Wednesday, March 12, i 92 4 . VACUUM Bottles Useful Every Day in the Year Price 75 cents GRMES LTD. The Rexall 8tore. BED UNITS The Pioneer Druggist. SMOKED FISU kJAT ITS BEST -I There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Flih, AT IT8 BEST. Tli Mules are I Buy ''Rupert Brand." ' Humeri lliuml it always ne-liu'ieil l Hie slurbs in dean new loxes clcurly lamped HiicTt llrand," JJ Wrap in cooking paper, cook, in moderate over for 20 (0 .'ID minute, remove paper uml serve at mire. Four Hindi Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all 1'ish u ml Meut .Mui keU. and (iroeers. v Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT DAILY SALE BULLETIN, No. 9 Comprising Iron and and Slrel Slrel ii m While Kuamrl, ltry or Walnut, with willi Spring. Spring. Matlrc Matlrc and Pillows. from $25 up BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS . 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE SniU from Prince Rupert, for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, V March 12, 20 PASSENOfcR TRAIN, DAILY T.XCEPT SUNDAY. li Prlnre nupcrl .4I p.n. f"f rillMCK OKOItflK, KliMoMTnN, WI.N Nll'kO. all pylnti taMern I'nnl Stales, AOINCV ALL OCCAM STCAMtHIP LINK. CllrVTIel'al orric. SZI TMrl in. "Tine Ruptrl. fhtit 0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert r. nDIMrrilt MARV. ror Vwieouver, Victoria and Soattle, r March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 t.8. PRINCE88 BEATRICE. For BuUdtle, Swanion Bay, EaU Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-oouver, every 8aturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steambhlp Llnea. fr Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner Of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNIOtf STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Milinn rrom rrlnce mipert. x for tANOOUVf R, VIOTORIA, fall, Snio B., Tu..d., fM. for VArieOUVIR, VICTORIA, Alert , i"an.m . tot ANTOX. ALIO! ARM, aTIWART, WU Mand. Sunday ".H. or roirr tiarsoN end Hess RUW Cani..rl. rfld.f " Its inrt A,ou. d. RifMltr, Hl M "nPf- C I MANY HERE POISON THEMSELVES DAILY Carelessness Results In Liver Poisoning; Indicated by Head ache, Gas, Biliousness, Sour Stomach Dr. H. S. Thacher Aids Many. Mating loo much ami loo rapidly clog the liver and weakens it. When in this condilion, the liver fails (o supply the Juices so vital lo proper digestion ami cliiufua lion ami il fails lo filter ami purify your blood. The result is self-poisoning which make you feel dull, tired and run-down. Thin explain why a sluggish liter is altemled hy such symp toms ax consllpatioii, biliousness. sick, headaches, sourness and gas on a weak siouiaeh. lo of appc- lile, iain in (he hank ami sides, ami a nervous, run-down comli-lion symploius that Jead lo the dangerous and expensive sick hed unless corrected in lime. lr. II. S. Tharhcr,' noted inedi eai practitioner, perfected a wholsoiue vegetable, prescription to keep I he liver healthy. It is giving ipileR relief and renewed sltfiiKlh, euersy and vijror lo iiuiiiher here. This prescription, known pharmaceutical!)' as lr inaeiiers i.iver wood S-yrup, loe!.n t eot much, pleasant to take ami contain only iitprrdi eats lliat are known to physicians for their corrective ami health-ImjiIiIimr 'properties. Try lllis preal precripion yourself. .Notice the quick dif ference in the way you look, eal. s'p and feel. You will, he com. pleldy satisfied; otherwise. Ihert will he tin cost. Ir. Iharher's Liver and Itlooil yrnp is sold and n-eomiirended hy Orincs Ltd., Cor. 3rd Ave. ami bin M.. Prince lluperl, H.C.. and hy h-adiiiK druifgisls in each city ami (own. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert I VIS March 12, 1914. ANNOUNCEMENTS r A sclienie is IteiiiK si- forth in "' for (lie elimination of wain rail's ami (lie ulo.ilutioii of an extra ifenral lax. II fol. lows a r-cMil revNiou of water eliari's which cmitideraldy in crMir tin ro l( eoiisumers. ... 4, on' iiomiiiiik mere wa a mass mci'liiii: of halilml fisher men in tlic Sim of Knplaud Hall. II was derided lo proles) a?ain ollieers of I he Camnlian Fish llold StoiHve Co. trawler par- iiripaluiK in the distribution of the proceed of catches. Thrv should ! paid wages by (he company. II is fell. t M. Allied is desirous of build- in? a illO hy (on fool hold, three x'or-ys high, at the corner of I iflli Avi'iiuc ami l-'ii 1 1 ii Sheet In iniler o bring the sheet abut- Kiik In hds to grade, Mr. Albert has olTered lo do Hie work him. self ami lake cily debentures at Vi for payment. .Melhodi! Master Sale. Tea. sewing. home rooking. lied Cross Hul, April 5. (loyal Purple Master ltaiaar and Sale of Home Cooking, April Mil! (id Chapter. I.O.I i.K. Ama- teur Thea'.ricals, April I I. (jueen Mary Chapter I.O.Ii.M. Italfodil Hall, Master Monday, If Concert for Anglican .Church al Mnipress Theatre, April 28, by Symphony Orchestra. Tickets 50e. Mlks' Minstrel Troupe,. First how May 1. THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE TIIRE1. Local and Personal U.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayuera. J51. Undertakers. Pboue tf .Steamer Prjiicr .loliu is leaving for the Island tonight at II o'clock Instead of eight. We buy, aell and exchange furniture and all useful articles, Prince Rupert Exchange., Phone 652. tf Dr. Scholl'a foot comfort ex pert Is coming to Family Shoe Store. Watch to'morrow'a ad vertisements. v C.X.Il Cupl. steamer Prince Oeuree, Harry Nedden, eouer ami way ports t.i5 this afternoon from .Van is due al Martha. Kelly, Indian, charged with intoxication, was .dismissed hy Magistrate McClymon lii.lhe cuy police couri yesicruay ar- lerdoon. . K. Sinilli. charged wilir'sun- idying liipuorto Indians, pleailel guilty ju tho cily police court yesieruay ailernoou and wa fined 5Q. Miss llarheau's Millinery Opening will lake place Ibis week on Friday and Saturday. Ladies are invited lo iupec( (he late models and style. C 1 .. Moving pictures will be shown at Hie Church of Knglaml tonight al 8 o'clock by Hcv. James (Sil led. An exceptionally- good ix reel lllm will be shown. All wel come. Col led ion. 11 you like pood music come and 'hear Hie Vull(edt family from Alaska, at the MOOSI CONCMUT, Mnipress Theatre Thursday. Admission 50c. He- served seals 73c. - . steamer Canadian Scottish uutved down from the dry dock lo the lumber assembly wharf this morning at K o'clock to unload her luuiher cargo pre paratory lo goiug into dock for repairs. . Capl. darker MfHie Salvalioii Army al Juneau reached J lie cily on die I'rineess Mary yesterday afternoon from the north anil took Hie evening Irain for Md- nimuon wuere sue will spend a holiday. Mnroule she will slop off at Prince Oeorge. I). II. Itrankin, liraml Maler for llrilish Columbia of the Loyal Orange Lodge, is arriving in the cily (his afternoon. 'from Vancouver lo pay an oflleial visit lo Hie local lodge. There will hi a banquet in his honor al the SI. Regis Cafe tomorrow even ing. - Among the passenger sailing yesterday a hern 0011 on (he Car- ib'iut for Hie south were V. dab-cock ami James Y. Smith for Vanroiner, ami V. lohon, I'. Lipeombe. (Su .Nelson ami S. Sikslroin for Surf Inlet. The last four mentioned will be employed in J. II. Morgan's logging eainu. A group picture of C..'.lt. freight ami paciigcr agri'nts who altemled a recent conference in Toronto appears in (be current issue of the Canadian National Hallways, Magazine. In it' H. I". Mc.N'aughliin, local dis- riot pas.enger asent, ami Harold McMwen, division freight agent. are plainly ki be seen. A. M, Ames A Co., financial corporation which i selling Prince lluperl municipal bonds, has issued some very interesting literature selling, forth the slralegic commercial position of this city ami Its tiossibllilies. Jily Treasurer .Malhesou, who Is in reeeipl of some of (he lilera-ture. Is asked lo seud pholo- graph for further' advertising uirpoes. WIRELESS REPORT KKiiiy 8 a.m. v ISLAND, - Haiuing, .calm; baromeler, 30.10; temper-'ature, 10; sea smooth. DMAll THMM POINT., Clear, calm; baromelej', 30.21; temper-jalure 35; sea smooth. IIU.I. HAIldOll. Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.17; temperature. H; light nwell; 2 a.m. PLAYERS I 'il 1::': (!,!, l"BTlJIB W Sunny lland norlhbuuml; 7: id a.m. spoke sieamer Prince 1 Mary abeam' Ivory Island south-i bound; 7:30. a.m'. spoke sieamer1 Cardeua od Ivory Island southbound. ' Noon DIISHY ISI.AM. Pari cloudy, calin; baromcler. 30. IJ; temper ature. TO; sea ' smooth; noon spoke iiiolorsliip Apex off l.uey Island' s'outhbouhd. IM:AI) TltKi: POINT. Clear, calin;-baroinelert -30..'; teihper7i ature, 5S; sea smooth. HULL IIAIIHOR. OveiVasl.i fresh northwest wind; barometer' 30.11; temperature. 18' light swell; Princess Mary due Alert; Hay 3V3U p.m. southbound. , TRADES AND LABOR OFHCERS FOR YEAR Aid. S. D. Macdenald Again Heads Organization With William Brown Vice-president At their regular half yearly meeting held in the Labor Hall' lal night, officers were elected by the Trade and Labor Council, as follows; President, Ald.'S. Il, Maedonahl. Yice-presidcnf, William M. drown. Secrelary-licas., F. Merry. Sergeant at arms, Alex. dciia. Slatisticlau. M. V. Tucker. Mxecutive eonunJllee, Me Mackay, (Silli juul Penny. NAVY CUT CIGARETTES Z0 - 35 And' in fins of 50. and 100 llu- srs, Legislative committee, Mesrs. Mackav, Taylor, Wiggins, dlack ami (Sillis. Finance committee, ' Messrs. Tucker, lllack and Scott. THE WHOLE FAMILY WAS LAID UP WITH SEVERE COLDS On the rirtt aK'iran' ur 1 tuurb or cold our idvlr to you It to it rid of It Mutt It, ha? 1 .rtiatice lo trow, wor; irti frnird on the luiif, iml riuof lin.nchlils pnrunHni, .or other .itrlous lung "troublf . Dr Wood- .Norway rinc Syrup will Immedlatfty relieve tlic ciJd or couih on lis Inreptlon. Mr, ruvld Ajrei. Kearney, Ont writes: "Our hl family was laid up ilh fevere rolda, and we didn't eein to lie able lo ret any, relief fron. aityUiltm we urd until, one day 1 friend raine In and tuld me we would be aure to et rid of our rolda If we ued Ur. Wuod'a .oray Hue Syrup. I derided to take her advlie. and In no time Our rnlda were all rte. ow, knowntnt the value of your tmedy, we will always Veep It on land o ai to have It In eae of emerireiicy." Ir. Woixl'a .Norway Mne Syrup la SJe a iMiiue; lartro unniy ilie coe; put up iliiIii t... 4 , I I V. . . . . .. .. MX lOforISi flGARETTES -MEDIUM- More Sold kan all other brands combined Win Her Affections A BOX OF Purdy r s Candy WILL DO IT The Autocrat of the Candy World ' IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toothsome Deliglil in a Iteuuliftil Hox. - All Sizes. All Prices. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. In Any Recipe Calling for Milk In any recipe calling for milk use Carnation but, because it is 'twice as rich as ordinary milk, be sure to use Vi cup Carnation to V'i cup o water. Use Carnation (or every milk need ot your family. It is always rich, sale and pure, lis convenience and economy make it the most desirable nnlk lor every purpose. Ask your grocer to deliver Carnation with your other pure low Us, He knows its goodness and u glad to sell it. I'ruilvrrU la Camilla CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO. LTD. 134 Abbott SU Vancouver, B.C. What Children Like aJutl vhlklf tt tiMaU mI WihM, hlk lltt ItltillNIl tfaitl. 1m CaUMlhm lut rkUttta. Idhl Uat' fouvl iiuf ul UU'fUr mw milk t ut Htt-ubl. tvriaiUr, m sl. a ikn irIUir tHiik. , MARV SlAKl, V ma illlaH tk tfauhle.rlrb rualeal ( Ihla On ualll Maarl Imlll. .ater fln Hhb iar a,, Ik,