Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Currant -Ratea of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket.?, Hales and Information; see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship ' Agency, Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 5S0. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Oarden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. M. S. SING TAILOR, CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone 771. 820 Third Avenue Laundry Office P.O. Uox 88. Prince Rupert, IJ.C. Dr.E.S.TAIT DENTIST, Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, ts 8. Phone 688, Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments, BRINGING UP FATHERS By George McMafiuf OUO PM. VOO VUST TELL. VOOR M JICC tWt HE'o WIFE "YOU WAIST TO CO TO THE ee. COI' TO e HOSPITAL TSKZ. YOO TO THE W MORE, j AN ILUNKT -TOO THERE Uaiholip missions of tho north land rnluniPil to tho oily from whirh hp had iloparlod so mauv yoars ago. (iladly Ihft fallipr availpiV'liiin- folf of lht invitation-' 1n rid iown lo Hip roclory of St. Joachim on 1 1 0 Hi slropt, whorp hp will slay fur tho" day or two hp is lo Jio m tho oily. T havo riddpn but little in IIipsp machinps," was his rom. input as hp sloppod into tho auto. On I ho porlaxo I have spph litem and oiicp or twiee I liavo ridden; that is all." Ho was jrreally interested in tho Catholic collpgp on the SL Albert trail, and the priest who walked in the school rounds anion? I ho pupils, failed to observe lite deep salutation with wb it'll lite falher greeted him as Hie auto swept alonjr the smooth road. Mud In Old Days "iload indeed these are won derful mails," said Father Vaeh- r. Not as I know them when I last saw Ftdmonlon. Then was intld. lots of rilud. Anil linnso 03 his home-; 1 "v I 4WWW I j So the years crept on. with the falher spending a few yoars at litis mission and at lhal. Of lain yoars, llesolution and Sniilh have been Itis posts, and here lie lias miriislered to the Slaey and Uilpewyan Indian .under his charge, leaching them the simple l rut lis of life, anil inspiring litem by his own example of piety and failli. to touch a higher plane than I heir untutored aboriginal instincts offered lo litem. ALBERTA TELEPHONES BETTER THAN STATES) F.DMONTOX. June 3. ' Alberta has a niiisiderably heller system of telephones than has Spokane, but we mighl take a lesson from that eily in regard to Charges," aid Hie Hon. Vernon V. Smith. minister of railways ati( telephones upon his rlurn from a week's trip lo the Washington rily, where he Inspected the tele phone system and water power developments there. The rales on business phon in Spokane are said lo be $7.50 per nionlli as compared wilh 5.fin here. DECIDES WAGES TO BE PAID IN EDMONTON I". DM ON TON, June 3. Follow- and such big seboolsand all upon ins eonieretiee won re- these children! Il is a big city yes a Jty city. A big taxi whizzed past. Father Vnclicr llirnpil mini ovnu nu il easer younir priest in whose soul burned I he desire to be of service to the ignorant and primi-live peoples of the norlhland. , II was a long, slow roud hl wagon wheels travelled, from Kdr inonlon to Alhahascn Landing. afler Hie Jolting train joui'ney noilh from Calgary lo Slrathcona slalion on the south side of the lrepiuimvi:s oi carter-nans. Ablinfrer Company Ltd., con tractors for the new government elevator, a iid officials of the 'He go fasl-very fast," was his ;'ra,,', I,,0tr, eommeni. I nU,C(,r F- h Came from Brittany J'rom old Hrillany came Falher Vacher, Ihirly years ago, an council fair Harrion ba given a decision respecling rales of pay for labor lo be paid al the elevator. "Common" labor U to receive ID cents nor hour, the same as at present paid, amf "building" labor t5 cenls per hour. I he decision will mean an inerpase of five cent an hour for considerable portion of the 300 men to he affected when Ll"' classlficaliftn of the lvo grades I definitely agreed upon. rlvere Irt l.h. Onlltr Newn, BRIER (bUT. MOTHER BEARED AND BRONZED ,AN AWFUL ATTACK PRIEST ARRIVES FROM OF PIMPLES NORTH TO EDMONTON ALL OVER HIS FACE, ! i Is Dazed by Rush of Big City i IMinple'a breaklnc cut on tlw rare and I After Lonn Sojourn Among f ' 1 T ita that ll bll U nut In proper hi. Natives In Wilds j wmie the akin u the object or it at- lurk the. ml aeat or tlte dleae Is In KDMONTON. Juno 3.- When ' J! tn ""TV of ,h r,m" 1 Alebtfa ami Ciroal Waterways j Burdock Bicssi Bitten quirklj tad train pulled jntn i ho north yards ffmuaiijr banishes pimpie and ail ntter depot there slopped from it a I""'1 '"' ' " rlsbt to the pray bearded, bronze.! priest, clad L wT ' " in his black cassock, wilh his; Mr. Conrad Anderson. KtMrld. Sak, well - thumbed bends ilanalinsr 'wrl,M:"A J1' m n rui at- from his neck ' ' of PmP,M- 'They bre out all over ,, .,., , . . ;my rare and I could not set rhl or them He looked around, in apparent m an iv on , r,i.,t iM . bewiblormenl. Taxi driver stand- Jabout your Burdock Blood Bluetr and let inpr invitingly hyllm open iIoom of Ihi'ir vehicles, lniilc. . un- lieedod into lil-i ear.. In his hand ho held a vwy. new- miil nie hare i bottle he had to spare. Arier uWnr It I noticed a rhanre. M I bonrhl three hiore bottle, and now I don't know there ll urh a thlnr ai plmplei." B.B.B. Is manufactured cnljr by The T, Ca0. Over i s shtnil.lor linnfr nn !"""""' "mnea. Toronto, nnt. aneient hand-hap of f.-fdoil and worn loathor. Journal man. river.' luil at la! the falher came "Father Varl.err greeted the.!'" "T1'1 nt lU ".,i"!',y Wa,Pr" f the Poaro, and looked upon Mm Tho priori pazod Willi slarlpl !an',,wl'ifh r"r a B"'.,n was pyo al hi iipdioupr. Oui. iiionsjpur; mais " ilipn, i-palizinK lhal his .intrtoculo was KiikHsIi, aildod, in hrokp r.nirHsh. "hul how did you know my name?" ""Hip pe?rapli from hrouxht j, fallipr." After Thirty eYars Ihus, h alitor varlior. aflor nparly thirty yoars anions tlio WOULD RATHER ELK CO TO THE. tEe A ( lb. 80 J CALLIES BEAT DON'T , lLUT CHLO Vt WILL E.HJO"Y T MOCH MORE, .TRAVEUIMC, Its tUROOC- I BTTl : WAR VETERANS Listless Soccer Exhibition Last Night Resulted In Score of 3 to 1. in a listless rioihaII gam which whs devoid of anything speclaetilar. Hie Callies defeated the Ureal War Wlrrans by 3 lo I Inst night. Tito conletnnts laektMl spirit and as far as play was roiH-erurd it was hImuiI even. the (itllies faking teller advaul-at'o of Iheie scoring chance. The Scots played downhill in the first half and did the pressing, senriilg two goal lo the Vols' ine. In lite second half (be Volorans kept the Uill w.'ll in their end hut, through inelTective sbootinf;. I hoy worn unable lo score w hile I he Callies picked up their third. I'he first srore for lite Citllies was niaile hr Kliler and Hie socoml by W. Hamilton, both be ing close in sltols which gae Hie scoalkeoper no chance lo save. Jusl before the half lime whistle Sims handled the ball and Murray scared in fhe penally shot which ensued. Klder seorol the third for Hie Callies shortly afler the fl a rl in if of the second half. In the first half Lord was injured and had to leave Ihe field 'nil returned shortly. There was a fafr ermvd of fans. Tom Jones referred. A. Clappor-fon and Fred HWiorls oilioialed on Ihe side lines, 'and the loams look the field as follows: Calliesw. Murray; II. Hamil ton and W. K. Williscrofl; J. Sims. J. Harris and J. Cochrane: It. Murray. W. Hamilton. S. Klder. J. Campbell ami J. Andrews. Ureal War Veteran W. Knox: C. Whatman and F. Hunter; (t. Fiinllay. W. Murray ami W. Mit chell: l. (iurvlcb. Wltarlon, O. K. Lord, J. Johnson and X. rite league standing to dale ! a follows: W. I. L. I'ls. S. of C 3 10 7 S. of F. i 2 L'allies 2 ll 3 3 IS . W: V. A I 13 3 the ECONOMY iuy (Also in Packages I54&20t) Sport Chat ! The Sons i Canada and Knights ol ('.olnttibtis, who opened Ihe Ctly League baseball season on Victoria Day, are scheduled lo mett again tonight in the second game of III. season. 'Hie two games which were lo hate inlervened had lo be' postponed on account of rain and lhal is why Ihe same Iwo loams are again coming together, Though defeated in Ihe first game of Ihe year, Ihe Catholic boys have hopes of showing up to heller account iii Ibis invasion. There Is reason lo believe thai Ihey may do so. at tha, for the teams showed in the opener thai they were prelly wr-ll matched. If Ihe weather men deigns (o treat the baseballers a little better lonUht Hum he has ie n doing so far. 59 V.-CUU MOTHER DCA,- VJHNT AOOOT FATHER,? Ht MM eyr WANT TO CO TO euKCOU XT D IKE TO e.e him MOOTM AND ocoCT to T c QUI tt Iwtx Ft tww Smwct, lc THCn hE'5 COIN' TO COROPC! Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AWrtlrnnt Taken for L tr,n 5Qe WJaNTSB IIKI.P WAXTKD. There are more men in Stewart district than there fs work for. I'nles in are a miner or Imve a joh In coimi to we advise you slay ing away for lime being. Stewart Citizens' Association. 132 AdLMS wauled at once for lliid' - to - Wear ItaiiHStKils, Direct lo consumer. Liberal commission. Dept. 13, llest Itaiucoal Coinp.iiiy. IliH SI. Calheriue West, Montreal. WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prlcei paid. Prince llupcrt Kxchange., Auctioneers. Phone C52. WAXTKD. Competent girl for general housework. Apply Mm. C. 11. Onnc, Uraham Ave. WAXTKD. flirt for general housework. Apply 310 Fifth Avenue Kast. tf WAXTK. Stenographer, tein- (orarlly. Apply Ilox 187, Daily Xew. 131 PIANO wanted, cheap. Apply P.O. Hox VJri. 131 BEAUTY PARLOR. Complete up-to-date Heauty Parlor, llobbing a speciality. Ilairdresging, Hair Hoods made up, Skfn and Scalp Treatments, Violet Hay. Prices Ileasonable. MRS. LOVE, floom 6, Stephens IlldgM nvcr Denny Allen Co. Phone 26. I here ought to be a good crowd of fans in attendance. According if out of . town papers lhal have just arrived, Victoria Day was well celebrated in Ihe district. There were celebrations and athletic programs al Anyoj, Alice Arm. Stewart. I errace, I elkwn ami Prince Oeorge. The day was made the occasion for the opening of lie baseball season in several of Htose towns and Hie outdoor ath letic season Is now prelly well under way it: litem all. Weal her was not of Hie best auyw hero but Ihe program were no! seriously interfered wilh. - - Carpenller's tlefeal al lite hands of Tommy Oibbons on points last Saturday will im- lonbledly mark the selling of the Frenchman's pugilistic career, lie has had his day and may now be ex pec led to sink into oblivion as far as the fighting game i concerned. II is safe In say lhal he lias fought bis last great flaht . Acquiring fame be. fore lie war, Carpenllcr had his heytla" afler serving his country at anus his fame coming lo a bend in Ihe battle for Ihe world's heavyweight 'championship with lack Dempsey on July ', Ivtl. Outclassed then,-his decline since I hen has been gradual and (here were not many who anticipated he had much chance against (lib. lions In a finish fight. The miU come of Ihe ballle last week but fulfilled general opinion lhal Carpi-iilier Is through. As fur us Oibbons i enneer'ied, many are of Ihe opinion lhal he has fully earned tlio right In meet Hemp. -y ayniii for Ihe world tide, II. F. Ke'rgjn, member for AllTn in Ihe lasf Legislature ami can didate for lhal 'conslllueiicy n die Liberal cause, arrived n ,e oily al noon today and will give a brief address al Ihe rninpiilgn meeiing In th(v l.niprcss Tlnialrn tonight, FOR IALI FOIt SALL. Sixteen room rooming Itotisn and store; nil furnished. Full sized busnioitl with now hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of (he Dry Dock, 'Jtii Ambrose Avenue, tf Ft)t SALKvTbre' houses. Out of Inwn clients have instructed us ilispoe of well located residences. See us foe details, McCalTery .V Oibb-.ns. Ud. If Hill SAI.IL Twi-hveUe tons grade A while potalo, cheap. Prices on applHrullnn. Arthur T. Campbell, Morieelown. H.U. FOll SALK. Seelional hottknise. IHvanelle, lrtirlwtek Phonograph. Wiilon rug. 33P-I tflb Ave. W. Phone lllue 311. LOOOLNU OUTFIT for sale and gashoal 33 feel long in good condition. Can be soon at the Aeroplane Ark, Seal Cove. ft FOll SALK. New and ued Machinery. Hoots and Kngines. Northern Kxchange. If FOR RENT FOll IlKNT. Furnishe.1 four roomed collage, fully modern for July and August. Apply M Fifth Anue Ka.l. J'hone lied 7l) noon or evening. 13? FOll ItlLNT. Five roomed flat. II. Lcloiirneau, Sixth Avenue West, sl'hunc Illack 38S. tf FOll IlKNT Four mom, modern, healed apartments. Apply Smith Mnllell, Ltd. tf OFFICK FOll IlKNT, Willi modern living iuarlers. Woslenhaver Hros. .if FOll IlKXT. Palmer House for cheap rales ami home comforts. If BOARD AND ROOM HILL FAIt.M, TKIUtACK. Hoard and residence for Ihe summer holidays. . Not a convalescent home, bul whom anyone mil of sorts will convalesce. Home cooking, Home grown vegetables and fruits in season. Fresh milk ami home made hulter. Tenuis. Spjendid accommodation for children, with playing fields, elc. Futile charge of children when desired. To save disappointment make your reservations early. For (onus elc, write La n fear and French, Hill Farm, Tor-racii, lt.C. HOAIID and lloom al Ihe Inlander centrally located, ono ' half .block from Post Olllce, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf FOUND FOUND. n LO.U. Owner cur have same at Dally News nfllce. by proving ownership and paying lor Ibis advertisement, l.f. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Funtl. lure Store. We Htty. Sell and Kx change New ami Secondhand floods. GEO., PAPADOPULIS, H3SI Third ,,o. . Phono 0 Irt. TAXI Tax n Phone. v (Call (leorge, Paul or Oust) " l'rompt Servlco und Com fori Day qr flight fitand: R08S BROS, POOL ROOM Meeker Blook, . Acron from Kiupreatt Hold. INSURANCE. FRED H. STEPHENS Non-Hoard nnru.. : Hen Iraiii.!-. Second Flnoi . l-c i ra i AUCTION SALES. flood i Hought. Su J n Kxchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, AucUosnp, Furniture and t rorktry Third Ave Phone Hlack 130 r lied uj MAILSCHEDULE Foe the East-Monday, Wednesday r.d It . day, clones at i ,:(0 p.m. From the Ent Monday, Thursdays r.d Saturday, Jo p.m. To Vancouver Tuesdays, Mall closes t ( PM. lliurnlays f p tf Saturdays AH. Sundays i 1 K, C.P.K. May t, - I From Vancouver Sunda)' - Wednesdays . FrUaye Salurtlay. C.P.R. My lt . To Anyos, Alice Arm WiKlne4y . Sundays From Anyos, Alice Arm Tuesday ThurMiM) .. To Stewart and Premier Sundays .. Saiurdy . . From Stewart and PremUr Sundays Tuesdays To Port Simpson-Sundays From Port St 1 1 th Ave. A Sb-rbrook.- Ave 11 lh A vp. A Conrad SI i t Oth Ave. A Hays Coe Ave, nth Ave. fi Hays Cove Circle 81 It Ave. A GoUon St 5th Ave. A McHrl.le s Pro. flov. Illdu Pro. flov. Wharf . . . O.T.I'. Wharf 2nd Ave. A 2nd St. 3rd Ave. A Fulton Hf. 3rd Avo. A Oth St. . . t i. s j. 1 5 1 PRINCI RUPERT "Dl ' 1 - t A.M. M. y AM 7 PM. . AM To Alaska Points May V. 10 and u From Alaska Points-May J. t:i an. I ' To Queen Cherlolte Islsnd Polnli May to und .'l . From Queen Charlotte PoW Mnv 8 and 22. To Naas River Point Perl Simpson Thursday " py From Nss Mlvor Pont Saturdays Box Collection I'M Oraham Atlin Ave i t 1st Ave. V l.ighlh s nth Ave. A Fulton si 8th Av. X Th"inpstoi PM. 8. " " : 8 8, 8. ' 8 i f 1 1' 1 1 11 1 i 'i 'i Tuesday, June 3. " II lull 131 nui lt:.T p in Low 8:1 a in. J !0:0l P Wednesday, Jun..y f( High - 'J:(M mii,; -Vn . . '118.. ld'V Iligli 8:18 n.inw in. I ft n.m. 7 ' It ';.....' !4::i!) ii.ii g 15:30 1: 21 .lU " ?