PAH if TWO. The Daily News IMtlNCR ftUI'EHT - MUTISM COLUMBIA. published Kvery Afternoon, excspl -Sunday, the Prince Huperl Iiatly News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLK.N. .Managing Kditor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Delivery by mail or carrier. -r monlh 4l&& Hy mail tfOilrparts or the Hnltsh hmpire and the. United . Stales.) in advance, per year ...... ?O.Ori To all oilier countries, in advance, per year :7.5o" Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY; KDITIOJi Wednesday. Marrli 12, I'JJt. Consider Utilities As A Whole. ll is encouraging to hear from the civic aiifkorilies that now, f'tr (lie first time in Ihe history of. the city, the n"n- utilities are paying their way and oven providing a little profit. Hitherto the water detriment has been robbed to make a surplus for the Iwer and light and, while much has heen made of the de-pat intent that paid it way, little has hi-eu .said of (lie loes. The only way to treat them fairly is. In consider them as a whole. If there i a Jos5 on one it should he made tip liy Ihe other before considering il relation to taxation. . ' Must Look Forward To The Future. If a'ltrivote concern were handling thee utilities they would il was decide?! lo -make look forward to the enlargement of the plant and wofdd Vet aside minor repairs in ihe hall si a n-svrve fund with which lo begin the purchase of-hew eipiip-inent when il was found necessary lo enlarge the plants. That in jliidiiiel from the sinking fund for paying off the original investment. The time will' come before very long when "new equipment must be purchased and then it shrnlld lie done with-oui placing any burden 011 the cily. II will probably be found, however,, lhal this cannot be dour because when new plant u pal 111 it is usually operated at : his. Jut now the plant telephone, light and powers-are being oiieraled pretty much at llieir peak load. That means that jusl now they should be pay- nor Minstan11.11 profit. Directly the plants are enlarged there will be an unused surplus 011 which. there will be a loss. Nearly all plant lose money for a few years after heiiifr' installed. Usu ally they are largo enough lo allow for expansion-and the over-'j on mis uiiiiscii portion 1 a iiraiu.ou ihe nuances. Telephone Should Be Paying Well. The telephone should be payiug well jut now, YA'e have been told on various occasions lhal we musMiave anew plant and have il immediately. However, we. have been able to dc without making-a change but, if what we were told wa true, we must be near the limit of expansion. In Hiat-case weMmuld be selling adde good profits to help pay for Ine iiistallalioitof the new plant and to cover the possible losscsViltiriiig the first year or Iwo of operation after -Ihe hew plant is installed.' A Idleness concern would do that. ' . - As a-telephone system increase in size it becomes unwieldy nud more difficult to handle lo advantage. Subscribers tret more Tor their money -because, in-lead of being connected with tiuu-ilreds uf subscribers Ihey then "have thousands with wlifuii lliev. may KimnMiuicale. Then the service deteriorates. Ju.1 now Ihe mvire here is as good, if uol better than any iij f tin. cpuutry. The girls ore prompt and fairly accurate. They srni to attend to business and they are always ready lo give information a long as it does not jnlerfere. willt the rest of the rv"jce. 'i'hi slmuld be appreciated by 4fihcriher. Little Different From Corporation ' There is UHle ndvaulnge lo be gained from owning our own utilities. u fnr as we have been able lo see. We are, however, Willing lo be shown. We pay for Ihe services about as much a they do in other places. Some are higher and some lower. We t.-et a somewhat similar service lo other places, speaking generally of Ihe power, light, telephone and waler. Oyer a period of years it is doublful if the system will chow a profit, and it may show a lo-. There is nlsn the danger of having a large number nf trivie employees taking pari in- civic politics. Set against this is the fnel that the people can have any kind of seryie they wish by paying for it, which might not be possible if the services were 'in private hands. There is aso the danger of a powerful corporation wielding loo great an iu-flip'.OcO in political lire, allhoiuih it is doubtful if lhal influence 'Vs ipnt H Hie influeiice or the civic owned plant. So far as the citizens are concerned Ihe privately owned plant would probably have given as good service and with less risk to the city However, we have the plants and we shall have to make Ihe best of them and .see lhal the citizens get the best possible service at the minimum cost. .Inst now they xcem to be doing well but 110 lellmg how soon lliey may again tie made, 11 'burden on Ihe cily xhoiild Ihe management .become careless THE an.Y NEWS- For Your Health (PROGRESS MADE you should bur the best., : IN FAIR WORK 1! II Early Start to be Made on Publicity SALAD A Revision of Prlie Lists Well Advanced REPAIRS TO BUILDING H600 is the purest and most scientifically prepared tea', sold today. Try it. TO START VERY SOON The regular monthly meeting of the Fair Hoard was held evriiin!f. President Joe (iiwr was in I ho chair and the following directors were present: Aid. IL I'erry. J.oh Hulper. Frank Dibb. Fred Scadden. Ueorye V. Kerr. I. -Jahoue . Mc). Hunter, s The iiclii)u of tuldirily for 1U?V was ili-cusio.!. On account of the change of oliry with reference lo earlier publi cation of Uip uriie lil and the revision of rules govern inu e-hihils and exhibitors, it was deemed advisable to arrange for ?reaier advertising at an early dale. The mailer was left in Ihe hands of the publicity com-mi I lee, rnnsisllnz of Joe litrer. Aid. t. V. KvilJ. and Hen Self, wilh power to uri. Outside Prises A strenuoifs eCTnrl is being made this year to induce outside nf...e lo advertise in Ihe prize hook or -otherwise, show Iheir jnlerest hy offering special prizes. (irncrourepniie ha lieen met lu connection with Hie Halter and II is expected thai oulside huines will respond' in He way of advertising. Mcli. Hunter, iiiauapin;. director, reported lo the meel- Varbtu committee reports were received. On i-ecoyumenda- linn of Ihe building commitlee. ouie ;is soon as pVisihlril It was left wilh Ihe finance commillee lu arrange for Ihe raising of money to al-lend lo more important work .that will haw to be done. The prize lil commillee reported that Iho revision of ei-lil dilferenl classes of exhibits had been rnmpleie.,Tlie revision of Ihe school list' will soon he finished il i expecled. More Exhibits Heporls of siili-commillees in- dieale , lhal exhihil would be more numerous and of more outstanding character thau ever be, fore a,l Ihe forthcoming fair. Prejiaralory work is ttt he ron-I in lied energetically. The xiiorls and - attractions commillee is about lo oiillin it's policy for Hie year. FICTION NOT ONLY DEMAND Librarian says Philosophy and Religion Interest Many ' People Today DICKENS IS POPULAR Miss Grant More Attention be Given Travel and Biography Wlule the demand for fiction in any library is always greater I han fur any other class of book, il would siiipri-c many people to know how jf real Is I lie demand for hooks mi philosophy and religion, scieuir( and Ihe mechanic trades, travel ami biography, according o Miss Muriel lirant. librarian. Miss (iranl says Hint Ihe war fostered an interest in spiritualism and i-elicion and Ihere I xtill an active demand for hooks aloiiK those 'lines. Many readers are also u'kinir fnr hoojis on phsychblosry and philosophy quile apart from Hie mushroom. like interest m j;,,,,,. and Fieud. lu order lo meet IhU demand a number of books have been added lo Ihe collection alonir that - t 1 TOBACCO I irw,'.fr. If i No more rubbing till 'Lft" Vl you ache-Just let "OTSX WA' yZyZ'l"f j the clothes soak clean ! r line, anions theni Ih-iiis: lli-lory of Phibi-ophy by Win- delhand. I.eelures on M"lcrii Idealism. by Jtoyee. HhristMiuily and Proiress, by Kd-dick. Can 1 be a Christian? by linn nay. The Story if Hie llihh'by Van Lon. A Good Book What is a mm1 (uKik? That is one of the problem that is puzzling Hie local librarian. Miss (Irani says lhal many of the patrons of the Jihrary come in and ask for a giant book." They may mean the. Uietj Vne firry slory or a novel by Marie Oirelli or pertiatis a book by John llurhail. Hush alMlej;or Joseplf Umrad. lite ldla of wlial run- sli(ule. a .good b'M.k d liters in almost every individual and the librarian needs to n a mind reader as well lis a reader of hooks 1n order ttt fit (he Ixiok In lb person asking for il. Mis (iraut surest thai Inith is oflen .-IraftKri1 than fiction and much more i(ilere.liiiv. She says if mime of Ihe jaded noel readers would Hint -omeiime-lo the shelves of travel or bin. vraphy Ihey would find (he hooks rn a! .... 1 1 j. a... i.i ..i. . i- iiiiiioi niHi iiisiriiriite. ne Hscribes Ihe light readiutr! of Ihe. present lo Hie fuel lhal Ihis is an aire of moving pictures, which lave, made people re-lless and iinalde lo roncenlrale on any hinx lhal cannot be read at one stllinjr. Aniiinn ii'Uernslin? re- :'enl books mi Ira) el and biography the lihrariaii suwesls; Pierre Curie, hy his wife. Cesare Moraia.. by Sabalini. Iloosevnll, hy Lord Cliarinvoo.l My (iarden of Memory, by K l. W'fc'iJin. The llld -klnj of Zeebrmrjrc, by Carpenter. Ihe Worst Jmjrney In Hie World, hy Clin ry-UarranL-Down the Mackenzie, by Wal do. ;. ' , In spile of diiind for new hooks 'Iml from the press, there is a steady demand for lh old slanifanl chiMic Charlotte llronle and Sir Waller Scull Charles liickeu ajul Thackeray; nui 01 an 01 litem one finds thai Oickens is read more than any. says I lie librarian. His pervad ing humor, and broad, humanity seems to be slaudiiiK the lesl of lime Loiter that the other nota ble It'lli century novelist m. There are fewer names Jin fiction better known than Pickwick, Oliver I w ist, David Cojinerfiebl not only known but loved. I'ven the children ask for Dickens' and read him loo, and rnjoy him. The Man in the Moon ! SA.Y3:- 1 i A (.OCK LeepM lis hundn busy mut llat'acn nulet. There I" something for a'll'lo imilale. .T'lli .i'i 1 iiot- "p. Henry Ford .danced one Ihe oilier dnv and he never patronize anything Dial in lilglt. - .-t";. llU.N.MNH a inoturlioxl 'lnanhe.4 one lhal il Is wedo walvb llm timer. - 1 VJIAT keen iho. price of leather so high Iho ipianlily Ihe butchers sell under Hie uame if Neak. AN' unii'iial noiie was heard t CHEETS, towels, shifts, underwear, play clothes and aprons What a day work theV used to be. Waihins. was something to be dreaded. Monday night found you tired out, To-day, how r.asy it is to get everything clean and white Rinso soaks dirt out The rich cleansing Rinso suds dissolve every particle of dirt just by soaking. The most ground-in dirt is loosened, and rinsed away. Only the very hardest spots need a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Riruo it ioU oj) all gtoctti and department itota Rinso LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO the other eeuin? and inquiry elicited Ihe information iliul it wa a younu lady poppinu I In iuesijon, it being leap year. HWIMi In Hie few. radio outfits here Ihere i little dviuaml for "loud speakers." And yet we hate heard a few ainl some we would rather not bear ajruin. llone-ly . the Uv policy but il i nofwi-e in he always telling people, about it. IF nuiire does not look like the skin il is next In it. HAUL feel and leirs are, said lo be immoral ami yel arlycli usually wear I luyu that way. A WOMAN Is the bidler half because .ie cols more to keep Shan a man. IF tirvinir U any- wood, lhal elevator should ha about -darted here. W'lTII a mornink Sun and an Kveuiux Sun in Yancoiter Ihe city should easily ucl rid of Ihe fos lhal -urioiuid il mi HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert T. .MrCulloch. Ilucklev IUv; J J. Milliard, Haute; L. A. Palmer. Vancouver; .v. j. Lund, Victoria: Miss S. Dean, .Ml ss s. Calderone. Mrs. W'illllsllUIII. Miss II. 'ftrone. Miss II. Molfatt. Mis II, Champion ami Mr. Chapman, Aiivom .loliu Xyholm. Slewart: .1. A. lirown. Port Kssfnuton: A. Larson, Tarnma. Central Frank Ward, Mael; Dun McClanahan, ,. p. Wiekstfnm, A. Quarnstrom. II. Inkster and I,. Koval, Anyo.x; , . W'tUon, When you buy ftvriiaing yon buy CmcyLATlOfL and nee. thai RISBON UNO SAWS . 1ST OP QUALITV AAM in I0NDS l-ni - " Tk Urrt cp mlrr la lk Wotfil. At wakrit 4 Lai, Kmh. kxiniiM fl J jm fw lir Lt... Im LvItU Im lMlbll, Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. 14 U j Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating 0. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock. Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant i equipped lo handle a J I kind MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. iX 'tJheBeer without aPm Purity First THROUGH every process In the dewing of "Cascade" runs the predominating thought of "purity" It jealously guards Its right to be classed as a "pure tonic beverage.' Think of that when buying beer-then you'll INSIST on "Cascade." VAMOIVEI BREWERIES UMITID Thin alvertlomnt In not tmblUbd or i1'"1,' 'V l ,h LI'iMor Control Point or lb f.overnment of llrltlili ColtunbU. LbsR T m