PAGI FOWR. THI bAILT Wednesday. Mitn ti i iiiuiiiiiiaiiiiiiMMiiiMm BRINGING UP FATHER '' rHURLBUTi I CUSHION SOLC I 1 Shoes A'ChiSdrenJ wj;uiiUKUiuuciai;iiwurnintiitni!.'a;ini!a!t Family Shoe Store Third Avenue Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticketj, Hale9 and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and 8teamshlp Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Hread is your best food. Fat more of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or "Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Healed Hoi and Cold Water nates by Day or Month P.p. Box 75., Phon Mt. ' DUG SHAFT TO CATCH COYOTE Vanderhoof Ulan Took Novel Means to Eitermlnate Pest , , ., or Long Standing , ,, . .. , . M. J. Griffin recently had an exciting e.Vperirnce catching a coyote, says the Nechako r.Uroni. icle or Vanderhoof. For many I ., ..... 1 imonlhs lite animal had lieeii 'stealing chickens and Griffin was lilf.liTniin.xl It, tret liim. Trans worn laid, hnt without result un-'!" til lal week. When lite thief Wa (at last caiiKlit by the legr. lie rnrrif.1 Ihe Irnn with him into I the bu,h. and for several hour Mr. (iriffin followed .he coyote tlirotih the forest. T4te animal 'eventually found an ill den in a knoll, the entrance hcingat the ifoot. i As it would have been danger inns procedure to attempt in go after him. at the mouth of thc. den Mr. Griffin drove a shaft ; .Imvn lh eenlr frnm lh t.m some ten feet, partly by digging an.l oart bv means of nowder.' l l he last charce reachwl the den I anl was sufficient lo stun the eaptive. Mr. Griffin then went down the shaft after his prize. with a shovel as his only weapon hut. by the time he reached the iMdtom, the animal was gelling over his dared spell. Mr. Griffin was in a tight corner, having space lo be able :to strike the?) WAfflfVSTIPATFn ;lral.arii Island, including a son nir. nnSiV. .'"hler. wi.U'a number of FOR SEVERAL YE4RS"' ..,, 'friends throughout lh llands It j.m bare .offered tnm mnMipaikm !V.',ni ''r "n,I,al '' -Mr, fur year, trlwi all kind of reneUlei Wilk, whu lilt been an invalid without milnir relief, If ytiu have been ntJert t an th mierie awM-iated un !urati. r- rniier it a tblelnr In be able U keep the tmel i reiular tt In 1 rood healthy nm.llil.4) (and prevent disease rrlllnir a fn.thnM .n ,., fyMrro? Milburo Lasa-Mrer Pill are Imtlrated J"1 ' rTe; their rmur " ; '."L, 7 T11 Mr -- Iledlran. Sudbury, Ont.. write: lroubhKl wllh mnMipatk for seTeral year. I beran to Me .Mil- him't l.aa-Uver rin and find them e?t remedy I nave eer .edoi ror reruuunr ine Dfiei miui liver. alay keep them and reenrnnvnd them hirniy." Vllburn i Uia-IJTer pm are JJe a I '."r'nHeV'b; 'J"?! rTV"? ,S,,,llM,,r " aC',V" ","'r'J "tSI ' M ' " H."""- al Na'. L?' l,ar,M,r "'I congregation singing appropriate hymns. CARVER OF TOTEMS flVFS IIP HK WORK uiiu nil h viui',. - . . . uTuried MAn? al "nl " D'" d ,.V"u?? bv Rev John i'-r' Wr I'rfnce ' SK-IUKGA'FF., March 12. Geo.) L. Voting, one of tle oldest ot tltcj Indians in this village and cou-t Nidered the Heverest carver of jadite totems on the inland, died I last week and his funeral took place here, Itev. William Midi A number of ears ago Mr. heasl, and was only able lo tisfVYnunp was interested in mining chopping ladies. -For a minulefbolh on Moresby and Graham or two the fight was desperate. ami exciting. Finally (iriffin gol Ihe coyote by I he fail, and scrambled up the shaft with him. After reaching the lop and being in u,MiMliipii to meet his opponent on more ad vantageous terms. Ihe brute was easily despatched. DROWNED AT BUCKLEY BAY DURING STORM 1 1saac Parnell Fell Into Water When Changing Seats: Leaves Widow and Children JttX.KI.KY MAY. March 1,2. Isaac Parnell, an employee, of Ihe Massed Tinnier Co. Ltd, was drowned on Ihe uighl of Febru ary 20. During Ihe very severe wind ami rain storm Parnell, in company wild S. Iluss, attempted lo bring his boat ahore from one of the booms of lie. company lo which it was (lei I and iff chang ing seals wilh Huss bolli wen1 Ihrowu into Ihe water. Muss was found by one of Ihe other In diahs clinging to a log In an ex hausted condition. Parnell's body was found Ihe next evening about 0.30. He leaves n widow and several small children to mourn their loss. An Ininesl was hcbl and ' a verdict of "Drowned" was brought in by the Jury. The funeral look place al Mas-sett, the Church Army and various societies attending. Ser vice was held In the Church of SI. John, Ihe missionary Rev. W. h. Pamplin officiating, and Hie Islands. In Prince lluperl he met Uilli an accident by falling into an open chute on the corner of Third Ave. and Fifth Street from which he suffered for a number of years up to the- time of his death. He was well known ami a at one tinte Was a chief. He wa highly respected 4iy both Indians and while people on Ihe Island. on PIONEER PROSPECTOR OF OMINECA DISTRICT PASSEDAWAY SUNDAY Joe Fisher, well known pioneer rtrospeclor of the central inlerio' district, died at Smilhers last Sunday." Afler years spent in Ihe Omineea mountains. deceased was jusl about In realize on a properly which is under ifevehip. menl by A. C. Garde, M.K., of Prince Ilupcrt when his death occurred. He is survived by a sister in Ketchikan. The funeral look place at Smilhers. QUEEN CHARLOirES Two mining parlies are engaged in seeking gold and aluminum on the shores of Graham Island The "Blue Jacket Mine" lias been re-opened, while machinery and men are working on Ihe "black sand" deposits (if Hie Kast Coast. It. Wllks aged 73 years died on Suliday Ial, al .Massed Town- oe. ine neceaseu suilerl ror many years from cancer, lie leaves a number of rclalivess im ab. 80 thi ECONOMY BRIER f for some I i mi The funeral IihiL place a Massed' Cemetery, on (Friday. Itev. . J.-iijcti .iflicialin Mrirs. Uininnn an.1 Mrt'hail, who taf ln'ca rxaminliiK llto lialo a ml nit ttrKiiN iu Yaknun rir. Irft nil the -downer for VnuriMivrr and 1'nrtlniid. They iiili'iid riuiiiiii-ncinK ilevflnpiueul irk iu'llm. near fuliin on Die and tnrvia dejw.sils. The I wo clam canneries of he Lankan Fiihinif and I'.tck- I mi river. The rntilrueliMi of residence and, Ihe erection of a large running pluul is now in progress. During the visit of rte- Mr. in-Wtor of .Moth. odis Mission work, to Mnrl! ,;'n" .-kl'iegitl e. lie a..reeI the r,,r '''' ' liriiry after .siendiitg ten days on the islands. buckleyTay A basketball league ha been ..Mii-ime irmii known as Ihe lredos, .Night Owls and Spruce Knots. Two games .have- been played, the Teredos winning one against lit" Owl and one against Ihe Knots. Itev. Gillette was in Inwif Sal-unlay evninir and gave lii u-ual picture .show which wa appreciated by u larire audience, well as the evening churrh services on Sunday. The steamer I'l Cedro left here Wednesday wilh alxttit Ihe largest cargo eer laken from Iturkley Hay, close on lo I.C0,- llOlt feel being carried. Several new camps are beiijg opened up and a I'l",' ear t. looked forward lo. ALICE ARM Mrs. Morris Con. Inn i here from Prince Itupert. All signs point lo an early striug. Prospectors- are already preparing lo lenve for the hills J. G. Trelheway, head of the Attholsforil l,ttu:ging Ot., arrived from the south last week, lie was accompanied by II. Pace audilor fif Ihe company. sv 1 1. . llai-reil has returned from an exlondcd trip sonlli. VANDERHOOF Miss Madge Iilackiiuin, who has been leaching school al F.llisby. lefl last week for hei home in Victoria. 4 T. Itichardson has been Irans fencd from New Wrsliuinsler to Ihe local branch of Ihe Canadian iirr 59 I M IK.I..I-I. .1 i i I hi i - i i- x I ip l XI i Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vrtlamnt Takn for L tUmn BOc WANTKB MOLEll 1IAR1IKH COI.LKfJK wants men and women jo learn (he Ilarbrr Trade. Paid whlta learning. This Is your opportunity lo learn a tradti and got into steady employment. Graduates earn from It 0.00 to ISO.OO per week. Write for free catalogue) SO Hastings K. Vancouver. WAXTKI). Man familiar with general country glnre business. Id manage and share in profits. Good woses. Milt be able (o invest ,5(t0. Money Is secure. This Is an exceptional opportunity. Address in instance to llnx In3 Dally .Xews nfllce. AL.CY for pupil nurses t the port Simpsmt Genera) Hospital Training Scloxd for "Nurses. Th(s school I In allllialion wilh Ihe Vancouver Genera! Hospital. Apply for particulars lo Ihe ltdy Superintendent. ; WANTFIJ. Woman In eotne daily to help (n house. Child, reif.s wahing. No. I, (Jlapp Apartments. fj WA.VTKI). Young lady a as sistant in denial ollire. Writs Hot I fit. Daily News. tf WANTKD.-Girl for light houe- work, Ilener Apartments. Phone lllne Iti;. c,' WAXTF.D. Girl fi.r light house work. Ilesner Apartment. Phone Mine U7. - 02 IIU wanled for general house work. Phone 3RK. 01 HELP WANTED. SIIGWOAHD WHITING." -I OuIck iiicIIkkI cis resfMnidence course. Kasy term. You can earn money while learning. Write today. Paragon Sludios, 7 Victoria lllork, Vancouver, B.C. FOR RENT, Modern four room flat for renl. Also oftlce, wilh modern living, quarters. Westeruhuver Ilros. tf IIF-HTAIJUANT- for rrnl. Partly filriilshed. lies) location. A. Ileaudin. Itox 1 1, Alice Arm. H.C. 05 FOR HUNT.--Two nice furnished room, wilh bath, on Third Avenue. Phone (Ireen 120. 01 Fpn nK.XT-Furnished house- keeping rooms. HO Sixth Ave Kasl. Phone Hlue 217. If STEAM Heated Flat for renl. Ilesner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOUND FOUND. Ladies' Wrist Walch. Owner can have same by pay ingffnr this advt. Phone lllne. 3t afler 5.30 p.m. 01 Hank of Commerce. Samuel Campbell has gone from here to lluruahy. Mr. Andrew Ilae and daughter have left for Victoria where I hey wilt vtsii for several months. .. Mrs. Louisa Maud Ian son of Kamloops and William Cooper were- oiarrfeil here last week. The IJ.T." club Is staging Ihe play, "New Co-IM," here lhs evening. Mrs. J H. Armishuw has ,th for niliiioiilon where she will un dcrgo incUical I real menl. FOR SALE FOIl SAI.K . 3(xH find Salmon I roller, n h p. engine, storage hat (cry ami dynamo. Well equipped. A good oulfil. Pricn 750. ,mxh ft. Salmon Troller, h.p. Prfced al I375. One 5 h.p. lale uiimIi I Palmer engine, fsfto. One 5 h.p. Imperial, S cycle. Price f 1 0(1. One IX ft. open Miat with 2 h.p. intHMtol miHor, nearly new. What offee for this oulfil f One Ford Light Delivery. Will consider any offer. HI ft. halibut bout, 13 h.p. Atlas engine, with gear and gunly. Price MA0. NOIITHHHN ILXCHANGK. If Phone 23. FOIl SAI.K.- 5-Hi h.p. Sterling engine; llorh ignition; complete In nod lihlmlmg roup. Hug, I7S0.00 30 foot cruiser, 20 h p. Jul overhauleil. toilt, alley. 1.00(1. M. M. Stephens. If BOAT FOIl SALF.. 10 feel long II fl. beam, h.p. eiiBine in first class condition. Th let Iwrgain rer onfrr. I.ihio. Apply N. M. .Mrl.eao, (Uiw Bay. 0:1 V()l S.M.F.. Power boals of every description Including pleasure, trolling and work boats, al reasonable prices. Apply .X. M. McLean, Cow Hay. Foil SAI.K. New Brunswick (ihiuel phnuoj(riiph with sixty records. 320 Fifth Avenue We. I. Phone Blue MS. FOIl SALFSnap. I.ol 15. block 21. section 5, with (wo hoile4, one bath. Sl.Ouo csh. P.O. Box tlK. 04 FOIl SAL'K Sixteen room board ing house, and sUire. furnished. Apply 029 Ambrose Avenue. FOIl SAI.K. Section 7. Block 3.1. Lots 3, I, 23. 21. Apply Win. Woods, Sand. pit. IJ.C.L If 'Oil SAI.K. Lot .7. block 3H. sec-don 5, 1150.00 cash. M. M. Stephens A. (Ui., Ltd. 09 FOIl SAI.K. - Singer Sewing Machine. Kxcellenl condillon. Phone Black 112. 01 BOARD. BOAIID. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf LOST LOST. One gold drop earring between 018 Fiflh Avenue Kasl nnd hospital. Finder please reulrn lo Dally News onice. lleward. if MR. TRAPPER STOPI You can make more money here than elsewhere wilh your filrs. Seo me first urn Inst. It will pay you. W. QOLOBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend, Second AvenUo, AUCTION SALES. Goods HoughL Sold or Kxchaiiired H. H. NEMMINQ3, Auctioneer. Furniture p.nd Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 130 and Hed 4t2, TAXI Tail t7 Phono. (Call Oeorirs or Oust) Rom Brothsra. - '"oinpt Sen-Icq nnd Cnmforl Dy or Nlirhl. Stand: Boston Qrlll Third Avsnus By George McManu? (SECOND HALF OF BILLIARD SERIES M2 SI. Andrew vs l i ll iiroilo vs. lirrai V erani. SL Andrew's vs. S..i land. Ill FJks vs Grotto. JtGrCat War V' Prince Itupert Hh . , MAIL SCHEDULE t For the East-Mondays, Wednesday. iv days, closes at 3, TO p.rr From tho East-Mondays. Thursday If 1 s urdays, 4Jo p.m. crom Vancouver 'Sundays P V Wednesdays ...... I PM Fridays m. A.X, CP.n. March 7. 17 X To Vancouver Tuesdays. Mall closes t' i P V Fridays s AW Sslurdayr AX f'.V.H: March II m To Anyoi, Alice Arm, tUstrt. Prsmlsr Wednesdays .. .. r From Artyoi, Alice Arm, jurt. Prtmlsr Fridays .. .m A M To Port Simpson, All irm Anyosi SUvsart and PsavUe Sunday 7 From Port Simpson, ti Anyoi, Stswart and Premlar Tuesdays AM, To Alaska Points-March 7, 17 and .. From Alaska Points March II and 27 To Quosn CharlotU Island Point March 12 nnd m From Qusen CharlotU FolsU Martih 10 nnd ?l To Naas River Points and Port J" From Naas Rlsr Points Saturdays ' A PRINCE RUPERT TIDta ' .Wednesday, March 12- High . s :9 "V ' -n ' lH::it P d ' LOW . 12 17 t nf -Thursday, March 13. Hfyli rti:,n " " ft 2U.02 p "i x"l n,m- 9 -(i B J?t2l p t'V ' 8 Frlday March '14. HIgli". .): 15 ant ! ' !" 1 ' V' ;'2i:t" l.fiw A.:i.' I :IH am , , . 1 1:35 p io, Sa'turdav, March 15. High 9:0 am 1' " " . 2,2:22 p.m.d Low .. . ?:I2 n.nt. I'1-0 15:11 P ' THE ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP , OF PRINCE RUPERT .Vol Ice is hereby g'n "J" Knill Marie Bunoi. nmnati r.ain lit; Blshoi! of i'rlnce llu Counly of Princa lloj,'r'- 1 ' Vlnce .f Hrilish Ctdiirtdiu, l-'" ada; will apply lo rtr I'"'" menl of Canada, nl llu? n.v alfin (hereof, for a Pnvn r I It. Indhrporalo 'TJ16'" Cnlholie Bishop of I pcilt" as a corporation Daled al lists City oT Uliperi; dimly nf Pr'PWf'L. rrovliicn of HrltH" "J1 ' this lh ilny of lYhruntt. Williams, Maiison & Gnt'" loyal Hank llMsJ1!'" ... Prlnro HHrf'; Solicitor for Kmll Mai,e f""0'