PAGE SIX. D&A a Corsets 'Sx We have a splendid Corset, known as the Modish Stout. This is a new number, is very pliable, has, .unbreakable boning and is guaranteed to to give satisfaction. Stocked in sizes 28 to 36, and for such a high grade Corset, very reasonably priced. Ask to see Number 911 We stock Pictorial Review and Ladies' Home Journaf Patterns H.S. WALLACE CO., LTD. JAP ' ORANGES per box 50c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 J BLUE RIBBON TEA Distinctive in flavor and aroma. 100 per cent Tea nil dust, no waste. YOU TRY IT. John L Christie Agent. Soft Finish ThrH-T-Service Wet Wash Three Services, one of which will exactly fill your wash day needs. l'hone us for particulars. Canadian Steam Li aundru Phone 8. OC Per CentOC Discount J on a 11 COATS "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. nodsl'stout vw WATER NOTICE. (Diversion 'and Um). T.UE .NOTICE lhat V. t. Collisonl Indian A rent, adjrfs Is I'rince Itupert. II. C will aiply fur a licence lu 1953. A copy of this notice and an ap plication pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act. IBM." will be filed In ibe rflre of the Water Recorder at Prince Uupert. B.C. OMetlon to Ibe application may be -fikd with the raid Water ilecorder or Willi the Comptroller of W. E. COLU50S, Applicant. Indian Atent. A rent. The New Year is almost here and the best way for a good housewife to begin the New Yvar is to ESTABLISH ECONOMY We all spend a lot of money around Christinas), so here's a chance (o make up for the heavy expense. "BUY FOR CASH AND SAVE MONEY." By Visiting thi Economy Store. The Cash and Carry System is the best for everyone when you save from ten to twenty per cent of your grocery bill. It is a big item ami is as much lo jour benefit as it is lo ours. It makes it easier for Ibe pocketbook. lhc us (rial. You will appreciate it, and we will, too. Wishing You a Happy New Year. All Orders over $10.00 Delivered ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East follow the Crowd To the Farmers' Market Strictly FRESH EGGS 50c per doz E.C.D. Butter 2 lbs for 95c FARMERS Market Phone Blue 428. VOGUE OF NICKNAMES IN ALASKA PASSING How Some of Northland's Pic turesque Figures Gained Curious Nomenclature FAIKMANKS, Alaska. Jan. 3. The vogue of nicknames in Alaska ho almost passed, 1'iit n few old tinier slill go about bearing them. Pesthole I'ele was debtor for his designation to a legend that in Montana lie had been set digging holes for posts antl told to go straight ahead. Hi employer, coining back some days later to see how the digger was progressing, found him some miles olT. behind him a row of holes leading straight across Montana. The Outlaw Swede was not a desperado, .but had a desperate admiration for such persons, reveling in the exploits of Jesse James and the1 Younger Brothers the Jevenly .Mile MU was a star ski jumper from Chicago. i lie is in charge of Mount Mc- , K i ii lev National I'urk, and is 'said lo know more about thai take and use 50,000 g-alluiis a day or eler !,.,.,, n ,i iuil fit .! It iinmtiuKl Ills nn I(-llVtU , " ' " peak than any other man. The Malamutc Kid was a good dog musher. The Step and a Half Kid limped. The Going Kid was famed for his skill in driving a dog team Characters of the northland bv pioneers include portion of Ttlmnsean Indian Reserve .NalWhiskey 1 kick, Gambler's (ihost. , wnicn nuwa westerly ana arains into ,,,,,.,, o,,i,i win., King ()ear, i Duncan By, about one and a half mile Hatnparl Spider, norm of otwfrvatory point. The water Long Shortv. Jimmy the Hear, will le diverted rrom the lake at a point "ri.ilr Hull rVmn -:...,. i m.l about IVi mile nnrtheaM of Metlakatla it.ariUoll M. Clair anil HUH l.oun- Indian Vlllare, and will be used for domestic purpose upon the land described at Metlakatla Townslte. Tslmpsean Indian lie-serve, .No. t. This notice was posted oh the ground on the 30th day of .November. cil. Some of the celebrated women were Sweet Marie, the Dutch Kill, Hie DaWsdu Nightin gale and the Sweet l'ea (iirl. LAND ACT. tVater Rltnts. parliament IfUlldinrs, Vie- Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Lease Land. orla. B.C.. within thlriy days after the! In s-fceena Laud pistrlrt, necorainr ins- rt appearance or this notice In a local irlrt or coast, and situate on Zayas Island, .lewspapcr. The dale of the first publlca-1 Take .Notice that Oeorre Kerr, occupa tion of this notice Is December 1st. It IS. thai hjtrhvr. of Prince Itnpert. B.C.. In- tends to apply fur permission to lease the follow Ine- descrllied lands: Konitiieiiclnr at a pot planted alimit four chains north of I,, ill,, null f.n jivit luinri' iwnrp lift. 'imvinr the sinuosities of the snore line at hlrh water mark around lite Island and rrtuniinr to point nf rominencenwnt. and containing S.ftOO acres, more or less. QF.otiCE kr.nn. .Name of applicant. IIOOME3 K. FHEEMA.N. Arent. LAND ACT, Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Lasts Land In Haure i, Skertia und District, ue cordinr Dlstrlrt it Coast. Take .Notice that Charles S. .Murphy, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Engineer. lulriHl. to apply for permission to lease the following drscribea tanas: lownien rln at a txisl p anted at the most sou III easterly- point on Channel Island, near tlie iwiutli of Gardner Canal: I hence following tlie sinuosities or the shore line at mgn waier maik around the Island, returning to point of cfinuiienrenH-nt, and contain Ing seven huodicd arres, tnore or less. ClI.lnLf.n S. .ninrill. .Name of Applicant. i, SAM JOH.NSO.N, Agent. "listed November 7th, 1 0f 3. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPRIME COUNT OF IRITISM COLUMBIA. In tlie Mailer of the Administration Art; and In the Matter of the Estate of Anton Mvren. Kereased: Intestate. TALE .NOTICE that I was appointed1 Administrator of the Estate of Anion Mvren. deceased, and all parties having rlaltn agilust the said Estale are hen-by required lo fiirulsli Mine, properly veririeo lo inc. on or licfore the 10th day of January, A.I). I Vf 1. and all parties Indebted lo the Estate are required to pay the mount of their Indebtedness to tne, forthwith. TIIOS. W. IIEIINE. Official Administrator. Prince nupert, B.C. Dated this lth day of December ,tM. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 U 8. Phono 688. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayers, Chemists, Metallurgists. Ore Shippers Agent. TAC0MA, Washington, U.8.A. Big Reduction on All Coats, Suits and Dresses BENT'S THE DAILY NftV3. Tliiirftiln)', Jmiunry 3, jgej S3 IN line with new legislation being passed in the various Spates of the American Union aimed to diminish the alarming number of accidenti through reckless driving of automobiles, particularly on level railroad crossings, the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada has requested the Canadian Pacific Rait-way to submit information bearing upon similar dangerous practices by motorists on various portions of its system so that use may be made of the information with a view to endeavoring, through education, tj minimize the occurrence of such dangerous practices. In a Bulletin issued by the Board of Railway Commissioners on June ISth, 923, 54 cues of danger at protected crossings are cited for the period October. 922, to May, 9i3, and of these fifty are declared to have been due to the carelessness of motor drivers. "Motor accidents," says the bulletin, "art becoming more frequent. Every sane motorist deplores this. If accidents are to be lessened, the sine motorist must educate the culpably negligent motor-ists." All highway crossings are by law protected by signs, and they are only dangerous when the driver of the automobile makes them so. They are not dangerous if motorists will take a small part of the care they exercise in turning on a city street. It is the motorist's carelessness that maVes them dangerous. The train has right of way. Everyone know what may happen if the plainly seen warnings are disregarded at a point where tbc motor car can stop while the train cannot. The surprising part of it also is that safeguards and precautions errrted by the railroids are so often entirely Tgri&rVif ' Time after time newipiprr reports show that cross ing -.'arm' bells.' barrier gates and even watchmen waving "stop" mi n.can rlo'.h'uc to the nun in the JAPAN WILL ADOPT JURY TRIAL SYSTEM Yamamoto Government About Introduce Many Reforms Industrial Insurance Scheme to TOKIO, Jan. a. In addition! to nfatiliooil Rtiffraife. the ainoto cabinet purpose to b'iiiKi into force next year a jury system J ami a y lent of industrial in- durance. A number of iiumi will j be trained as Jurors; jury trial court will be established in different partis of the country, ami men vered in law will bo .sent to America ami Kuropi: tt study the jury system I here. Under the industrial iii.-iinince scheme workmen and women earning not more than l.l'oo cn (?G0Ot u year will be benefited, payment of a small sum out of their wuk'"s enlilliiiK Idem lo compensation in case of illness, casualties or unemployment, and providing for payment lo their relatives in case they die. In the ca-e of women the insurance plan will provide for lllnes.s incident to childbirth. DOGS SAVE WATCHMAN FROM ASPHYXIATION When Smoke permeated Room, Faithful Canines Dragged Master From Bed MOXTIIKAI., Jan. 3.- lly drai'iK their sleepinii master from hh bed to I he floor, Iwo doffs snved the life of I), (iuuy. 1(5(1 years old, v1k would have perished from asphyxiation had he not Wen awakened by the fall ond thus enabled (o make his escape. (iuuy was sound asleep in his I room on I he second storey of the biscni fnclory at which- he is employed as a tiiifht .watchman, when lie was rudely awakened by beinjr drnffged from his bed. He found the room lull of snrnke and his two doKs lunging at Ids night (c!olhes. Hastily donnlntr a pair of trousers, he made his way to .the slreel, followed by his faith ful friends, If you study and Dinner sels at reduced prices at Tile's. if sf4a Cternity motor car who is determined to bra-the train to it. Coroners' juries are usually more discriminating and put .the blame where it belongs, but the gtntrat public, seeing the usual newspaper heading, "Train Crashes into Motor Car," starts out with the impression that the train must necessarily be to blame, when, as a matter of fact, a fairer statement of the case nould be "Another Auto Gets in Path ol Fast Train." "Quite as often, too. the heading should read. "Flying Auto Dashes into Moving Train." Fre quently the auto strikes the train well behind the engine, a convincing indication that the motorist too ire-quently treats the railrosd crois:ng with the same casual notice that he gives the intersection of a quiet country road. Out of 32 level crossing accidents that happened in Ontario daring 1922, 22 were the result of the motorist not heeding the stop signal and seven were the result of running into the lowered gates or actually pasting under them after they were !ofred or while they were being lowered. One man had no headlights and ip-parently did not see the gates were, down while the remainder in other ways tried to cross in front of the engine in order to save lime. In an editorial on this question. he Toronto Star says that: "In a rouo. try like this, with its magnificent distances, and railway systems with twenty thousand miles f track, the time may never come when all level crossings will be eliminated With motor cars in use everywhere there is no railway crossing so remote tut that a motorist may use it. It Is his business to see that he does so at I safe moment It is his basinet 'or two reasons: (1) because it is 'he presence of him and his car at ht time and place, and not the rom-ng of the train, which creates the risw jf a crash; and (2) because II there should be a crash he snd'bis car soil be crushed, and not the train." SYNOPSIS'OF UND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved, survjeJ Crown lands may b pr.mpld bj British aubjecta over II jrt of at, and bjr allsns on declaring Intention lo becom IlrUlsh aubjtcta, conditional upon rtsldtne. occupation, ind Improvement tor sjrleultural purposes. Pull Information concerning refusions regarding- pre-emptions Is rtrsn In Bulletin No. 1, Ind Merle. 'Ilosr to Hrs-smpt Land," copies of hlch can be obtained free of cbart y addressing the Department of Unds. Victoria, B.C, or to any Oov-rnment Agent Records will be granted covering jnly land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which la not timber-land, l.e, carrying over S.009 boarj feet per acre west of the Coast lUngs ind 1,000 feet per acre east of that Range. Applications for pre-emption are to be addreseed to tbe Land Commissioner of the Land Recording l t'islon. In which the laid applied for la altuated, and are mile on prlntei forma, copiea of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner Hre-empUons must be occupied for five year and Improvement m&de to value of tt per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least Ore acre, before a Crown Orant ran be received. Tor more detailed information ee the ilulleUn "How to ITe-empt Land.- PURCHASE Applications are received for pur. chase of vacant and unreserved Crown land, not being llmberland. for agricultural purpose; minimum price of flrst-clss (arable) land I II per acre, and second-class (grating) land II. ID per acre. Further Information regarding purehaie or leaae f Crown land I given In llutletln No. 10, Land Series, -Purchase ond Leaae of Crown Land." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not eieesdlng 40 acre, may be purchased or leased, the condition Including payment of stumpage. HOMESITE LIASES I'nsurveyed ara, not eiceedlng 10 acres, may be leated a homeelte. conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the nrt year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement condition are fulfilled and land ha been surveyed. LEASES For grating and Industrie! purpose areas not exceeding tit acre may tbe leased by on person or a company. GRAZINQ fnder the Uratlng Act the Prov. Ince I divided Into grating districts and tht rang administered under Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permit are Issued bated on number rnged. priority being given o established ownera. Staek-ewnsri may form aaaorlatlon for rant Tianagement Free, or partially fre H-rrnlts are available for ttlsrs' smpsrs and travellera, up to ton 'Od. Phone 376 The House Tel. 3. We Deliver. COW'S CELEBRATED Phone 376 of Quality Our Annual STOCKTAKING SALE will commence To-morrow, Friday, Morning at 9 o'clock Watch for large advertisement in to-morrow's issue of The News giving prices UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 376. Mull Order Prcptnd, Snfi-lai Itou or Money II; k. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 "On theBanksof the Wabash" A plioto-druniii ui.epM.-a by n i union Ming. A -:vr real folks, l.uvulile, fumiliai tru e vnlli ji Mini ir laughter and tears. Jnl plum. evrday Kipl in u .. . human heart inlere! pbolo-H) with Ihf mul sltif 5 awe inspiring flood cHws.tro;he vr filmed. Jnn- M risoii. Hurr Mcliiloli. Mary Ikrr. Mary- Muelarrii, Mjilff Kvans and big cast. "The Leather Pusher" D Luxe Edition, Round No. 4. ("Something For Nothlno.") Fun From the Pre. 35c and 10c. SOMETHING NEW KYANIZE SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL, A new and different lumh for Poor lliut I w jIu!le sanitary und exceedingly tough utid diirabk. Ask for t "Mr card. Pints Oc Quarts $1.60 Half Gallons S3.00 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Box 14. RAIN COATS Manufacturer's Samples London, England CALL AND SEE THEM STEVE KING . nX?rf"Z" PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World We tire sole Dgento for I'urdy' I'iuiiou 'UlitsroInU' and (in 11 dy. Made in Vuiiniiiver. There ,1;. nolliing H"rr in Hie world. A litis of 1'iirtly ii iiiiiku 11 drliglilful gif nl nil limes. Slmt Hie Nnw Year in the right tepirll nud t"e your mother, sisler and sweellicart n lox. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. THE CANDY IS DELICIOUS AND THE BOX IS BEAUTIFUL. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. Wo Caih Cheque.