PAGE BIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 9 "Unseeing Eyes" A rugged, elemental melodrama uT Hie 'Northwest. A lirring lale of adventure umiiUl llie weenie grandeur and splendors of the Canadian IloeLies. Unrivalled viev of nature's wonderland. An aeroplane flight from Quebec lo llie snow covered wilds. Desperate vidian, cut-throat half-breeds, a brave man and an equally brave girl. Thrilling fights ami exciting climaxes. Lionel Barrymore. Louis Wolhelm, Seena Owen, Helen Lindroth and strong cast. FUN FROM THE PRESS. Admission 35c and 10c. We Pay Highest Market Prices for Live Chickens and Fowl Write Us For Prices. We can handle from 75 io 100 weekly. GREEN STUFF PRICES Head Lettuce 10c fireen Onions, 2 for ... 5c Spinach, per lb 10c Ilhubarb, C lbs. for .... 25c Now Carrots, per bunch 5c New Heels, per bunch .. 5c New Turnips, per bunch 5c RupertTahleSupply Three Phones; flotfii. 212 limit lei the fly aviator volplane around your diniiiK room ilurtiiir the daytime, aiyl make a hangar out of the lop of your bead when inchL eoine!. They are perm laden ensiiif of destruction. If you waul to wat 'ein po to it we-'ll sell you all the wallers you want. Hut it's time lo think iof screens and thin hardware More. Screens , 60c to $1.25 Screen Doors, black geJ-vanlzed . . $3.50 to $6.00 Kaien Hardware Co. The Handy Andy .Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods HOK 3rd Ave. IMidue 3 Sugar Vou can buy a 20 lb. sack id fine (iianulaled Sugar. Iteg. price ?2.30 for $1.90 on Monday and Tuesday if you purchase goods to mako tip a delivery of $5.00. No orders delivered tinder that amount. Laying Hens -Leghorns Krowu and White, $1,50 ea. WE SELL FOR LESS Our Store Is' Full of Bargains. Farmers Market N O T I C C. 1 ftatlaabla Watsra Protsllone Act, K.S.C. cnapttr us. Tim Mlulalrr or Public Work. Uuvern-riM-til or llw I'ruvtiire of UrltlIi Columbia, bertby phr iiotire tlul tie tias. uikIt srrtlou J of llw above Arl, d-ultrl vk lilt tlx Mlnl.trr ir I'ublic Works at Ottaa. and Id Ibe officr or the Dlstrlrl llrpitrr at I'rloce Hupert, B.C.. a dt-M-rlpllon of Ibe site and plans of a llljrlmay Brldirr. lnioel lo be built over Ibe bkeena Hlver at Terrare, B.C. And Take .Notice that aflrr tlie eiplrt-lion or one nionlli front the dale or tlx firt publlratlon or this nollre. the Miuls-ler of I'ublic Works. I'rovime or British Columbia, will, under Ssrllun 7 or tlx said Arl aifljr lo the Minuter of Public Work at his of r ire in the Cliy or Ottawa, for approval of tbe said site and plans and ror leave lo rou-irurt the tald lllpbvar Brldre. Dated tbis IJIh dar or Aoril. HM W. H. SlTf HERLVNtl. Minister or Public Wnrki. Pr.ivlnre or British Columbia. NOTICE. IX THE MUTIK or an appllratlon ror the lur or a Provisional Certiorate or Title fur Uil rHirteen ll, Blork nevrn-teen (17.. Tua tulle or tt lkalla. Map 1031. Sallsfartorr rn.if of the loss nf tlie Certiorate or Title roverlnr the above land JhaVtnP tuin nrnliiajl n in I, i. n. v m. itrntlnn to Issue arier tbe expiration of one iiM.nin inirn ine nrst puDlirallnn nerror. a Provisional Certirirate or Title to the above land In the name or oie Andreas Onnbrak. The orlpinal Certirirate or Title Is dated the fih July 19IJ, and Is num- urrfu tuizi. una nepistry orrire. rrince Unpen. ltth February. II. F. MACLEOD, Rertstrar nf Title. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Mailer or tbe Administration Art; and In the Matter or tlie Estate or Itoberl wilts. Oereawd. T.UK XOTir.t that by order or Ills Honor K. MrB. Younr, loraf Judire, Supreme i-miri, niaue iiie j&in oav or April, tvzt. letteri or administration with Hill annexed or the eslale or llobert Wllks. dereased. were pranted In the utidrrsl'iml. and all parties havlnr rlalms aralust the said es tate are hereby required to forward the 'same, properly verified, to the under. 'slnied frank Wllks at Massett. B.C., on or before tlie 30lti day or June. 1911, and all parties indebted Pi llie eslale are re laulred lo pay the aim mil or their Indebtedness to the said Frank Wllks rorthwltti. DATED Ibis tih dsr or Mar. ttl. KI.IZBETII Wll-k. HI5K WII.K. Administrators, Massett, B.C. Special Reductions on Breakfast Foods Tillsou's llolled Oals, 3 pekgs. for ... ... $1.00 Cream of Wheat, per 5 Ih. sacks, 3 for $1.00 Purity llolled Oats, per C Ih. sacks ,3 for $1.00 Purity Itnllcd Oats, t for 95c Toasted Corn Flakes, 8 for 95c f J rape Nuts, 3 for .... 60c Post's Uraii, 3 for .. .. 50c Shredded Wheat, 3 fur 60c Puffeil Mice, 3 for .... 50c Puffed Wheal, 3 for .. 50c FOR THIS WEEK ONLY I All orders or $10.00 and over delivered. E GONQMY STOfi E Phone 84. 417 Fifth Ave. East. SUITS Fashionable Sleeveless Vests wild wrap around Skirls. Price $15.00 8ILK JACKETS AND SWEATERS. New styles, prices from $5.00. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. MOISTURE IS AMPLE ON THE PRAIRIES The Hank of Montreal crop re port says: While the season is backward in Ontario and eastern provinces, rather more favorable conditions obtain in most parts of the west. Wheat seeding throughout the prairie provinces .has been completed and Hie wheat is well above the ground in many districts; cold weather has some what retarded growth, but mois ture Is ample and the seed bed generally is in good condition In Alberta, the acreage seeded l wheat is about the same as tat year. There is a slight decrease in Saskatchewan and to'", de crease in Manitoba. In tlie lat ter province, however, there i an increase in the acreage for coarse grains. In HrilMi Colum bia crops, are looking well but an1 much in need of ram. VANDERHOOF II. Hive oT Hie ro nirial department of agriculture inspect, ed the local creamery lat week and expressed hiuisqlf as well pleased with Ihe conditions he found. June 3. the King's llirlhday. was celebrated with a farmers picnic on 23 prairie. I'aul Waller is creeling a tvvo- lorry tourist resort on his nro- perly at Fort' SI. James. He re cently arrived with his family from Oregon. Woldeinar Itosln and family have arrived from Ileitl. IMIion- ia, to Join the Ksthouian settlers al Stuart Lake. A Itelail Merrhaiils' Associa tion lias beeir formed here with K. Sinedley as presiileuL and J. M. Jolmslon. secretary treasurer. BURNS LAKE Twenty thousand dollars will be spent this year on the Talt.-t- pin mine north of Iturus l.akr with a view to toil ting it on a shipping basis within a few months, llk-li ore has been struck in recent diamond drilling oper ations and it is hoped to ship lo the Mueller via Mums Lake. - V. SchehJerup ami survey parly left Sunday for Fort I'raser where several weeks will be pent. Mr. Schelderup completed Ids survey of the new Hums Lake cemetery lasl week. Dr. .1. W. I.aug is moving from Munis Lake lo II ti 1 1 on where he will establish. . lames Alexander McLean of (irassy Plains died last week from cancer. Inlermenl took place on his ranch, llev. J. II. MarCrimmoii and llev. .1. Mcltelh Millar olliclaling. Deceased i' survived by a widow. I.. Pelerson has opened up u butcher blmii in Ihe Wilson For the DEAF PORT-O-PHONE Supreme in its field, only one Ihal gives the natural tone. Wrile fur oiirf icnlurs. IS. P. Miller, 207 Campbell Bldg., victoria, B.C. Sterling Furnace COAL Dtlltsrtd In Bulk. At S10.00 per ton. This l a very superior ruruar coal. It flvpi a clean liol fire ami Is entirely free from tool, clinkers, alack and dirt. Soma or tlie Unrest heating plants In the city are now usina- It vnih entirely sallsraitory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Bark. At S12.60 per ton. We are also Arnt. for the t'smoui LADYSMITH-WELLINOTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Offlcti Hotal Csntral. Pliant IS JUST RECEIVED from the Kast, a large assortment of Summer Dresses On Sale Saturday al Kx-ceptionally Low Prices. BENT'S HII DAILT NfrrVS. Optician and Optometrist After on month of careful conscientious eye testing, our patrons are advising their friends to come to us for glasses. This is conclusive evidence that our glasses are giving entire satisfaction. Mr. Ireland has made the eye a long and careful study, and ha the knowledge, skill and experience to fit any eye that glasses will help, and in case you do not need glasses, can give you valuable advice. We are getting the optical business by deserving il by giving superior optical service. "A stitch in lime saves nine" has no more filling application than in Ihe case of the eye. REMEMBER, YOU RUN NO RISK HERE. Satisfaction Is positively assured Max He roner Jeweller and Diamond Specialist Note We fan duplicate lens or repair any frame. Iluildiug across from the C.N. II. station. - I.toyd Helton, who has beer ippoinled as assistant fire ranger. left last vveek for the llaliine If lake up his duties. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. liKtllY ISLAND. Overcast, light southwest wind; barometer, 30.50; temperature, 00; sea smooth. HULL HAIIIIOIl. Cloudy. fresh northwest wind; barometer, 30.2(1; temperature. H; ea rhnppy; 7 p.m. epoko sLaiuer llcruiioii in Oueeit Charlotte Sound bound for Svvausoii Hay; H p.m. spoke steamer Jefferson 381 miles from Seattle northbound; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Itedwoml 20(5 miles from Kel-j cjiikan southbound; 0 p.m. spoke slearncr Priile (ieorjfe .in Quern ! Charlotte Sound southbound. DKAD IHHK POINT. Clear: calm; haromelrr, 30.30; temper ature, 5(i;-sea smooth. Noon DltlHY ISLAND. Part Cloudy. calm; barometer, 30.r2; temperature, 56; sea smooth; 1.30 p.m. spoke steamer Princess Mary nl Ketchikan southbound. HULL HAItHOIl. Cloudy, strong northwest wind; barometer, 30.22; temperature, 50; sen rough; noon spoke steamer Victoria 350 miles from Seattle bound for Nome. DKAD TIIF.K POINT.-Cloudy, calm; barometer. 30.37; temperature, 51; sea smooth. MADDEN TO FIGHT JACK BLOOMFIELD NKW YOI1K. June .1. - Hartley .Madden of New York, heavy weight, is matched to fight Jack KlooiuNchl, llugllsli heavyweight in London, on; July 7 for a purse r $25,000. BASEBALLSCHEDULE June 0. Sous of Canada vs. Oils. June ). Oils vs. Knights of Columbus, June t2.-Tv'iiighls 'of Colum bus vs. Sous of Canada. June 17. Oil's vs. Sons of Canada. June 20. Knights of Colum bus vs. Oils. June 23. Sons of Canada vs. Kuighls of Columbus, June 2(5, Sons of Canada vs. Oil's. July I. (ill's vs. Knights of Columbus. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Take notice that Sixth Avenue Kasl, between Hays' Creek Ilridge and Hays' Cove ami Ambrose Avenues will be closed on Thurs day, June 5 for about one week. Itesideiits are reiuesled to gel in iiitiir supplies of coal, elc be fore- Itial date. P. W. Pearson, 130 City Engineer PROBABLY MODERATOR OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY Or. Clarence MacKinnon Likely to be Chosen by Presbyterians this Week OWKN SOUND. Juno 3. illy Canadian Press) Hev. Dr. Clarence Mackinnoii, principal of the Presbyterian college, Halifax, will most likely be elected moderator of the Presbyterian (ienerat Assembly when il convenes here on Wednesday night of nrt week. The choice of tlie presid ing oliirer ( made by open olr and any commissioner is fire lo place in nomination any other member, but it is widely agreed in Ihe church that Dr. Mackinnoii is lo be honored this jrar. and lie will tod only guide Ihe delibera tions or ,e body through wbai may prove to be in some respect a stormy assembly, but he willj Tniu me vii-uio twelve mould: ill a tour of visitation nf v--' nods, presbyteries and churches.! The comiug moderator was born in Canada, a son of the mausr. He was educated partly in Scotland and bu spent ln minisierial life in two province Nova Scotia and Manitoba. He began in Nova Scotia and was called lu Westminster church. Winnipeg to nucceed the eteraii llrv. Dr. Pilblado. In Winnipeg there whs built during his pastorale our of the finest ecclesiastical edifices in the communion, and he is still a frequent ami welcome visitor lo Ihal church. From Wiiiniprg, he was railed t hi present jms u head .of tlie theological college of the de nomination in ibe maritime provinces. p has canvassed the east thoroughly for candidates for the ministry and there were 115 Prcbylrriau students in the college rrsidenrr in Ihe past year with thirty-five in the theologi cal rlnss. Dr. Mackiiinon is one of the must gifted ami one of the most trusted ministers of Ihe church, and will render in the the opinion of his friends most excellent smicrs in Ihe modera tor's oilier. When you buy advertising you mv llliil I.A I lll.N ni see IhNl you set IL if PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT. DECLARATION OF RETURNING OFFICER. Province of British Columbia n the Prince Rupsrt Electoral District. PL'HLIC NOTICi: is hereby given that in accordance with Section fi:t of the "Provincial Kleelion Ad" Chapter 27. Ihe following have been appointed Agents for Ihe respective c.indl- ilales: Mr. Henry Lelourneaii, Sixth ami Piillnu Street, Prince lluperL H.C., as agent for Thomas Itoss Mackay ; Mr. William K. Fisher. Third Avenue, as agent for Seville Mar-liueaii Newton; Mr. Lewis W. Palinore, Third Avenue and Pillion Street, Prince lluperl. H.C., us agent for Hon. Thomas Dufferin Pallullo; of which every person Is hereby I'reipilred to lake noll-o und govern himself accordingly. PI). II. M0llTIMi:it, lletiiruiiig Officer. Prince lluperl, US'.., May 30, 1021. I2H LAND ACT. Nolle of Utsnllon to Apply lo Laaas Land, In fckecin Land Muriel, liemrillnr his rlct or CU4it, and situate on Campania aland. Take Motlre Ihal Clarenre r tulnir aim jamea Mc.uny, or rrnire lluert, u (.., occupation insurants arent and broker, In- ienn io appiy tor s-riniion In lease the following desrrltx-d lands: Commen cing at a hm pianien at ihe head or a !av at tbe east end or Camnsnis Limit ami alHiut one mile from the south end or Ihe I'landi theme following the sinuosities of the HKire line at tilth water line around the Island to the plare or roinmenrement. , in, iiiiniiiiiiH -acres, more or less. C. K. II.VHTf.n & JvMIS MrNL'LTV. linn'' nc Apntirant, Ter W, r. WILI.IA.MS. Aienl Haled April Ind. tfttf. N O T I 0 t. IV TIIK MATTHt c,r an appllratlon for the Issue nf lp,,bl.l,i.l a ..ii,i..i. i .e Of Title for IM five (ii, liuk ihirlv-fOe ii, srciion one m, cuy or I'rluce llill'il, ma(, vid, nsnsiariory pnsir or llie loss of the Cerilflrate of TJlle roveilnr Ihe aliove laud Nut low hern produced to me. It Is mv In. lenllon to Issue, after the enplratloii of nun iiioiiin irom ine nrst piiidlratton hern or, a i-rovimonai Lertirirale of Tllle lo he "hove land In Ihe names of Mali Aoey ,.,-ii r ,n, v.iiuiia, inp tinsiiiai iri ri , '."."LVT.1" ,, ..''" -Ul November i nun iniiiiiiri ri, iiiii I J lid llerlstrv Offlc. pm.. ......... lie , - nuprri. list Manh, )9t(. II. F. MvCUOli, liiristrr f Titie Cash and Carry bpecials for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (No Telephone Ordet) Until Further Notlco this Storo will Open at 8.30 i.m. and Close at 50 p.m. dally. ENTHUSIASM! Enthusiasm Is the greatest business asset in the world. It beats money, power and Influence. Enthusiasm tramplei over prejudices and like an avalanche overwhelms all obstacles. Set the germ of enthusiasm afloat In Prince fly pert and watch this city go ahead. It would spread liki contagion, and would have a tremendous effect upon her every Industry. It would Inspire the citizens to goals never before dreamed of. It would leave a deep Impression on every visitor. Briefly, enthusiasm would get results without which no city or business could pay dividends. Leap Year Specials SUGGESTIONS FOR THE JUNE BRIDE IN THE DRY QOODS DEPARTMENT WnlotfMi Pore lllemlied Sheetnijr. per v j $1.10 Pillow HIipN to oIt finth lottoii. t.'x:!2, er i- 7S Aleorbeiit lliiek Tuwrllitifr, IH" wide, a jard- $1.00 Damask Kiltheu Table Cloths iSxltl, each $1.R l'aniak Kervielles fur eer)da use, per doi. $2.1 S I'uro lrih Linen .Serielle, $ P.inbroitleretl lied HprraiL ,ltvel desifcitv H White. Illne. Size (MxKt. i h . . . $64! I'aney While Torkcli Towel. Pink., IHue mid M Hortler. !ie .02:t. J'rfirl) $UJ Pure Irish Linen lines! Towrl. Special, 2 m $1JS SPECIAL 15't REDUCTION ON ALL SPRING COATS. Siore iiiiiiiioio iiirT (hi rediirlion, w ' diNised of I-:i of our Sprtiifr tootle. pleit'ed l the nitere.l t ikeii in tin ide... u.ure the ptiblir Hint Ihe prireo niark-. Knrmeut are the originnl elling price. weirds llie reduction j it genuine one. wb"' be inereaetl when he gel down lo Ihe ! . t v KurrneuU. Iime in early vhill txr m l leave good seleelnm (u rlnN-e from. Shoe Department 25 Pairs Women's Dress Shoes Murray-Maid make, (iun-nielal t'jtir Oxford. Oriftt-inenlal ulitch on Mayfalr lost. Half llubber Heel. Here Is a snap at SAM. 500 lbs. Sultana Raisins Special, 4 lbs. ror 35c. 12 lbs. for $1.00. 26 Pairs Men's Dress Shoei Oenulre Sister Here i a real -i Ihe June briilejtr 1 ' " 5" ' Ton No. 1 Jap B'e Special, 5 lbs. 35c. Limit It) lb ' ' t'Oiier. Men's and Boys' Department Tooke's Shirts lu neat Stripe doiuns. Suitable fur IIiidIuc.hh or llreH Wear. Hiei 11 lo 17. lie, na.oo. 8peclal, $1.45. Hatchaway Underwear No Million. II.V.l). lyle. Flue ipialily Nninsook. :il lo ti. 8peolal, $1.25 per suit Boys' Bathing Suits 100 per rent I'uto Wool. Ih Somlilnallon Colors. Sue to ,U. Speolal, $2.45. Albsrta Spuds 12 lbs. for 25o Men's Choney Silk Neckwear lteveiible lleg atue Si -' Half Prloe, 75c Duanrl PrtffflA 1 II'- Iln ! 2 lb. tin n II. I Ilia 100 doi. California Lemo" Per Doi., 20o 500 lbs. Orange Pek0 J' . ..Inn fij( In bulk. ncir 8peclal, 60o lb. Limit 3 lb, o nu ll lioner. Universal Trading Co. Watch this 8paco Wednesday for change of AdvL