Whan Vmi Waul A TAXI 991 in a hurry PhBe Beet Cart and Bast Service In tha Olty. Rates Reason tble VOL. XIV., NO, 2. GO CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS 1923 SHOW GREAT Municipalities Obtain Large Sam of Liquor, Auto and MCTOIIIA, Jan. AIiihM bulcd Ity tliv Urili-h Columbia the prut wee during the past week, according lu figure made public by I lie department uf fiiiaurc yesterday. The timii iciul-die share of liiftior profits fur six monllis ami of pari-nuitual mid iiiolnr lux -si ttir lal inr iin reac over Ihe distriuiiliun made ill Uic cud uf last vcar when $800,05 1 wa handed uer In Ml to mill urgumzed district. Tlit" money distributed made i 11 " ,,r ". I III r.l.r.l . I II 111 v" --' twelve month. JV8.G6. P 1 1Uin k tfiW 1171 f I Share of taxation on nice Ira-k CAMPAIGN Viuiuiuwti WILL niuu ". . .s,l er the Ihjuor profit. PAH! MCMfC CnnAH""11'1'1'''1 10 HtuiiicitaHHr for VVi'" i lO.oon: nw.lor taxes, 201.03 1; raring taxes. 103.000. Candidate Beginning to Warm j, eminent aitniire to Up and Public l Getting 'lni.piiaU ha alo shown a big InUretted increase. This year for the it month ending September 30 it Willi Hie dale of the nic elec- amounted to M99.85G it against j! ret for January 1 7 two JH,15K in 1922. n from today- the eani- . : ,.ati. .hlfe -4PwiH be a eburt t:ie mttv mil be devoid if rliap. X tw thai the holiday fc.tlvillc' a over, the candidate will io l uid rumiiirnce to warm up. Sola j; If'He orlHIly has been ap-It.' but Hie public is beginning; kn inleienl. 1 iiiayoratly roiileit liH r lu centre lielwreii Mayur( X m and Aid. Stephenn, an-j 'ed raiidhlnlen. Whetherl line.iii will be rhauced re-t: a i) lu lie een. Tltere are ru-U luo however. that another J a ' tiiK eaudldalr may be tut In; llir field. M leal five of the lrernl nl- ... ,e will ho in the runnmj ttaain it i utulerolmxl, nn.l I here w ' Irkely ! IIh' umial erop on aoritrmilii. ThiTi' peaU are lo be flllrsj on Mir Ii.m.I Imard J. C Mrl.eu-car term evpiriutt nnd lr. V. T. Ki Kin and V. II. MutitKumery luitiiiK retluiM'd A police ctuuw ii. ioiier will alo hate In be TU-d lo !uc'i'rd I-:. II. Shockley. whoe teem expire. of CONSULTATION LIQUOR TREATY Proposed Pact Between Britain and United States Now Before Dominions LONDON. .Inn. :i. M i umlcr-;"l I lut I a finally redtafled lext of the propnied Analo-Aiiierlcaii llnuor Irenly h beinir ciirulaliil lo the Dominion yov-eniiiieiilM for their cnnsullnlluii Ltf In tieeoi'ilauce with a ilenlre ex-u-eiid at lie Imperial eonfer-enre. POLICEMAN KILLS ALASKAN NATIYE Who Had Wounded Another Officer at End of Long le Debauch ANCHOHAOi:, Jan. X - Knit Nlkoll, unlive, who It was declared by (lie liollce came lo 110 end nf a long debauch, wan Killed here today by ('onidnlilo (ilutrles Will mod, immediately af-ler Mkoli woiiniled Harry Kavc-naiigh, Hpeelal policeman. Walton )ihh been exoneraled by Uio la'K.ri'tes. J . r. flllENT MAKES LARGE DISTRIBUTION Racing Taxes ? 1,000.000 lias It-en dislri government lu in mi ic-ijtjl ilt-- of up a follow: I.iijuor profit for ix month Share uf motor taxation for ANOTHER SHRINE KINO TUTS TOMB LlXOlt. Lgym. Jan. :. - When Hie doors of Hie ixn'oiiiI chamber of King Tuleiikhamru' louib w opened IhU morning, a third brillianlly colored and gilded shrine win discovered. FALL FROM VERANDAH CAUSE OF HER DEATH Mr. May CafTery, Widow of Vancouver Lieutenant, Succumbs to Injuries Sustained VANUOlVKIl. Jen. a. lallinK fr.'iii Hie eniiidalt of an aparl-tiienl in which he lived wllhhcr inol her. Mr. May Caffrey, widow the late Lieut. Lawrence CaT-fery. died a few hour later from injurle ulaiucd. CHIEF OPERATOR OF CANADIAN PACIFIC EXPIRED AT POST WINNII'LO. Jan. 3. LNIwaril Hawkins, for lx(een years chief operator at the witch lower In Hie Canadian Pncinc uaiiwuy ipriiilualx at the head of the (licat Lul.e, died nl hi pot last iiiht seven inlnule afler Mireiy ..li.linir the hi-1 eaflbotind train the Old Year through the ter minal. FACING DEPORTATION GIRL TAKES HER LIFE DKTMOIT. Mich.. Jan. 3. -.leimrtalinn lo 'Canada be cause it wa charged she had mi red this country wiuioui com- .1.. Inn vt iili necessary formuli- ii..m 1'i-jinri'S Sloko. an unusually .i., '.vini'-olil girl, whose home. is at Winnipeg, cnnuultlrd suicide here by swallowing car ii.. ....i. i He fore coniinimng me aci me .,i.. vvii.le r.hlisinias urecuni cards to her fatlier. mollier ami broll.er In Winnipeg, le.i.ng u e.u wluil she Intended to do, the had 'been tr Dct:'' ,?!. di ce da- eljc Northern and IUUNCK UNION BANK IN I HEALTHY SHAPE! Statement of Hon. W. S. Fielding Supported by Institutions Annual Report The annual icimhI uf the I'niiin Hunk of Canada up lo Nut ember which has jul been ivijed fhuWH llial inilu-lion to be in a very sound and healthy financial coudilioit sup purlin? the statement made In I hat erred in I he House uf fintii-moni lal year by llotu W. f5-riebling, miniiler uf' .finance. durin? I he dicussun of Ihc Hank Ael and shortly afler Hie reorganization uf the Hank took place. Since June the Union Hank ha added to Its resl account from earning. 500.000. and carnal forward in undivided profils 3l7.n?i.?3. The I til n I li'uid aes uf the Hank are r?.877,CH9.l I which represent IB.3H ier cent nf I he liabilities uf Hie bank lo the public. . Immeiliale available as- els are over I8 000.(iOQ. The total aH. are l:i.9'J.C7J0 leavlnsr a -tir'filus uf 8IO.OG7,-074.-73 over liabilities of 9118, 232.001.03. . , The !aif ut c?;Ual of. Hie I'nion Hank is ttf.000.000. with a rest account uf 1.750.000 and the undivided profils. CORNSTARCH WORKS BURNS Twenty or Thirty People Lose Lives In Blaze at Pekln I'KKIN. Jan. 3. Helween Iwenlv and Ihlrly-five persun were killed and injured, accord ing to eslimales, in an explosion and fire at the starch buildings plant uf the Corn Prndtirls Com pany. Al In o clock this morn ing seen bodies had been re covered. Two buildings of Hie big plant are in ruin. ACTING MANAGER OF RAILWAY TELEGRAPHS Charles Edward Davles Succeeds Late Q. C. Jones Temporarily as Head of System TORONTO, Jan. 3. Announce ment Is mude by the Canadian National Railways of the appointment of Charles Kdward Davles, formerly assistant general man ager In charge of electrical en gineering, plant work and railway sen Ice, lu be acting general manager of Canadian National Railway telegraphs and tele phones succeeding O. C. Jones, who died last Week. DATE IS NOT YET DECIDED Federal Parliament May Not ba Called Until Near End of February OTTAWA, Jan. 3. Parliament may mil be called until the third week In February possibly on Ihe Iwenty-firsl. Current gossip favors an early date but there is doubt if the necessary business could be in readiness before the laller pari of next month. The cabinet meets this nflernoou when the subject will Irate PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper HITEHT, H.tl, TjlLHSUAY, JANL'AHY 3, 1021. lBBBBH'' jilBBBBBBK'' BbH BBB9Hw' BBH Hryuit and hi.- double? Hy roinrifleuce llepre-enlative Kdgar lluward, from Nebraska, who wa William Jeiiuings Hrvfn s-erelary thirty years ago, bears a strung resemblance lo his first Mtliticul buss. City had Unusually Dry Summer but 1923 Total Precipitation was Very High; Ju spile uf) the rati that the months uf June and Julv were perhaps the driest Prince Nnpert ever experienced, the total uitirall fur lite ytTir lM:TN uw-av ul7uVraVrg71r in the dibit minrtitl vuvXt.7K in.be,. uvomliep.ini! lie. cember being record wcl months coiilrihnlorv hi lio(iliiiir Mm lolal for Uih xenr. In .Im 1wii.i,iii,s 'urnioil. - months alone n-.-ar oil inches now in than in I'.)-'-', the respectively 31 and 10 inches. rain und miuw was HP-MI (.f 8S.78 inches fur 1S8, The lempcralure Tor Ihe year past averaged higher than wa" 'cmjiorariiy insane. I OSS. Ihe mean in lS:t being A(U againl . the year pre- lm? IU wuver. it is ex-ediiig. The thermumelcr did not r?ucli as high a poinl in tosa lcll. Oreer is being detained :i it did in IUSS, however, the 711 in June as compared with dropped lo u lower point in February lll2:t rivf degrees ubuvejA"Fc,P! rirr cc than it did in l-ebruary of 1022 when Ihe lowest reading for "fnT' ' ,lay. ,in,riso'un''"1 for the year was 8 above. The following reHirt on meteorological observation..; for the year 1023 is issued by 11. O, ogist: Mrin. M a vtiiiuiu. January ... ;i:.ti tr. February . ar. : ' March '. . as.A r.o April . . . . OS May . . . i8.l (ill June ... . 5i.r. 70 Inly ... . 37.:. v 78 August . . :.o..v 7 September 50. M 70 October . . 5i.o 7o November lo.o oo December a7.t 51 Msan lemperaliire fur the MUxiiniim lemperaliire fur .Minimum temperature fur CAP! SAINTY HEAD nc niADiNCDC' rnnn ui mnmtibiiu UU1LU Names of Other Skippers Known. Here Appears on List of Of- fleers Elected Last Week The Hritish Columbia branch u,f Merchant Sen ice Ouild at its annual ineeliiig in Vaneouwr last week elected the following officers for 1921: President Cajd. C. S. Sainly. Vice-president Capt. W. S. Morehouse, dipt. J. A. McDonald (Nelsont, Capl. T. II. trown (Vicluria, dipt. N. P. Hocking, Capt. Robert Naughty, ..Capt. William Polgluse, Capt. P. R. Jones. Capt. Cordon Evans, Capt. H, Shadforth. Secretary A. Ooodlad, t Treasurer Capt. O. O. Kinney. Trustees Capt. L. R. W. Henvis,' Cad. Jflines Fiudlay and Gapl. Charles Rush, Past President Cant. W. J. Hoce a Mete Vtrtfir'( Circulation 14 INCREASE ! Weather Warmer for Prince Hupert were largely " l or rain fell. There was less! figures for the two years being The total precipitation fur l2:il"e was an ,,rilinarJr -"enani ami. inch? as compared with u lolalwu ireairu suci , ic. . highest reading last year beiugj"' u,t in May. 1022. The thermometer Crew, local Dominion meteorol TrnuertuiT. CrwUilUtinn, Inrhr I .Minimum. Ilaln. Snuw. TnUl.' I a .v.t 10M 7.r.i r I8.ra aw is.7 aa n;.Wi ; i.7 ao 7.08 7.08 a: i.8ll 1.80 . ti i.ia i.ia ta i.io I. lo la r.ai-;. 7.ai 10 8.80 8.80 aa 7.aa 7.aa ai a8.08 . as.un : 8 20.07 on 21.00 I I2S.71 a i laa.n i year, 10.ii. Ihe year, 70. the year, 5. BUSINESSOF CUSTOMS HIGH Collections In 1923 Exceeded Those of 1922 by More Than 100 per cent I'he report issued by I lie cul ler! ur of customs for Hie port of Prinee Rupert for Hie-past year shows ,a marked increase In business over the year I022. In OVER YEAR MABEL NORM AND i GIVES OPINION! Ridicules Idea That Her Chaffeur Shot Courtland Dines Out of j , Jealousy I TEMPORARILY INSANE Girls Were Hooking up Dresses In Wealthy' Promoter's Apartment LO? ANOKLfcy. Jan. 3 Slate-meuU issued by Mabel Nurmand and her housekeeper, Mrs. Hums, contradict the explanation given by Huraee Oreer, Miss Nornind's chaffeur. for his shooting of Courtland Dines on Tuesday nisht. Oreer said Mrs. Hums toll him Dines was detaining Miss Normand in his aparlment refusing lo let her go home. He said lie rushed up to the apartment and demanded Mabel's release and jwhen' Dines threatened him with tan empty bottle, he (Oreer1 ilie fired. Mrs. Hums say she gave no urh information. Miss Normand says when the rhiiffpnr arrived she siisiipcIciI unusual and went into 811 im,er ruom ,0 ,,wok 1'dn,a "ball, dress prepara- torf lu going out. It was then ,,,a' ,""ar'1 I,U? an,J toun'1 .1 . ti i t ii. ; i T M,nna"11 ".ucuies ...c mea i "r,ir J"iuu ui w...c. '"J- " ' '.'er option inai tie According lo a story in Ihc Los sieauus a paif oi ruuuer neeis from a shoemaker. IN CALIFORNIA iavy Damage May Result In Fruit Belt Unless Precautions rre Taken LOS ANOKLES. Cal.. Jan. 3. nidge pots are battling with ii cohl weather in practically ery soul hem California or-ard today. A killing frost is hi prospect and 'expert predict that only diligent smudges can prevent heavy damage in the citrus belt. The temperature in Ihe San Harnardino country dropped al the rale of three degrees per hour last night and Ihe low mark uf twenty three degrees above is predicted for many section. SCHOOL INSPECTOR ADDRESSES ROTARY H. C. "Traser Spoke on "Vocation al Guidance" at. Luncheon This Afternoon u. c, Kruer. Inspector of pub ',u.OKran, i.ehig in the hands of i,e educational committee. j Visitors with the club were S. c. Jackson, manager of the Digby Island wireless statiun James Healty, piesldent of the. SpruU- Shaw Husiness Colloge, Vaueou. ver; Mitchell Albert and S.E. Par- ker. Subcriba for the Daily News. IU22 the tolal colleelions c sChuols, addressed the Rutary amounted lo 20220.7 1 while In oiail today al Us weekly luncheon the' year lt23 they amounted lu'olv "Vocational Guidance," t ho f3t,h03.ll an inorease of ?38. - 570.10. Ihe delalleit figures are given, beluw: 1022. 1023. Duty l 1.801.31 13,030.03 Excise ... 10,320.32 18,835.02 Sundry .. 1,090.08 332.00 Dr. A. II. Hayne was a a pas- passenger on the Prince John last liij-'lil for Cumshewa. Strut Slft 32. "Taka Her To Tha Boston" FESTIVE FEASTS. A glad Yulctide welcome awaits you, Turkey, Plum Pudding and all the old-fashioned good faro will be on our festive board this Xmas. , DU3 1 UIN Is KILL. II ' Private Boxes For Party Uaa , j PRICE FIVE CENTS. PREVIOUS OLIVER WILL SPEAK TODAY Premier to Answer Charges Made by Bowser at Sidney Last We SIDNEY, Jan. 3.- Al a meeting bete tonight Premier Oliver (Will answer charges against the government made by Hon, V. J. jHowser. leader of the opposition, wbeu speaking on rriday la.st un (behalf of Col. O. W. Peek. Con- servalivi' nominee for the Is land in the next provincial election. M. U. Jackson, present Liberal member for the Island, will also be a speaker. Last week's meeting being Mr. Huwser' first public, appearance since Hie session, the Coiiser-vative leader look occasion lo launch an oratorical broadside against I lie Liberal admluistra-tiun and alu answer the Provincial Party charges against himself jiersonally. Col. Peck also spoke confining himself entirely (o an account of hU past political activities and his ideas of how an election ought lo be fought. The ex-soldier M.P. admitted thai he was a Liberal at heart. nn MAT tlJtUT U llUI IT ill t TO PAY CASH Flshlng Boat Owners Want Plan of Rcfundlnn Gasollna Tax Chanced At a meeting of the Canadian Fishing Vessel Owners Associa tion bebl last nishl in the City Hall it was decided lu wire the provincial miujusler oT finance, Hon. John Hart, and the minis-!er of lands. Hon. T. D. Pallullo, asking that the method of collecting the '3 cenl. gasoline road tax from fishing boats be changed lo correspond ' with the method adopted by the Federal government in collecting the sales lax anil thai skippers of the boats, when taking on gasoline, be allowed to make a de claration when filling und thus secure their exemption from the, tax. As Ihe mcjliod of eollec- lion stauds at present the skipper taking nil on his boat lias lo pay the additional 3 cents, lax and make application, lu Ilie government for a refund. Itylavv governing the association were drafted and Harry Daggett was appointed secretary. FIRE LOSS IN CITY TRIVIAL Damaged Property In 1S23 was $22,919 Insurance Paid $21,907 According to the records uf Chier D. McDonald, of the local fire department, 10 cal,! were responded lo during the past year. Tim value of Ihe property involved amounted lu $321,000.-00. Fire loss lu properly amounted lu 22,9o.OO, and tha insurance paid amounted to 2 1. 907.00. The aclUal los above insurance paid was $1,-012.00. KAMLOOPS DENTIST DIES KAM LOOPS, Jan. 3,, .'Dr. Harold Cowan, lienlisl,, aged 32, died suddenly here from heart trouble.