled. Peler Deagle and .Miss Itose-mary lloliinson were married last week hy I'alher Leray. SMITHERS William Johnson, n llazcllnn Indian, was sentenced to one year in prison by Judge Young last week, lie was charged wilh an assault 011 a girl. The Ureal War Velerans' As sociation here has decided to creel n two storey building .'15 hy so feel on llroailvvay. A large program of sidewalk improvement work Is In be car ried mil by (he 1 own council Mils year. Mrs. SL Norton nppeared In UlaBMU wmm aaal r .avv J muAi , CATARRH k el it BLADDER Ian. tatoMbl P.tth Cantata baaianauia I pimnofntimUrftUi lUiy, was renwinded on a eliafk'e .of vaprncy. 4. .Mrs. Nr. K. Males has returned lo Suiilhers after spendlllK sev eral weeks visit in her idd home in Knirland. She alo allemll ihe llrilith r.midre IVchlhiriou. Mrs. M. Martin., mollier of Mrs ; . S. Davie, and Miss M. .Martin j hae arriied in l-liurlnnd. Snulliers from NEW HAZELTON ConslHlde and .Mrs. 1. t'.linr are on a holiday I rip to Mis Nock. rnlly unidimled from the llnxellon IbfspHal. ha !lefl to visit in Vancouver. .Mr. 'and Mrs. Minnie and fauiHy have ef fur Hiw where they will lake up 11 fruit farm. Mrs. Malhelsn. fomierly mn- lriu of the Duncan (ietieral Hits. pilal. has arrived In .nie ajly superilllenilenl of Hie ltaieon llosftital iicediti .Ml Wat. kino who has mifrtiel and gone south. Dr. . A. Petrle, for eveml yein houe siinteon at the IInx-ellou llospilnl. has left fur Van. enuver wliere he intends lo prac tice. He is succeeded here by Dr. H. It. I'.warl of Vancouver. TIMBER SALE X 5756. Mlr! Tmrirm ttlll to- nr.-i.-1 ti tlie ImiMfl l'r.i-r. ia,t uirr iiun si ihi liw lllll nay ur Juiw. wn. tm IIh- nit : tl Ht l.lrmrf X X74ft. 4lji .'III : iMsnuUry. STI. iJI'. klHiit-vnuwii In ' W. Ui nil 14&.un r.t.m. nf Siru.-r I HmiiIix-Ii. iur nul lulsam ss T ymm will lr tlb.ttt-tt rot re ibihI nf iiidImt Kiirllfr iNtrMriiUr ur Hie i.luof I'nr rlr. Vlri.rl4. ur lie- lll.lrl. l s - i . mire iiuimti. h.i:. TIMBr.R SALE X 2743. SMlwl TibIt ttlll Im rrrrlvnl iy Dm. MuiMIrr nf IJI41U. at V'lrii.rM. It. . (ml Uirr IImii imhiii ihi Um Kill U.v or JltlH. Iil, fur llM! purrluM- of Urrnn- Xt'iiiA lo rtil l.umi.uuii tr ut Spnirr, llriiilnrk. . ihI ixur, mi an area ainiairil itn lln- ttnlrm IxiiihiUry ut I., tlti T.I. t lop. West Ann JiKkatla 1iH. viaMt luki. Vuwii clurlollc lOjiid- tilorirt Oiw 1 1. ir kill It allnttml fur re fiwnral at lliiilxr I Hirllwr iarUnilar. or Um i:ilrr l'r- ler. Vli'lnru. H.i... ur linirirt .in-.. ITIim lliiri. li.C. TIMBER SALE XC218. Sitalvil Trnih-ra will t rw!rrl jy tlir lllll. lp tit I an.l. Vli..i. i .... 111., Hirr than ihmhi nn lln Itllti ilay ur Juik, IVil, rr llw inirrluf or Urrnrr X f II. In oil 3D. Kid lira, on an arra lln.ilrcl amimti nuirty I 1111 Irs iih anil Mil from Hum Ukft S la 1 inn, CM. a., lunar i, i;iat Uml liistrlrt. Tlirrr (1, yrara will Im allntttj rnr rr mnval nf llrnhrr. rnrtlirr parllrulara nt tlie CJilrf Fitrra Irr. Vlrlnria. H.C.. or liUUkt Knrralrf I'riiire Hiiprrt, H.C.. WATER N0TICI. (Dlftrtlon and Uaa) TAkK MOTICK thai lluliw II. luhlmlmi ttlmar aililrr la tlaaarll, will apply fir a llrrurr tn takr anil liar .'.lion raflima nf wairr out of an umuiiwil pomi. tiw walrr will lie dlvrrinl rrnln IlK' imhmI at a ilnt alxmt too rrr nurtti or Itir ivirtti-raX rnnirr ur block iwa H.I.. 1, plan g6, ;ii-rn Cliarlulio lalamla, anil will le uini rnr InilcMlrial pnrtsxr iijh.ii Mir hn, ,,. rrllil aa lilnrk IV I'.L. 1, plan u. Oumi Cliarlottn Utanda. Tills liuitre n tsitini in iiir annimi mi uir I win iiaT ,or way. ivji. a rupy or una miiirr anil an appll. court he,-,, lasi week on charges ;',uyr,r;i.,,irj;irH.,.i':.;;,r: llf kfCllillir liilltui fur uiiln mwl Uh Walrr llrrontrr at I'rlnrr llnnrrt oh . ihi i , iiwnn j ion.. in ... in.- in.- iiiii ,in Hii.,11 niij mar i i. permltliug ilrilllkeiltiess on Iinr 'Willi Willi Ihr Itir aalil aalil Wil.r Wairr hrnril-i. llrrontrr or w 'I'li'n e'lie ufm y,'llrllrr or Walrr lilarMt. Par lireinises ml pri IIIISI s, J HI' CilSC WHS IIU- lA,ill,hii.. Vlrlnria. II C ulll, In nn ririv journcii. iter niece, Ilosie Miv fifty, was fined 75 f,,r drunkenness ntul dritikinff In a public place and her nephew. Jim Mc- iiini uiil, n... arllamrnt iijivs aflrr Ihr flMI apts'aram'r nf tills linllrr it a eirai nrwapaiirr. inr il.ilr of )h flrat piililirallmi nf this nntlrn la May Jliji, it. ii Bniwfvrojf.Appikint. UMtt OCT. Atlln Land Olalrlct. DiatPkt f Caaalar. Takr Kntlrr that lirmnulil llnsik, of mi. mi, .,, ,,.qii.,n iiniiT. niiriiiiA ui aripivi fur perinlMlon lo mirriu'r ihr fniinul,,.1 laii'la : r.ommrnrlnir at a ihimi Iplanlril unr hniHlrril yarda pi Ihr rail ufj jtlir liionlli fir linprrt (J-rrk, ohr lulln rati1 ' ii'im-ii nair mi in uar Ihriirrl oiltll Ittrntr rlialn. tlirurr wra i alHir-l Iinr, thenre aloriir fliorr Iinr in point nfi mnmLD ,,,l,0K Apr.. , To keep your prints, a Kodak Album You'll enjoy all over wain the wwk-cn'l trip, the tiumnuT vacation and the fun you have nj-i around the house, as well when your prim arc ntiirnl, safe, clean, and in ordrr, in a K'-Uk nlbittn. Precious now, your Kodak allnr V i'J be iriceless later. At our Kodak counter ou'rc mrc tofitMl at. you will like. We have uien ami cIom-yI Imrk most of tht-ni loosjv-hsif mi additional . u(( cm ir fccrtol in a variety uf attractive oiver tle-iK A cumplete stocL Ktxiak Allums 20c. up Ormes Ltd. SUMMER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Ruoerf or Prince George Will sail rrom PRINCE RUPERT lor VANCOUVER, VIC TORIA, SEATTLE niiil intermedial!' miiI euro Mondy( Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wcdnesdav I (Mil! FOR STEWART I ridic. Ut (i S.8. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via (.iiiccn . ('' Isbintl- June 7. PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, leave Prui ipipiT! on pjii. Mr I'lllNCi: (IKOtuli; WVon V. ntl'CO, all polntl Cailrrn Duitnt S la Ira AOtNOT ALL OCKAN ITIAMtHIP Llftfl. Cll Tlakat Offlta, CIS Third Aia eVlnaa Rwparft. CMita t CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCE88 MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Saattlo, May 2, T3, 23 For Ketchikan, Wrangall, Junsau and 8kaflway, May 0, 10, 30 8.8. PRINCE88 BEATRICE. For ButsdaU, 8wanson Bay, East Bella Bella, OceJ Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vsn couvor, every 8aturday, 11 sum. Agenoy for sdl Steamship Lines. Full iiiforinution from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of Ath Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B'c' UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sallioia rrom Prlno Huprrt. . - VAN0OUVIR. VICTORIA, 0Mn Falla, aaal Swanaan Bar, Tua.aaf, c tor VANCOUVKR, VIOTOniA, Atari Bar, "d Swanaaa Bar, Salurdaf Nr fr ANYOX, ALIO! ARM, STSWART, Walaa laland,' Sun ft aorr SIMTSON anal Naa Rlfar Oaraarlaa, Pti4i A.M. . ll Inrt Av.nua. i. aWnalav. Aaanl. Hl